NXP Semiconductors MPC-LS, MPCLSVNPEVBUM User Manual

MPC-LS Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board User Manual
All information provided in this document is subject to legal disclaimers
Rev. 0 — Feb 2019
1 Introduction
The NXP MPC-LS VNP EVB brings an advanced automotive gateway solution using NXP's MPC5748G gateway microcontroller and LS1043A communications processor SoCs. The combination of a real-time microcontroller with microprocessor application processing enables new gateway use cases and service-oriented gateways. The complete MPC-LS VNP EVB solution consists of two boards - a Processor Module and a Platform Board with a wide array of automotive interfaces.
To get familiar with the system, the user needs to follow the below work flow:
1. Bring up the MPC-LS VNP EVB as described in the Quick Start Guide. (Requires MPC-LS VNP EVB)
2. Install required software per section Software Requirements.
3. Build Linux and MPC5748G images as per section How to Build.
4. Flash images on LS1043A and MPC5748G per section How to flash the
board or perform board recovery on page 61. (Requires MPC-LS VNP
1 Introduction..........................................1
2 Hardware requirements.......................1
3 Software requirements........................2
4 MPC-LS Processor Module details.... 3
5 MPC-LS Platform Board details..........6
6 Debugger connections...................... 11
7 Quick Start with MPC-LS VNP EVB.. 14
8 How to build the software for
LS1043A and MPC5748G................ 15
9 How to flash the board or perform
board recovery................................ 61
10 How to run the application..............93
A CodeWarrior CCS..............................96
B Running 64-bit guest on
VirtualBox........................................ 99
C Enable copy and paste from/to
VirtualBox...................................... 102
D Revision history.............................. 106
User's Guide
5. Run demo application as per section How to Run Application. (Requires MPC-LS VNP EVB)
References to “DCM” in this manual are legacy references to the MPC-LS EVB Processor Module.
2 Hardware requirements
The table below lists the hardware required:
Table 1. Hardware requirements
Item Description
12V, 5A power supply 12V adapter to power the board
Micro USB cable For console output from USB to UART port
MPC-LS processor board installed on platform board
Table continues on the next page...
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Software requirements
Table 1. Hardware requirements (continued)
Item Description
Ethernet cable Used to flash images to LS1043A via TFTP
CWH-CTP-BASE-HE CodeWarrior TAP kit for flashing / debugging LS1043A https://www.nxp.com/support/
developer-resources/software-development-tools/codewarrior-development-tools/run-control­devices/qoriq-ls-processor-probe-tips-for-codewarrior-tap:CWH-CTP-CTX10-YE? tab=Buy_Parametric_Tab#/
CWH-CTP-CTX10-YE CodeWarrior Probe Tip to connect to the LS JTAG connector of MPC-LS processor module.
JTAG debugger for PPC,
Debugger to flash and debug on MPC5748G example: Lauterbach, PE micro, GHS debugger
3 Software requirements
The table below lists the software required:
Table 2. Software requirements
Requirement Description Installation details Download Link
S32 Design Studio for
Power Architecture
2017.R1 - Windows/
Linux (REV 2017.R1)
Tera Term v4.101 A serial terminal emulator
CodeWarrior for Armv8 CodeWarrior IDE for
Design Studio for
MPC5748G build.
program for console. Required for both Bare­metal and AUTOSAR package.
LS1043A debug via CodeWarrior TAP. Required for both Bare-metal and AUTOSAR package.
Section 8.2 MPC5748G
Bare-metal Example
Run the exe downloaded from the download link.
Section 9.2.1 Using RAM
http://download.cnet.com/Tera-Term/ 3001-2094_4-75766675.html
https://www.nxp.com/support/developer­resources/software-development-tools/ codewarrior-development-tools/codewarrior­network-applications/codewarrior­development-suites-for-networked­applications:CW-DS-NETAPPS? tab=Design_Tools_Tab
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Table continues on the next page...
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MPC-LS Processor Module details
Table 2. Software requirements (continued)
Requirement Description Installation details Download Link
TRACE32 for PPC TRACE32 software for
debugging MPC5748G via Lauterbach.
Required for both Bare­metal and AUTOSAR package.
Tftp64 v4.60 Tftp v4.60 server to transfer
files to LS1043A file system.
Required for both Bare­metal and AUTOSAR package.
Msys for Windows v1.0.11
MSYS is a collection of GNU utilities such as bash, make used to build the application on ARCCORE’s AUTOSAR. Required for only AUTOSAR package.
