The PCA9665 serves as an interface between most standard parallel-bus
microcontrollers/microprocessors and the serial I2C-bus and allows the parallel bus
system to communicate bidirectionally with the I2C-bus. The PCA9665 can operate as a
master or a slave and can be a transmitter or receiver. CommunicationwiththeI2C-bus is
carried out on a Byte or Buffered mode using interrupt or polled handshake. The
PCA9665 controls all the I2C-bus specific sequences, protocol, arbitration and timing with
no external timing element required.
The PCA9665 has the same footprint as the PCA9564 with additional features:
• 1 MHz transmission speeds
• Up to 25 mA drive capability on SCL/SDA
• 68-byte buffer
• I
C-bus General Call
• Software reset on the parallel bus
n Parallel-bus to I2C-bus protocol converter and interface
n Both master and slave functions
n Multi-master capability
n Internal oscillator trimmed to 15 % accuracy reduces external components
n 1 Mbit/s and up to 25 mA SCL/SDA IOL (Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)) capability
n I2C-bus General Call capability
n Software reset on parallel bus
n 68-byte data buffer
n Operating supply voltage: 2.3 V to 3.6 V
n 5 V tolerant I/Os
n Standard-mode and Fast-mode I2C-bus capable and compatible with SMBus
n ESD protection exceeds 2000 V HBM per JESD22-A114, 200 V MM per
JESD22-A115, and 1000 V CDM per JESD22-C101
n Latch-up testing is done to JEDEC Standard JESD78 which exceeds 100 mA
n Packages offered: DIP20, SO20, TSSOP20, HVQFN20
NXP Semiconductors
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
n Add I2C-bus port to controllers/processors that do not have one
n Add additional I2C-bus ports to controllers/processors that need multiple I2C-bus ports
n Converts 8 bits of parallel data to serial data stream to prevent having to run a large
number of traces across the entire printed-circuit board
4.Ordering information
Table 1.Ordering information
=−40°C to +85°C
Type numberTopside
PCA9665BS9665HVQFN20plastic thermal enhanced very thin quad flat package;
PCA9665DPCA9665DSO20plastic small outline package; 20 leads; body width 7.5 mmSOT163-1
PCA9665NPCA9665NDIP20plastic dual in-line package; 20 leads (300 mil)SOT146-1
PCA9665PWPCA9665TSSOP20plastic thin shrink small outline package; 20 leads;
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6.2 Pin description
Table 2.Pin description
Symbol PinTypeDescription
D0118I/OData bus: Bidirectional 3-state data bus used to
i.c.96-internally connected: must be left floating (pulled
WR118IWrite strobe: When LOW and CE is also LOW, the
RD129IRead strobe: When LOW and CE is also LOW,
CE1310IChip Enable: Active LOW input signal. When LOW,
A01411IAddress inputs: Selects the bus controller’s internal
INT1613OInterrupt request: Active LOW, open-drain, output.
RESET1714IReset: Active LOW input. A LOWlevelclearsinternal
[1] HVQFN package die supply ground is connected to both the VSSpin and the exposed center pad. The V
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
2017powerPower supply: 2.3 V to 3.6 V
pin must be connected to supply ground for proper device operation. For enhanced thermal, electrical, and
board-level performance, the exposed pad needs to be soldered to the board using a corresponding
thermal pad on the board, and for proper heat conduction through the board thermal vias need to be
incorporated in the PCB in the thermal pad region.
transfercommands, data and status between the bus
controller and the CPU. D0 is the least significant bit.
LOW internally)
powerSupply ground
content of the data bus is loaded into the addressed
register. Data are latched on the rising edge of either
WR or CE.
causes the contents of the addressed register to be
presented on the data bus. The read cycle begins on
the falling edge of
data transfers between the CPU and the bus
controller are enabled on D0 to D7 as controlled by
WR, RD and A0 to A1 inputs. When HIGH,
places the D0 to D7 lines in the 3-state condition.
Data are written into the addressed register on rising
edge of either CE or WR.
registers and ports for read/write operations.
This pin requires a pull-up device.
registers and resets the I
C-bus serial clock input/output (open-drain).
This pin requires a pull-up device.
C-busserial data input/output (open-drain). This pin
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NXP Semiconductors
7.Functional description
7.1 General
The PCA9665 acts as an interface device between standard high-speed parallel buses
and the serial I2C-bus. On the I2C-bus, it can act either as a master or slave. Bidirectional
data transfer between the I2C-bus and the parallel-bus microcontroller is carried out on a
byte or buffered basis, using either an interrupt or polled handshake.
