NXP Semiconductors MPC5777C Reference Manual

MPC5777C Reference Manual
Supports maskset 2N45H
Document Number: MPC5777CRMAD
Rev. 1, 12/2015
MPC5777C Reference Manual Addendum, Rev. 1, 12/2015
2 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 1
1.1 Overview...........................................................................................................................................................................7
1.2 Device versions.................................................................................................................................................................7
1.3 Audience...........................................................................................................................................................................8
1.4 Document organization.....................................................................................................................................................8
1.5 Conventions......................................................................................................................................................................8
1.5.1 Numbering systems..............................................................................................................................................8
1.5.2 Typographic notation...........................................................................................................................................9
1.5.3 Special terms........................................................................................................................................................9
1.6 References.........................................................................................................................................................................10
Chapter 2
Platform Configuration Module (PCM)
2.1 PCM memory map and register descriptions....................................................................................................................11
2.1.1 FEC Burst Optimization Master Control Register (PCM_FBOMCR)................................................................12
2.1.2 Bus Bridge Configuration Register 1 (PCM_IAHB_BE1)..................................................................................13
2.1.3 Bus Bridge Configuration Register 2 (PCM_IAHB_BE2)..................................................................................16
Chapter 3
Modular CAN (M_CAN)
3.1 Chip-specific M_CAN information..................................................................................................................................19
3.1.1 M_CAN Message RAM allocation......................................................................................................................19
3.1.2 Introduction..........................................................................................................................................................19
3.1.3 Functional Description.........................................................................................................................................20
3.1.4 External Signals...................................................................................................................................................22
3.2 Overview...........................................................................................................................................................................23
3.2.1 Features................................................................................................................................................................23
3.2.2 Block Diagram.....................................................................................................................................................24
3.2.3 Dual Clock Sources..............................................................................................................................................26
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Section number Title Page
3.2.4 Dual Interrupt Lines.............................................................................................................................................26
3.3 Memory Map and Register Description............................................................................................................................27
3.3.1 Core Release Register (M_CAN_CREL)............................................................................................................28
3.3.2 Endian Register (M_CAN_ENDN).....................................................................................................................29
3.3.3 Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler Register (M_CAN_FBTP)..................................................................................30
3.3.4 Test Register (M_CAN_TEST)...........................................................................................................................32
3.3.5 RAM Watchdog Register (M_CAN_RWD)........................................................................................................33
3.3.6 CC Control Register (M_CAN_CCCR)..............................................................................................................34
3.3.7 Bit Timing and Prescaler Register (M_CAN_BTP)............................................................................................36
3.3.8 Timestamp Counter Configuration Register (M_CAN_TSCC)..........................................................................38
3.3.9 Timestamp Counter Value Register (M_CAN_TSCV).......................................................................................38
3.3.10 Timeout Counter Configuration Register (M_CAN_TOCC)..............................................................................39
3.3.11 Timeout Counter Value Register (M_CAN_TOCV)...........................................................................................40
3.3.12 Error Counter Register (M_CAN_ECR)..............................................................................................................41
3.3.13 Protocol Status Register (M_CAN_PSR)............................................................................................................42
3.3.14 Interrupt Register (M_CAN_IR)..........................................................................................................................45
3.3.15 Interrupt Enable Register (M_CAN_IE)..............................................................................................................49
3.3.16 Interrupt Line Select Register (M_CAN_ILS).....................................................................................................52
