Products in this manual are referred to by their trade names. In most, if not all
cases, these des ignations are cl aimed as trad emarks or regist ered trademark s of
their respective companies.
Safety information
This manual contains the following safety information:
Where applicable, cautions and warnings are used throughout this manual to
draw your attention to safety precautions to be taken.
Warning: This is a Clas s A produc t . In a domesti c envi ronment thi s produc t
may cau se rad io inter f ere nce i n w hich c ase t he use r ma y be r equi red to ta ke
adequate measures.
Océ-Technologies B.V. makes no representation or warranties with respect to
the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of
merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Further, Océ-Technologies B.V. reserves the right to revise this publication and
to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to
notify any person of such revision or changes.
Edition 10-2003
Chapter 1
System ove rv iew6
Prerequisites 6
Scanner features 7
Operating modes 8
Scanner configurations9
Chapter 2
Scanner installation
A first look at the scanner13
Front view 13
Rear view 14
SCSI installation 15
SCSI connection precautions 15
SCSI board installation 15
Connection of the scanner to the computer 16
SCSI address setup 17
Default SCSI setup 18
Troubleshooting and test s witches 19
Power supply connection20
USB installation 21
USB port 21
Connection of the scanner with the USB cable 23
Unknown device message 23
FireWire installation 24
Connect the scanner with the Firewire cable 24
Unknown device message 27
Software installation 28
Chapter 3
Scanner operation
Scanner control panel 30
Paper ready 31
Inserting a document 32
Chapter 4
Appendix A
Insertion slot 32
Scanning th ick me di a34
Manual adjustment for thick media 34
Automatic adjustment (ATAC) 36
Scanner maintenance
Scanner maintenance 38
Remove the original pressure platen 39
Clean the scanning area 41
Replace the white reference platen 41
Camera alignment 43
Upgrade the scanner functionality 44
Safety information
General safety information 46
Radio interference 46
Symbols 46
Instructions for safe use 47
Appendix B
Notation conventions 50
Reader’s comment sheet 51
Addresses of local Océ organisations 53
Index 55
4Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
Chapter 1
Océ CS40xx scanners
Installation Manual
This Inst allati o n m a nu al des cribe s t h e f e a t ures of the O cé
CS40xx scanners.
■ System overview
■ Scanner configurations
System overview
The Océ CS40xx scanners wide format scanners offer solutions for large
format, high volume scanning in colour or graytone mode.
The scanners have fluorescent lighting and individual adaptive light
compensation on each pixel.
They support up to three interface options according to the scanner model:
■ USB interfacing for easy connectivity (see ‘USB installation’ on page 21).
■ USB + Standard SCSI interface
■ SCSI + FireWire.
■ PC or supported workstation with Win 98, 98SE, ME, NT4, 2000 or XP
(with SCSI or USB) and Win ME, 2000 or XP (with FireWire).
Attention: USB a nd FireWire are not supported on Windows NT.
■ FireWire port enabled, USB port or SCSI interface-kit matching the
■ The Scanner Maintenance Kit CD supplied with your scanner to install the
scanner drivers, Océ Scanner Agent and Scanner maintenance.
Note: These must be installed before setting up the scanner. Refer to the
Scanne r M aint en an ce us er ma nual for more in fo rm at io n.
■ The Scanner Maintenance Kit.
6Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
Scanner features
The Océ CS40xx scanners comprises the following features:
■ Media thickness up to 0.6” (15 mm)
■ Variable resolution in one-dpi increments
■ Individual tone adjustment for each colour channel (RGB) via gamma and
black and white point correction
■ All-digital cameras to ensure minimum noise
■ Colour and monochrome 2-D sharpening and softening filters to enhance
fine details and reduce moiré effects when you scan halftone originals
■ Colour calibration using the ANSI IT-8 colour reference chart to improve
long term stability of the scanner colour balance, linearity and chromaticity
■ ICC (International Colour Consortium) profile to support Colour
Management Systems (CMS)
■ Colour feature extraction to enhance clarity from poor quality originals and
improve details in complex maps and drawings.
■ Support monochrome graytone capture of 12 bits passing the best 8 bits to
the computer to enhance graytone precision.
■ Monochrome scanner functions.
■ Scanning modes from true colour (24-bit RGB) to black and white.
Operating modes
The Océ CS40xx scanners scanners scans documents in the following colour
and black and white modes:
24 bit RGB colour mode This mode scans ima ges at the full 2 4-bit true co lour
mode for 16.8 million colours.
Indexed colour mode When you scan documents with a limited range of
colours, th is mode maps true colou rs to a n inde xed co lour p alette. T he sc anner
generates this colour palette automatically when it does an adaptive colour
prescan of the original.
The scanner’s ability to transform a true colour image from 16.8 million
colours down to 16 or 256 colours greatly reduces the data volume. At the same
time, the scan speed increases and the disk storage requirements decrease
(needing only 4 bits or 8 bits per pixel, compared with the 24 bits required in
true colour mode).
Feature extracted (classified) colour mode This mode us es colour mapping
to sort the observed colour features in a document and to classify them into
categories using a colour LUT (look up table). Y ou can generate this LUT once
and download it to the scanner for a similar class of documents. Colour
mapping can improve details in complex maps or drawings, while increasing
the scan speed and minimizing disk storage requirements.
