Oce 105 User Manual

Océ User manual

VarioPrint 1105

User Manual Print operations
Océ-Technologies B.V.
Océ-Technologies B.V.
2008, Océ-Technologies B.V. Venlo, The Netherlands. All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, copied, adapted, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission from Océ.
Océ-Technologies B.V. makes no representation or warranties with respect to the contents hereof and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any particular purpose. Further, Océ-Technologies B.V. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes from time to time in the content hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes.
Edition 2008-03

Table of contents

1.1 About this Product............................................................................ 1-7
1.2 About this Manual............................................................................. 1-8
1.3 Notation of each product................................................................. 1-9
1.4 Explanation of manual conventions.............................................. 1-10
2 Overview
2.1 Printer Driver..................................................................................... 2-4
2.2 Composition of a product................................................................ 2-5
2.2.1 Memory .......................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.2 PostScript3 .................................................................................... 2-5
2.2.3 Other options ................................................................................. 2-6
2.3 Connections of the Print Controller ................................................ 2-7
2.3.1 Parallel Connection........................................................................ 2-7
2.3.2 Ethernet Connection ...................................................................... 2-7
2.4 Product Specifications..................................................................... 2-8
2.4.1 Restrictive Conditions.................................................................... 2-9
3 Basic Printing and Various Function
3.1 Basic Printing Method...................................................................... 3-3
3.2 Various Function............................................................................... 3-8
3.2.1 To set the paper-related items....................................................... 3-8
3.2.2 To set the paper tray.................................................................... 3-13
3.2.3 To print multiple copies................................................................ 3-18
3.2.4 To print multiple pages ................................................................ 3-22
3.2.5 To set the Front/Back cover, insertion sheet and cover sheet .... 3-27
3.2.6 To set for finishing........................................................................ 3-31
3.2.7 To set a Watermark...................................................................... 3-37
3.2.8 To set an image and shade.......................................................... 3-40
3.2.9 To set font-related items.............................................................. 3-44
3.2.10 Checking the Printer Driver Setting.............................................. 3-45
VarioPrint 1105 Contents-1
3.2.11 How to store the job and reprint ................................................... 3-45
3.2.12 To designate the printer memory.................................................. 3-47
4 PCL Printer Driver Setting (Windows)
4.1 About Properties window ................................................................. 4-3
4.1.1 Properties window .......................................................................... 4-4
4.2 About button ...................................................................................... 4-5
4.3 Combination of the function ............................................................. 4-6
4.4 General tab......................................................................................... 4-7
4.5 Sharing tab......................................................................................... 4-9
4.6 Ports tab........................................................................................... 4-10
4.7 Advanced tab ................................................................................... 4-12
4.8 Color Management tab ................................................................... 4-14
4.9 Option tab......................................................................................... 4-15
4.9.1 Option ........................................................................................... 4-15
4.9.2 Option information ........................................................................ 4-16
4.9.3 Enhanced Security........................................................................ 4-16
4.10 Setup tab .......................................................................................... 4-17
4.10.1 Paper............................................................................................. 4-18
4.10.2 Binding.......................................................................................... 4-29
4.10.3 Output........................................................................................... 4-35
4.11 Per Page Setting tab ....................................................................... 4-45
4.11.1 Front Cover Page.......................................................................... 4-46
4.11.2 Back Cover Page .......................................................................... 4-47
4.11.3 PI Cover Sheet.............................................................................. 4-48
4.11.4 Chapter ......................................................................................... 4-49
4.11.5 Per Page Setting........................................................................... 4-51
4.12 Special Functions tab...................................................................... 4-55
4.12.1 Special Functions ......................................................................... 4-56
4.13 Overlay tab ....................................................................................... 4-70
4.13.1 Overlay.......................................................................................... 4-71
4.14 Watermark tab ................................................................................. 4-74
4.14.1 Watermark .................................................................................... 4-75
4.14.2 Watermark - Type ......................................................................... 4-77
Contents-2 VarioPrint 1105
4.14.3 Page Number ............................................................................... 4-78
4.14.4 Distribution Number Stamping .................................................... 4-79
4.15 Quality tab ....................................................................................... 4-80
4.15.1 Print with Black ............................................................................ 4-81
4.15.2 Pattern.......................................................................................... 4-81