3.3.17 Interrupt Line Enable Register (M_CAN_ILE)...................................................................................................55
3.3.18 Global Filter Configuration Register (M_CAN_GFC)........................................................................................56
3.3.19 Standard ID Filter Configuration Register (M_CAN_SIDFC)............................................................................57
3.3.20 Extended ID Filter Configuration Register (M_CAN_XIDFC)..........................................................................58
3.3.21 Extended ID and Mask Register (M_CAN_XIDAM).........................................................................................59
3.3.22 High Priority Message Status Register (M_CAN_HPMS)..................................................................................59
3.3.23 New Data 1 Register (M_CAN_NDAT1)...........................................................................................................60
3.3.24 New Data 2 Register (M_CAN_NDAT2)...........................................................................................................61
3.3.25 Rx FIFO 0 Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXF0C)......................................................................................61
3.3.26 Rx FIFO 0 Status Register (M_CAN_RXF0S)....................................................................................................62
3.3.27 Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge Register (M_CAN_RXF0A)......................................................................................63
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Section number Title Page
3.3.28 Rx Buffer Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXBC).........................................................................................64
3.3.29 Rx FIFO 1 Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXF1C)......................................................................................64
3.3.30 Rx FIFO 1 Status Register (M_CAN_RXF1S)....................................................................................................65
3.3.31 Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge Register (M_CAN_RXF1A)......................................................................................66
3.3.32 Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXESC).....................................................67
3.3.33 Tx Buffer Configuration Register (M_CAN_TXBC)..........................................................................................69
3.3.34 Tx FIFO/Queue Status Register (M_CAN_TXFQS)...........................................................................................70
3.3.35 Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration (M_CAN_TXESC)................................................................................71
3.3.36 Tx Buffer Request Pending Register (M_CAN_TXBRP)...................................................................................72
3.3.37 Tx Buffer Add Request Register (M_CAN_TXBAR)........................................................................................73
3.3.38 Tx Buffer Cancellation Request Register (M_CAN_TXBCR)...........................................................................73
3.3.39 Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred Register (M_CAN_TXBTO)........................................................................74
3.3.40 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Register (M_CAN_TXBCF)...........................................................................74
3.3.41 Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable Register (M_CAN_TXBTIE)............................................................75
3.3.42 Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable Register (M_CAN_TXBCIE)..............................................75
3.3.43 Tx Event FIFO Configuration Register (M_CAN_TXEFC)...............................................................................76
3.3.44 Tx Event FIFO Status Register (M_CAN_TXEFS)............................................................................................77
3.3.45 Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge Register (M_CAN_TXEFA)...............................................................................78
3.4 Message RAM..................................................................................................................................................................78
3.4.1 Rx Buffer and FIFO Element...............................................................................................................................79
3.4.2 Tx Buffer Element...............................................................................................................................................81
3.4.3 Tx Event FIFO Element.......................................................................................................................................83
3.4.4 Standard Message ID Filter Element...................................................................................................................84
3.4.5 Extended Message ID Filter Element..................................................................................................................85
3.5 Functional Description......................................................................................................................................................87
3.5.1 Operating Modes..................................................................................................................................................87
3.5.2 Timestamp Generation.........................................................................................................................................96
3.5.3 Timeout Counter..................................................................................................................................................97
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Section number Title Page
3.5.4 Rx Handling.........................................................................................................................................................97
3.5.5 Tx Handling.........................................................................................................................................................108
3.5.6 FIFO Acknowledge Handling..............................................................................................................................114
3.5.7 Interface to DMA Controller................................................................................................................................114
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Chapter 1 Preface

