Océ C7010VPS Technical Manual

imagePRESS C7010VPS series
Flowing productivity. Impressive colour.
Technical guide
Technical Reference Manual
© 2013, Océ
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, copied, adapted, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from Océ.
Océ makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose.
Further, Océ reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Edition 2013-19
Chapter 1
This manual....................................................................................................................................................10
Additional documentation.............................................................................................................................12
Supported media............................................................................................................................................13
Chapter 2
PRISMAsync context......................................................................................................................................17
Job workflow management....................................................................................................................17
Scheduled jobs queue.......................................................................................................................18
Waiting jobs queue
Media selection..................................................................................................................................20
Error recovery....................................................................................................................................28
Chapter 3
The LPD connection..........................................................................................................29
General specifications
LP architecture..........................................................................................................................................32
Using the LP print service..............................................................................................................................34
Submitting print jobs.....................................................................................................................................35
Job attributes...........................................................................................................................................35
lp and lpr command line options............................................................................................................37
Reading printer job and printer status..........................................................................................................39
Retrieve the status of the printer............................................................................................................39
Command line options to obtain a status reply....................................................................................40
Removing print jobs.......................................................................................................................................41
Authentication rules.................................................................................................................................41
Command line options............................................................................................................................42
LPD behaviour................................................................................................................................................43
LPD behaviour..........................................................................................................................................43
Chapter 4
The socket connection.....................................................................................................45
Socket specifications......................................................................................................................................47
Job attributes...........................................................................................................................................47
Socket configuration......................................................................................................................................48
Enable/disable the socket interface........................................................................................................48
TCP port....................................................................................................................................................49
Socket behaviour............................................................................................................................................50
Socket behaviour.....................................................................................................................................50
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Chapter 5
Adobe® PostScript® 3™..................................................................................................51
PostScript 3 implementation.........................................................................................................................53
User parameters.............................................................................................................................................55
System parameters........................................................................................................................................56
Device parameters..........................................................................................................................................58
Pagedevice parameters..................................................................................................................................60
Initial page device....................................................................................................................................61
Media selection........................................................................................................................................70
Number of copies.....................................................................................................................................79
Output location.........................................................................................................................................80
Unicode media selection.........................................................................................................................91
PostScript resources......................................................................................................................................95
List of available and optional fonts........................................................................................................97
Chapter 6
PDF implementation.....................................................................................................................................101
Job settings...................................................................................................................................................102
PDF settings..................................................................................................................................................103
PDF overprint simulation.......................................................................................................................105
Force black overprint.............................................................................................................................106
PDF XObject optimization.....................................................................................................................107
Media size selection...............................................................................................................................108
PDF overprint simulation.......................................................................................................................110
PDF/X output intent................................................................................................................................111
Font conversion............................................................................................................................................112
Convert PDF TrueType fonts as Type42...............................................................................................112
Convert PDF TrueType fonts as CID font Type2..................................................................................113
Include PDF fonts and resources on every page.................................................................................114
PDF fonts.......................................................................................................................................................115
Chapter 7
Colour management.......................................................................................................117
PostScript / PDF colour architecture...........................................................................................................118
Device simulation and Device Link.............................................................................................................120
Select composite output profiles..........................................................................................................121
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Define composite output profiles.........................................................................................................122
Overview of composite output profiles................................................................................................123
Save and restore the composite output profiles.................................................................................124
Paper simulation and black preservation.............................................................................................125
B&W printing with composite output profiles.....................................................................................126
Spot colour handling ............................................................................................................................127
Transaction Printing mode....................................................................................................................128
Expired licensed mechanism................................................................................................................129
PDF/X output intent with composite output profiles..........................................................................130
Chapter 8
Use the Account log file...............................................................................................................................135
Account log file......................................................................................................................................135
Accounted pages....................................................................................................................................137
Account log file definition............................................................................................................................138
EBNF grammar.......................................................................................................................................138
The account log file................................................................................................................................141
Implementation aspects........................................................................................................................148
Chapter 9
SNMP support..............................................................................................................................................153
