NXR RH4801 Installation Manual

Installation Guide and Users Manual
Professiona l Series
NXR- RH 4801
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Under Cabinet/Wall Mount Range Hood
Duro Corporation 17018 Evergreen Place City Of Industry,CA 91745 Service Tel:1877 639 7264 Product Information:1-888-909-8818
Duro i s not res ponsi ble for i ncide ntal or c onseq uenti al dama ges .Unde r no circ umsta nces wi ll Duro ’s liabi lity ex ceed th e cost that y ou paid f or the pr oduct .Some p rovin ces/s tates d o not a llow th e exclu sion or l imita tion of i ncide ntal or c onseq uenti al dama ges,s o the abo ve limi tatio n or excl usion m ay not ap ply to yo u.
This w arran ty give s you spe cific l egal ri ghts, and you m ay also h ave o ther ri ghts th at wary f rom sta te to sta te.
When ever yo u call ou r Custo mer Ser vice at 1 -877- 639-7 264 f or tech nical i nform ation a nd part s sales i n Th e Unite d State s or to requ est ser vice fo r your ap plian ce,pl ease ha ve your c omple te mo del num ber and s erial n umber r eady.The m odel an d seria l numbe r can be f ound on t he prod uct dat a plate .Plea se ente r the inf ormat ion r eques ted in th e space s provi ded bel ow:
Mode l No. Ser ial No. Date P urcha sed Dat e Insta lled Purc hased F rom Addr ess Phon e
NOTE :You must p rovid e proof o f purch ase or in stall ation d ate f or in-w arran ty serv ice.
Than k you for p urcha sing yo ur NXR ra nge hoo d.We ap pre ciate y our bus iness a nd we rec ommen d that yo u read th is enti re user ’s manua l befor e oper ating y our new a pplia nce for t he firs t time.
TO OBTAIN SERVICE UNDER WARRANTY: You mu st p resen t of o rigin al p urcha se d ate .
Plea se p rovid e an o rigin al d ate d pr oo f of pu rc ha se( sa les rec ei pt/in vo ice)i n or der t o ob ta in serv ic e under w ar ranty
Manu factu re ’s Lim ited Warra nt y
This P roduc t has bee n manuf actur ed by Dur o Corpo ratio n 170 18 EVER GREEN P LACE CI TY OF IN DUSTRY,CA 91745 .
Duro C orpor ation d iscla ims all e xpres s warra nties e xce pt for th e follo wing:
This w arran ty appl ies to pr oduct s purch ased an d locat ed in t he Unit ed Stat es.Pr oduct s purch ased or l ocate d outsi de thes e are as are ex clude d.
The wa rrant y does no t apply t o damag e resul ting fr om abus e,a cc ide nt,na tural d isast er,l oss of el ectri cal pow er to the p roduc t for any r eason , alte ratio n,out door us e,imp roper i nstal latio n,imp rop er oper ation ,or rep air or se rvice o f the pro duct by a nyone o the r than an a uthor ized Duro C orpor ation s ervic e agenc y or repr esent ative . Warr antie s and D ur ati on
Full War ranty f or Part s&Lab or:1 Year Impl ied war ranti es term inate u pon exp irati on of the l imite d war ranty.So ne stat es do not a llow li mitat ion on ho w long an i mplie d war ranty last s,so th e above l imita tion ma y not app ly to you r impli ed warr ant y.
Duro wil l pay for :
All re pair la bor and t he cost o f repla cemen t parts f ound to b e defec tiv e due to ma teria ls and wo rkman ship. Servi ce must b e provi ded by a DURO Auth ori zed Ser vice Agenc y dur ing nor mal wor king ho urs.F or a Serv ice Agen cy near est you ,plea se call 1 -877- 639 -7264 .
Duro wil l not pay f or:
1.Se rvice b y an unau thori zed age ncy.Dama ge or rep air s due to se rvice b y an unau thori zed age ncy or us e of unau thori zed par ts.