1.1 Overview

For users of maskset 2N45H, this addendum supplements—and must be used in conjunction with—the latest version of the MPC5777C Reference Manual. The primary objective of this document is to define the major differences in functionality of maskset 2N45H from maskset 3N45H for software and hardware developers.
The information in this document is subject to change. As with any technical documentation, it is the reader’s responsibility to ensure he or she is using the most recent version of the documentation.
To locate any published errata or updates for this document, visit the Freescale Web site at http://www.freescale.com.

1.2 Device versions

This document is necessary for users of maskset 2N45H. It describes the functionality and programming model of maskset 2N45H that differ from maskset 3N45H.
For 2N45H, the body chapters in this addendum replace the corresponding chapters of the latest MPC5777C Reference Manual (document number MPC5777CRM). Other chapters in the latest MPC5777C Reference Manual accurately describe 2N45H.
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1.3 Audience
This addendum is intended for system software and hardware developers and applications programmers who want to develop products with maskset 2N45H of the MPC5777C. It is assumed that the reader understands operating systems, microprocessor system design, basic principles of software and hardware, and basic details of the Power Architecture® developed by Freescale.

1.4 Document organization

This document contains two chapters whose content differs from the corresponding chapters of the MPC5777C Reference Manual:
• Platform Configuration Module (PCM)
• Modular CAN (M_CAN)
These addendum chapters describe the indicated modules for maskset 2N45H. The corresponding chapters of the MPC5777C Reference Manual describe the indicated modules for maskset 3N45H.


1.5.1 Numbering systems

The following suffixes identify different numbering systems:
This suffix Identifies a
b Binary number. For example, the binary equivalent of the number 5 is written 101b. In some cases,
binary numbers are shown with the prefix 0b.
d Decimal number. Decimal numbers are followed by this suffix only when the possibility of confusion
exists. In general, decimal numbers are shown without a suffix.
h Hexadecimal number. For example, the hexadecimal equivalent of the number 60 is written 3Ch. In
some cases, hexadecimal numbers are shown with the prefix 0x.
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Chapter 1 Preface

1.5.2 Typographic notation

The following typographic notation is used throughout this document:
Example Description
placeholder, x Items in italics are placeholders for information that you provide. Italicized text is also used for
the titles of publications and for emphasis. Plain lowercase letters are also used as placeholders for single letters and numbers.
SR[SCM] A mnemonic in brackets represents a named field in a register. This example refers to the
REVNO[6:4], XAD[7:0] Numbers in brackets and separated by a colon represent either:
Fixed-width type indicates text that must be typed exactly as shown. It is used for instruction mnemonics, directives, symbols, subcommands, parameters, and operators. Fixed-width type is also used for example code. Instruction mnemonics and directives in text and tables are shown in all caps; for example, BSR.
Scaling Mode (SCM) field in the Status Register (SR).
• A subset of a register's named field For example, REVNO[6:4] refers to bits 6–4 that are part of the COREREV field that
occupies bits 6–0 of the REVNO register.
• A continuous range of individual signals of a bus For example, XAD[7:0] refers to signals 7–0 of the XAD bus.

1.5.3 Special terms

The following terms have special meanings:
Term Meaning
asserted Refers to the state of a signal as follows:
• An active-high signal is asserted when high (1).
• An active-low signal is asserted when low (0).
deasserted Refers to the state of a signal as follows:
• An active-high signal is deasserted when low (0).
• An active-low signal is deasserted when high (1).
In some cases, deasserted signals are described as negated.
reserved Refers to a memory space, register, field, or programming setting. Writes to a reserved location can
result in unpredictable functionality or behavior.
• Do not modify the default value of a reserved programming setting, such as the reset value of a reserved register field.
• Consider undefined locations in memory to be reserved.
w1c Write 1 to clear: Refers to a register bitfield that must be written as 1 to be "cleared."
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1.6 References
This addendum must be used in conjunction with the latest version of the MPC5777C Reference Manual (document number MPC5777CRM).
In addition, the following documents provide information about the operation of the MPC5777C:
• MPC5777C Data Sheet (document number MPC5777C)
e200z759n3 Core Reference Manual (document number e200z759n3CRM), available at www.freescale.com
Safety Manual for MPC5777C (document number MPC5777CSM)
• IEEE-ISTO 5001-2003 Standard for a Global Embedded Processor Interface (Nexus)
• IEEE 1149.1-2001 standard - IEEE Standard Test Access Port and Boundary-Scan Architecture
• Power Architecture Book E V1.0, available at www.freescale.com: http://
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Chapter 2 Platform Configuration Module (PCM)

