OBID ID RW01L.AB-A User Manual

Firmware version AB100 and higher
final public (B) 2006-01-12 H20801-1e-ID-B.doc
Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
© Copyright 2003 - 2006 by
FEIG ELECTRONIC GmbH Lange Strasse 4 D-35781 Weilburg-Waldhausen Tel.: +49 6471 3109-0
Edition: MD/06/01/12 - h20801-1e-id-b.doc With the edition of this manual, all previous editions become void. Indications made in this manual may be changed without previous notice.
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General information's regarding this manual
The sign ")" indicates extensions or changes of this manual compared with the former issue.
If bits within one byte are filled with "-", these bit spaces are reserved for future extensions or for internal
testing- and manufacturing-functions. These bit spaces must not be changed, as this may cause faulty op­eration of the Reader.
The following figure formats are used:
0...9: for decimal figures 0x00...0xFF: for hexadecimal figures, b0...1 for binary figures.
The hexadecimal value in brackets "[ ]" marks a control byte (command).
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Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
1. Introduction 5
1.1. Principles of operation of the OBID®-System...................................................................5
1.2. The OBID
ID RW01L.AB-A ................................................................................................5
1.3. Technical data.....................................................................................................................6
1.4. Dimensions..........................................................................................................................7
1.5. Pin configuration.................................................................................................................8
1.6. Toggling Polling- / Scan-Mode...........................................................................................8
1.7. Connecting an external antenna........................................................................................9
1.8. Declaration of Conformity................................................................................................10
2. Data traffic between Reader and Host 11
2.1. Asynchronous interface, data formats and protocol frames........................................12
2.2. Polling mode......................................................................................................................14
2.3. Scan mode.........................................................................................................................15
2.3.1. Scan mode over the asynchronous interface..............................................................16
2.3.2. Scan mode over the data/clock interface ....................................................................17
3. Polling mode (read and write transponder data) 20
3.1. [0x11] GET_SNR................................................................................................................20
3.2. [0x14] WRITE_DB (Write data block(s)) ..........................................................................21
3.3. [0x15] READ_DB (Read data block(s) .............................................................................22
3.4. [0x1A] Halt (ID DTx.B only)...............................................................................................23
4. Commands for reader control and configuration 24
4.1. [0x62] CONFIG_READ.......................................................................................................24
4.2. [0x82] CONFIG_WRITE.....................................................................................................24
4.3. [0x64] CONFIG_RESET.....................................................................................................25
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Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
4.4. [0x63] CPU_RESET...........................................................................................................25
4.5. [0x65] GET_VERSION.......................................................................................................26
4.6. [0x69] RF_RESET..............................................................................................................27
4.7. [0x52] BAUDRATE_DETECTION......................................................................................28
5. Reader Configuration 29
5.1. CFG0: Reader Parameters................................................................................................29
5.1.1. COM_PARA ................................................................................................................30
5.1.2. READER_MODE.........................................................................................................31
5.1.3. SCAN_MODE..............................................................................................................32
5.1.4. DB_ADR......................................................................................................................34
5.1.5. D_LGT.........................................................................................................................34
5.1.6. D_START....................................................................................................................35
5.1.7. SCAN_PREFIX............................................................................................................35
5.1.8. SCAN_TERM ..............................................................................................................35
5.1.9. TAG_DRV....................................................................................................................35
APPENDIX A: Timing................................................................................................................36
APPENDIX B: List of status bytes ...........................................................................................37
APPENDIX C: Memory model ID DTx.B...................................................................................38
APPENDIX C1: Philips Hitag 1...............................................................................................38
APPENDIX C2: Philips Hitag S ..............................................................................................39
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Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
1. Introduction
1.1. Principles of operation of the OBID®-System
The OBID® Identification System is an inductive transmission system for non-contact identification (ID) of objects. Use of the components in the read/write system makes it possible to read and write passive transponders. This system consists of a reader, antenna and a transponder as storage medium for the data.
When a transponder enters the local magnetic field of the antenna, it is supplied with energy and can be written to or read. The received data are received by the same reader antenna which generates the magnetic field and sends the data to the transponder.
The magnetic field and the send and received transponder data can penetrate all non-conducting materials, so that even hidden reading and writing is possible.
1.2. The OBID® ID RW01L.AB-A
The OBID® ID RW01L.AB-A reader is designed for typical applications involving personnel identification, access control, time tracking, billing systems, etc.
It features multi-tag capability. This means it can:
read read-only data carriers (OBID® ID CTx.A) e.g. H4001, H4002, H4022, H4102, etc. from EM Microelectronics and Unique from SOKYMAT as well as
read/write transponders (OBID HITAG 1 and HITAG S from Philips Semiconductors.
The reader has a bi-directional, asynchronous interface (RS232-TTL) and a unidirectional data/clock interface which can run in Wiegand or magnetic card reader emulation. The emulation modes of the data/clock interface ensures easy conversion from traditional identification readers to the OBID RW01L.AB-A.
ID RW01L.AB-A can be easily software-configured for any application.
