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NXP Semiconductors
OM12001 (ATOP) is the NXP Semiconductors platform for automotive telematics
on-board units (OBU's) for applications such as road pricing and eCall, based upon the
following technologies:
• GSM for communication
• GPS for localization service
• NFC for short range communication, e.g. configuration and law enforcement
• SmartMX smartcard with Java card JCOP OS for security
• J9 Virtual Machine for application portability and easy creation
• Dedicated processor for Real-Time and connection to system via Ethernet, USB,
• Targeting 10 years lifetime
Thanks to on board ATOP security resources, product developers and manufacturers can
offer products which guarantee fraud prevention and tamper evidence without extra effort
for additional security precautions. These products can be used in end-to-end transaction
systems requiring Common Criteria level 4+.
in automotive conditions
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
OM12001 (ATOP) can be used by itself as a complete solution for GPS-GSM based road
pricing and eCall applications. In this case OM12001 (ATOP) just needs to be
complemented with a power supply, speaker, microphone, some knobs, and an optional
display. OM12001 (ATOP) provides the processing power and SW application
environment resources on board to complement road pricing and eCall with some other
added value telematics services.
OM12001 (ATOP) can also be applied as a 'front end' for more elaborate telematics
products, by making its resources, i.e. GNSS, mobile communication, Security (ID
authentication) available for use by other resources in the OBU.
2 different versions are available
• OM12001/100: Implements all the features described in this document
• OM12001/000: For market where security is not paramount, such as eCall, it does not
2.Product profile
2.1 Features
Utility processor for interfacing with external world and house-keeping
Application processor to run customer application code
include NFC short range communication, nor SmartMX security element
ARM Cortex M3 micro-controller with Ethernet, CAN, USB Host and device, UART,
SPI, I2C Bus, ADCs, DAC, GPIOs, and PWMs
Internal temperature sensor, and heating element
2 accordance with NXP's "Knowledge-Based Qualification" ("KBQ", based upon ZVEI's Robustness Validation
AEC-Q100-defined qualification tests
Preliminary SpecificationRev. 0.75 — 14th August 2012 3 of 42
), using
NXP Semiconductors
OM12001 (ATOP)
Virtual Machine for customer application
Communication coprocessor with Quad-band GSM/GPRS terminal
Localization coprocessor with GPS receiver
Near Field Communication (NFC) controller to connect to external vignette, smart
card, mobile phone
Security processor for providing a source of trust
SmartMX smartcard running JCOP 2.4.1
Mandatory and voluntary certification
R&TTE and FCC passed for safety, EMC and RF
Pre-certification for GCF, including field test
Certification for PTCRB
Automotive certification
-40 to +85°C operating range
Targeting 10 years lifetime in automotive conditions
2.2 Applications
OM12001 (ATOP) can be used for Telematics applications where tamper-resistance,
confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity of end-user information are required, e.g.:
Road pricing
Pay as you drive insurance
Stolen vehicles tracking
Emergency call
Telemat i c s
2.3 Quick reference data
OM12001 (ATOP) is available with quad-band support in 2 versions
Table 1.ATOP versions
Name Description
OM12001/100Quad-band GPRS/GSM with antenna switch, GPS, NFC, SMX,
OM12001/000Quad-band GPRS/GSM with antenna switch, GPS, Cortex M3
3.General description
Figure 1 represents OM12001 (ATOP) connections in a typical application, with its
connection to batteries, antennas, and SIM. For communication with external world, serial
link, GPIOs, and ADCs will connect to screen, keys, and sensors. UART, CAN or USB can
be used to connect to on board computer.
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NXP Semiconductors
Application Processor
Security Processor
Utility Processor
Fig 2.ATOP conceptual view
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
4.1 Utility processor
Three main components can be seen in Figure 2:
• Application processor: This processor will run code specific to the application
(roadtolling, insurance, ...) which is portable from one platform to another one in order
to avoid recertification:
– A localization coprocessor provides accurate location information to the application
– A NFC coprocessor provides connection to an external vignette to increase
application security
– A Communication coprocessor allows the application to connect to servers and
receive update and notifications, receive or generate voice call or SMS
• Security processor which provides a root of trust for signing messages to servers,
authenticate the presence of an external vignette, and run secure multiple security
• Utility processor: This processor takes care of all housekeeping tasks such as
connecting to external interfaces, displays, but also of power management, waking-up
and booting-up the system, i.e. all support tasks which are not part of the high level
applications but are required to make the system work.
A LPC1768 micro-controller is available for interfacing to external world and user
ARM Cortex M3 core running up to 100 MHz
512 kB on-chip flash memory
64 kB SRAM memory
Dual AHB system that provides for simultaneous DMA and program execution from
on-chip flash with no contention between those functions.