2.1 PCM memory map and register descriptions

The Platform Configuration Module contains three miscellaneous configuration registers for the chip. Currently, the configuration registers are related to the operation of the FEC and intelligent bus bridging gasket. The module is mapped to AIPS_0 (PBRIDGE_B) on­platform slot 27 with a base address of FFF6_C000h.
These registers can be accessed only in supervisor mode.
PCM memory map
offset (hex)
4 Bus Bridge Configuration Register 1 (PCM_IAHB_BE1) 32 R/W 0707_0707h 2.1.2/13 8 Bus Bridge Configuration Register 2 (PCM_IAHB_BE2) 32 R/W 0707_0707h 2.1.3/16
FEC Burst Optimization Master Control Register (PCM_FBOMCR)
Register name
(in bits)
Access Reset value
32 R/W 0000_0000h 2.1.1/12
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PCM memory map and register descriptions
2.1.1 FEC Burst Optimization Master Control Register (PCM_FBOMCR)
This register controls FEC burst optimization behavior on the system bus.
Address: 0h base + 0h offset = 0h
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PCM_FBOMCR field descriptions
Field Description
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Accumulate Error
This field determines whether an error response for the first half of the write burst is accumulated to the second half of the write burst or discarded. To complete the burst, the FEC interface to the system bus responds by indicating that the first half of the burst completed without error before it actually writes the data so that it can fetch the second half of the write data from the FIFO. When actually written onto the system bus, the first half of the write burst can have an error. Because this half initially responded without an error to the FIFO, the error is discarded or accumulated with the error response for the second half of the burst.
0 Any error to the first half of the write burst is discarded. 1 Any actual error response to the first half of the write burst is accumulated in the second half's
response. In other words, an error response to the first half is seen in the response to the second half, even if the second half does not contain an error.
Global write burst enable to XBAR slave port designated by FXSBEn
0 Write bursting to all XBAR slave ports is disabled. 1 Write bursting is enabled to any XBAR slave port whose FXSBEn bit is 1.
Global read burst enable from XBAR slave port designated by FXSBEn
0 Read bursting from all XBAR slave ports is disabled. 1 Read bursting is enabled from any XBAR slave port whose FXSBEn bit is 1.
Table continues on the next page...
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PCM_FBOMCR field descriptions (continued)
Field Description
FEC XBAR slave burst enable
This field enables bursting by the FEC interface to the XBAR slave port controlled by each FXSBEn bit.
• When a particular FXSBEn bit is 1, the XBAR slave port enabled by that bit can support the bursts allowed by RBEN and WBEN. RBEN enables read bursts from the XBAR slave port, and WBEN enables write bursts to the XBAR slave port.
• When a particular FXSBEn bit is 0, the FEC interface does not burst to the XBAR slave port controlled by that FXSBEn bit.
FXSBEn assignments to XBAR slave ports are as follows: FXSBE0 = Flash memory FXSBE1 = EBI FXSBE2 = RAM FXSBE3 = reserved FXSBE4 = reserved FXSBE5 = reserved FXSBE6 = AIPS_1 (PBRIDGE_A) FXSBE7 = AIPS_0 (PBRIDGE_B)
Chapter 2 Platform Configuration Module (PCM)
2.1.2 Bus Bridge Configuration Register 1 (PCM_IAHB_BE1)
Address: 0h base + 4h offset = 4h
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
Field Description
PCM_IAHB_BE1 field descriptions
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Table continues on the next page...
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PCM memory map and register descriptions
PCM_IAHB_BE1 field descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Pending Read Enable Core1 Data
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