7.2 Internal oscillator
The PCA9665 contains an internal 28.5 MHz oscillator which is used for all I2C-bus timing.
The oscillator requires up to 550 µs to start-up after ENSIO bit is set to ‘1’.
7.3 Registers
The PCA9665 contains eleven registers which are used to configure the operation of the
device as well as to send and receive serial data. There are four registers that can be
accessed directly and seven registers that are accessed indirectly by setting a register
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
The four direct registers are selected by setting pins A0 and A1 to the appropriate logic
levels before a read or write operation is executed on the parallel bus.
The seven indirect registers require that the INDPTR (indirect register pointer, one of the
four direct registers described above) is initially loaded with the address of the register in
the indirect address space before a read or write is performed to the INDIRECT data field.
For example, in order to write to the indirectly addressed I2CSCLL register, the INDPTR
register should be loaded with 02h by performing a write to the direct INDPTR register
(A1 = 0, A0 = 0). Then the I2CSCLL register can be programmed by writing to the
INDIRECT data field (A1 = 1, A0 = 0) in the direct address space. Register mapping is
described in Table 3, Table 4 and Figure 6.
Remark: Do not write to any I2C-bus registers while the I2C-bus is busy and the PCA9665
is in master or addressed slave mode.
Table 3.Direct register selection by setting A0 and A1
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7.3.1 Direct registers The Status register, I2CSTA (A1 = 0, A0 = 0)
I2CSTA is an 8-bit read-only register. The two least significant bits are always zero. The
six most significant bits contain the status code. There are 30 possible status codes.
When I2CSTA contains F8h, it indicates the idle state and therefore no serial interrupt is
requested. All other I2CSTA values correspond to defined states. When each of these
states is entered, a serial interrupt is requested (SI = 1 and INT asserted LOW).
Remark: Data in I2CSTA is valid only when a serial interrupt occurs (SI = 1 and INT
asserted LOW). Reading the register when SI = 0 and INT is HIGH may cause wrong
values to be read.
Table 5.I2CSTA - Status register (A1 = 0, A0 = 0) bit allocation
Table 6.I2CSTA - Status register (A1 = 0, A0 = 0) bit description
7:2ST[5:0]status code corresponding to the different I
1:0-always at zero
7:3-reserved; must be written with zeroes
2:0IP2 to IP0address of the indirect register
INDPTR is an 8-bit write-only register. It contains a pointer to a register in the indirect
address space (IP[2:0]). The value in the register will determine what indirect register will
be accessed when the INDIRECT register is read or written, as defined in Table 4. The I2C-bus Data register, I2CDAT (A1 = 0, A0 = 1)
I2CDAT is an 8-bit read/write register. It contains a byte of serial data to be transmitted or
a byte which has just been received. In master mode, this includes the slave address that
the master wants to send out on the I2C-bus, with the most significant bit of the slave
address in the SD7 bit position and the Read/Write bit in the SD0 bit position. The CPU
can read from and write to this 8-bit register while the PCA9665 is not in the process of
shifting a byte. This occurs when PCA9665 is in a defined state and the serial interrupt
flag is set. Data in I2CDAT remains stable as long as SI is set. Whenever the PCA9665
generates an interrupt, the I2CDAT register contains the data byte that was just
transferred on the I2C-bus.
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In Byte mode, the CPU can read or write a single byte at a time. In Buffered mode, the
CPU can read or write up to 68 bytes at a time. See Section 8.1 “Configuration modes” for
more detail.
Remark: The I2CDAT register will capture the serial address as data when addressed via
the serial bus.
Remark: In Byte mode only, the data register will capture data from the serial bus during
38h (arbitration lost in slave address + R/W or data bytes causing this data in I2CDAT to
be changed), so the I2CDAT register will need to be reloaded when the bus becomes free.
In Buffered mode, the data is not written in the data register when arbitration is lost, which
keeps the buffer intact.
Table 9.I2CDAT - Data register (A1 = 0, A0 = 1) bit allocation
Table 10. I2CDAT - Data register (A1 = 0, A0 = 1) bit description
7:0SD[7:0]Eight bits to be transmitted or just received. A logic 1 in I2CDAT corresponds to
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
a HIGH level on the I
C-bus. A logic 0 corresponds to a LOW level on the bus. The Control register, I2CCON (A1 = 1, A0 = 1)
I2CCON is an 8-bit read/write register. Two bits are affected by the bus controller
hardware: the SI bit is set when a serial interrupt is requested, and the STO bit is cleared
when a STOP condition is present on the I2C-bus. A Write to the I2CCON register via the
parallel interface automatically clears the SI bit, which causes the Serial Interrupt line to
be de-asserted and the next clock pulse on the SCL line to be generated.