General Purpose DMA controller (GPDMA) on AHB that can be used with the SSP
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NXP Semiconductors
Serial Interfaces
High speed serial interfaces
Analog interfaces
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
serial interfaces, the I2S port, ADCs, DAC as well as for memory transfers
2 I2Cs
1 SSP (Synchronous Serial Port) and 1 SPI
I2S output/input
PWM/Capture unit
GPIOs (multiplexed)
Ethernet MAC with RMII interface and dedicated DMA controller
Full Speed USB 2.0 Host/Device controller with integrated PHY
2 CAN channels
7 12 bit ADCs (successive approximation)
1 internal temperature sensor (12 bit ADC)
1 10 bit DAC
Serial Wire Debug
4.2 Application processor
The application processor is actually a Virtual Machine (VM) running on the main CPU of
the GSM/GPRS baseband. Using a Virtual Machine offers numerous advantages:
portability to numerous platforms
maintainability via secure download and update mechanisms
large virtualized feature set, such as:
secure network access (https)
Near Field Communication (NFC)
VM has the following features:
CDC Foundation Profile including following additional API's
Wireless Messaging
Mobile playback
Contactless Communication
Power management
Connection to micro-controller via message passing
4.3 Localization coprocessor
GPS reception is used for localization.
Best in class acquisition and tracking sensitivity
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NXP Semiconductors
Advanced proprietary multipath algorithms for robust low dropout tracking in very low
SW upgradable
1 Pulse per Second (1PPS) output for synchronization with GPS system clock
4.4 GSM/GPRS coprocessor
Connection to mobile networks is provided by a certified communications protocol stack
that is field tested worldwide. It runs on a single monolithic IC integrating analog and
digital basebands, RF transceiver, power management, and audio codec with
best-in-class RF performance and power consumption.
32-bit ARM926EJ-S™ control processor, up to 156 MHz
Communication engine
Audio subsystem
SIM card interface
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
signals environment
Support for 2 antennas with internal switch
Quad-band support: GSM 850, PCS 1900, E-GSM 900, and DCS 1800
GPRS multislot class 10, class B
HR / FR / EFR / AMR Vocoders
Noise suppression and echo cancellation
Microphone amplifier with differential input
High-performance 8 driver (500mW output power, 1% THD typ)
Digital PCM IO
1.8/2.9V power generation
Compliant with SIM card interface in accordance with GSM11.11
Compliant with ISO7816-3 requirements
4.5 Near Field Communication coprocessor
To connect to a external device, such as vignette, mobile phone, or personalization station
for a road pricing public scheme, a NFC communication link with the following features is
Reader mode
Allows simultaneous access up to two external cards
Offers baud rate up to 424 kbps
Complete NFC framing and error detection
Supports ISO14443A&B/Mifare
Virtual Card mode
Direct connection to battery allowing operation with the rest of system is switched
Access to SmartMX in Mifare emulation mode
4.6 Smartcard & JCOP operating system
For telematics and other high value applications, it is paramount to protect against data
tampering, loading of unauthorized applications, ID stealing, as well as to protect end user
privacy. For this, a secured component such as a smartcard is required to be used as a
root of trust.
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NXP Semiconductors
OM12001 (ATOP) relies on a SmartMX component with the following features:
Common criteria CC EAL5+ certification according to BSI-PP-0002 protection profile
Latest built-in security features to avoid power (SPA/DPA), timing, and fault attacks
6144 B RAM
200 KB ROM
Secure cryptographic processor
For portability and to allow multiple secure application (cardlets) to run in complete
isolation, OM12001 (ATOP) offers a Java Card Open Platform operating system (JCOP).
V2.4.1 based on independent, third party specifications, i.e. by Sun Microsystems, the
Global Platform consortium, the International Organization for Standards (ISO), EMV
(Europay, MasterCard, and VISA) and others.
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
EEPROM with typical 500000 cycles endurance and minimum 20 years retention
SmartMX family was designed to service high volume, single- and multi-application
markets such as eGovernment e.g. Smart Passport, banking/finance, mobile
communications, public transportation, pay TV, conditional access, network access, and
digital rights management, thus ensuring applications running on OM12001 (ATOP) can
rely on the highest level of security available.
4.7 Debug and Security
For application development, but also field return analysis, debug capabilities are a must.
However the observability, test and control capabilities given by debug could be used for
device tampering.
That is why ATOP debug capabilities are locked until proper authentication. Additionally,
security features are present to ensure that only signed SW is executed.