0 Pending reads are disabled. 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable Core1 Data
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable Core1 Data
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable Core1 Instruction
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
0 Pending reads are disabled. 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable Core1 Instruction
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable Core1 Instruction
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable Core0 Data
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
0 Pending reads are disabled 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable Core0 Data
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
Table continues on the next page...
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PCM_IAHB_BE1 field descriptions (continued)
Field Description
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable Core0 Data
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable Core0 Instruction
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
0 Pending reads are disabled. 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable Core0 Instruction
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
Chapter 2 Platform Configuration Module (PCM)
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable Core0 Instruction
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
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PCM memory map and register descriptions
2.1.3 Bus Bridge Configuration Register 2 (PCM_IAHB_BE2)
Address: 0h base + 8h offset = 8h
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
PCM_IAHB_BE2 field descriptions
Field Description
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable FEC
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
0 Pending reads are disabled. 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable FEC
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable FEC
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable Master Port 6 Concentrator
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
Table continues on the next page...
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PCM_IAHB_BE2 field descriptions (continued)
Field Description
0 Pending reads are disabled. 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable Master Port 6 Concentrator
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable Master Port 6 Concentrator
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable eDMA_B
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
Chapter 2 Platform Configuration Module (PCM)
0 Pending reads are disabled 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable eDMA_B
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Burst Write Enable eDMA_B
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
Pending Read Enable eDMA_A
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of pending read transactions.
0 Pending reads are disabled. 1 Pending reads are enabled.
Burst Read Enable eDMA_A
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst read transactions.
0 Burst reads are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst reads are optimized for best system performance.
Table continues on the next page...
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PCM memory map and register descriptions
PCM_IAHB_BE2 field descriptions (continued)
Field Description
Burst Write Enable eDMA_A
This bit controls the bus gasket’s handling of burst write transactions.
0 Burst writes are converted into a series of single transactions on the slave side of the gasket. 1 Burst writes are optimized for best system performance. Note this setting treats writes as “imprecise”
such that an error response on any beat of the burst is reported on the last beat.
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Chapter 3 Modular CAN (M_CAN)