Remark: Since none of the registers should be written to via the parallel interface once
the Serial Interrupt line has been de-asserted, all the other registers that need to be
modified should be written to before the content of the I2CCON register is modified.
Table 11. I2CCON - Control register (A1 = 1, A0 = 1) bit allocation
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Table 12. I2CCON - Control register (A1 = 1, A0 = 1) bit description
BitSymbol Description
7AAThe Assert Acknowledge flag.
6ENSIOThe bus controller enable bit.
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
AA = 1: If the AA flag is set, an acknowledge (LOW level on SDA) will be returned
during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when:
• ‘Own slave address’ has been received (as defined in I2CADR register).
• A data byte has been received while the bus controller is in the Master
Receiver mode.
• A data byte has been received while the bus controller is in the addressed
Slave Receiver mode.
AA = 0: if the AA flag is reset, a not acknowledge (HIGH level on SDA) will be
returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on SCL when:
• ‘Own slave address’ has been received (as defined in I2CADR register).
• A data byte has been received while the PCA9665 is in the Master Receiver
• A data byte has been received while the PCA9665 is in the addressed Slave
Receiver mode.
When the bus controller is in the addressed Slave Transmitter mode, state C8h
will be entered after the last data byte is transmitted and an ACK is received from
the Master Receiver (see
PCA9665 enters the not addressed Slave Receiver mode, and the SDA line
remains at a HIGH level. In state C8h, the AA flag can be set again for future
address recognition.
When the PCA9665 is in the not addressed slave mode, its own slave address is
ignored. Consequently, no acknowledge is returned, and a serial interrupt is not
requested. Thus, the bus controller can be temporarily released from the I
while the bus status is monitored. While the bus controller is released from the
bus, START and STOP conditions are detected, and serial data is shifted in.
Address recognition can be resumed at any time by setting the AA flag.
ENSIO = 0: When ENSIO is ‘0’, the SDA and SCL outputs are in a
high-impedance state. SDAand SCL input signals are ignored, the PCA9665 is in
the ‘not addressed’ slave state. Internal oscillator is off.
ENSIO = 1: When ENSIO is ‘1’, the PCA9665 is enabled.
After the ENSIO bit is set to ‘1’, it takes 550 µs enable time for the internal
oscillator to start up and the serial interface to initialize. The PCA9665 will enter
either the master or the slave mode after this time. ENSIO should not be used to
temporarily release the PCA9665 from the I
the I
C-bus status is lost. The AA flag should be used instead (see description of
the AA flag above).
In the following text, it is assumed that ENSIO = ‘1’ for Normal mode operation.
For power-up behavior, please refer to
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Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
Table 12. I2CCON - Control register (A1 = 1, A0 = 1) bit description
BitSymbol Description
5STAThe START flag.
STA = 1: When the STA bit is set to enter a master mode, the bus controller
hardware checks the status of the I
bus is free. If the bus is not free, then the bus controller waits for a STOP condition
(which will free the bus) and generates a START condition after the minimum
buffer time (t
If STAis set while the bus controller is already in a master mode and one or more
bytes are transmitted or received, the bus controller transmits a repeated START
condition. STA may be set at any time. STA may also be set when the bus
controller is an addressed slave.A START condition will then be generated after a
STOP condition and the minimum buffer time (t
STA = 0: When the STA bit is reset, no START condition or repeated START
condition will be generated.
4STOThe STOP flag.
STO = 1: When the STO bit is set while the bus controller is in a master mode, a
STOPcondition is transmitted on the I
on the bus, the hardware clears the STO flag.
If the STA and STO bits are both set, then a STOP condition is transmitted on the
I2C-bus, if the PCA9665 is in a master mode. the bus controller then transmits a
START condition after the minimum buffer time (t
STO=0: When the STO bit is reset, no STOP condition will be generated.
3SIThe Serial Interrupt flag.
SI = 1: When the SI flag is set, and, if the ENSIO bit is also set, a serial interrupt is
requested. SI is set by hardware when one of 29 of the 30 possible states of the
bus controller states is entered. The only state that does not cause SI to be set is
state F8h, which indicates that no relevant state information is available.