SNMP User table..........................................................................................................................................154
SNMP items in configuration report...........................................................................................................156
Performance requirements..........................................................................................................................157
Example in pseudo code..............................................................................................................................158
The system group of MIB-II...................................................................................................................160
The network interface group of MIB-II.................................................................................................162
Host resources MIB......................................................................................................................................164
The system group of the HR MIB..........................................................................................................164
The storage group of the HR MIB.........................................................................................................166
The device group of the HR MIB...........................................................................................................168
Other groups of the HR MIB..................................................................................................................172
Printer MIB....................................................................................................................................................173
System resources...................................................................................................................................178
Job monitoring MIB.....................................................................................................................................203
General group........................................................................................................................................203
Job submission ID group......................................................................................................................205
Job group...............................................................................................................................................206
Attribute group.......................................................................................................................................210
Oce Job Management MIB..........................................................................................................................214
Operation group.....................................................................................................................................214
Billing Counters............................................................................................................................................215
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Billing counters......................................................................................................................................215
Canon billing counters...........................................................................................................................216
Print Port Monitor MIB.................................................................................................................................218
Chapter 10
JDF interface specification.............................................................................................223
XPath notation..............................................................................................................................................225
JDF messaging.............................................................................................................................................226
Job submission............................................................................................................................................227
Job submission......................................................................................................................................227
JDF ticket support.........................................................................................................................................229
Identification and information..............................................................................................................234
JDF ticket support: Print settings..........................................................................................................238
Mark objects...........................................................................................................................................249
Layout transformation...........................................................................................................................255
Output / finishing...................................................................................................................................257
Partitioning for subset/page programming.........................................................................................270
Colour space conversion.......................................................................................................................278
Colour correction...................................................................................................................................288
JDF error handling.......................................................................................................................................289
JDF decoding..........................................................................................................................................289
JDF ticket examples.....................................................................................................................................290
Basic JDF ticket......................................................................................................................................290
Page programming................................................................................................................................292
Finishing without attribute BundleItemIndex......................................................................................293
Finishing with attribute BundleItemIndex............................................................................................294
Chapter 11
SMB printing...................................................................................................................297
End-user functionality..................................................................................................................................298
Settings Editor..............................................................................................................................................300
Chapter 12
Hot folder printing..........................................................................................................303
Hot folder......................................................................................................................................................304
Chapter 13
Scan-to-file and scan-to-email.......................................................................................307
Scan job type specification..........................................................................................................................308
Chapter 14
SRA IPDS.........................................................................................................................313
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Introduction to SRA IPDS.............................................................................................................................314
SRA IPDS settings........................................................................................................................................316
Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) .......................................................................................................320
IPDS command set.......................................................................................................................................321
Device Control command......................................................................................................................322
IM image.................................................................................................................................................328
IO image (IOCA).....................................................................................................................................329
Graphics (GOCA)....................................................................................................................................331
Bar code (BCOCA)..................................................................................................................................332
Object containers...................................................................................................................................334
Overlay and Page Segment...................................................................................................................335
Fonts (FOCA)..........................................................................................................................................336
Additional documentation...........................................................................................................................339
Print characteristics......................................................................................................................................342
Paper input handling....................................................................................................................................343
Paper output handling.................................................................................................................................345
Introduction to fonts.....................................................................................................................................347
Fonts handling..............................................................................................................................................350
Colour Mapping Tables................................................................................................................................352
Colour management in IPDS mode............................................................................................................353
Not supported IPDS topics..........................................................................................................................354
Differences between TP and DP colour management ..............................................................................355
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Chapter 1 Introduction
This manual
Release information
This manual describes software version
2.2 of the PRISMAsync
for the imagePRESS C7010VPS
For whom is this Technical guide intended?
The imagePRESS C7010VPS series Technical Reference Manual (TRM) is not the user manual of imagePRESS C7010VPS series.
The TRM provides the information about the behaviour, configuration and programming of the imagePRESS C7010VPS series. imagePRESS C7010VPS series uses the PRISMAsync controller.
The target group for the TRM are the Administrators and Application Developers of imagePRESS C7010VPS series.
The imagePRESS C7010VPS series consists of:
• imagePRESS C6010S
• imagePRESS C6010VPS
• imagePRESS C7010VPS
Printable version
Click to open the printable version of the imagePRESS C7010VPS series Technical Reference Manual.
You can open the pdf file in the browser.