3.1 Chip-specific M_CAN information

3.1.1 M_CAN Message RAM allocation

On this chip, each M_CAN instance can address 1216 words in the Message RAM. As a result, the Message RAM shared by the two M_CAN instances supports 2432
words, or 9.5 KB.

3.1.2 Introduction

The M_CAN subsystem includes:
• Two M_CAN modules
• A Message RAM controller
The M_CAN subsystem block diagram is shown in the following figure.
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M _C AN_0
host clock
CAN protocol clock
Message RAM
CPU reads/writes
CPU reads/writes
M_CAN Subsystem
CPU clock*
M _C AN_1
host clock
CPU reads/writes
*Refer to the Clocking chapter for M_CAN clock details.
Chip-specific M_CAN information
Figure 3-1. M_CAN subsystem block diagram

3.1.3 Functional Description Message RAM Controller
The Message RAM Controller has the arbiter for the accesses to the external Message RAM and the ECC (Error Code Correction) Controller for the external Message RAM data. Message RAM Arbiter
The Message RAM Arbiter is a dynamic round robin arbiter that selects which request is sent to the external Message RAM. These requests are made by the CPU, M_CAN_0, or M_CAN_1.
This arbiter ensures:
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CPU clock
who accesses the external Message RAM
CPU clock
who accesses the external Message RAM
CPU clock
who accesses the external Message RAM
Chapter 3 Modular CAN (M_CAN)
• 50% bandwidth for CPU accesses to the external Message RAM. The CPU does not wait for more than one clock cycle to access the external Message RAM (see examples 1 and 3).
• 50% bandwidth is shared between M_CAN_0 and M_CAN_1 accesses to the external Message RAM. Each M_CAN waits at least one clock cycle to access the external Message RAM (see examples 1, 2, and 3).
• If there is no CPU request, all bandwidth is distributed to M_CAN_0 and M_CAN_1 (see example 2).
• If there are no M_CAN_0 and M_CAN_1 requests, all bandwidth is distributed to the CPU.
• If there are requests from only one M_CAN, the other M_CAN's bandwidth is distributed to the first M_CAN (see example 1).
The following examples illustrate the dynamic arbiter scheme.
Example 1: The following figure shows who accesses the external Message RAM when only CPU and M_CAN_0 try to access to it.
Example 2: The following figure shows who accesses the external Message RAM when only M_CAN_0 and M_CAN_1 try to access to it.
Example 3: The following figure shows who accesses the external Message RAM when the CPU, M_CAN_0, and M_CAN_1 try to access to it.
The read or write accesses to the external Message RAM use two clock cycles. In the first clock cycle, the address is available, and in the second, the data is available.
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Chip-specific M_CAN information
The arbiter has a pseudo address pre-fetching mechanism that allows the data of the previous access to overlap with the address of the current access. The pseudo address pre­fetching scheme saves multiple clock cycles when there are multiples accesses to the external Message RAM. ECC Controller
The ECC Controller provides Single Error Correction / Double Error Detection (SECDED). It guarantees single bit error correction and double bit error detection (without correction). The SECDED code is not guaranteed to detect more than two bits with error.
Each 32 data bits of the external Message RAM is associated with 7 ECC bits. If all these 39 bits are zero or one, then it is flagged as non-correctable error.
For writes to the external Message RAM, the ECC bits (7-bit) are calculated using the data bits (32-bit). The data bits plus ECC bits (39-bit) are written into the specified memory address. The error detection and correction are performed on the reads from the external Message RAM.
When an M_CAN accesses the external Message RAM, the ECC bits are calculated by the ECC Controller and they are sent to this M_CAN. External Message RAM
The external Message RAM supports only 32-bit write and read accesses. The CPU can access the external Message RAM through the M_CAN subsystem. In this
case, the CPU can do 8/16/32-bit read accesses to the external Message RAM. Transfer Error
The M_CAN subsystem does not report any transfer error.

3.1.4 External Signals

The M_CAN subsystem external signals are shown in the following table.
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Chapter 3 Modular CAN (M_CAN)
Table 3-1. M_CAN subsystem external signals
Signal name Direction Description
M_CAN_0_Rx input M_CAN_0 CAN Rx signal M_CAN_0_Tx output M_CAN_0 CAN Tx signal M_CAN_1_Rx input M_CAN_1 CAN Rx signal M_CAN_1_Tx output M_CAN_1 CAN Tx signal

3.2 Overview

The M_CAN module is the new CAN Communication Controller IP-module. The M_CAN performs communication according to ISO11898-1 (Bosch CAN specification
2.0 part A,B) and to Bosch CAN FD specification V1.0. Additional transceiver hardware is required for connection to the physical layer.
The message storage is intended to be a single- or dual-ported Message RAM outside of the module. It is connected to the M_CAN via the Generic Master Interface. Depending on the chosen device, multiple M_CAN controllers can share the same Message RAM.
All functions concerning the handling of messages are implemented by the Rx Handler and the Tx Handler. The Rx Handler manages message acceptance filtering, the transfer of received messages from the CAN Core to the Message RAM as well as providing receive message status information. The Tx Handler is responsible for the transfer of transmit messages from the Message RAM to the CAN Core as well as providing transmit status information.
Acceptance filtering is implemented by a combination of up to 128 filter elements where each one can be configured as a range, as a bit mask, or as a dedicated ID filter.
The M_CAN can be connected to a wide range of Host CPUs via its 8/16/32-bit Generic Slave Interface. The M_CAN's clock domain concept allows the separation between the high precision CAN clock and the Host clock, which may be generated by an FM-PLL.