While SI is set, the LOW period of the serial clock on the SCL line is stretched,
and the serial transfer is suspended. A HIGH level on the SCL line is unaffected
by the serial interrupt flag. SI is automatically cleared when the I2CCON register
is written. The SI bit cannot be set by the user.
SI = 0: When the SI flag is reset, no serial interrupt is requested, and there is no
stretching of the serial clock on the SCL line.
2:1-Reserved. When I2CCON is read, zeroes are read. Must be written with zeroes.
0MODEThe Mode flag.
MODE = 0; Byte mode. See
MODE = 1; buffered mode. See
) has elapsed.
C-bus and generates a START condition if the
C-bus.When a STOP condition is detected
Section 8.1.1 “Byte mode” for more detail.
Section 8.1.2 “Buffered mode” for more detail.
) has elapsed.
) has elapsed.
Remark: ENSIO bit value must be changed only when the I2C-bus is idle. The indirect data field access register, INDIRECT (A1 = 1, A0 = 0)
The registers in the indirect address space can be accessed using the INDIRECT data
field. Before writing or reading such a register, the INDPTR register should be written with
the address of the indirect register that needs to be accessed. Once the INDPTR register
contains the appropriate value, reads and writes to the INDIRECT data field will actually
read and write the selected indirect register.
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NXP Semiconductors
7.3.2 Indirect registers The Byte Count register, I2CCOUNT (indirect address 00h)
The I2CCOUNT register is an 8-bit read/write register. It contains the number of bytes that
havebeen stored in Master/Slave Buffered Receiver mode, and the number of bytes to be
sent in Master/Slave Buffered Transmitter mode. Bit 7 is the last byte control bit and
applies to the Master/Slave Buffered Receiver mode only. The data in the I2CCOUNT
register is relevant only in Buffered mode (MODE = 1) and should not be used (read or
written) in Byte mode (MODE = 0).
7LBLast Byte control bit. Master/Slave Buffered Receiver mode only.
6:0BC[6:0]Number of bytes to be read or written (up to 68 bytes). If BC[6:0] is equal to 0 or
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
LB = 1: PCA9665 does not acknowledge the last received byte.
LB = 0: PCA9665 acknowledges the last received byte. A future bus
transaction must complete the read sequence by not acknowledging the last
greater than 68 (44h), no bytes will be read or written and an interrupt is
immediately generated after writing to the I2CCON register (in Buffered mode
only). The Own Address register, I2CADR (indirect address 01h)
I2CADR is an 8-bit read/write register. It is not affected by the bus controller hardware.
The content of this register is irrelevant when the bus controller is in a master mode. In the
slavemodes, the sevenmost significant bits must be loaded with the microcontroller's own
slave address and the least significant bit determines if the General Call address will be
recognized or not.
Remark: AD[7:1] must be different from the General Call address (000 0000) for proper
device operation.
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200612 of 91
NXP Semiconductors The Clock Rate registers, I2CSCLL and I2CSCLH (indirect addresses 02h and 03h)
I2CSCLL and I2CSCLH are 8-bit read/write registers. They define the data rate for the
PCA9665 when used as a bus master. The actual frequency is determined by t
where SCL is HIGH), t
and I2CSCLL registers and the internal oscillator frequency. tr and tf are
system/application dependent.
and t
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
(time where SCL is LOW), tr(rise time), and tf(fall time) values.
are calculated based on the values that are programmed into I2CSCLH
Remark: The I2CMODE register needs to be programmed before programming the
I2CSCLL and I2CSCLH registers in order to know which I2C-bus mode is selected. See
Section “The I2C-bus mode register, I2CMODE (indirect address 06h)” for more
Standard-mode is the default selected mode at power-up or after reset.
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200613 of 91
NXP Semiconductors The Time-out register, I2CTO (indirect address 04h)
I2CTOis an 8-bit read/write register. It is used to determine the maximum time that SCL is
allowed to be in a LOW logic state before the I2C-bus state machine is reset or the
PCA9665 initiates a forced action on the I2C-bus.
When the I2C-bus interface is operating, I2CTO is loaded in the time-out counter at every
LOW SCL transition.
6:0TO[6:0]Time-out value. The time-out period = (I2CTO[6:0] + 1) × 143.36 µs.
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
TE = 1: Time-out function enabled
TE = 0: Time-out function disabled
The time-out value may vary some, and is an approximate value.