ID RW01L.AB-A offers access to the entire physical memory range of the supported transponders (see: 3.2. [0x14] WRITE_DB (Write data block(s)) / 3.3. [0x15] READ_DB (Read data
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Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
1.3. Technical data
Circuit board dimensions (W x H x D) 45mm x 40mm x 16mm +/- 1mm Connection 2 x 10-pin connector on the solder side
(pins: 0.7x0.7/ long incl. approx. 8mm insulator Temperature range (operating and storage) -20°C to +70°C Supply voltage Current consumption ca. 40 mA Operating frequency 125 kHz Antenna Integrated (mounted on circuit board) Supported transponders
Reading Range with ISO transponder card
5V DC± 5 %
- ID CTx.A
- H4001, H4002, H4022, H4102,
- Unique
- Q5, e5555 (plain manchester 64 Bit read-only mode)
- ID DTx.B
- Hitag 1
- Hitag S
ca. 80 mm
Data / Clock
- Magnetic card emulation (to (ISO 7811 Track1 or Track2)
- Wiegand Emulation
Polling mode (over RS232-TTL) Reading and writing transponder data
Scan mode (over RS232-TTL and Data / Clock) Autonomous reading of transponder data
Applicable Norms European RF Approval EN 300 330 EMC EN 300 683
Depending on the antenna size and Q-factor of the antenna in the transponder
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1.4. Dimensions
Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
1 6
Fig. 1: Dimensions (mm)
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1.5. Pin configuration
Terminal Pin Name Function
1 /CLS Data/clock interface: valid data
2ANT1 3ANT2 4 NC - Not connected ­5 /RCP Data/clock interface: clock output 6 /RDP Data/clock interface: data output 7 TxD RS232-TTL TxD 8 RxD RS232-TTL RxD 9 NC - Not connected -
10 NC - Not connected -
1/RST 2 NC. - Not connected ­3 GND Ground (0 V) 4 VCC Supply voltage (+5V)
2 NC - Not connected ­3 NC - Not connected ­4 NC - Not connected ­5 NC - Not connected ­6 NC - Not connected -
External antenna
Reset input (active to GND Reset)
Toggling Polling-Mode / Scan-Mode MOD1 = open Polling-Mode MOD1 = closed (GND) Scan-Mode
1.6. Toggling Polling- / Scan-Mode
There are two ways to toggle between polling and scan mode.
By soldering a 0 resistor in B1 (see: 1.3. Technical data) scan mode is permanently activated.
To temporarily activate scan mode, you can tie input MOD1 to potential GND (X2 / Pin 3).
The following table shows the possible configurations.
Polling-Mode Open Open
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Closed X
Open GND
Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
1.7. Connecting an external antenna
In place of the antenna on the ID RW01L.AB-A, you may connect an external antenna to terminals ANT1 and ANT2 (X1). When connecting an external antenna, you must separate the two connections on the onboard antenna.
Note the following when dimensioning and tuning the antenna.
Antenna parameters
- Recommended max. dimensions 70 x 70 mm
- Antenna coil material : Lacquered copper wire
- Antenna coil wire thickness: 0.2 mm
- Inductance: 737 ± 7 µH
- Resistance: 10 ± 1
- Intrinsic capacitance < 120 pF
Test points:
ANT2 Antenna signal: GND Reference potential
Fig. 2: Antenna signal between ANT2 and GND
Test values
Upp: 10 V f: 125 kHz
NOTE: The reader is designed for operating only one antenna. Operating 2 parallel switched antennas may damage the reader, or at least have a negative impact on the read range of the reader.
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1.8. Declaration of Conformity
Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
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Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
2. Data traffic between Reader and Host
There are three different kinds of data traffic between the reader and a host (terminal, PC, etc.). Polling and scan modes are used for data exchange between the transponder and host, whereas configuration mode is used to configure the reader parameters to the particular application. Which kind of data traffic is supported by which interface is shown in the table below.
Asynchronous interface
Data- / Clock interface
A hardware solution is used for toggling between polling and scan mode (see: 1.6. Toggling
Polling- / Scan-Mode)
When scan mode is active, neither polling nor configuration mode is allowed!
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Manual ID RW01L.AB-A
2.1. Asynchronous interface, data formats and protocol frames
The asynchronous interface can be used to configure the ID RW01L.AB-A, write data to the transponder and read data from the transponder. Communication between reader and host (terminal, PC, etc.) takes place using fixed protocols. The protocol used is designed for data bus exchange and includes a bus address.
In data traffic over the asynchronous interface the reader replies with the requested data and a status message. The reply always includes the sent control byte.
Protocol structure:
Host Reader:
1 2 3 4...n-1 n
Length = n COM-Adr Control byte Protocol data CSUM
Host Reader
1 2 3 4 (5...n-1) n
Length = n COM-Adr Control byte
(protocol data) CSUM
Length n:
Number of protocol bytes 1- n incl. length byte and checksum
0..7 Device address for bus operation
NOTE(S): The reader can always be accessed at COM-Adr = 255.
Status / protocol data:
Contains the status message or protocol data to or from reader
XOR operation of the protocol byte from 1 to n-1
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