Mingw for Windows Free and open source
software development environment to create Microsoft® Windows applications. Pre-requisite for msys. Required for only AUTOSAR package.
Click the Downloads button on the left side and navigate to the TRACE32 software.
Run the installer to install the T32.
Run the exe file downloaded from the download link.
Refer section Msys and
Mingw Tool Installation for
more details.
Refer section Msys and
Mingw Tool Installation for
more details.
http://www.lauterbach.com/frames.html? home.html
https://bitbucket.org/phjounin/tftpd64/ downloads/Tftpd64-4.60-setup.exe
http://downloads.sourceforge.net/mingw/ MSYS-1.0.11.exe
https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/files/ latest/download
VirtualBox for Windows Host v 5.2.22
VirtualBox 5.2.22 for Windows Host with Ubuntu 18 installed to build the LSDK images on the same machine. Required for both Bare-metal and AUTOSAR package.
FTDI driver for Windows 10
CDM v2.12.28 WHQL driver to access the serial console of LS1043A in Windows 10. Required for both Bare­metal and AUTOSAR package.
4 MPC-LS Processor Module details
The figure below displays the actual diagram of the MPC-LS Processor Module with components marked:
"Dual Chip Module" or "DCM" are legacy and refer to the MPC-LS Processor Module.
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Refer section VirtualBox
on Windows Host.
Refer Quick Start Guide for installing FTDI driver.
https://www.driverscloud.com/en/services/ DownloadDriver/71117-2/key
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LS1043A Reset
Micro SD Card Slot
Ethernet Port
Micro USB PortJ29J28
USB Port
Power Jack
MPC5748G Reset
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MPC-LS Processor Module details
Figure 1. MPC-LS Processor Module and its components
4.1 Connector and reset switches
The table below describes the MPC-LS Processor module connectors and reset switches:
Table 3. MPC-LS Processor module connectors and reset switches
Connector Description Connector Type/Function Typical connection
J22 12 V power jack DC power jack Connects to 12 V, 5 A power supply
SW5 MPC5748G reset
J17 MPC5748G JTAG 2x7 pin ARM JTAG header
J5 USB port 18-pin USB3.0 connector -open-
J7 Micro USB port Micro USB to UART Connects to the computer
P2 ENET port SGMII Ethernet port -open-
J6 MMC slot Micro SD slot -open-
J16 LS1043A JTAG 2x5 pin ARM JTAG header Connects to the CodeWarrior TAP
SW3 LS1043A reset
Resets MPC5748G Connects to the MPC5748G reset line
Resets LS1043A Connects to the LS1043A reset line
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MPC-LS Processor Module details
4.2 Jumpers
The table below shows the default jumper settings for the MPC-LS Processor Module:
Table 4. MPC-LS Processor Module jumper settings
Jumper Size Name/function Description
J13 1x2 pin LS Secure Boot Programming Enable Off: Normal Operation
On: Programming Mode
J28 1x3 pin UART to USB Rx pin 1-2: LS Serial port
2-3: MPC5748G Serial Port
J29 1x3 pin UART to USB Tx pin 1-2: LS Serial port
2-3: MPC5748G Serial Port
J31 1x2 pin USB_PWRFAULT Pull Select Off: No external pull
On: Pin pulled to GND (may be required by USB software)
J32 1x2 pin Disable RESET_REQ_B from LS Off: RESET_REQ_B pin will trigger a reset
On: RESET_REQ_B pin is masked and will not trigger reset
The default jumper setting on J28 and J29 is set to 1-2.
On the LS1043A side, the U-Boot is by default booted from the NOR flash.
LED indicators
The table below describes the MPC-LS Processor Module LEDs:
Table 5. MPC-LS Processor Module LEDs
DS1 Red 5 V switching regulator output 5 V power present
DS2 Red 3.3 V switching regulator output 3.3 V power present
DS3 Blue MPC5748G general purpose
Color Name Description
General purpose port – PB[14]
DS4 Red LS general purpose LED General purpose
DS7 Red LS1043A reset LS MPU in reset
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Table continues on the next page...
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Table 5. MPC-LS Processor Module LEDs (continued)
MPC-LS Platform Board details
DS8 Red MPC5748G target reset Reset on JTAG or reset button
DS9 Red MPC5748G MCU reset MPC5748G MCU in reset
Color Name Description
4.4 Resistor configurations
The resistor settings define the boot source of the LS1043A on MPC-LS Processor Module. The default boot source is kept to NOR boot. The below resistor settings can be done for the respective boot source.