The Time-out register can be used in the following cases:
• When the bus controller, in the master mode, wants to send a START condition and
the SCL line is held LOW by some other device. Then the bus controller waits a time
period equivalent to the time-out value for the SCL to be released. In case it is not
released, the bus controller concludes that there is a bus error, loads 78h in the
I2CSTA register, generates an interrupt signal and releases the SCL and SDA lines.
After the microcontroller reads the status register, it needs to send a reset in order to
reset the bus controller.
• In the master mode, the time-out feature starts every time the SCL goes LOW. If SCL
stays LOW for a time period equal to or greater than the time-out value, the bus
controller concludes there is a bus error and behaves in the manner described above.
When the I2C-bus interface is operating, I2CTO is loaded in the time-out counter at
every SCL transition. See Section 8.11 “Reset” for more information.
• In case of a forced access to the I
access to the I2C-bus”.) The Parallel Software Reset register, I2CPRESET (indirect address 05h)
I2CPRESET is an 8-bit write-only register. Programming the I2CPRESET register allows
the user to reset the PCA9665 under software control. The software reset is achieved by
writing two consecutive bytes to this register. The first byte must be A5h while the second
byte must be 5Ah. The writes must be consecutive and the values must match A5h and
5Ah. If this sequence is not followed as described, the reset is aborted.
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200614 of 91
NXP Semiconductors The I2C-bus mode register, I2CMODE (indirect address 06h)
I2CMODE is an 8-bit read/write register. It contains the control bits that select the correct
timing parameters when the device is used in master mode (AC[1:0]). Timing parameters
involved with AC[1:0] are t
7:2-Reserved. When I2CMODE is read, zeroes are read. Must be written
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
, t
C-bus Mode register (indirect address 06h) bit description
with zeroes.
C-bus mode selection to ensure proper timing parameters (see
Table 25).
AC[1:0] = 00: Standard-mode AC parameters selected.
AC[1:0] = 01: Fast-mode AC parameters selected.
AC[1:0] = 10: Fast-mode Plus AC parameters selected.
AC[1:0] = 11: Turbo mode. In this mode, the user is not limited to a
maximum frequency of 1 MHz.
, t
, t
, t
, t
Remark: Change from an I2C-bus mode to a slower one (Fast-mode to Standard-mode,
for example) will cause the HIGH and LOW timings of SCL to be violated. It is then
required to program the I2CSCLL and I2CSCLH registers with values in accordance with
the selected mode.
Table 25. I
1109952.310Fast-mode Plus
0E0511Turbo mode
[1] I2CSCLL and I2CSCLH values in the table also represents the minimum values that can be used for the
corresponding I2C-bus mode. Use of lower values will cause the minimum values to be loaded.
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8.PCA9665 modes
8.1 Configuration modes
Byte mode and Buffered mode are selected using the MODE bit in I2CCON register:
MODE = 0: Byte mode
MODE = 1: Buffered mode
8.1.1 Byte mode
The Byte mode allows communication on a single command basis. Only one specific
command is executed at a time and the Status Register is updated once this single
command has been performed. A command can be a START, a STOP, a Byte Write, a
Byte Read, and so on.
8.1.2 Buffered mode
The Buffered mode allows several instructions to be executed before an Interrupt is
generated and before the I2CSTA register is updated. This allows the microcontroller to
request a sequence, up to 68 bytes in a single transmission and lets the PCA9665
perform it without having to access the Status Register and the Control Register each time
a single command is performed. The microcontroller can then perform other tasks while
the PCA9665 performs the requested sequence.
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
The number of bytes that needs to be sent from the internal buffer (Transmitter mode) or
received into the internal buffer (Receiver mode) is defined in the indirectly addressed
I2CCOUNT Register (BC[6:0]). Up to 68 bytes can be sent or received.
8.2 Operating modes
The four operating modes are:
• Master Transmitter
• Master Receiver
• Slave Receiver
• Slave Transmitter
Each mode can be used on a byte basis (Byte mode) or in an up to 68-byte buffer basis
(Buffered mode).
Data transfers in each mode of operation are shown in Figure 7 through Figure 10. These
figures contain the following abbreviations:
S — START condition
SLA — 7-bit slave address
R — Read bit (HIGH level at SDA)
W — Write bit (LOW level at SDA)
A — Acknowledge bit (LOW level at SDA)
A — Not acknowledge bit (HIGH level at SDA)
Data — 8-bit data byte
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NXP Semiconductors
P — STOP condition
In Figure 7, Figure 8, Figure 9, Figure 10, Figure 11, Figure 12, Figure 13 and Figure 14,
circles are used to indicate when the serial interrupt flag is set. A serial interrupt is not
generated when I2CSTA = F8h. This happens on a STOP condition or when an external
reset is generated (at power-up, when RESET pin is going LOW or during a software reset
on the parallel bus). The numbers in the circles show the status code held in the I2CSTA
register. At these points, a service routine must be executed to continue or complete the
serial transfer. These service routines are not critical since the serial transfer is
suspended until the serial interrupt flag is cleared by software.
