Ocean Blue
Above Ground A-Frame Pool Ladder
Assembly and Installation Manual
Part no. 400200
Not for Use
with Soft
Sided Pools
Ocean Blue A-Frame Ladder
for above ground pools
1 - Anti-Swim
Barrier Extension
1 - Anti-Swim
2 - Right
Rail Boots
2 - Left Adjustable
Rail Boots
2 – Swing-up Rails
4 - Side Rails
1 - Hardware/Safety Pack
3 - Swing-up
1 - Bottom
Swing-Up Tread
6 - Fixed Ladder
1 - Platform
Tools Needed for Assembly
■ Rubber Mallet
■ Cordless Drill w/Phillips
■ 5/16” Drill Bit
■ Phillips Screwdriver
4 – Handrails
Parts List
■ 4 - Side Rails
■ 4 - Handrails
■ 1 - Platform
■ 2 - Right Adjustable Rail Boot
■ 2 - Left Adjustable Rail Boot
■ 2 - Swing-up Rails
■ 3 - Swing-up Treads
■ 1 - Bottom Swing-Up Tread
■ 6 - Fixed Ladder Treads
■ 1 - Anti-Swim Barrier
■ 1 - Anti-Swim Barrier Extension
■ 1 - Fixed Ladder Tread
■ 1 - Hardware Safety Pack
- 1 -
Hardware Bag
■ 20 - 1/4-20 hex nuts
■ 2 - 1/4-20 x 1.25” Philips pan
head screws
■ 8 - 1/4-20 x 1.5” Philips pan head
■ 8 - 1/4-20 x .625” Philips pan
head screws
■ 4 - 1/4-#10 x .75” Philips self-
tapping screws
■ 2 - 1/4 - 20 x 3-1/2” Bolts
■ 2 - 1/4” Flat Washers
■ 1 - Strip of Foam Pads (4 pads)
■ Instructions
■ Warning Labels
■ Padlock
Step #1
Tools Needed: Rubber Mallet
#1: Lay out the Swing-up
Rails and Swing-up Treads as
NOTE: The bottom Swing-up
Tread has a “house shaped”
tab and is positioned at the
bottom of the Swing-up Rail.
#2: Using a rubber mallet, tap the
Swing-up Treads into place.
#3: Place the remaining Swing-up
Rail over the tabs of the Swing-up
Treads and tap into place using the
rubber mallet. Set this assembly
Step #2
Tools Needed: Rubber Mallet, cordless drill with Phillips bit.
Adjustable Rail Boots are not required if the outside height of your pool
(measured from the ground to the top of the pool ledge) is 48” or less. If
this measurement is more than 48” rail boots will be required. If the out-
side measurement of your pool is 48” or less, skip to step 3.
#1: Slip one of the Adjustable Rail
Boots over the end of a Side Rail.
It will need to be all the way on
if the outside dimension of your
pool is 50” or
backed off to
the marked
number that
with the height
of your pool.
#2: Using two 1/4-20 x 1 1/2” long
bolts and two 1/4-20 hex nuts,
fasten the Adjustable Rail Boot to
the Side Rail. Repeat for remaining
three Side Rails.
Step #3
Tools Needed: Rubber Mallet, cordless drill with Phillips bit.
#1: Overlap the at end of the
Handrail onto the top of the Side
Rail. Using two 1/4 - 20 x 5/8” bolts
and two 1/4- 20 hex nuts, attach the
Handrail to the Side Rail. Repeat for
the remaining three Side Rails.
Step #3 continued
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