This User Manual describes the functionalities and how to use the
and have the same look and
Android and PC application of the NTAG I2C plus Explorer kit. Both
applications provide the same functionality
feel so this User Manual is valid for both.
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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NTAG I2C plus Explorer kit is an all-in-one demonstr ation and development res ource to
demonstrate the unique pr operties of the NTAG I
full complement of hardware and s oftware tools, users can inv estigate the capabiliti es of
the chip through the various demonstrations, develop and test their own applications
(with additional LPC-Link2 debug probe
This User Manual ex plains how to use the NTAG I
The Windows app is not detailed in this User Manual since it provides identical
functionalities as the Android app, therefore the same User Manual is valid.
Technical aspects relat ed to the IC features are beyond the scope of this doc ument. To
get further technical details please consult the dedicated Datasheet “NTAG I
Forum Type 2 Tag compliant IC with I
C interface” (refer to [NTAGI2Cplus]).
C plus connected tag. By including a
C plus d emo application f or Android.
C plus, NFC
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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The NTAG I2C plus part of NXP’s NTAG family offering both contactless and contact
interfaces. In addit ion to the passive NFC F orum compliant RF interface, the NTAG I
plus pro vides an I
when the chip is powered by an external device, i.e. a NFC mobile phone.
supply external lo w power devices (e.g. microc ontrollers ) with the ener gy gener ated f rom
the RF field of the external NFC device.
C interface that al lows the IC to c ommunicate with the mic rocontroller
C plus operating in energy harvesting mode provides the possibility to
1. EEPROM memory compliant with the NFC Forum Type 2 Tag implementation.
2. 64-byte SRAM memory, which is mapped to the EEPROM memory and it is
of data from the RF interf ace to the I
use of the SRAM memory that allows fas t data transfer between interfaces without the
EEPROM performance limitations.
In addition to the I
Detection pin for waking up the connected host devices or synchronizing the data
transfer between the two interfaces.
done by authenticating the tag with a password. When the tag is protected,
authentication is nee ded to access the memor y. The NTAG I
speed when writing into the SRAM memory.
C plus product has two types of memories:
externally powered.
C plus feat ures a pass-through mode tha t allows fas t download an d upload
C interface func tionalit y, the NT AG I2C plus pr oduct f eatures an Event
C plus offers the pos sibil ity to pr otec t the memory access. This protection is
C interface and vi ce versa. T his f unctional it y m akes
C plus also impr oves the
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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Fig 2. NTAG I2C plus Explorer Board (refer to [EXPLORER])
3. NT AG I2C plus Expl orer kit contents
The NTAG I2C plus Explorer kit (NEK) consists of hardware and software tools that
developers can use to und erstand th e NXP NTAG I
prototypes to demonstrate its potential for other application. The kit includes:
3.1 Hardware components
3.1.1 NT AG I2C plus Explorer Board
A hardware board bas ed on the NXP LPC 11U24 m icrocontroller (refer to [LPC11U24]),
with on-board LCD d isplay, NXP LM75B tem perature sensor (refer to [LM75B]), vo ltage
monitors, I2C serial bus connector, JT AG/SWD debug connector, RGD LED micro USB
connector and five push buttons.
C plus functionalities and c reate firs t
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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Fig 3. PCB and Flex antenna boards with NTAG I²C plus IC
Fig 4. Field detector board
3.1.2 Antenna board
The antenna board carries the NTAG I2C plus 2k version itself and provides two
• The RF interface to an NFC device.
• The I
The design files for both th e PCB a nd Flex ante nna c an be f ound on the web pa ge (ref er
to [PCB Antenna]and [Flex Antenna]
C interface to the host, e.g. the NTAG I2C plus Explorer board.
3.1.3 Field detector board
The position of the antenna of NFC devices vary from device to device. To use the
Explorer Kit with an NFC Device, NFC radio needs to be enabled. To find the position of
the antenna, it is convenient to use the included field detector board. The LED helps to
find the antenna position.
Design files may be downloaded from the demo board homepage (refer to
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
All information provided in this docum ent is subject to legal disclaimers.
Instead of a NFC dev ice, the USB (PCSC) reader (Identiv uT r us t CLO UD 37 00F ) may be
used in combination with the Windows app to develop applications.