2.Se rvice v isits t o: a.Teach you h ow to u se the ap plian ce. b.Co rrect t he inst allat ion.You a re resp onsib le for pr ovidi ng el ectri cal wir ing and o ther co nnect ing fac iliti es. c.Re set cir cuit br eaker s or repl ace hom e fuses .
3.Th e warra nty doe s not app ly to dam age cau sed fro m accid ent,a lte ratio n,mis use,a buse, impro per ins talla tion or i nstal lat ion not i n acco rdanc w ith loc al elec trica l codes o r plumb ing cod es,or i mpr oper st orage o f the app lianc e.
4.Th e warra ny does n ot appl y to repa irs oth er than n ormal h ome use.
5.Travel o r trip fe es and as socia ted cha rg es incu rred wh en the pr oduct i s ins talle d in a loca tion wi th limi ted or re stric ted acc ess.( i.e.a irpla n flig hts, fe rry cha rg es,is olate d geogr aphic r egion s). The warr anty ap plies t o appli ances p urcha sed and u sed by co nsume rs fo r perso nal,f amily,or h ouseh old pur poses o nly.It d oes not c ove r appl iance s used in c ommer cial ap plica tions .
This m anual c ontai ns inst ructi ons on ho w to prop erly in stall a nd se t up your n ew rang e hood, as well a s insig hts int o many of t he uniq ue feat ures th at our pr oduct o ff ers.P lease k eep thi s manua l for fut ure r ef ere nce,a s it cont ains th e answe rs to que stion s that yo u might h ave as you be gin to co ok.
Than k you,
Duro C orpor ation
Shou ld the ap plian ce be sol d by the or igina l purch aser du rin g th e war ranty p eriod ,the wa rrant y exten ds to the n ew owne r until t he expi ratio n date of t he expi ratio n date of t he orig inal pu rchas er’s wa rrant y perio d.
If not i nstal led,o perat ed and ma int ai ned i n accor dance w ith the m anufa ctu rer’s in str uc tio ns,th is produc t could e xpose you to f uel or fuel c ombus tion su bstan ces ,w hic h can cau se deat h or seriou s illne ss and wh ich a re k nown to t he Stat e of Cali forni a to caus e cance r,bir th defe cts or othe r reprod uctiv e harm.
The St ate of Ca lifor nia ena cted th e Calif ornia S afe D rinki ng Water an d Toxic E nforc ement Ac t of 1986 ,(Pro p.65) ,whic h”pro hib its any pers on in the c ourse o f doing b usine ss from k now ingly a nd inte ntion ally ex posin g any ind ividu al to a c hemic al know n to the St ate of Cali forni a to caus e cance r or repr oduct ive tox ici ty with out fir st givi ng clea r and rea sonab le wa rning t o such in divid uals. ”The Go verno r ’s Scie ntifi c Adviso ry Pane l added c arbon m onoxi de to the l ist of ha zar dous ch emica ls know n to caus e repro ducti ve ha rm.
In ord er to est ablis h full co mplia nce wit h Propo sit ion 65, a yello w warni ng labe l has bee n attac hed t o each ga s-fir ed unit m anufa cture d by The C ompan y.
Carb on mono xide wo uld not b e prese nt in con cen trati ons tha t would p ose a “si gnifi cant ri sk” to th e con sumer w hen the e quipm ent is inst alled , opera ted and m ainta ined as f ollow s:
1.In stall ed in acc ordan ce with a ll loca l codes , or in t he abse nce of lo cal cod es, wit h the cur rent Na tiona l Fue l Gas Cod e ANS I Z22 3.1 Late st Adden da.
2.In stall ed unde r a prope rly des igned a nd op erati ng exha ust hoo d.
3.Co nnect ed to the t ype of ga s for whi ch the un it is equ ipp ed.
4.Pr oper ap plian ce pres sure re gulat or in stall ed on the g as supp ly line a nd adju sted fo r the man ifo ld pres sure ma rked on t he rati ng plat e.
5.Ad equat e air sup ply to th e unit.
6.Th e equip ment is o perat ed in the m anner i ntend ed an d using t he prop er uten sil for t hat typ e of appl iance .
7.Ke ep the eq uipme nt clea n and hav e it chec ked per iod icall y.