TRM: Technical Reference Manual
SDS: System Diagnose Service
This manual
10 Chapter 1 - Introduction
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
List of trademarks
Océ and
PRISMAsync are registered trademarks of Océ-Technologies B.V..
Canon, imagePRESS and imageRUNNER are registered trademarks of Canon.
Adobe®, Acrobat®, Reader® and Distiller® are registered trademarks of Adobe®
PostScript® 3™ is a registered trademark of Adobe® Systems Incorporated.
Products in this publication are referred to by their general trade names. In most, if not all cases, these designations are claimed as trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies.
Chapter 1 - Introduction 11
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Additional documentation
Additional PRISMAsync
• The imagePRESS C7010VPS series User Manual describes how to use the system.
RFC documentation
A Request for Comments (RFC) is a document published by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). An RFC describes methods, behaviours, research, or innovations applicable to the working of the Internet and Internet-connected systems.
You can find the RFC documents at: http://www.ietf.org/rfc.html
Additional documentation
12 Chapter 1 - Introduction
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Supported media
Click to open the pdf file.
You can open the pdf file in the browser.
Supported media
Chapter 1 - Introduction 13
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Supported media
14 Chapter 1 - Introduction
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Chapter 2 PRISMAsync
The PRISMAsync controller converts print data, submitted via the LAN, to output on paper. Although some print settings can be defined for print jobs (like number of copies or staples), print data definition takes place outside the printer system.
PRISMAsync based printer enables some basic operation on the jobs:
• Queue manipulation, such as moving jobs to the top of the queue or deleting jobs offer the operator the opportunity to do some last minute 'micro-planning'.
• Job settings can be edited (e.g. number of copies) for last minute changes on jobs.
The PRISMAsync based printer supports printing on custom media sizes, i.e. media sizes that are not part of the set of media types installed at production time, but that become defined in the field.
The PRISMAsync based printer can stack, jog, punch, fold and bind loose sheets of all supported media sizes. It can staple, stack and jog A4/Letter-like sheets and supports the imagePRESS C7010VPS series finisher options. The printer enables the operator to configure the media defined in each tray, such that print data can be printed correctly.
The PRISMAsync based printer uses a Media catalogue to match the media concept used in the printer with the actual media types typically used by the customer. The operator can modify the Media catalogue to contain the required media types. Print jobs can be self-contained, i.e. the generated output is independent of the currently configured Media catalogue.
When an error occurs (such as a paper jam), the system assists the operator in resolving the error. After an error is resolved, printing can continue. The printer takes care of job integrity, i.e. it ensures that the final result generated by the printer matches the specification, regardless of errors occurring during the printing process.
16 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
PRISMAsync context
Scan Print
External Applications
eb settings editor
Océ printers drivers
Océ server applications
3rd party applications
Page scanner
Page printer
Océ PRISMAsync
Local User Interface
[1] PRISMAsync context
The PRISMAsync is part of the imagePRESS C7010VPS series.
For the imagePRESS C7010VPS series, the PRISMAsync provides the mechanisms for printing in both 600 and 1200 dpi. Job control and data processing for print, scan and copy are handled by the PRISMAsync controller.
This manual provides a description of the interfaces towards the imagePRESS C7010VPS series.
Job workflow management
The life cycle of every individual print job typically consists of a number of stages. For a successful job life cycle, the job will be spooled, ripped and printed. In the figure and table below, a job life cycle is displayed with the use of a time line.
first sheet
first sheet
Separate last sheet
Spooled RippedRipping
Stop RIP
Printing (Often called Active) Printed
[2] Time line for job stage transitions
PRISMAsync context
Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync 17
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Scheduled jobs queue
Job stages
Print jobs that are sent to the 'Scheduled jobs queue' are printed automatically. The 'Scheduled jobs queue' can hold jobs in various stages of their life cycle. The initial order in the 'Scheduled jobs queue' is (when only prints to the 'Scheduled jobs queue' are made):
• Printing jobs (0 or 1)
Ripped jobs (0 or more)
• Ripping jobs (0 or 1)
• Spooled/spooling jobs (0 or more)
You can use the Settings Editor to select the print workflow mode for each connection protocol separately.