When a serial interrupt routine is entered, the status code in I2CSTA is used to branch to
the appropriate service routine. For each status code, the required software action and
details of the following serial transfer are given in Table 27, Table 28, Table 31, Table 32,
Table 35, Table 36, Table 40, and Table 41.
8.3 Byte mode
8.3.1 Master Transmitter Byte mode
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
In the Master Transmitter Byte mode, a number of data bytes are transmitted to a slave
receiver (see Figure 7). Before the Master Transmitter Byte mode can be entered,
I2CCON must be initialized as shown in Table 26.
ENSIO must be set to logic 1 to enable the PCA9665. If the AA bit is reset, the PCA9665
will not acknowledge its own slave address in the event of another device becoming
master of the bus. (In other words, if AA is reset, PCA9665 cannot enter a slave mode.)
STA, STO,and SI must be reset. Once ENSIO has been set to 1, it takes about 550 µsfor
the oscillator to start up.
The Master Transmitter Byte mode may now be entered by setting the STA bit. The
I2C-bus state machine will first test the I2C-bus and generate a START condition as soon
as the bus becomes free. When a START condition is transmitted, the serial interrupt flag
(SI) is set, the Interrupt line (INT) goes LOW and the status code in the status register
(I2CSTA) will be 08h. This status code must be used to vector to an interrupt service
routine that loads I2CDAT with the slave address and the data direction bit (SLA+W). A
write to I2CCON resets the SI bit, clears the Interrupt (INT goes HIGH) and allows the
serial transfer to continue.
When the slave address with the direction bit have been transmitted, the Serial Interrupt
flag (SI) is set again, the Interrupt line (INT) goes LOW again and I2CSTA is loaded with
the following possible codes:
• 18h if an acknowledgment bit (ACK) has been received
• 20h if an no acknowledgment bit (NACK) has been received
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NXP Semiconductors
• B0h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration and is addressed as a slave transmitter (slave
• 68h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration and is addressed as a slave receiver (slave
• D8h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration and is addressed as a slave receiver during a
The appropriate action to be taken for each of these status codes is detailed in Table 27.
ENSIO is not affected by the serial transfer and is not referred to in Table 27.
After a repeated START condition (state 10h), the PCA9665 may switch to the Master
Receiver mode by loading I2CDAT with SLA+R.
Remark: A master should not transmit its own slave address.
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
mode enabled with AA = 1)
mode enabled with AA = 1)
General Call sequence (slave mode enabled with AA = 1 and General Call address
enabled with GC = 1 in I2CADR register)
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200618 of 91
NXP Semiconductors
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
to a Slave Receiver
next transfer started with a
repeated START condition
Not Acknowledge received after
the slave address
Not Acknowledge received after
a data byte
arbitration lost in slave address
or data byte
A or A
other MST
A or A
to Master Receiver
mode entry = MR
other MST
other MST
arbitration lost and addressed as slave
from master to slave
from slave to master
any number of data bytes and
their associated Acknowledge bits
This number (contained in I2CSTA) corresponds
to a defined state of the I
to corresponding states in Slave Transmitter mode
to corresponding states in Slave Receiver mode
to corresponding states in Slave Receiver mode (General Call)
(1) See Table 27
(2) Defined state when a single byte is sent and an ACK is received.
(3) Defined state when a single byte is sent and a NACK is received.
(4) Master Receiver Byte mode is entered when MODE = 0. Master Receiver Buffered mode is entered when MODE = 1.
Fig 7. Format and states in the Master Transmitter Byte mode (MODE = 0)
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NXP Semiconductors
8.3.2 Master Receiver Byte mode
In the Master Receiver Byte mode, a number of data bytes are received from a slave
transmitter one byte at a time (see Figure 8). The transfer is initialized as in the Master
Transmitter Byte mode.