4.15.3 Print Density................................................................................. 4-81
4.15.4 Smoothing.................................................................................... 4-82
4.16 Font tab............................................................................................ 4-83
4.16.1 Use Printer Fonts ......................................................................... 4-84
4.16.2 Download Font Format ................................................................ 4-84
4.17 Version tab ...................................................................................... 4-85
4.18 Save/Restore Setting ..................................................................... 4-86
4.19 About View Area ............................................................................. 4-90
5 PostScript PPD Printer Driver setting (Windows)
5.1 About Properties window ................................................................ 5-3
5.1.1 Properties window ......................................................................... 5-4
5.2 About button ..................................................................................... 5-5
5.3 Combination of the function ............................................................ 5-6
5.4 General tab........................................................................................ 5-7
5.5 Sharing tab ........................................................................................ 5-9
5.6 Ports tab .......................................................................................... 5-10
5.7 Advanced tab .................................................................................. 5-12
5.8 Device Settings tab ........................................................................ 5-14
5.8.1 From To Tray Assignment............................................................ 5-15
5.8.2 Font Substitution Table................................................................ 5-16
5.8.3 Installable Option ......................................................................... 5-17
5.9 Layout tab........................................................................................ 5-18
5.10 Paper/Quality tab............................................................................ 5-20
5.11 Advanced Options windows.......................................................... 5-22
5.11.1 Paper Output................................................................................ 5-23
5.11.2 Graphic......................................................................................... 5-25
5.11.3 Document Options....................................................................... 5-26
6 PS Printer Driver setting (Windows)
VarioPrint 1105 Contents-3
6.1 About Properties window ................................................................. 6-3
6.1.1 Properties window .......................................................................... 6-4
6.2 About button ...................................................................................... 6-5
6.3 Combination of the function ............................................................. 6-6
6.4 General tab......................................................................................... 6-7
6.5 Sharing tab......................................................................................... 6-9
6.6 Ports tab........................................................................................... 6-10
6.7 Advanced tab ................................................................................... 6-12
6.8 Color Management tab ................................................................... 6-14
6.9 Font tab ............................................................................................ 6-15
6.10 Option tab......................................................................................... 6-17
6.10.1 Option Information........................................................................ 6-18
6.10.2 Enhanced Security........................................................................ 6-18
6.10.3 Scaling linked with Application ..................................................... 6-18
6.11 Setup tab .......................................................................................... 6-19
6.11.1 Copies........................................................................................... 6-20
6.11.2 Paper............................................................................................. 6-20
6.11.3 Layout ........................................................................................... 6-30
6.11.4 Binding.......................................................................................... 6-36
6.11.5 Output........................................................................................... 6-39
6.12 Per Page Setting.............................................................................. 6-49
6.12.1 Front Cover Page.......................................................................... 6-50
6.12.2 Back Cover Page .......................................................................... 6-51
6.12.3 PI Cover Sheet.............................................................................. 6-51
6.12.4 Chapter ......................................................................................... 6-52
6.12.5 Per Page Setting........................................................................... 6-54
6.13 Special Functions ............................................................................ 6-59
6.13.1 Date/Time - Page to Print ............................................................. 6-60
6.13.2 Page Number................................................................................ 6-60
6.13.3 Distribution Number...................................................................... 6-61
6.13.4 Combination (No Reduction) ........................................................ 6-62
6.13.5 Fold ............................................................................................... 6-63
6.13.6 Image Shift.................................................................................... 6-64
6.13.7 Perfect Binding ............................................................................. 6-66
Contents-4 VarioPrint 1105
6.13.8 Divide Output ............................................................................... 6-73
6.13.9 Pile Permission............................................................................. 6-73
6.13.10 Tandem Mode .............................................................................. 6-74
6.13.11 Tab Image Shift ............................................................................ 6-75
6.14 PostScript tab ................................................................................. 6-76
6.14.1 Output .......................................................................................... 6-76
6.14.2 Settings ........................................................................................ 6-77
6.14.3 Timeouts - Wait Timeout (seconds) ............................................. 6-79
6.14.4 Print Enhance............................................................................... 6-79