In the Receive-then-Print-while-RIP mode the ripping job is present at the top of the 'Scheduled jobs queue', printing for that job will start in parallel with ripping. This is detailed in the figure below. The bold text in the figure below indicates the differences with the figure in the
on page 17.
first sheet
last sheet
[3] Time line for job stage transitions for Print-while-rip model
Ripping in the Receive-then-Print-while-RIP mode will only start when the whole job is received.
To be capable of printing extremely large print jobs in a productive way, the print path in the Controller is tuned to support streaming behaviour:
• RIP while Receive, so that ripping can start before the whole job is received.
Job(s) are accepted and spooled (independent of used protocol).
• Limited number (max 2000) of pages are ripped ahead.
For streaming jobs internal data is cleaned-up while printing. Therefore only one copy-set will be printed. The production of multiple copies of a same (digital) original is therefore the responsibility of the sending host or server. To delete a printing, streaming job, it must be stopped on sheet boundary first. The attributes of a streaming job cannot be edited.
If on the imagePRESS C7010VPS series the history is enabled, streaming jobs end up in the History queue. However, the streaming job cannot be copied to the 'Waiting jobs queue' for re­print.
Scheduled jobs queue
18 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Waiting jobs queue
Jobs in the imagePRESS C7010VPS series can be kept in ‘Waiting jobs queue’. The 'Waiting jobs queue' contains jobs that have to be kept on the system for some time. It is not yet known when they should be printed. Jobs in the 'Waiting jobs queue' are never printed automatically. User intervention is required to start jobs from the 'Waiting jobs queue' to the 'Scheduled jobs queue'. You can change the attributes of a job in the 'Waiting jobs queue'.
As soon as a new job is received in the 'Waiting jobs queue', the job ticket (when present) will be interpreted and the job will be made visible. Spooling continues in parallel.
If the history is enabled, printed jobs end up in the History queue.
Waiting jobs queue
Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync 19
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Media selection
This chapter describes the system behaviour of the imagePRESS C7010VPS series
concerning media selections. Described is the definition and selection of media types at the application side (driver, application), at the server side and at the printer.
The 10 selecting media attributes, the colour specific (media family) attributes and the engine specific media attributes are very important attributes which determine the output result.
• Media family
The media family is used to select the output profile for the colour management processing.
• Media Type (surface)
The Media Type (surface) and the Media Weight determine the fusing setpoints of the print engine. The following media attributes have to be filled in by the operator for proper media handling by the print engine
• Surface type: used by the engine to make the correct internal settings
• Grain direction: the direction of the grain of the paper. This item is used by the engine to make the correct internal settings.
• Engine specific media attributes Engine specific media attributes also influence print quality and handling. These attributes are described in the Canon user manual. See paragraph "Engine specific media attributes" for the naming of the engine specific media attributes in the Settings Editor.
Generic media attributes
In the imagePRESS C7010VPS series, a media type is defined by 10 media attributes. These media attributes are inspired on the PostScript pagedevice attributes.
See the table below for the 10 media attributes. These 10 attributes are used for selecting a tray for a media type that is specified for a job.
Media attribute Type Allowed values
Name String Free string Type String Free string Width Integer Measurement unit is 0.1 mm
Max width = 3302
Height Integer Measurement unit is 0.1 mm
Max height = 4877 Weight Integer 0 ... 999, or 0 for unknown Colour String Free string PrePunchMedia Integer 0 ... 999, or 0 for unknown TabMedia Enum None / tab-inclusive Inserttype Boolean True / false CycleLength Integer 0 ... 999, or 0 for unknown
You cannot add media to the media catalogue that are larger than the maximum width and height. The Settings Editor then adds the media to the media catalogue with the maximum allowed width and height.
Media selection
20 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Leading and trailing white spaces in strings that define the media types are ignored. White spaces are space, tab and new line.
Two media types are identical if the 10 media attributes are the same. Note that string values of media attributes are case sensitive.
Media name
Each media type has a media name attribute. The name is a free string, which is coded in UTF-8. Empty string values are allowed. The maximum string length is 40 characters; longer strings are clipped.
Media type
Each media type has a media type attribute. The name is a free string, which is coded in UTF-8. Empty string values are allowed. The maximum string length is 40 characters; longer strings are clipped.
Media width
Each media type has a media width attribute. The width is defined in integer multiples of 0.1 mm.
Media height
Each media type has a media height attribute. The height is defined in integer multiples of 0.1 mm.
