Ocean Optics ADC5000 User Manual

ADC500 ISA-bus A/D Converter
The ADC500 ISA-BUS A/D CONVERTER is a 12-bit, 8-channel ISA-bus analog-to-digital converter card that connects our spectrometers to desktop PCs. This single-ended, half-length card fits into an ISA slot in a desktop PC, and has a 500 kHz sampling frequency. The following are directions for installing your ADC500. Because A/D converter installation goes hand-in-hand with software installation, you will find directions for installing OOIBase32 Spectrometer Operating Software included in this section as well.
Each device in or connected to your computer is assigned specific settings; it’s similar to giving each device its own name so that your computer will know what to call and how to recognize the device. In order for your ADC500 to work as a device in your computer, it has to be assigned a Base Address setting and an IRQ setting. The default settings for each are:
Base Address (I/O Range): 768 decimal (300 hexadecimal) IRQ (Interrupt Request): 07
These default values are set on the A/D converter. There are dip switches on the A/D board and their positions determine the values. These default values are set in the operating software as well. Most of the time, these default settings will work with your computer. However, if you have many devices installed in your computer, you may have a conflict; other devices may be using these settings. If there is a conflict with another device in your computer, you must change the positions of the switches on the A/D board and change the values in the software.
For the ADC500, the Base Address is set via the bank of 6 switches labeled SW1 on the A/D board and the IRQ is set via the bank of 4 switches labeled SW2 on the A/D board. To first check your computer to see which settings are available, see the section below.
Find Available Base Address and IRQ Settings
1. Go to Start | Settings | Control Panel and double-click on the System icon.
2. Choose the Device Manager tab and double-click on “Computer” at the top of the list.
3. Under View Resources, find available settings -- numbers unassigned to hardware. Note these available
settings for both the Interrupt request (IRQ) and the Input/output (Base Address). When you first run OOIBase32, you must enter these values in the “Configure Hardware” dialog box. (Remember that Input/output settings are expressed in hexadecimal.)
For most computers, the default settings work well. In the picture above left, it appears that the Printer occupies IRQ 07, but for most computers, our A/D converters can share the IRQ 07 setting with a printer and conflicts will not arise. All computers have multiple Base Address (Input/output) settings from which to choose.
Operating Instructions: ADC500 (for Windows 95/98 Users)
Install the ADC500
1. Turn off the computer and remove the computer cover.
2. Ground yourself to the computer chassis or power supply and remove the A/D card from its static-shielded bag.
3. If necessary, change the position of the switches on the A/D board. Position the switches to match the available settings you found in the previous section -- numbers not being used by other hardware devices. See pages 5 and 6 for switch setting positions.
4. Find an open ISA-bus slot and remove the slot protector.
5. Insert the A/D card into an available expansion slot on the motherboard by gently rocking the card into the slot. Make sure the card is fully seated in the motherboard before screwing the tab on the A/D card to the computer. Do not bend the card or move it from side to side once it is seated in the slot.
6. Attach the D37 end of the cable to the card and the D25 end to the spectrometer. Reinstall the cover.
Install OOIBase32
Before installing OOIBase32, make sure that no other applications are running.
1. Execute Setup.exe.
2. At the “Welcome” dialog box, click Next>.
3. At the “Destination Location” dialog box, accept the default or choose Browse to pick a directory. Click Next>.
4. At the “Backup Replaced Files” dialog box, select either Yes or No. We recommend selecting Yes. If you select Yes, accept the default or choose Browse to pick a destination directory. Click Next>.
5. Select a Program Manager Group. Click Next>. At the “Start Installation” dialog box, click Next>.
6. Follow all prompts regarding the Spectrometer Configuration diskette that came with your system. For more on the Spectrometer Configuration diskette, see the
Note below. (If you downloaded OOIBase32 from the Ocean
Optics web site, you will not have this diskette. Select No when first asked about the diskette.)
7. At the “Installation Complete” dialog box, choose Finish>.
8. Restart your computer when the installation is complete.
In your spectrometer shipment box, you received a Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet wrapped around a floppy diskette. The Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet and the spectrometer configuration file on the floppy diskette contain the same information, which is unique to your spectrometer. When you install OOIBase32, you are prompted to insert this diskette into your computer so that this data is installed with the software. However, if the diskette is ever lost, or if you downloaded OOIBase32 from the our web site and did not receive a diskette, you can use the data on the Wavelength Calibration Data Sheet to enter into OOIBase32 fields.
Run OOIBase32
After you restart your computer, navigate to the OOIBase32 icon and select it. The first time you run OOIBase32 after installation, you must follow several prompts before you can begin taking measurements.
Operator and Serial Number Dialog Box
First, a prompt to enter a user name and serial number appears. Certain data files will include this information in the header. (If, at a later date, you wish to change the operator name and serial number, select Edit | Settings from the menu and then choose the Registration tab.) Click OK.
Default Spectrometer Configuration File
Next, the following message appears:
This appears to be the first time OOIBase32 has been executed. Please select a default spectrometer configuration file from the following screen. This spectrometer configuration file will be used each time OOIBase32 is started.
Operating Instructions: ADC500 (for Windows 95/98 Users)
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