3.2.1 Features

The following are the features of M_CAN.
• Conforms with CAN protocol version 2.0 part A, B and ISO 11898-1
• CAN FD with up to 64 data bytes supported
• CAN Error Logging
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• AUTOSAR optimized
• SAE J1939 optimized
• Improved acceptance filtering
• Two configurable Receive FIFOs
• Separate signalling on reception of High Priority Messages
• Up to 64 dedicated Receive Buffers
• Up to 32 dedicated Transmit Buffers
• Configurable Transmit FIFO
• Configurable Transmit Queue
• Configurable Transmit Event FIFO
• Direct Message RAM access for Host CPU
• Multiple M_CANs may share the same Message RAM
• Programmable loop-back test mode
• Maskable module interrupts
• 8/16/32-bit Generic Slave Interface for connection customer-specific Host CPUs
• Two clock domains (CAN clock and Host clock)
• Power-down support
• Debug on CAN support
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24 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
3.2.2 Block Diagram
Cfg and Ctrl
Cfg and Ctrl
Host Clock Domain
Tx Prioritization
Acceptance Filter
Cfg and Ctrl
CAN Clock Domain
Memory IF
Rx Handler
Host IF
Tx Handler
CAN Core
Generic Slave IF
Generic Master IF
R x
Chapter 3 Modular CAN (M_CAN)
Figure 3-2. M_CAN Block Diagram
• CAN Core: CAN Protocol Controller and Rx/Tx Shift Register. Handles all ISO 11898-1 protocol functions. Supports 11-bit and 29-bit identifiers.
• Sync: Synchronizes signals from the Host clock domain to the CAN clock domain and vice versa.
• Clk: Synchronizes reset signal to the Host clock domain and to the CAN clock domain.
• Cfg and Ctrl: CAN Core related configuration and control bits.
• Interrupt and Timestamp: Interrupt control and 16-bit CAN bit time counter for receive and transmit timestamp generation.
• Tx Handler: Controls the message transfer from the external Message RAM to the CAN Core. A maximum of 32 Tx Buffers can be configured for transmission. Tx buffers can be used as dedicated Tx Buffers, as Tx FIFO, part of a Tx Queue, or as a combination of them. A Tx Event FIFO stores Tx timestamps together with the corresponding Message ID. Transmit cancellation is also supported.
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• Rx Handler: Controls the transfer of received messages from the CAN Core to the external Message RAM. The Rx Handler supports two Receive FIFOs, each of configurable size, and up to 64 dedicated Rx Buffers for storage of all messages that have passed acceptance filtering. A dedicated Rx Buffer, in contrast to a Receive FIFO, is used to store only messages with a specific identifier. An Rx timestamp is stored together with each message. Up to 128 filters can be defined for 11-bit IDs and up to 64 filters for 29-bit IDs.
• Generic Slave Interface: Connects the M_CAN to a specific Host CPU. The Generic Slave Interface is capable to connect to an 8/16/32-bit bus to support a wide range of interconnection structures.
• Generic Master Interface: Connects the M_CAN access to an external 32-bit Message RAM. The maximum Message RAM size is 16 KB × 32-bit.
• Extension Interface: All flags from the Interrupt Register IR as well as selected internal status and control signals are routed to this interface. The interface is intended for connection of the M_CAN to a module-external interrupt unit or other module-external components. The connection of these signals is optional.

3.2.3 Dual Clock Sources

To improve the EMC behavior, a spread spectrum clock can be used for the Host clock domain. Due to the high precision clocking requirements of the CAN Core, a separate clock without any modulation has to be provided as CAN clock.
Within the M_CAN module there is a synchronization mechanism implemented to ensure save data transfer between the two clock domains.
In order to achieve a stable function of the M_CAN, the Host clock must always be faster than or equal to the CAN clock. Also, the modulation depth of a spread spectrum clock must be regarded.

