Oberheim Matrix-12 User's Manual

This is the ultimate analog synthesizer.
Imagine twelve voices, individually pro­grammable with that famous Oberheim sound. Add the most versatile patching system ever developed, controlled by three computers working in parallel. Control this unbelievable capability with a velocity keyboard that can be split into six overlapping sections. Add the most sophisticated MlDl Interface ever de­veloped, and you'll begin to get some idea of the awesome capability of the Oberheim Matrix-12.
Based upon the same revolutionary technology as the Oberheim Xpander synthesizer, the Matrix-12 has been de­signed to be the ultimate complete pro­fessional synthesizer.
Because of its twelve voices and vast programming capabilities, the Matrix-12 can replace several more conventional synthesizers in an electronic music sys­tem. And because of the unprecedented soph~stication of its keyboard and MlDl Interface, the Matrix-12 is ideally suited
for use as a master controller in instrument environment.
One of the most powerful features of the Matrix-12 is that each of the twelve voices can have a different sound. The machine can be split into six sections called Zones, each playable from the keyboard, from other MlDl devices, or any combina­tion. What this means is that several of the matrix-12's voices with different sounds can be played from several parts of its keyboard, while other voices with other sounds are controlled by a MlDl se­quencer, and the remainder of the key­board controls another synthesizer, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. And all this complex­ity can be stored in one of the 100 Patches, and be recalled at the touch of a button.
The Matrix-125 five-octave, long-throw velocity keyboard responds to every sub­tlety of your touch, yet ease of portability. There are selectable
light weight for
veloc~ty scales to tallor the response of the keyboard to your ~ndlv~dual playmg style for the keyboard as well MlDl controllers
Naturally, the Matrlx responds to after-touch pressure as well as attack and release veloctty But unhke other can be used to control almost any param eter of each volce-Volume Fllter Fre quency or Resonance Envelope FM Amount, Vlbrato Detunc LFO Speed Lag, etc Thls blllty places real tlme control over many
parameters of a your fmgertlps
voices sound
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modulation capa
The h~gh performance capabllitles of the Matr~x-12 are made posslble by the use of computers to replace electron~c ctrcu~try Thts results In more
system posslble
large amounts of
and makes the Matrlx
EACH voice of the Matrix-12 contains:
Two Oscillators, each with Sawtooth, Triangle, and variable Pulse waveforms
15-Mode Filter; Two Output Amplifiers in series with programmable stereo panning:
Five Envelope Generators, each with Delay, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release, and an output amplifier, plus all sorts of programmable triggering modes;
Five Low Frequency Oscillators, also with output amplifiers. Each LFO has Triangle, Square, Up and Down Sawtooths, Random, and Noise wave­forms, sampling of any modulation source, plus various triggering modes;
Four Ramp Generators, each with pro­grammable ramp rate and several trig­gering modes;
Three Tracking Generators that can change the scaling or shape of a mod­ulation source;
Lag Processor for Portamento effects between any modulation source and destination;
FM VCA, for Dynamic Linear Fre­quency Modulation of VCOl or the Filter by
The Matrix-12's Matrix Modulation'"
system is what sets it apart from conven­tional synthesizers. There are 27 modu­lation sources within every voice. Each of these modulation sources can be sent to
any of the
modulation destinations on every voice. A source can go to many destinations at the same time, with inde-
pendent control of each destination, positive or negative.
Like the Xpander, the Matrix-12 incorpo­rates 120 characters of flourescent alpha­numeric display to show information about a Patch and its parameters. The Matrix-12 divides patch editing controls into sections called Pages,
with all of the controls for that section available at once in the Page Modifier section of the front panel. For example, selecting the VCO 1 page causes all the controls and values for VCO 1 to appear on the front panel. The knobs and buttons can then be used
to adjust the settings for VCO 1. When a new page is selected, the settings for VCO 1 are remembered, and the new page can be edited as desired.
The Matrix-12's 100 Single Patches store all the parameters, as well as the name of each sound program. In addition, 100 Multi Patches are used to program com­binations of Single Patches. Each Multi Patch remembers what sound is on each voice (since each voice can have a dif­ferent sound) as well as MlDl channel selection, panning, volume, transposition, and detune of each voice.
Multi Patches also remember voice as­signments to any of six keyboard sections called ZONES.
Zone can be assigned to the internal keyboard or an external MlDl channel, or both. These six Zones within each Multi Patch can be configured into Split, Double, Triple, Quadruple, etc., voicings, even from an external controller
without split capabilities. These Zones can also overlap, so that one section of the keyboard can sound like a bass, another like strings, and a third like flutes; while the sections between can stack
strings, and strings & flutes.
Zones can be assigned to direct notes only to the MlDl Output and not play any of the voices within the Matrix-12. Con­versely, a Zone can also be set to only receive notes that appear at the MlDl Input, for external control of the Matrix-12's voices. In addition, there are various voice assignment routines and voice robbing options available in each Zone.
The Oberheim Matrix-12: twelve unbelievable voices, combined with an unbelievably controllable keyboard. BELIEVE IT!
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90064, (213) 479-4948