6.14.5 Use Bitmap Smoothing................................................................ 6-79
6.15 Overlay tab ...................................................................................... 6-80
6.16 Quality tab ....................................................................................... 6-83
6.16.1 Image Rotation............................................................................. 6-83
6.16.2 Effects .......................................................................................... 6-83
6.16.3 Adjustment................................................................................... 6-84
6.16.4 Print Density................................................................................. 6-84
6.16.5 Smoothing - Type ........................................................................ 6-84
6.16.6 Monochromatic Convention - By Driver/By Printer ..................... 6-85
6.16.7 Toner Save ................................................................................... 6-85
6.16.8 Draft Print..................................................................................... 6-85
6.17 Watermarks tab .............................................................................. 6-86
6.17.1 Watermark.................................................................................... 6-86
6.17.2 Edit ............................................................................................... 6-87
6.17.3 Position ........................................................................................ 6-87
6.17.4 1st Page Only............................................................................... 6-87
6.17.5 Transparent Text.......................................................................... 6-87
6.17.6 As Outline Only ............................................................................ 6-87
6.18 Save/Restore Setting ..................................................................... 6-88
6.19 About View Area ............................................................................. 6-90
7 PostScript PPD Printer Driver setting (Mac OS 9)
7.1 Dialog boxes used for configuring this printing system ............... 7-5
7.1.1 Three dialog boxes......................................................................... 7-5
7.1.2 Displaying the dialog boxes ........................................................... 7-7
VarioPrint 1105 Contents-5
7.2 About descriptions in this chapter................................................. 7-15
7.3 Page Attributes dialog box ............................................................. 7-16
7.4 Watermark dialog box..................................................................... 7-19
7.5 Custom Page Default dialog box ................................................... 7-21
7.6 General dialog box .......................................................................... 7-22
7.7 Background Printing dialog box .................................................... 7-24
7.8 Cover Page dialog box.................................................................... 7-25
7.9 Layout dialog box ............................................................................ 7-26
7.10 Printer Specific Options dialog box (1) .......................................... 7-28
7.11 Printer Specific Options dialog box (2) .......................................... 7-30
7.12 Configure dialog box....................................................................... 7-56
8 PostScript PPD Printer Driver setting (Mac OS X)
8.1 About Mac OS X window .................................................................. 8-3
8.2 Page Attributes (Page Setup window)............................................. 8-6
8.3 Custom Paper Size (Page Setup window)....................................... 8-9
8.4 Copies & Pages (Print window)...................................................... 8-11
8.5 Layout (Print window) ..................................................................... 8-12
8.6 Paper Feed (Print window) ............................................................. 8-14
8.7 Finishing (Print window).................................................................. 8-15
8.8 Image/Layout (Print window) ......................................................... 8-23
8.9 Setup (Print window)....................................................................... 8-27
8.10 Security (Print window)................................................................... 8-38
8.11 Printer Info ....................................................................................... 8-45
9 Troubleshooting
9.1 Basic Troubleshooting...................................................................... 9-3
9.2 General Problems of Printing........................................................... 9-4
9.3 General Problems of PostScript ...................................................... 9-7
9.4 Checking on Incomplete Jobs ......................................................... 9-9
10 Font
10.1 Font List (PCL) ................................................................................. 10-3
10.2 Font List (PostScript) ...................................................................... 10-7
10.3 Screen Fonts.................................................................................. 10-13
Contents-6 VarioPrint 1105
10.4 PostScript Downloading New Fonts ........................................... 10-16
10.5 Font Management Utility.............................................................. 10-17
11 Utility Tool
11.1 Web Connection ............................................................................. 11-3
11.1.1 Outline of the Web Connection.................................................... 11-4
11.1.2 Start the Web Connection............................................................ 11-5
11.1.3 Display the variable status ........................................................... 11-6
11.1.4 Print the Report.......................................................................... 11-23
11.2 Using Peer to Peer Printing Tool................................................. 11-24
11.3 Internet Printing ............................................................................ 11-30
11.4 NetWare......................................................................................... 11-34
11.4.1 Setup information....................................................................... 11-36
11.4.2 NDS setup.................................................................................. 11-37
11.4.3 Setup for Bindery Emulation...................................................... 11-38
11.5 UNIX Printing through TCP/IP..................................................... 11-39
11.5.1 CUPS Printing on Linux ............................................................. 11-51
12 Appendix
12.1 Glossary........................................................................................... 12-3
12.2 Software license agreement........................................................ 12-10
12.3 Index .............................................................................................. 12-14
VarioPrint 1105 Contents-7
Contents-8 VarioPrint 1105
For use as a network printer
For use as a
Print Controller
local printer