Media colour
Each media type has a media colour attribute. The media colour is a free string, which is coded in UTF-8. Empty string values are allowed. The maximum string length is 40 characters; longer strings are clipped.
For backwards compatibility, media type, media name and media colour can also be encoded in ISO Latin-1. See
Unicode media selection
on page 91.
Media weight
Each media type has a media weight attribute. The weight is a number between 0 and 999. When the "System of measurement" is set to "Imperial", valid values are 0-43 (lb bond, equivalent to 0-162 gsm) and 90-552 (lb index, equivalent to 163-999 gsm).
Not all media weights can be handled by the print engine.
Media punch count
Each media type has a media punch count attribute. The punch count is an integer between 0 and
999. The punch count defines the number of pre-punched holes. The punch count value is 0 for non-punched media.
Media tab
Each media type has a media tab attribute. The tab attribute specifies if a media must be handled as a tab sheet. The tab attribute also defines how the tab sheet must be handled by the imagePRESS C7010VPS series
Media selection
Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync 21
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Sheet size & bit‐ map size
Tab caption Host Printer
Tab-inclusive en­abled
Tab width inclu­ded. Custom size or imagePRESS C7010VPS series default size A4 tab or Letter tab.
Tab caption can be added, typical­ly by the applica­tion.
Tab caption can
be added.
The optional tab caption is printed on the tab.
Tab-inclusive dis­abled
Sheet and bitmap have the same size. Both are rectan­gular.
n.a. n.a. Print the bitmap
on the sheet as specified.
For the imagePRESS C7010VPS series, the insert sheet attribute is an independent attribute that can be set for all media, including tab media. Therefore, tab media is sent via the bypass if the insert sheet attribute is true.
Media insert sheet
Each media type has a media insert sheet attribute. When the insert sheet attribute is true, the media type is handled as a non-process sheet via the bypass.
Media cycle length
Each media type has a media cycle length attribute. The cycle length is an integer between 0 and
999. The default cycle length is 1, except for tab media. For tab media, the cycle length is 0.
The cycle length attribute is used for error recovery and for flushing left-over sheets at the end of a set.
For example:
• A tab media has a tab bank of 10. The cycle length for this tab media is 10.
A set of three insert sheets, where each insert sheet has a different colour, has a cycle length of
Default media selection
When the media size is specified, this size is used to determine the size of the physical paper on which pages of the document are printed.
In case of value "As in document", the media size is not specified. Then the PDL size is used to determine the physical paper size of the required media.
By default, the sheet alignment is set to 'centre' for both directions.
If the PDL size is larger then the media size, the image is clipped in a way that is specified by the alignment setting.
If the media size is larger then the PDL size, no scaling on the image is applied by default.
In case of same-up and booklet, images larger than the media size are scaled down to fit the media. Images smaller than the media size are not scaled up.
In case of n-up, the images are scaled to fit the document size.
In case of same-up and booklet, the image is positioned with respect to individual page cells.
For n-up, the image is positioned with respect to the whole sheet.