Grayscale mode (256 levels) This mode scans the actual gray level of each
pixel, up to 256 levels. Each pixel corresponds to 1 byte (8 bits). The images
scanned in grayscale mode result in files that are 8 times larger than
uncompressed files scanned in lineart mode at the same resolution.
B/W modes (bitmapped, 2-level) This mode reproduces each scanned pixel as
a single bit, either black (1) or white (0), depending on whether its gray level
lies below or above the threshold level. This mode supports both fixed level
and 2-D adaptive thresholding.
B/W copy mode (halftone dither) Converts gray levels of the scanned pixels
into halftones by dithering. This results in very high density line mode files that
are much larger than uncompressed files scanned in line mode at the same
8Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
Scanner configurations
The Océ CS40xx scanners exist in different configurations.
The ‘Smart Card’ gives you the option to upgrade the scanner firmware and
add more functions.
10Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
Océ CS40xx scanners
Installation Manual
Chapter 2
Scanner installation
■ A first look at the Océ CS40xx scanners
■ SCSI installation
■ USB installation
■ FireWire connection
■ Power supply connection
■ Software in stalla tion
■ General recommendations
Before installing and connecting your scanner, you MUST install the Océ
Scanner Agent software because it contains all the drivers necessary to set up
your system correctly.
▼Install Océ Scanner Agent
Insert the Scanner maintenance kit CD-ROM in your CD driver. The setup
program is launched automatically.
2 Click ‘Install Océ Scanner Agent’.
3 Follow the instructions of the setup wizard.
4 At the end of the installation, the wizard asks if you want to run Océ Scanner
Agent at start-up. Click ‘Yes’ if you want the application to be started
automatically each time you boot your PC.
Note: Note: Th is is recomm en de d wh en yo u defi ne time s to p owe r o n and
off the scann er automatic ally in the Timer settings (see ‘Timer settings’ on
page 13).
5 Click ‘Finish’ to exit the setup program. The Océ Scanner Agent icon appears
on the system tray.
12Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
A first look at the scanner
This section introduces you to the basic parts of the scanner.
At the rear of the scanner, you can locate, according to the printer model:
■ The USB connector
■ The USB and SCSI connectors (left)
■ The SCSI and the FireWire connectors
Note: There is also an AUX connection meant for future service purposes.
■ The ‘on/off’ button and power connector (right)
[2] Scanner rear view
14Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
SCSI installation
On PC-DOS or compatible computers running Windows 98/ME/2000/XP or
Windows NT 4.0, you must first install the SCSI board before you connect the
scanner to your computer.
SCSI connection precautions
■ Power off your system, your scanner, and all peripheral devices before you
connect or disconnect SCSI cables. Failure to do this may result in a system
crash and, in some cases, destruction of data on your hard disk.
■ If the scanner is the last device on the SCSI bus, turn on the built-in active
SCSI terminator (switch 4). Otherwise make sure you turn this switch off. Do
not connect any other terminator on the unused SCSI connector, since switch
4 already specifies termination.
■ The total length of all SCSI cables must be less than 4 meters.
SCSI board installation
Attention: Use only t he SCS I boa rd provided wit h the s c ann er. Do n ot
connec t an y o th er SC SI dev ice t o t he sa me S C S I bo a rd.
▼To install the SCSI board on the computer
Power off computer unit and all peripherals, such as diplays or printers.
2 Unplug the computer and peripherals from the electrical outlet.
3 With a screwdriver, loosen the screws to remove the computer cover. Remove
the top cover to expose the extension slots.
4 Choose a free extension slot. Loosen and remove the screw to the back panel.
5 Holding the SCSI board by its metal support bracket, align and press the board
firmly into the extension slot.
6 Use the back panel screw to secure the board to the computer frame (Put the
cover of the computer back on only after having completed the configuration).
7 For the SCSI driver installation under Windows 98/ME/2000/XP and Windows
NT, please refer to the documentation delivered with your SCSI package.
Scanner installation15
Connection of the scanner to the computer
The SCSI cable connectors and the USB connector are located at the rear of
the scanner.
One of the SCSI connectors is used for connecting the scanner. The extra one
is only used if you want to daisychain another device to your system.
[3] SCSI and USB connectors
16Océ CS40xx Inst a l l a t i on Manual
▼To connect the scanner to the computer
Check at the back of the sca nner for t he SCSI ter minatio n. If th e scanner is the
last devi ce on the SCSI bus, turn on switch 4, the built-in active SCSI
termination. If the scanner is not the last device, make sure switch 4 is off.
Attention: Do not turn on s wi tch 4 and use a t er mi na to r bl ock a t the s ame
2 Switch off your computer and your scanner.
3 Disconnect the power cord.
4 Connect one end of the supplied SCSI cable into the SCSI board connector at
the back of the computer.
5 Connect the other end of the SCSI cable to one of the two SCSI connectors on
the back of the scanner.
6 Set up the scanner SCSI address.
SCSI address setup
You set the SCSI device number on the DIL switch behind the scanner.
▼To set up SCSI device address
Power off the computer and the scanner.
2 To locate the DIL switch, slide the streamer on the front of the scanner to the
3 Press the ‘Push’ button to slide out the ‘smart card’ holder.
4 Remove the ‘smart card’ to access the switch.
Note: Rememb er t o replac e t he ‘sm a rt c ard’ b efore you tur n t he s canne r
back on.
5 Select an unused SCSI device address number according to the table below.