8.Bu rner ai r adjus tment s,mec hanic al main ten ance an d repai rs must b e perfo rmed by q ualif ied s ervic e perso nnel.
of car bon mon oxide i n exces s of the es tab li she d limit s could b e prese nt in the k itche n envir onm ent.
If the e quipm ent is no t insta lled, ope ra ted a nd main taine d in acco rdanc e with th e abo ve r equ ireme nts,c oncen trati ons
SAFE TY WAR NING: Never put y our hand in to area hou sing th e fan w hi le th e fan is op erati ng!
For op timal o perat ion,c lean ra nge hoo d and all b affle/s pacer /fi lter/ greas e tunne l/oil c ontai ner reg ularl y/Reg ular ca re will h elp p reser ve the appl iance o f the ran ge hood .
Clea ning Ex terio r su rface s: Clea n perio dical ly with h ot soap y and cle an cott on clot h.DO NO T us e cor rosiv e or abra sive de tergent ,or ste el wool /scor ing pad s,w hich
will s cratc h and dam age the s tainl ess ste el surf ace.F or heav ier s oil use l iquid d egrea se such a s “Foru mla 409 " or “Fan tasti c”b rand cl eaner. If hoo d looks s plotc hy(st ainle ss stee l hood) ,use a st ain less st eel cle aner to c lean th e surfa ce of the h ood.Avoi d getti ng clea ning solu tion on to or int o the con trol pa nel.F ollow d irect ion s of the st ainle ss stee l clean er.CAU TION: DO NOT leav e on too lo ng as thi s may caus e damag e to hood f inish .Use so ft towe l to wipe o ff t he clea nin g solut ion,g ently r ub off any st ubbor n spots . Use dry t owel to d ry th e hood . After cle aning ,yo u may use n on abra sive st ainle ss stee l polis h such as S M or ZEP,to p olish a nd buff out t he stai nless l uster a nd grai n .Al ways scru b light ly,with cl ean cot ton clo th,an d with th e gra in. DO NOT all ow depo sits to a ccumu late or r emain o n the hoo d. DO NOT use o rdina ry stee l wool or s teel br ushes .Smal l bits of s tee l may adh ere to th e surfa ce and ca use rus ting. DO NOT all ow salt s oluti ons,d isinf ectan ts,bl eache s,o r clean ing com pound s to rema in in con tact wi th stai nless s teel fo r ext ended peri ods.M any of th ese com pound s conta in chem icals ,wh ich may b e harmf ul.Ri ngs wit h water e xposu re and wi pe dry wi th a clea n cloth .
Clea ning St ainle ss Stee l Baffl e Filte r: IMPO RTAN T:D rain oi l from ba ff les,s pacer s,fil ters, oil tun nel s,oil c ontai ners be fore oi l resid ue over flow!
Remo ve all ba ff les,s pacer s,fil ters, greas e tunne l,and o il co ntain ers and d iscar d oil and r esidu e. Wash wit h warm so apy wat er.NOT E:Sta inles s steel b affles, space rs and oi l tun nel are t op rack d ishwa sher sa fe. Dry th oroug hly bef ore rep lacin g and fol low dir ectio ns fo r insta llati on in rev erse. Filt ers sho uld be cl eaned a fter ev ery 30 ho urs of us e.
Repl acing t he ligh t bulb:
This r ange ho od uses h aloge n bulb
Make s ure the r ange ho od is unp lugge d or turn O FF brea ker.
1.Pl ace a fla t-hea d screw drive r betwe en ligh t cover a nd ho using t o remov e cover.
2.Ge ntly pu ll defe ctive b ulb str aight o ut and di scard .
3.Wear a cott on glov e or use a cl oth to ha ndle th e repla cemen t bul b(DO NO T ha ndle wi th bare f inger s as this m ay shor ten the life o f the bul b).Pu sh gent ly but se curel y into li ght soc ket.N OTE :DO NOT pus h too har d as bulb “ legs” m ay brea k off.
4.Re place l ight co ver. Turn ON b reake r and ran ge hood t o rest fo r opera tion.