Media selection
22 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Engine specific media attributes
Registration: Front & Registration: Back:
• X shift (0.1 mm) To make adjustment to enable printing with correct alignment of paper and image. Value: -50.0 mm to +50.0 mm, step: 0.1 mm, default: 0.0 mm
• Y shift (0.1 mm) To make adjustment to enable printing with correct alignment of paper and image. Value: -50.0 mm to +50.0 mm, step: 0.1 mm, default: 0.0 mm
• X elongation (0.01%) To make adjustment (enlargement/reduction) of image size in feed direction. Value: -1.00 to +1.00%, step: 0.01%, default: 0.00%
• Y elongation (0.01%) To make adjustment (enlargement/reduction) of image size perpendicular to feed direction. Value: -1.00 to +1.00%, step: 0.01%, default: 0.00%
• Skew To make adjustment of image skew at left leading edge and the left trailing edge with respect to the feed direction. Value: -2 to +2, step: 1 default: 0
Back side lead edge alignment auto correction:
• To make automatic adjustment for change in length of media for backside image. Value: On/ Off, Default: Off
• Saddle stitch position adjustment (mm) Adjust the saddle stitch position for saddle stitch function of Saddle Finisher. Value: -2.00 to +2.00 mm, default: 0 mm
• Saddle stitch fold position adjustment (mm) The fold placement is adjusted by using the saddle stitch function of the Saddle Finisher. Value: -2.00 to +2.00 mm, default: 0 mm
• Saddle fold position adjustment (mm) The fold placement is adjusted by using the saddle fold function of the Saddle Finisher. Value:
-2.00 to +2.00 mm, default: 0 mm
• Punch hole position adjustment (mm) Fine-adjust the punch hole position. Value: -2.00 to +2.00 mm, default: 0 mm
Advanced settings
• Output face down Adjust the paper curl level. Value: -15 to +15, default: 0
• Output face up Adjust the paper curl level. Value: -15 to +15, default: 0
Gloss adjustment:
• Switch the fixing temperatures and determine if the paper goes through only the primary fixing unit or through both primary and secondary fixing units. Value: -2 to +2, default: 0. Increased values: glossier
Pick up air:
• Adjust the amount of air used by the separation in the POD deck. Value: -5 to +5, default: 0
• Adjust the separation of paper from decks. Value: -5 to +5, default: 0
Image clear level adjustment:
• Improve "Intermediate Transfer Belt" (ITB) cleaning performance. Value: -10 to +10, default: 0. An increased value results in higher ITB cleaning.
Media selection
Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync 23
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Secondary transfer voltage: Front & Secondary transfer voltage: Back
• Adjust the secondary transfer voltage when a faulty image appears. A faulty image can have an uneven density, fading of colour, et cetera. Value: -10 to +10, default: 0. An increased value results in a higher secondary transfer voltage.
Trail end white patch correction: Front & Trail end white patch correction: Back:
Threshold: Reduce white patch/fading at the trail end of paper. This can typically appear on curled paper or curl-prone paper types in 2-sided printing. Value: -10 to +10, Default: 0 Fading in high density area: choose negative values. White patch: choose positive values
• Amount: Reduce white patch/fading at the trail end of paper. This can typically appear on curled paper or curl-prone paper types in 2-sided printing. Value: -20 to +20, Default: 0
Media selection
24 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Banner page
PRISMAsync based systems can print a banner page for each job. Banner page printing can be enabled or disabled in the Settings Editor.
The banner page contains the:
Sender name
• Printer name
• Job name/document name
• Operator instruction
• Recipient name
• Requested number of copies
• Account ID
• Cost center
• Job identifier
• Time stamp
If no banner media is specified, the first media in the Media Catalogue that matches the following four attributes is used as banner media:
• A4/Letter (region dependent)
• 80 gsm/20 lb. bond (region dependent)
• Plain paper
• White
If no media in the Media Catalogue matches these attributes, PRISMAsync creates a nameless media with the required four attributes.
Trailer page
PRISMAsync based systems can print a trailer page for each job. Trailer page printing can be enabled or disabled in the Settings Editor.
The trailer page contains the:
• User name
• Recipient name
• Account ID
• Job name/document name
• Printer name
• Operator instruction
• Cost centre
• Number of pages in set
• Number of sets
• Number of staples used
• Number of folded sheets
• Number of punched sheets
• Number of insert sheets
• The time the job was received by the system
• The time the job was started
Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync 25
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
• The job completed time
• The trailer sheet generation time
The actual number of sheets of each used media in the job. Each media is defined by its 10 selection attributes.
The following media are not included in the actual number of used sheets:
banner page media slip-sheet media trailer media
The media used for the trailer is the same media as specified for the banner page.
Automated Work Flows in the imagePRESS C7010VPS series
The PRISMAsync offers the possibility to print jobs via multiple print queues. You can create and assign properties to the print queues. The properties are based upon specific workflow requirements. Therefore, these queues are called Automated Work Flows (AWF). For each AWF, the operator can define specific job settings, which are assigned to the jobs sent via the AWF.
The queues are accessible from the sending host. Each queue represents a different AWF.
You can create one or more AWFs in the Settings Editor in section 'Preferences'.
Default AWF
The imagePRESS C7010VPS series has one default queue. The default queue is the default AWF. The default queue cannot be deleted.
Jobs are send to the default queue of the
imagePRESS C7010VPS series, when:
• No queue is specified.
• A queue is specified, but the queue is not an AWF.
