Océ | Arizona T220UV
Site Preparation Guide
Revision B • January, 2005

Océ Display Graphics Systems
© 2004 All Rights Reserved

Table of Contents
Copyright .........................................................................iii
Document Summary ........................................................ iii
Product Support, Documentation and Service.................iii
1 Introduction
General Description ......................................................... 1
Arizona T220UV Specifications ....................................... 2
Physical.................................................................... 2
Performance ............................................................ 2
2 System Requirements
Receiving and Moving the Arizona® T220UV ................. 3
Receiving the Shipping Crates................................. 3
Hallway Requirements ............................................. 5
Space Requirements ............................................... 5
Electrical Requirements................................................... 6
AC Power................................................................. 6
Printer Power Requirements.................................... 6
Vacuum Pump Power Requirements....................... 7
GFI Circuit Breakers ................................................ 8
AC Distribution Circuit.............................................. 8
Grounding ................................................................ 9
Compressed Air Requirement ......................................... 9
Environmental Requirements ........................................ 10
Operating Conditions ............................................. 10
Shock and Vibration............................................... 11
Shipping and Storage ............................................ 11
Safety Information.......................................................... 12
Customer Equipment Requirements.............................. 13
Digital Calipers....................................................... 13
Spectrophotometer ................................................ 13
Host Computer Requirements ............................... 13
Operator Training........................................................... 14
Appendix A Pre-Installation Checklist
Customer Information .................................................... 16
System Requirements Checklist.................................... 17
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Océ |
List of Figures
Arizona T220UV Printer ................................................... 1
Arizona T220UV Table Crate Dimensions ....................... 3
Arizona T220UV Gantry Crate Dimensions ..................... 4
Maximum Room Size Requirements ............................... 5
Electrical Wiring Configuration......................................... 6
ii 3010102253-B

© 2004 Océ Display Graphics Systems. All rights reserved.
This document contains information proprietary to Océ, to its subsidiaries, or to third
parties to which Océ may have a legal obligation to protect such information from
unauthorized disclosure, use or duplication. Any disclosure, use, or duplication of this
document or of any of the information contained herein for other than the specific
purpose for which it was disclosed is expressly prohibited, except as Océ may otherwise
agree to in writing. Due to continuing research and product improvements, features or
product specifications may change at any time without notice.
0.2Document Summary
Date Doc. Number Revision Summary
1/12/05 3010102253 B Added ColorBlend and web site MSDS.
0.3Product Support, Documentation and Service
For further information on documentation and support for your Arizona T220UV or for
information on other Océ Display Graphics Systems products, please contact:
Web: http://www.dgs.oce.com
FTP Site: http://www.cymbolic.com/ftp.html
Comments on this manual?
Please feel free to contact us at: Technical.Writer@dgs.oceusa.com
Océ maintains a comprehensive support structure for its customers. Upon installation of
your printer, you will be provided with the name of the sales and service office responsible
for your account. Record this information, along with the serial number of your Arizona
T220UV. Always report service problems to the office assigned to your account at
installation. Contacting the factory directly may cause unnecessary delays in resolving
your service issue.
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Océ |
Customer Service Procedure:
When you call one of our customer service numbers you will be provided with telephone
technical support. Outside of office hours, you can leave a message and your call will be
returned the next working day. When you call, identify yourself as a Arizona T220UV
customer and provide the following information:
• The serial number of your Arizona T220UV
• Your company name and your name
• Your telephone number
• Nature of the problem
If we are unable to resolve your problem over the telephone, field engineers can be
dispatched to your site to conduct repairs. Service visits are paid for by the customer, either
under a maintenance agreement or by purchase order or prepayment. Time and material
rates are charged for any service not covered under a maintenance agreement. Before calling
to report a problem, gather as much information about the problem as possible and have it
ready to provide to the customer care center engineer. The more information you can
provide initially, the more quickly the problem can be corrected.
iv 3010102253-B

Océ Display Graphics Systems (ODGS)
San Jose Office (RasterGraphics)
2811 Orchard Parkway
San Jose, California
U.S.A. 95134
Ph: 408 232 4000
Fx: 408 232 4100
Alternate Manufacturer:
Oce Display Graphics Systems (ODGS)
13231 Delf Place - Building #501
Richmond, British Columbia
Canada V6V 2C3
Contact: Colin Soutar
Email: colin.soutar@dgs.oceusa.com
(604) 232-2345 Direct Dial
(604) 273-7730 Reception
(604) 273-2775 Fax
7:00AM - 4:30PM PST
Representatives Marketing the Arizona T220UV in Europe:
Océ-Deutschland GmbH
Solinger Straße 5-7
45481 Mülheim/Ruhr
Telephone: (49) 2084 8450
Fax: (49) 2084 80950
E-mail: ves@oce.de
Web site: http://www.oce.de/
5/25/05 v

Océ |
Océ (UK) Ltd.
Langston Road
Loughton, Essex IG10 3SL
United Kingdom
Telephone: (44) 870 600 5544
Fax: (44) 870 600 1113
E-mail: salesinformation@oce.co.uk
Web site: www.oce.co.uk
vi 3010102253-B