To install the reader , do wnload latest driv er fr om the web page (r efer to [Identiv]), extract
“Identiv uTrust” and install it with no reader connected.
In Windows 7 operativ e systems, when a sm artcard is placed over the reader there is
frequently an issue regarding the smartcard mini-drivers. Although a solution to this
problem is given in this section , more inf ormation can be found on the W indows Support
Group Policy has to be changed to prim ary group policy settings for smart cards. The
procedure is as follows:
. To s olve t his is sue t he Sm art Card P lug has to be disabled and Play in local
1. Click Start, type gpedit.msc in the Search programs and files box, and then
press ENTER.
2. In the console tree under Computer Configuration, click Administrative Templates.
3. In the details pane, double-click Windows Components, and then doubleclick Smart Card.
4. Right-click Turn on Smart Card Plug and Play service, and then click Edit.
5. Click Disabled, and then click OK.
6. Click Start, type regedit.exe in the Search programs and files box, and then
press ENTER.
7. Go through the tree key, on the left, up to the key
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Cryptography \
Calais for 32-bit system or
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Wow6432Node \ Microsoft \
Cryptography \ Calais for 64-bit system
8. Add a new DWORD value nam ed CardDisconnectPowerDo wnDelay and set its
value to 0.
9. Click Start, type services.msc in the Search programs and files box, and then
press ENTER.
10. Find the smart card service in the list, right-click and click Restart.
11. Now you may plug the reader
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
All information provided in this docum ent is subject to legal disclaimers.
In some cases, reader is not functioning properly with Windows “NTAG I²C plus Demo”
application. This is due to newer Reader´s firmware. In this case, it needs to be updated,
using patch tool
3.2 Software components
3.2.1 NT AG I2C plus Explorer board firmware
The firmware runs on the NTAG I2C plus Explor er boar d and is flashed dur ing produc tion
at the MCU which supports the demonstration functionality of the hardware. The
delivered NTAG I
bootloader application. It is flashed at on-chip memory address starting at
0x0000 0000 and it is the f irst application to be executed after the MCU boots.
This application has three functions:
C plus Explorer board firmware consists of three applications:
C_Explorer_Bootloader: This project implements the secondary
o Jump to the start memory of the user application.
o Enter into flashing mode functionality.
o Enter into USB mode (Peek and Poke).
Android / Windows demonstration applications. It is flashed at on-chip flash
memory starting at 0x0 000 4000 address and it is executed af ter the bootloader
jumps to the application start address.
the NTAG_I
application is provided to il lustrate the NFC flashing functionality and its binary
image is provided embedded by default into the Android app (see Section 4.5).
3.2.2 Android app
The demo applicat ion on an Andro id NFC phone ( “NFC m obile”) sho wcasing t he various
features of the NT AG I
from the public NXP website as well as at Google Play.
C_Explorer_Demo: This project implements the logic supporting the
C_Explorer_Blink: This is a sample proj ect that sets into blinking m ode
C Explorer board as soon as the RF field is detected. This
C plus. The NT AG I2C Demo application is available f o r download
Note: The UM10989 (refer to [UM10989]) descr ibes in detail how to get started with the
development of Android Applications.
3.2.3 Windows app
Together with the US B reader, the W indows app can be utilized to substitute a m issing
NFC mobile phone. The Windows app has similar functionaliti es as the An dr oi d a pp. This
software component is available as a download from the public NXP website. The
software will inclu de a setup file whic h will install the Windows App in the f o lder ‘Program
files/NXP Semiconduc tors’, this instal latio n proc ess will c reat e a sh ortc ut to t he W indo ws
App on your desktop. No further procedure is required to run this application.
1. Download the NTAG I
2. If not done, install the Identiv uTrust driver as described above and the NTAG I2C
Demo App
3. Launch the NTAG I
There are some po ints to consider when using the Windows App, since it is conn ec ted to
an external reader via USB. There are sometimes issues with the co nnection between
the reader and the tag. On these cas es, it is recommended to restart t he a pp and re-plug
the reader.
C Demo App (refer to [PC App])
C Demo App
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
All information provided in this docum ent is subject to legal disclaimers.
