3/26/03 9:56 AMUntitled Document
H-20 (95) Water Soluble Tinning Flux- How to Use
Fluxing is a critical step in soldering. Most exposed metals form a surface chemical barrier, which must be removed in
order for a good solder bond to occur. H-2095 is perfect for potable plumbing, copper fire sprinkler and hydronic
heating systems.
Remove all corrosion, dirt and oil using Oatey abrasive cloth, utility brushes or nylon grit pads. Clean all surfaces until
they are bright. Apply a small amount of flux to all surfaces to be soldered. Solder will not adhere to surfaces that
have not been fluxed. Join parts together. Apply heat to the joint with a torch. Once flux bubbles; apply solder while
maintaining heat. Allow to cool undisturbed. Remove any flux residue with a damp cloth.
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