The Master Receiver Byte mode may now be entered by setting the STA bit. The I2C-bus
state machine will first test the I2C-bus and generate a START condition as soon as the
bus becomes free. When a START condition is transmitted, the Serial Interrupt flag (SI) is
set, the Interrupt line (INT) goes LOW and the status code in the status register (I2CSTA)
will be 08h. This status code must be used to vector to an interrupt service routine that
loads I2CDAT with the slave address and the data direction bit (SLA+R). A write to
I2CCON resets the SI bit, clears the Interrupt (INT goes HIGH) and allows the serial
transfer to continue.
When the slave address and the data direction bit have been transmitted, the serial
interrupt flag (SI) is set again, the Interrupt line (INT) goes LOW again and I2CSTA is
loaded with the following possible codes:
• 40h if an acknowledgment bit (ACK) has been received for the slave address with
• 48h if a no acknowledgment bit (NACK) has been received for the slave address with
• 38h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration
• B0h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration and is addressed as a slave transmitter (slave
• 68h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration and is addressed as a slave receiver (slave
• D8h if the PCA9665 lost the arbitration and is addressed as a slave receiver during a
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
direction bit
direction bit
mode enabled with AA = 1)
mode enabled with AA = 1)
General Call sequence (slave mode enabled with AA = 1 and General Call address
enabled with GC = 1 in I2CADR register).
The appropriate action to be taken for each of these status codes is detailed in Table 28.
ENSIO is not affected by the serial transfer and is not referred to in Table 28.
After a repeated START condition (state 10h), the PCA9665 may switch to the Master
Transmitter mode by loading I2CDAT with SLA+W.
Remark: A master should not transmit its own slave address.
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NXP Semiconductors
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
reception from
a Slave Transmitter
next transfer started with a
repeated START condition
Not Acknowledge received after
the slave address
arbitration lost in slave address
or Acknowledge bit
arbitration lost and addressed as slave
A or A
other MST
other MST
to Master Transmitter mode
other MST
entry = MT
to corresponding states in Slave Transmitter mode
to corresponding states in Slave Receiver mode
to corresponding states in Slave Receiver mode (General Call)
from master to slave
from slave to master
any number of data bytes and
their associated Acknowledge bits
This number (contained in I2CSTA) corresponds
to a defined state of the I
(1) See Table 28.
(2) Defined state when a single byte is received and an ACK is sent (AA = 1).
(3) Defined state when a single byte is received and a NACK is sent (AA = 0).
(4) Master Transmitter Byte mode is entered when MODE = 0. Master Transmitter Buffered mode is entered when MODE = 1.
Fig 8. Format and states in the Master Receiver Byte mode (MODE = 0)
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NXP Semiconductors
8.3.3 Slave Receiver Byte mode
In the Slave Receiver Byte mode, a number of data bytes are received from a master
transmitter one byte at a time (see Figure 9). To initiate the Slave Receiver mode, I2CADR
and I2CCON must be loaded as shown in Table 29 and Table 30.
The upper 7 bits are the I2C-bus address to which PCA9665 will respond when addressed
by a master. GC is the control bit that allows the PCA9665 to respond or not to the
General Call address (00h).
When programmed to logic 1, the PCA9665 will acknowledge the General Call address.
When programmed to logic 0, the PCA9665 will not acknowledge the General Call
ENSIO must be set to logic 1 to enable the I2C-bus interface. The AA bit must be set to
enable PCA9665 to acknowledge its own slave address, STA, STO, and SI must be reset.
When I2CADR and I2CCON have been initialized, the PCA9665 waits until it is addressed
by its own slave address followed by the data direction bit which must be ‘0’ (W) to operate
in the Slave Receiver mode. After its own slave address and the W bit have been
received, the Serial Interrupt flag (SI) is set, the Interrupt line (INT) goes LOW, and
I2CSTA is loaded with 60h. This status code is used to vector to an interrupt service
routine, and the appropriate action to be taken is detailed in Table 31.
The Slave Receiver Buffered mode may also be entered when:
• The arbitration is lost while the PCA9665 is in the master mode. See status 68h and
• The General Call Address (00h) has been received (General Call address enabled
with GC = 1). See status D0h.
If the AA bit is reset during a transfer, the PCA9665 will return a not acknowledge (logic 1)
on SDA after the next received data byte. While AA is reset, the I2C-bus state machine
does not respond to its own slave address. However, the I2C-bus is still monitored and
address recognition may be resumed at any time by setting AA. This means that the AA
bit may be used to temporarily isolate PCA9665 from the I2C-bus.