Every resistor value is 4k7.
1. NOR Boot (default settings)
R85, R493 are unmounted.
R86, R88, R89, R90, R92, R492, R667 are mounted.
2. NAND Boot
R492, R493, R667 will be unmounted.
R85, R86, R88, R89, R90, R92 will be mounted.
3. SD Boot
R85 will be unmounted.
R86, R88, R89, R90, R92, R492, R493, R667 will be mounted.
MPC-LS Platform Board details
MPC-LS Platform board is equipped with connection to power supply. When used in Stacked mode (MPC-LS Processor Module installed on the MPC-LS Platform Board), the power supply must be connected to the MPC-LS Platform power jack for all the interfaces to be available. The MPC-LS Processor Module stacked over the MPC-LS Platform Board is shown in the figure below.
MPC-LS Processor Module can be powered independently and used standalone.
Figure 2. MPC-LS Processor Module and MPC-LS Platform Board in Stacked mode
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MPC-LS Processor Module
Platform Board Power Jack
FlexRay x2
CAN 4x2
LIN x4
micro USB port
SPI2CAN breakout connector
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MPC-LS Platform Board details
5.1 MPC-LS Processor Module connections to the MPC-LS Platform Board
The connections from MPC-LS Processor Module to the MPC-LS Platform Board can be referred from the schematics as shown below:
MPC-LS Processor Module MPC-LS Platform Board
1. J1 <-> J80
Figure 4. J1<->J80 connection
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MPC-LS Platform Board details
2. J2 <-> J66
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MPC-LS Platform Board details
Figure 5. J2 to J66
3. J3 <-> J81
Figure 6. J3 to J81
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MPC-LS Platform Board details
4. J4 <-> J87
Figure 7. J4 to J87
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Debugger connections
6 Debugger connections
This section shows the hardware connection setup required to connect the debugger of LS1043A and MPC5748G with the MPC­LS VNP EVB.
CodeWarrior TAP
The CodeWarrior TAP allows you to debug and control the LS1043A system on MPC-LS VNP EVB using the CodeWarrior IDE. To attach the CodeWarrior TAP to MPC-LS VNP EVB, follow the steps below:
1. Attach the CodeWarrior TAP probe “CWH-CTP-CTX10-YE” to the CodeWarrior TAP as shown in the figure below:
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Debugger connections
Figure 8. Cable connections for the CodeWarrior TAP
2. Connect the 10-wire cable to the JTAG headers on MPC-LS Processor Module. When aligned properly, the red stripe will be on Pin 1 toward the inner side of the board.
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Pin 1
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Debugger connections
Figure 9. Connecting the 10-wire cable to JTAG headers on MPC-LS Processor module
3. Connect the mini USB cable from CodeWarrior TAP to UART on PC.
The CodeWarrior TAP is now ready to be used.
Lauterbach for PPC allows you to debug and control the MPC5748G system on the MPC-LS VNP EVB using T32mppc software. To attach the Lauterbach to MPC-LS VNP EVB, follow the steps below:
1. Attach the standard 7.9 V Lauterbach supply to Lauterbach.
2. Connect the cable from Lauterbach to PC.
3. Connect the 14-wire cable to the JTAG header on MPC-LS VNP EVB with Pin 1 of the JTAG connector near the outside of the board, the connector nipple should be on the side of the Ethernet connector as shown in the image below, as shown below:
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Pin 1
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Quick Start with MPC-LS VNP EVB
Figure 10. Connecting the 14-wire cable to JTAG header on MPC-LS VNP EVB with Pin 1
7 Quick Start with MPC-LS VNP EVB
There are two getting started packages released for MPC-LS VNP EVB:
1. Package 1:
MPC5748G – Bare-metal code
LS1043A - Open Source Linux Software Development Kit (LSDK), with MPC-LS VNP EVB patches
2. Package 2:
MPC5748G - ARCCORE’s AUTOSAR, with MPC-LS VNP EVB customizations and integrated IPCF
LS1043A - Open Source Linux Software Development Kit (LSDK), with MPC-LS VNP EVB patches and IPCF application
The user may refer to Quick Start Guide provided with each package.
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
QSG is related only to the package which is pre-flashed on the board, which is AutoSAR + LSDK. The QSG for Package 1 will be provided later on.
8 How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
The below section provides instructions to setup and build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G.
• For LS1043A: Linux SDK.