For debug, the following features are present:
CPU debug via JTAG or Serial Wire Debug interface
Unique Serial Number
Core Read Protection with multiple levels
For security, the following features will protect against unauthorized debug, code
tampering, and insertion:
JTAG access locked down until authentication is performed
All sensitive bus are buried down in the PCB
Code authentication and integrity
Code is signed with RSA to ensure authentication and checked at boot
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NXP Semiconductors
4.8 Battery and Power management
Thanks to its integration, OM12001 (ATOP) can be connected directly to a mobile phone
battery. All voltage conversion and battery charging management will be handled by
OM12001 (ATOP).
Direct connection to mobile phone type battery
Battery charging management
Support large voltage range
Integration of all required LDO and DC/DC converters
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
Optional connection to coin cells for RTC
Full HW and SW support of single cell Li-Ion, Li-Ion polymer battery with voltage,
temperature and charge current monitoring
3.1V to 5.5V for Application processor and coprocessors whenever no connection
to GSM network is active (Airplane mode)
3.4 to 4.8V for Application processor and coprocessors when connection to
network is active
3V to 5.5V for Utility processor
Thanks to its use of highly integrated components, optimized for power consumption, in a
typical application
battery charge.
Separate power supply pins are provided for microcontroller, RTC, and the rest of the
system, so that each part can be separately disabled.
The utility micro-controller can be programmed to wake up OM12001 (ATOP) on external
(CAN, GPIO, ...) or RTC events. In this mode, less than 150 µA of current will be drawn.
1 µA are drawn by RTC if functionality is required.
For the rest of the system, a 50-100 µA leakage current can be expected (assuming
charger input is not active).
5.Ordering information
Please refer to OM12001 release note for ordering information.
6.Functional description
6.1 LPC1768 Micro-controller
LPC1768 will be responsible for tasks such as:
, OM12001 (ATOP) can function for about 30 days on a single 700 mAh
• booting up the system
• handling RTC and regular wake-up
• interfacing with external sensors, display, buttons via I2C, SPI, UART, ...
• communicating with others car’s units via CAN, UART, Ethernet, ...
• controlling operator access for firmware upgrade, data retrieval via USB, UART, ...
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NXP Semiconductors
Except for a few services provided by NXP to handle communication between the
application running on Virtual Machine and virtualized external devices, Utility processor
will be completely available to the system integrator.
6.1.1 General features
• ARM Cortex-M3 microcontroller, running up to 100 MHz
• 512 kB on-chip Flash Program Memory with In-System Programming (ISP) and
• 32 kB Static RAM with local code/data bus for high-performance CPU access
• Two 16 kB Static RAM blocks with separate access paths for higher throughput, for
• Multilayer AHB matrix interconnect with separate bus for each AHB master
• Advanced Vectored Interrupt Controller, supporting up to 32 vectored interrupts
• Eight channel General Purpose DMA controller (GPDMA) on the AHB multilayer
• Serial interfaces available externally
• Other APB Peripherals
OM12001 (ATOP)
Telemat i c s
In-Application Programming (IAP) capabilities. Single Flash sector or full-chip erase in
400 ms and 256 bytes programming in 1 ms. Flash program memory is on the ARM
local bus for high performance CPU access
– 10000 erase cycles
– 10 years retention powered on, 20 years powered off
– First 8 erase block are 4 KB large, others are 32 KB large
Ethernet, USB, DMA memory as well as for CPU code and data.
These SRAM blocks may be used for Ethernet, USB, and DMA memory, as well as
for general purpose CPU instruction and data storage for general purpose SRAM
matrix that can be used with the SSP, serial interfaces, the I2S port, as well as for
memory-to-memory transfers
– USB 2.0 Full-speed Device/Host controller with on-chip PHY and associated DMA
– Three UARTs with fractional baud rate generation, one with modem control I/O,
one with IrDA support, all with FIFO. These reside on the APB bus
– One SSP controller with FIFO and multi-protocol capabilities, as well as a SPI port,
sharing its interrupt. The SSP controller can be used with the GPDMA controller
and reside on the APB bus
– Two I2C interfaces reside on the APB bus. The second and third I2C interfaces are
expansion I2C interfaces with standard port pins rather than special open-drain I2C
– I2S (Inter-IC Sound) interface for digital audio input or output, residing on the APB
bus. The I2S interface can be used with the GPDMA
– Two channels with Acceptance Filter/FullCAN mode residing on the APB bus
– 12 bit A/D converter with input multiplexing among 7 external pins
– 10 bit D/A converter with DMA support
– Four general purpose timers with a total of 8 capture inputs and ten compare
output pins each. Each timer block has an external count input