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200625 of 91
NXP Semiconductors
reception of
own slave address
and one or more
data bytes;
all are Acknowledged.
last data byte received is
Not Acknowledged
arbitration lost as MST and
addressed as slave
reception of the
General Call address
and one or more
data bytes
last data byte received is
Not Acknowledged
arbitration lost as MST and
addressed as slave by
General Call
from master to slave
CALL = 00h
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
AP or S
P or S
AAP or S
P or S
P or S
P or SA
from slave to master
any number of data bytes and
their associated Acknowledge bits
This number (contained in I2CSTA) corresponds
to a defined state of the I
(1) See Table 31.
(2) Defined state when a single byte is received and an ACK is sent (AA = 1).
(3) Defined state when a single byte is received and a NACK is sent (AA = 0).
Fig 9. Format and states in the Slave Receiver Byte mode (MODE = 0)
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200626 of 91
NXP Semiconductors
Table 31. Slave Receiver Byte mode (MODE = 0)
60hOwn SLA+W has
68hArbitration lost in
D0hGeneral Call
D8hArbitration lost in
Status of the
C-bus and the
been received; ACK
has been returned
SLA+R/W as
master; Own
SLA+W has been
received, ACK has
been returned
address (00h) has
been received; ACK
has been returned.
SLA = R/W as
master; General Call
address has been
received; ACK bit
has been returned.
addressed with own
slaveaddress; DATA
has been received;
ACK has been
addressed with own
slaveaddress; DATA
byte has been
received; NACK has
been returned
Application software responseNext action taken by the
No I2CDAT actionorXX000Data byte will be received and
no I2CDAT actionXX010Data byte will be received and ACK
No I2CDAT actionorXX000Data byte will be received and
no I2CDAT actionXX010Data byte will be received and ACK
No I2CDAT actionorXX000Data byte will be received and
no I2CDAT actionXX010Data byte will be received and ACK
No I2CDAT actionorXX000Data byte will be received and
no I2CDAT actionXX010Data byte will be received and ACK
Read data byte or XX000Data byte will be received and
read data byteXX010Data byte will be received and ACK
Read data byte or 0X000Switched to not addressed slave
read data byte or0X010Switched to not addressed slave
read data byte or1X000Switched to not addressed slave
read data byte1X010Switched to not addressed slave
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
NACK will be returned
will be returned
NACK will be returned
will be returned
NACK will be returned.
will be returned.
NACK will be returned.
will be returned.
NACK will be returned
will be returned
mode; no recognition of own SLA or
General Call address
mode; Own slave address will be
recognized; General Call address
will be recognized if GC = 1.
mode; no recognition of own slave
address or General Call address. A
START condition will be transmitted
when the bus becomes free
mode; Own slave address will be
recognized; General Call will be
recognized if GC = 1. A START
condition will be transmitted when
the bus becomes free.
Product data sheetRev. 02 — 7 December 200627 of 91
NXP Semiconductors
Fm+ parallel bus to I2C-bus controller
Table 31. Slave Receiver Byte mode (MODE = 0)
A0hA STOP condition or
Status of the
C-bus and the
addressed with
General Call; Data
has been received;
ACK has been
addressed with
General Call; Data
has been received;
NACK has been
repeated START
condition has been
received while still
addressed as Slave
Application software responseNext action taken by the
Read data byte or XX000Data byte will be received and
read data byteXX010Data byte will be received and ACK
Read data byte or 0X000Switched to not addressed slave
read data byte or0X010Switched to not addressed slave
read data byte or10000Switched to not addressed slave
read data byte10010Switched to not addressed slave
No I2CDAT actionor0X000Switched to not addressed slave
No I2CDAT actionor0X010Switched to not addressed slave
No I2CDAT actionor1X000Switched to not addressed slave
No I2CDAT action 1X010Switched to not addressed slave
NACK will be returned.
will be returned.
mode; no recognition of own slave
address or General Call address.
mode; own slave address will be
recognized; General Call address
will be recognized if GC = 1.
mode; no recognition of own slave
address or General Call address. A
START condition will be transmitted
when the bus becomes free.
mode; own slave address will be
recognized; General Call address
will be recognized if GC = 1. A
START condition will be transmitted
when the bus becomes free.
mode; no recognition of own slave
address or General Call address.
mode; Own slave address will be
recognized; General Call will be
recognized if GC = 1.
mode; no recognition of own slave
address or General Call. A START
condition will be transmitted when
the bus becomes free
mode; Own slave address will be
recognized; General Call will be
recognized if GC = 1. A START
condition will be transmitted when
the bus becomes free.