• For MPC5748G: Bare-metal examples and AUTOSAR.
A simplified Yocto build will be provided for MPC-LS-VNP EVB in near future.
8.1 LS1043A: Linux SDK Build
The build environment for the LS1043A can be either set up on Linux machine with Ubuntu 14/16/18 installed or on a VirtualBox on a Windows host with Ubuntu 18. Once the build environment is set, all the proceeding steps to build are same irrespective of whether it is a separate Linux machine or Linux on VirtualBox.
8.1.1 Linux Ubuntu machine
For a separate Linux Ubuntu machine, no external packages are required to be installed. The tool chain required to build the LSDK images will be explained further in the scope of this document.
8.1.2 VirtualBox on Windows host
1. Open the webpage: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads.
2. Click on “VirtualBox 5.2 builds as highlighted in the snapshot below.
3. Download VirtualBox 5.2.22 for Windows Host as highlighted in the snapshot below.
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4. Run the installer.
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
5. Download Ubuntu 18.04.
a. Go to https://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/developers .
b. Click on “Get Ubunto now” box.
c. Click on “Download” box for Ubunto LTS.
d. The downloaded file is an ISO image. You will need this to mount it on the virtual drive. Steps to do that are
explained later in this section.
6. Open the VirtualBox Manager.
7. Click on New icon.
8. Provide Name: Ubuntu 18.04 , the type will be automatically selected to Linux, select version as Ubuntu (64-bit) only.
If you see option only to run the 32-bit Ubuntu, follow section Run 64 bit guest on VirtualBox of Annexure section
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
9. Allocate RAM of at least 2048 MB. Recommended RAM is 4096 MB if your PC machine has a RAM more than 8 MB.
10. Select create a virtual hard disk now.
11. Select hard disk file type as VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image).
12. Select storage on physical hard disk to be Fixed size.
13. Select virtual hard disk size to 40 GB as shown in the snapshot below.
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
14. The Install Manager will confirm if you need to create the virtual hard disk. Select Create.
15. Select the default directory for the file location.
16. The virtual hard disk will be created.
17. If not selected as shown below, select the Ubuntu 18.04 disk and click on Start.
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
18. The Manager will ask to select the startup disk. Provide the Ubuntu 18.04 iso file ‘ubuntu-18.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso’
here that is downloaded in step 5. Click on Start once loaded.
19. The install wizard for Ubuntu will come up. Select the language and click on Install Ubuntu.
20. Select Keyboard layout as per your convenience. Selected “English(UK)” in our case.
21. Select Normal Installation option and tick the Download updates while installing Ubuntu button.
22. Select Erase disk and install Ubuntu, click on Install Now
23. Click Continue on the pop-up window.
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24. Provide your location and your login credentials.
25. Ubuntu will be installed.
26. If you get the message “Remove Media”, then just hit enter.
All the further instructions and steps mentioned for Linux are common and applicable to both Linux Ubuntu machine as well as Ubuntu on VirtualBox.
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
8.1.3 Linux LSDK17.12 setup and build
Open Source Linux Software Development Kit (LSDK). Source path
1. The LSDK source and binaries can be found at “https://lsdk.github.io/”. For details on downloading them, follow the below steps.
2. In total 5 images will be flashed on LS1043A. Out of which the binaries of ‘ppa.itb’ and ‘fsl_fman’ will be readily available on git hub and the source code for ‘rcw’, ‘U-Boot’ and ‘Linux’ will be downloaded/cloned from git hub and built locally. Here is a brief description of all these images used:
a. RCW: Reset configuration word.
b. U-Boot: Universal Boot Loader.
c. PPA: Primary Protected Application.
d. Fman: Frame manager hardware accelerator.
e. Linux: Linux image.
3. Create DCM_git directory at /home/<user> to store the LSDK17.12 source code.
4. For rcw source, go inside the DCM_git directory and pass the below commands. Copy and paste may not work by default in the virtual box. If this is the case, follow section Enable copy and paste from/to VirtualBox of Annexure.
>> git clone https://source.codeaurora.org/external/qoriq/qoriq-components/rcw >> cd rcw >> git checkout -b integration origin/github.com.qoriq-os/integration
The source will be automatically stored to a directory rcw.
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
Note: Use the command sudo apt install git if git is not already installed and git config --global user.email
“you@email.com”” to set your account’s default identity.
>>cd ..