Rang e Hood Ass embly :
Desc ripti on
Elec trica l Box Bas e
Capa citor
Important Safety Notice
Read all Instructions before Ins talling and operating thi s appliance
The in stall ation i n this ma nual is i ntend ed for qu ali fied in stall ers, se rvice t echni cians o r perso ns wi th simi lar qua lifie d backg round .
Desc ripti on
Elec trica l Box Cov er
Proc essor B oard
Elec trica l Box
Inst allat ion and e lectr ical wi ring mu st be don e by qu alifi ed prof essio nals an d in acco rdanc e wit h all app lianc e codes a nd stan dards , incl uding f ire-r ated co nstru ction . DO NOT att empt to i nstal l this ap plian ce your self. I nju ry coul d resul t from in stall ing the u nit due t o lack of a ppr opria te elec trica l and te chnic al back groun d. Rang e hood ma y have ve ry shar p edges ;plea se we ar prot ectiv e glove s if it is ne cessa ry to rem ove any p art s for ins talli ng,cl eanin g
or ser vicin g. Acti vatin g any swi tch ON be fore co mplet ing instal latio n may cau se igni tion or a n explo sion. Due to t he size a nd weig ht of thi s range h ood,t wo pe ople in stall ation i s recom mende d.
To reduce th e risk of f ire,ele ctr ic s hoc k,or inju ry to per sons:
For ge neral v entil ating u se only.DO N OT use to exhaus t hazar dous or e xplos ive mat erial s and vap ors . The co mbust ion air f low nee ded for s afe ope ratio n of fu el-bu rning e quipm ent may b e affecte d by this u nit’s op erati on.Follo w the heat ing equ ipmen t manuf actur er’s guid eline a nd sa fety st andar ds such a s those p ublis hed by th e Nat ional F ire Pro tecti on Asso ciati on(NF PA),a nd the Ameri can S ociet y of Heat ing. Re frige ratio n and Air Co nditi oning E ngine ers (ASHR AE),a nd the loca l code au thori ties.
Befo re serv icing o r clean ing uni t, swit ch powe r OFF at se rvi ce pane l and loc k servi ce pane l to prev ent pow er from b eing
swit ched ON a ccide ntall y. Clea n greas e laden s urfac es freq uentl y.To red uce the r isk of fi re and to d isp erse ai r prope rly,make s ure to ve nt air ou tside .DO NOT vent e xhaus t into sp aces be tween w alls, crawl s paces ,ceil ing ,atti cs or gar ages. Duct ed fan MU ST always b e vente d to the ou tdoor s. Use on ly meta l ductw ork and t his uni t MUST be gro unded . Suffic ient ai r is need ed for pr oper co mbust ion and e xhaus ting of g ase s throu gh the du ct to pre vent ba ck draf ting. When c uttin g or dril ling in to wall o r ceili ng,be c arefu l not to da mage el ect rical w iring o r other h idden u tilit ies. All el ectri cal wir ing mus t be prop erly in stall ed,in sulat ed an d groun ded. Old du ct work s hould b e clean ed or rep laced i f neces sary to a void th e pos sibil ity of a gr ease fi re. Chec k all joi nts on du ct work t o insur e prope r conne ction a nd al l jo int s shoul d be prop erly ta ped. Use th is unit o nly in th e manne r inten ded by th e manuf actur er.If yo u have qu estio ns, co nta ct the ve ndor.
To reduce th e risk of a s tove to p greas e fi re :
Keep a ll fan, baffle, space s,fil ter, greas e tunne l,oil c ontai ner and g rease -lade n surfa ces c lean. Greas e shoul d not be al lowed t o accu mulat e on fan, baffle, space s,fil ter, greas e tunne l and oil c ontai ner. Alwa ys turn r ange ho od ON whe n cooki ng at hig h heat or w hen fla min g foods . Use hi gh sett ing on co oking r ange on ly when n ecess ary. Neve r leave s urfac e units u natte nded at h igh set tings .Bo il o ver c ause sm oking a nd grea sy spil lover s that ma y ignit e.Hea t oil s slow ly on low o r mediu m setti ngs.
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