1 Introduction

This user manual describes the operating procedures and safety precautions of the VarioPrint 1105 Series so that you can handle it safely and make the best of its capabilities. Usually keep this user manual close at hand for the convenience of reference later.
VarioPrint 1105 1-3

FCC Regulation

This equipment has been tested and found to comply with limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of FCC rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential area.
This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
% Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. % Increase the distance between the equipment and the receiver. % Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit other than the circuit to
which the receiver is connected.
% Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Canadian Department of Communications Regulations

This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.

Patent Notice

The product includes an implementation of LZW licensed under U.S.Patent 4,558,302.

Built-in Fonts

The print controller includes support for PCL5e/6 Language (HP PCL clone) and includes the 88 built-in Agfa Microtype fonts. For a complete list, refer to "Font" on page 10-3.
When equipping PostScript kit, the print controller also includes support for Adobe PostScript 3 (PS3) and includes the 136 built-in Adobe fonts. For a complete list, refer to "Font" on page 10-3.
1-4 VarioPrint 1105


Microsoft, MS and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States.
IBM is a registered trademarks of the IBM Corporation.
HP and PCL are registered trademarks of Hewlett-Packard Company.
Agfa Microtype font is a registered trademark of Agfa Corporation.
Apple, Macintosh and Mac are registered trademarks or trademarks of Apple Computer.Inc.
Adobe, Adobe Logo, Acrobat, Acrobat Logo, PostScript and PostScript Logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.
Other company names and product names used in this user manual are the registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
RC4 United States and/or other countries.

In regard to the Citrix access Partner Network Premier

is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
is a registered trademark or trademark of RSA Security Inc. in the
Océ B.V. is a member of the Citrix access Partner Network.
The Citrix access Partner Network is a program that, in combination with a solution of Citrix, promotes and develops solutions to provide the customers with better solutions.
VarioPrint 1105 1-5
A part or all of this user manual may not be used or copied without permission.
Océ B.V. will have no liability for any influences caused by using the printing system and this user manual.
Information written in this user manual is subject to change without notice.
Océ B.V. maintains the copyright of this printer driver.
1-6 VarioPrint 1105

1.1 About this Product

Package Contents

The following items are supplied with the Print Controller:
- VarioPrint 1105 Series CD-ROM
- Printer Driver
- Scanner Driver (compatible with TWAIN)
- Network Connection Utilities
Peer to Peer Printing Tool
- User manual (this manual)
- Release Note
(describes the latest information as well as limits of the system and the user software.)
- Screenfonts
- User manual (this manual)
The following items are supplied for the PostScript3:
- PS-502 CD-ROM
- Printer driver / PPD file
- Screen Fonts
- User manual (this manual)
- Release Note
(describes the latest information as well as limits of the system and the users software.)
- Printer driver / PPD file
- Screen Fonts
- User manual (this manual)
- Release Note
(describes the latest information as well as limits of the system and the users software.)
VarioPrint 1105 1-7

1.2 About this Manual

This document describes how to operate VarioPrint 1105 Series as a printer from various computers and networks.
This manual assumes you are familiar with the basic operation of your operating system and the Océ copier.
Refer to "User manual (Copier)" as required for the copier operating method.
For detailed operations of Windows 98/Me, Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003 and Mac OS, refer to the operating manuals for each operating system. For application operations, refer to the operating manuals provided with each application.
This manual is composed of the following chapters and appendices:
Chapter Description
"1 In troduction" This chapter descri bes how to see the notation
"2 Overview" This chapter describes overview of the print
"3 Bas ic Printing and Various Function" This ch apter describes various functions of t he
"4 PCL Printer Driver Setting (Windows)" This chapter describes PCL printer driver set-
"5 PostScript PPD Printer Driver setting (Win­dows)"
"6 PS Printer Driver setting (Windows)" This chapter describes Océ PS printer driver
"7 PostScript PPD Printer Driver setting (Mac OS 9)"
"8 PostScript PPD Printer Driver setting (Mac OS X)"
"9 Troubleshooting" This chapter describes how to solve the prob-
"10 Font" This chapter lists the built-in printer fonts in-
"11 Utility Tool" This chapter describes how to use the utility
"12 Appendix" This chapter lists and describes technical
method in this manual.
controller and product specifications for the print controller.
print controller.
tings for Windows-compliant computers.
This chapter describes PostScript PPD printer driver settings for Windows-compliant com­puters.
settings for Windows-compliant computers.
This chapter describes PostScript PPD printer driver settings for Macintosh (Mac OS 9.x).
This chapter describes PostScript PPD printer driver settings for Macintosh (Mac OS X).
lem on using the printer driver.
cluded with the print controller.
tool included on the user software CD.
terms to read this manual.
1-8 VarioPrint 1105