5. For the U-Boot and linux images, follow the below steps in DCM_git directory:
“git clone https://github.com/qoriq-open-source/u-boot
“git clone https://github.com/qoriq-open-source/linux
DCM_git directory will have the below three directories:
• rcw
• u-boot
• linux
6. Change the directory to u-boot by using cd and enter the command git checkout -b LSDK-17.12 LSDK-17.12 to make sure the tag used for LSDK is 17.12.
7. For fsl_fman and ppa.itb, binaries are provided on the webpage.
8. Fsl_fman: Go to https://github.com/NXP/qoriq-fm-ucode
In the directory, download fsl_fman_ucode_ls1043_r1.1_106_4_18.bin. This binary will be later used in the "how to flash section.
Ppa.itb: Go to https://github.com/NXP/qoriq-ppa-binary/blob/integration/soc-ls1043/ppa.itb
Select soc-ls1043.
Download the .itb file.
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G Ubuntu build tool chain
On your Ubuntu machine, run the following set of commands to download the linaro tool chain and set the cross compiler before building the source code.
1. Download the open source gcc linaro tool chain (gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu) from the URL: https://releases.linaro.org/components/toolchain/binaries/6.3-2017.05/aarch64-linux-gnu/ and save it inside the
DCM_git directory.
2. Untar the file using tar -xf gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.xz.
3. Then, use the following commands:
>>sudo apt install crossbuild-essential-arm64 gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu >>export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu­>>export ARCH=arm64 >>sudo apt install device-tree-compiler >>export PATH=$PATH:/home/<user>/DCM_git/gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin Apply patches
Create three folders in DCM_git for patches named:
• dcm-linux_patches
• dcm-rcw_patches
• dcm-uboot_patches
Download the patches for RCW, U-Boot, and Linux in ‘dcm-rcw_patches’, ‘dcm-uboot_patches’, and ‘dcm-linux_patches’ directories respectively from the URL: https://www.codeaurora.org/project/nxp-dual-chip-module-automotive-gateway.
Click on patches:
Select DCMRev2_GettingStarted and download the three packages from there.
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The patches need to be downloaded one at a time. For example:
1. Click on the first patch to be downloaded:
2. Patch text file opens. Right-click anywhere in file and select Save Page As….
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
3. The default name appears. Click on Save.
4. Repeat for all patches.
5. Change the name of the following patch:
0001-armv8-ls1043adcm-Enable-USB-support.patch to
6. Apply patches as instructed below:
a. Go to U-Boot directory
>cd u-boot>> sudo git am ../dcm-uboot_patches/*
The patch will be applied to U-Boot.
b. Go back to DCM_git directory.
>>cd linux >>sudo git am ../dcm-linux_patches/*
The patch will be applied to Linux.
c. Go back to DCM_git directory.
>>cd rcw >>sudo git am ../dcm-rcw_patches/*
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The patch will be applied to rcw directory.
If there are errors while applying the patches, the user can run the command “sudo git am -abort” in the u-boot, linux, and rcw directories. This ensures that there is no patch error initially. If still the error persists, the user can clone the sources again and try applying patches again.
7. Create two new folders in DCM_git folder:
• dcm-linux_patches_addons
• dcm-uboot_patches_addons
8. From the CAF link, download patches from remaining folders into the two new folders as shown in the table below.>
Table 6. Download patches
Source folder File copied to dcm-
linux_patches_addons folder
DCMRev2_Enable_EC_Link_1Gbps /dcm­linux_patches
DCMRev2_Enable_EC_Link_1Gbps /dcm-
Do not download
File copied to dcm­uboot_patches_addons folder
DCMRev2_Enable_Phytool_RW 0001-sdk_dpaa-dpa_ioctl-allow-passing-
DCMRev2_IIC2_Enabled_With_SDBoot 0001-board-ls1043adcm-Enable-IIC2-
DCMRev2_ Enable_QSPI_NOR_Flash_mt25qu512a
9. Follow the below steps to add these patches:
>cd u-boot sudo git am ../dcm-uboot_patches_addons/*
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10. For adding the linux patch, use:
>cd ../linux >sudo git am ../dcm-linux_patches_addons/* Build RCW
Use the steps described in this section to build RCW.
