KeywordsOM13320 Fm+ development kit, OM13260 Fm+ I2C bus development board,
OM13303 GPIO target board
AbstractInstallation guide and User Manual for the OM13541 34-bit GPIO Daughter
Card that connects to OM13260 Fm+ I2C bus development board. This
daughter board makes it easy to test and design with the PCAL6534, an ultralow voltage translating 34-bit general purpose I/O expander that provides
remote I/O expansion for most microcontroller families via the Fast-mode
Plus (Fm+) I2C-bus interface. This daughter board, along with the Fm+
Development board, provides an easy to use evaluation platform.
The PCAL6534 34-bit GPIO evaluation board allows bidirectional voltage-level translation
and GPIO expansion between 0.8 V to 3.6 V on SCL/SDA and 1.8 V, 2.5 V, 3.3 V, 5.5 V
on I/O ports with active low reset input control and open-drain active low interrupt output
indicator (red LED) plus one hardware address input setting to select one of four different
slave addresses. A graphical interface allows the user to easily explore the different
functions of the I/O expander.
The IC communicates to the host via the industry standard I2C-bus/SMBus port. The
evaluation software runs under Microsoft Windows PC platform.
The power supply selection for the OM13541 is very flexible and allows for detailed
analysis and evaluation of 34-bit GPIO device. J13 selects +5V_PWR supply from either
the tester connector J1 (pins 4 and 6, +5V_TSTR) or the Fm+ board connector J11 (pins
7 and 12, +5V). J7 selects VDDP (U1 pin A6) supply from either +5V_PWR or +3V3 (J11
pins 8 and 11) and J2 selects VDDI (U1 pin A1) supply from either +3V3 (J11 pins 8
and 11) or +5V_PWR. If external power operation is desired from TP2 (VDDP-IN) and
TP3 (VDDI), no jumper is required on J7 and J2. The D2 green LED is lit when VDDP is
3.2 SCL and SDA jumpers
The I2C -bus signals SDA and SCL supplied to the device under test can be sourced
from either the Fm+ board via J11 or the tester via J1. Jumpers J10 and J9 select the I2C
bus 1 or bus 2 signals from the Fm+ board, shorting pins 1 to 2 to select I2C bus 1 while
shorting pins 2 to 3 to select I2C bus 2.
PCAL6534 demonstration board OM13541
3.3 Device reset, interrupt and address pin selection
• Reset (U1, pin A5), the device is resetting when shorting pin 1 to 2 on jumper J5
• Interrupt (U1, pin B1), open-drain interrupt (INT) output is activated and D1 red LED is
lit when any input state differs from its corresponding Input Port register state, TP4 can
be used to monitor the INT pin 32.
• Address input (U1, pin A4), jumper J8 is used to select device address as shorting
pins 1 to 2 (VDD, address is 46h), shorting pins 3 to 4 (VSS, address is 44h), shorting
pins 5 to 6 (SDA, address is 42h), shorting pins 7 to 8 (SCL, address is 40h).
3.4 Board layout viewer
Figure 1 shows all jumper locations and labels on PCB.
• J1 (10-pin male tester connector) is connected to master which is driving either I2C-
bus for PCAL6534. This is easily achieved with third party development tools from Total
Phase ( There are two tools called Aardvark and Beagle
that direct connect to this board through J1.
Table 1. J1 10-pin tester connector
J1 Pin #FunctionBoard connection
1SCLU1 pin A3 (PCAL6534)
3SDAU1 pin A2 (PCAL6544)
4, 6+5V_TSTRJ13 pin 3
PCAL6534 demonstration board OM13541
Note: Since SDA and SCL are both connected to the device (U1) under test, the
Aardvark and the Fm+ Development board cannot be used simultaneously. The Beagle,
a bus sniffer, does not have any issues.
• J11 (18-pin female connector) can connect directly to the OM13260 Fm+ Development
board. This connector provides power, I2C signals and other ancillary signals.
Table 2. J11 18-pin Fm+ board connector
J11 Pin #FunctionBoard connection
1, 2, 9, 10, 17, 18GNDGround
3SCL2SCL Bus 2 to J9 pin 3
4SDA1SDA Bus 1 to J10 pin 1
5, 14INTInterrupt to U1 pin B1, LED (D1) and TP4 (test point 4)
6, 13RESETU1 pin A5 and J5 pin 1
7, 12+5VJ3 pin 1
8, 11+3V3J2 pin 1 and J7 pin 1
15SDA2SDA Bus 2 to J10 pin 3
16SCL1SCL Bus 1 to J9 pin 1
Note: The connector on the Fm+ board is a male, shrouded 14 pin types, while the
connector on this 34-bit GPIO board is an 18-pin female. The reason lies with the shroud
around the 14-pin connector. To ensure correct mating of the female with the male, two
pin positions on both female sides are grounded.
• J12, J13, J14, J15, J16 (10-pin male connector) is connected to GPIO target board
(OM13303) which consists of eight LEDs and eight switches and connects directly to
this 34-bit GPIO board through J12 (I/O of port 0), J13 (I/O of port 1), J14 (I/O of port
2), J15 (I/O of port 3), J16 (I/O of port 4). These switches and LEDs on GPIO target
board permit easy exercise of the I/O functionality of the device under test. The LEDs
light red when the voltage on that channel is below VDDP x 0.3V and LEDs light green
J8 (4x2-pin)1-2 (VDDI)*note1This 4x2 jumper is used to select input value for ADDR (U1 pin A4)
1-2: select VDDI (address is 0x46 for PCAL6534)
3-4: select VSS (address is 0x44 for PCAL6534)
5-6: select SDA (address is 0x42 for PCAL6534)
7-8: select SCL (address is 0x40 for PCAL6534)
J9 (3-pin)1-2 (SCL = SCL1)This jumper is used to select SCL source for U1 device (pin A3)
1-2: select SCL1 (bus 1 from Fm+ development board)
2-3: select SCL2 (bus 2 from Fm+ development board)
J10 (3-pin)1-2 (SDA = SDA1)This jumper is used to select SDA source for U1 device (pin A2)
1-2: select SDA1 (bus 1 from Fm+ development board)
2-3: select SDA2 (bus 2 from Fm+ development board)
J11 (18-pin)Connect Fm+
development board
J12-J16 (10-pin)Connect to GPIO
Target board
J17 (3-pin)2-3 (P2_0)This jumper is used to select function either P2_0 or EXT_OSC for U1
1. Default PCAL6534 slave address is set to 0x46 (ADDR = VDD)
This 18-pin female connect to PORT A/B/C/D (14-pin male) on Fm+
development board (OM13260) for power supply, I2C-bus and control
signals to test
This 10-pin male connect to GPIO target board (OM13303) for input/
output pins test
device (pin E3)
1-2: select external oscillator (EXT_OSC) input for debounce circuit use
2-3: select P2_0 input as normal operation