1.3 Notation of each product

The following abbreviations are used in this manual:
Product Abbreviation
VarioPrint 1105 Print Controller print controller
VarioPrint 1105 PostScript3 PS3
VarioPrint 1105 Printer/Copier copier (or main body printer)
A printing system that combines the above (1), (2), and (3) products
Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition Windows 98
Microsoft Windows Me Windows Me
Microsoft Windows NT4.0 (Service Pack 6a or more)
Microsoft Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4 or more)
Microsoft Windows XP Professional/Home Edition (Service Pack 1 or more with both) /Professional x64
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (Service Pack 1) /Server 2003 x64
Mac OS 9.2x Mac OS 9
Mac OS X v10.2x - v10.4x (Include Intel Mac (v10.4x))
Above OSs Windows 98/Me
printing system
Windows NT4.0
Windows 2000
Windows XP
Server 2003
Mac OS X
Windows NT4.0/2000/XP
Windows NT/2000/XP/Server 2003
Windows 98/Me/NT/2000/XP/Server 2003
Mac OS 9/X
VarioPrint 1105 1-9

1.4 Explanation of manual conventions

The marks and text formats used in this manual are described below.

Safety advices

Failure to observe instructions highlighted in this manner may result in fatal or critical injuries in fact of electrical power.
% Observe all dangers in order to prevent injuries.
Failure to observe instructions highlighted in this manner may result in serious injuries or property damage.
% Observe all warnings in order to prevent injuries and to ensure safe use
of the machine.
Failure to observe instructions highlighted in this manner may result in slight injuries or property damage.
% Observe all cautions in order to prevent injuries and to ensure safe use
of the machine.

Sequence of action

1 The number 1 as formatted here indicates the first step of a sequence
of actions.
2 Subsequent numbers as formatted here indicate subsequent steps of
a sequence of actions.
Text formatted in this style provides additional assistance.
% Text formatted in this style describes the action that will ensure the
desired results are achieved.
1-10 VarioPrint 1105


Special text markings

[Stop] key The names of keys on the control panel are written as shown above.
Display texts are written as shown above.
Text highlighted in this manner contains useful information and tips to ensure safe use of the machine.
Text highlighted in this manner contains information that should be reminded.
Text highlighted in this manner contains references for more detailed information.
VarioPrint 1105 1-11
1-12 VarioPrint 1105


The print controller feature enables the copier to connect to computers and networks to use as a printer.
VarioPrint 1105 2-3

2.1 Printer Driver

This printing system is equipped with the PostScript3 printer functions.
In order to use this printing system, it is necessary to install a printer driver in a computer.
Printer Driver Compliant OS
PCL Printer Driver Windows 98/Me
PS Printer Driver Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003 PostScript PPD Driver Windows 98/Me
The PCL Printer Driver is not corresponding to the 64 bit OS (Windows XP/Server 2003).
For the PS Plug-in driver, see User manual in the PS Plug-in CD-ROM.
For acquisition of the PS driver for the Windows XP x64/Server 2003 x64, contact your service representative.
Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003
Windows NT4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003 Mac OS 9 Mac OS X
2-4 VarioPrint 1105
Windows Windows Windows
Print Controller

2.2 Composition of a product

This print controller includes a standard parallel port (IEEE 1284) and two Ethernet-compatible network ports (1 port is for copier and the other port is for connecting to the computer).

2.2.1 Memory

The print controller is equipped with 512 MB memory by default.