1. Run the below commands to build the image for rcw:
export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu­export ARCH=arm6 export PATH=$PATH:/home/<user>/DCM_git/gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin cd ../rcw/ls1043ardb make
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
2. If the user gets the “Python2 command not found” error, the user can run the below commands to install python:
>>sudo apt install python -minimal
If the user gets “tclsh command not found” error, the user can run the below commands to install tcl:
>>sudo apt install tcl
3. Now, run the command:
tclsh ../tools/byte_swap.tcl RR_SPPP_3560/rcw_1600_qspiboot.bin RR_SPPP_3560/ rcw_1600_qspiboot_swapped.bin 8
The command mentioned above is a single command.
After successful build, the bin “rcw_1600_qspiboot_swapped.bin” will be successfully built at “../rcw/ls1043ardb/ RR_SPPP_3560”.
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How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G Building U-Boot
Follow these steps for building U-Boot specifically for a defined boot source.
1. Before building, create a directory u-boot_binary inside /DCM_git/. Create four subdirectories inside it:
• ddr
• qspi
• nand
• sd
2. Go to the DCM_git directory and run the following commands:
cd u-boot export ARCH=arm64 export CROSS_COMPILE=aarch64-linux-gnu-
Be sure to include the dash at the end of command, after …gnu-.
3. Now, run the command:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/<user>/DCM_git/gcc-linaro-6.3.1-2017.05-x86_64_aarch64-linux-gnu/bin
After running the above commands, use the commands in the following section to build specific U-Boot. DDR boot
1. make distclean && make ls1043adcm_sdcard_defconfig && make -j3
2. In the same directory, the file “u-boot-dtb.bin” is the U-Boot created for dram.
MPC-LS Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board User Manual, Rev. 0, Feb 2019
User's Guide
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NXP Semiconductors
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
3. Copy the binary to /DCM_git/u-boot_binary/ddr/ and rename it to “u-boot-dtb_ramboot.bin”.
The U-Boot binary in the /DCM_git/u-boot directory will be replaced by the binary of the latest U-Boot build i.e after the instructions to build QSPI NOR U-Boot are passed, the U-Boot binary for DDR is overwritten. QSPI NOR boot
1. make distclean && make ls1043adcm_defconfig && make -j3
2. In the same directory, the file “u-boot-dtb.bin” is the U-Boot created for QSPI.
3. Copy the binary to /DCM_git/u-boot_binary and rename it to “u-boot-dtb_qspi.bin”. NAND boot
1. make distclean && make ls1043adcm_nand_defconfig && make -j3
MPC-LS Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board User Manual, Rev. 0, Feb 2019
User's Guide
27 / 107
NXP Semiconductors
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
2. In the same directory, the file “u-boot-with-spl-pbl.bin” is the U-Boot created for NAND.
3. Copy the binary to /DCM_git/u-boot_binary/nand and rename it to “u-boot-with-spl-pbl-nand.bin”. SD boot
1. make distclean && make ls1043adcm_sdcard_defconfig && make -j3
MPC-LS Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board User Manual, Rev. 0, Feb 2019
User's Guide
28 / 107
NXP Semiconductors
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
2. In the same directory, the file “u-boot-with-spl-pbl.bin” is the U-Boot created for sd memory.
3. Copy the binary /DCM_git/u-boot_binary/sd and rename it to “u-boot-with-spl-pbl_sd.bin”. Build Linux
Run the following set of command to build the Linux image. Go to DCM_git directory and run the following set of commands:
1. Download rootfs for Linux from https://github.com/qoriq-open-source/ramdiskrfs. Download “ramdisk_rootfs_arm64.ext4.gz” as shown in the snapshot:
2. After download completes, copy “ramdisk_rootfs_arm64.ext4.gz” to a new directory “ramdisk_fs” created in /home/ <user> directory.
The below package versions can change without notice.
3. Download tcpdump binary from the following link https://packages.debian.org/jessie/arm64/tcpdump/download . Click on following link ftp.us.debian.org/debian on above webpage. It will download “tcpdump_4.9.2-1_deb8u1_arm64.deb” file. Copy this to the “ramdisk_fs” directory.
MPC-LS Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board User Manual, Rev. 0, Feb 2019
User's Guide
29 / 107
NXP Semiconductors
How to build the software for LS1043A and MPC5748G
4. Go to the webpage https://packages.debian.org/jessie/tcpdump and download “libpcap0.8” and “libssl1.0.0” for arm64 architecture. “libpcap0.8_1.6.2-2_arm64.deb” and “libssl1.0.0_1.0.1t-1+deb8u7_arm64.deb” files will be downloaded.
Download from the North America server as highlighted below:
MPC-LS Vehicle Network Processing Evaluation Board User Manual, Rev. 0, Feb 2019
User's Guide
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