Adding a new AWF
You can create one or more AWFs in the Settings Editor in section 'Preferences'.
Each AWF must have a unique name. The AWF name can have a maximum of 25 characters. The name is case sensitive and any Unicode character can be used.
You can create an unlimited amount of AWFs. However, the performance of the controller can be reduced when you create more than 250 AWFs.
The LPD queue name is used as the AWF name. However, it is possible that the two names are not identical. Reason: The AWF name can be specified in Unicode, but the LPD queue names can only be specified and accessed in ASCII on the sending host.
Operations on AWF
You can add, delete and rename AWF queues. You cannot rename or delete the default AWF queue.
Attributes of the AWF
It depends on the software release which attributes you can use to create an AWF. You can find the available attributes of the concerning software release in section 'Preferences' in the Settings Editor.
AWF and socket printing
Automated Work Flows in the imagePRESS C7010VPS series
26 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
An AWF can be used in combination with socket printing. By default, the default AWF is associated to a socket channel. The Key Operator can associate the socket channel to another AWF.
Priority of job settings
Job settings can be defined at several points in the job workflow. The job settings are handled according to a defined priority. In each AWF, the priority between AWF settings and job ticket settings can be changed.
When the AWF settings have priority over the job ticket settings, the job settings are determined according to the following priority:
Step Action
1 AWF settings 2 Ticket settings 3 Protocol settings 4 PDL data settings 5 PDL defaults specified in the Settings Editor
When the job ticket settings have priority over the AWF settings, the job settings are determined according to the following priority:
Step Action
1 Ticket settings 2 AWF settings 3 Protocol settings 4 PDL data settings 5 PDL defaults specified in the Settings Editor
Hot folders
A hot folder is a shared folder on PRISMAsync which uses the SMB filesharing network protocol. The PRISMAsync
supports a maximum of 10 hot folders. Access to the hot folders is protected by a username and password combination. The user name and password are defined by the System Administrator in the Settings Editor.
Users can simply drag & drop PDF files into a hot folder to print the files automatically. An Automated Workflow can be coupled to the hot folder, or a job ticket can be stored in the hot folder. The Automated Workflow or the job ticket define how the jobs must be printed. The job ticket with JDF attributes can be defined using the printer driver.
Hot folders
Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync 27
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Error recovery
The scan, copy and print error recovery strategy is based on the error detection capabilities of the imagePRESS C7010VPS series engines. The Print Engines will report the error situation to the PRISMAsync, which in turn can initiate User Interaction on the Console. Errors can be of an Operational (ORE), Machine-recoverable (MRE) or Permanent (PE) nature.
An PRISMAsync software error results in an MRE (11504). An MRE requires a complete system reboot.
For print errors that cannot be solved by the Print Engine with or without user intervention at the machine:
The PRISMAsync recovers all sheets that have not been successfully printed and delivered and submits the respective page-specs again to the Print Engine.
• The PRISMAsync resumes the print process when the Print Engine error has been resolved.
This mechanism is also valid when the Print Engine has been turned off and on again during printing.
The error recovery strategy of the PRISMAsync can be set-based, sheet-based, or eject-based. This depends on the kind of error and the structure of the job or set. The general rule is to ensure that after an error all pages or sets are printed and delivered as requested.
In case of printing on tab sheets, set-recovery will be used. The operator must make sure that the actual physical dimensions of the tab sheets in the paper tray match with the bitmaps that have to be printed on it.
Error recovery
28 Chapter 2 - PRISMAsync
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
Chapter 3 The LPD connection
This section documents the implementation of the Line Printer Daemon (LPD) protocol mechanism in the imagePRESS C7010VPS series. This mechanism allows the
C7010VPS series to communicate with the host system in order to print files.
The use of LPD implies that all files transferred from the host to the imagePRESS C7010VPS series are always queued on the printer in the LPD print queue, before they are processed for actual printing. The LPD protocol provides a mechanism to perform basic queue management on the LPD print queue.
Remote users may also use the LPD protocol to retrieve printer status information, which includes both printer status information and LPD print queue information.
The LPD protocol specification itself is specified in Request For Comments RFC 1179, which is an official standard from the Internet Community.
30 Chapter 3 - The LPD connection
imagePRESS C7010VPS series v2.2
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