Note: The Windows application functionalities, GUI and look and feel are intentionally
made the sam e as the Android application . The Windows application is in ten ded t o run in
a Windows environment together with the Identiv uTrust CLOUD 3700F reader as a
substitute in case an NFC phon e is not available . Ther efore, this User Manual is valid f or
both the Android app and Windows applicat ion. However, only Android app screensho ts
are shown in this document.
3.2.4 Peek and Poke GUI
The Peek and Poke GUI is a Windows app that can be used to examine the detailed
memory contents of the NT AG I
of view only a USB cab le connec tion fr om the b oard t o th e PC is neede d (n o ne ed of t he
USB NFC reader). This software component is available as a downlo ad from the public
NXP website (refer to [Peek&Poke]
C plus EEPROM via I2C interface. From hardwar e poi nt
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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The Android application is intended to operate on devices running Andr oid version 4.0
and above. The applicatio n has been optimized for a correct visioning of the graphical
elements in smartphones featuring different resolutions.
As seen in Fig 9, the Andr oid application consists of two demos that can be launched
from the main activity of the application and four configuration functionalities that are
accessed from the configuration selection view in the main activity.
4.1 Demo tab
After the Splash wi ndo w c l os es, the Demo tab will a p pear. This screen allo ws th e us er to
launch the Demo tab itself, the NDEF demo tab, the Speed demo tab and access the
Configuration tab, with all configuration functionalities supported by the application.
Regarding the Demo tab, it allows demonstrating:
• The Energy harvesting functionality of the NTAG I
powering up of the complete dem o kit board with the energy harvested f rom the
RF interface without any battery.
• The RF to I
related color button on the NFC device screen.
• The I
the demo kit board reflected on the NFC device screen.
• The dynamic bidirectional communication between the two interfaces as the
temperature value as well as the voltage on the energy-harvesting pin get
dynamically updated on both the low power screen and the NFC device screen.
C com munication ena bling us to modify th e LED c olor b y pressing the
C to RF comm unication as the set of push buttons pres sed by the user o n
C plus that enables the
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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4.1.1 Configuring NEK board to demonstrate RF to I2C communication
The board configuration p art of the demonstration s hows ho w the NTAG I2C plus passes
a command from the RF input throug h the SRAM and I
microprocessor, which acts upon the command and lights the appropriate LED.
1. Touch one of the colored board conf ig uration buttons on your mobile device. The
NTAG icon then changes color, indicating the color selection.
2. Tap your mobile device on the antenna. When properly placed, the LED will
illuminate in the chosen color. Optionally, the LCD display will display the
harvested voltage, the t emperature sensed by the board, the d efault text or the
stored NDEF message if the corresponding options are enabled in the board
configuration menu.
C serial interface outp ut to the
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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4.1.2 Reading board input to demonstrate I2C to RF communication
The three colored buttons on the NEK board demonstrate information from the board
beings transferred f rom the microprocessor through t he I
plus, which then sends it vi a the RF field t o the m obile devic e for dis pla y. W hen press ed,
each colored button on t he NEK boar d wi ll caus e a cor r espond ing s h ade of f on t he board
input NXP logo.
C serial bus to the N TAG I2C
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NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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Fig 13. Temperature sensor demonstrates SRAM pass through mode
4.1.3 Temperature sensor
The NEK board incorporates a temperature sensor for measuring the ambient
temperature. This information can be shown in the Demo tab of the Android/PC
application. Addit ion all y it can be shown in the LCD displa y if the opt io n is c heck ed in the
This operation demonstrates the NTAG I
which data passes through its SRAM. It is also an other demonstration of passing data
from the microproc essor through the I
read through the RF interface for display on the mobile device.
C plus operating in pass-through mode, in
C serial bus to the NT AG I2C plus, which can be
NXP Semiconductors
NTAG I²C plus Explorer Kit - Android Demo
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You can enable th e NEK board LCD b y touching the Enable LCD se lection bo x. When
doing so, the LCD will show the predefined NTAG I
energy harvested and , if enabled, the temperature s ensed by the board in Celsi us and
Fahrenheit degrees.
Once again, this operation demonstrates the NTAG I
through mode sends a command from the RF input through the I
to the microprocessor, which in turn acts upon the command and turns on the LCD
C plus Explorer text message, the
C plus chip operating in pass-
C serial interface output
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