2.2.2 PostScript3

Installing the PostScript3 in the print controller, enables you to can print data from the application on Windows98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003 or Mac OS 9/X with your copier as the PostScript3 printer.
VarioPrint 1105 2-5

2.2.3 Other options

The following options installed on the printer enables variable functions.
- Paper Source Option (PF-701) enables to select Tray 3, Tray 4 or Tray 5.
- Multi Folder Option (FD-501) enables to select "Punch", "PI Cover
Sheet", "Fold" function.
- Saddle Stitcher Option (SD-501) enables to select "Center Staple and
Fold" and "Trim", "Fold" function. Saddle Stitcher Option cannot be installed when Stacker Option is installed.
- Stacker Option (LS-501 and/or LS-502) enables to stack of a lot of output
papers. Stacker Option cannot be installed when Saddle Stitcher Option is installed.
- Stapler Option (FS-503) enables to select "Staple", "Offset" function.
- Installing the Perfect Binder (PB-501) allows you to make a roll-up
Installing various options built in the copier properly on the printer driver allows you to use a variety of printing functions shared by the copier.
Refer to "Option tab" on page 4-15, "Device Settings tab" on page 5-14, "Option tab" on page 6-17, "Configure dialog box" on page 7-56 and "Printer Info" on page 8-45 for more information about installation of options.
2-6 VarioPrint 1105

2.3 Connections of the Print Controller

You can use the copier as a printer by connecting print controller to a computer (using with Parallel connection) or a network (using with Ethernet connection).

2.3.1 Parallel Connection

You can connect your Windows computer to the print controller via the parallel port (IEEE 1284).
Once you set up the printer driver in the computer, you can print from it.
You can use the copier as a network printer by executing a print server function or a printer sharing function on the computer that is connected to the copier via parallel port.

2.3.2 Ethernet Connection

You can also connect the copier to computers supporting Ethernet.
Several alternatives can be considered in the Ethernet connection. In any of them, you must set up the printer driver in each computer after configuring the network (such as TCP/IP settings) for the print controller or the computers.
The following print patterns are shown here as examples.
- SMB printing, lpr/lpd printing, Direct printing, Raw (Port9100) printing
- Printing in which AppleTalk from Macintosh is used.
- IPP (Internet Printing Protocol) printing
- Printing in which Novell NetWare is used.
VarioPrint 1105 2-7

2.4 Product Specifications

Type Built-in box type for the Océ Printer/Copier
Resolution Printing System 600 e 600 dpi
Scanning resolu­tion
Gradation binary
Printable Area Standard Margine 2.5 mm (left, right, top and bottom with-
Non-standard pa­per
No. of Print 1 to 9999
Continuous print speed
Page Description Lan­guage
Built-in fonts Agfa Microtype fonts
Compliant OS Windows 98/Me
Printer Driver Printer driver for Windows 98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP/Server 2003
MetaFrame operating environments
Protocols TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, EtherTalk
Compliant OS (NOS) Novell NetWare (3.x, 4.x-6), Windows 95/98/Me, Windows NT 4.0, Win-
105 ppm (A4, 8.5 e 11) / (600 e 600 dpi) Numbers in the case of continuous printing following the storage of all pages in image memory, or numbers in the case of printing the same image on multiple papers.
PCL PostScript 3
Adobe PostScript Font
Windows NT4.0 (NT Service Pack 6a or more) Windows 2000 Windows XP Windows Server 2003 Mac OS 9.x Mac OS X v10.2 - v10.4
PS printer driver for Windows PS printer driver for Macintosh
The operations of this printer driver is checked only in the following en­vironments.
Server OS Windows 2000 Server/Windows 2003 Server
MetaFrame Citrix® MetaFrame XP® Presentation Server
Client OS Windows 2000/Windows XP
ICAClient ICA32bit
For operations in the configuration other than the above, contact your service representative.
dows 2000, Windows XP/Server 2003, Mac OS 9.x, Mac OS X v10.2x
- v10.4x
200 dpi / 300 dpi / 400 dpi / 600 dp
out variation)
Width: 132 - 314 mm Length: 150 - 460 mm (The maximum paper size: 324 e 460 mm)
Feature Release 3 Citrix® MetaFrame® Presentation Server 3.0
2-8 VarioPrint 1105
+ 485 hidden pages