3.2.4 Dual Interrupt Lines

The module provides two interrupt lines. Interrupts can be routed either to M_CAN interrupt 0 or to M_CAN interrupt 1. By default all interrupts are routed to interrupt line M_CAN interrupt 0. By programming ILE[EINT0] and ILE[EINT1], the interrupt lines can be enabled or disabled separately.
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Chapter 3 Modular CAN (M_CAN)

3.3 Memory Map and Register Description

After hardware reset, the registers of the M_CAN hold the reset values. Additionally the Bus_Off state is reset and the M_CAN Tx is set to recessive (HIGH). The value 0x0001 (CCCR[INIT] = 1) in the CC Control Register enables software initialization. The M_CAN does not influence the CAN bus until the CPU resets CCCR[INIT] to 0.
The M_CAN module allocates an address space of 256 bytes. All registers are organized as 32-bit registers. The M_CAN is accessible by the CPU using a data width of 8-bit (byte access), 16-bit (half-word access), or 32-bit (word access).
The CPU has write access to Protected Write registers and fields when both CCCR[CCE] is 1 and CCCR[INIT] is 1.
There is a delay from writing to a command register until the update of the related status register bits due to clock domain crossing.
Any write access to reserved or not implemented registers in the slot assigned by to the M_CAN IP will not generate any bus access error.
M_CAN memory map
offset (hex)
0 Core Release Register (M_CAN_CREL) 32 R See section 3.3.1/28 4 Endian Register (M_CAN_ENDN) 32 R 8765_4321h 3.3.2/29
C Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler Register (M_CAN_FBTP) 32 R/W 0000_0A33h 3.3.3/30 10 Test Register (M_CAN_TEST) 32 R/W See section 3.3.4/32 14 RAM Watchdog Register (M_CAN_RWD) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.5/33 18 CC Control Register (M_CAN_CCCR) 32 R/W 0000_0001h 3.3.6/34
1C Bit Timing and Prescaler Register (M_CAN_BTP) 32 R/W 0000_0A33h 3.3.7/36
20 Timestamp Counter Configuration Register (M_CAN_TSCC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.8/38 24 Timestamp Counter Value Register (M_CAN_TSCV) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 3.3.9/38 28 Timeout Counter Configuration Register (M_CAN_TOCC) 32 R/W FFFF_0000h 3.3.10/39
2C Timeout Counter Value Register (M_CAN_TOCV) 32 w1c 0000_FFFFh 3.3.11/40
40 Error Counter Register (M_CAN_ECR) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.12/41 44 Protocol Status Register (M_CAN_PSR) 32 R 0000_0707h 3.3.13/42 50 Interrupt Register (M_CAN_IR) 32 w1c 0000_0000h 3.3.14/45 54 Interrupt Enable Register (M_CAN_IE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.15/49
Register name
(in bits)
Access Reset value
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Memory Map and Register Description
M_CAN memory map (continued)
offset (hex)
58 Interrupt Line Select Register (M_CAN_ILS) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.16/52
5C Interrupt Line Enable Register (M_CAN_ILE) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.17/55
80 Global Filter Configuration Register (M_CAN_GFC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.18/56 84 Standard ID Filter Configuration Register (M_CAN_SIDFC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.19/57 88 Extended ID Filter Configuration Register (M_CAN_XIDFC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.20/58 90 Extended ID and Mask Register (M_CAN_XIDAM) 32 R/W 1FFF_FFFFh 3.3.21/59 94 High Priority Message Status Register (M_CAN_HPMS) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.22/59 98 New Data 1 Register (M_CAN_NDAT1) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.23/60
9C New Data 2 Register (M_CAN_NDAT2) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.24/61
A0 Rx FIFO 0 Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXF0C) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.25/61 A4 Rx FIFO 0 Status Register (M_CAN_RXF0S) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.26/62 A8 Rx FIFO 0 Acknowledge Register (M_CAN_RXF0A) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.27/63
AC Rx Buffer Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXBC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.28/64
B0 Rx FIFO 1 Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXF1C) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.29/64 B4 Rx FIFO 1 Status Register (M_CAN_RXF1S) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.30/65 B8 Rx FIFO 1 Acknowledge Register (M_CAN_RXF1A) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.31/66
C0 Tx Buffer Configuration Register (M_CAN_TXBC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.33/69 C4 Tx FIFO/Queue Status Register (M_CAN_TXFQS) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.34/70 C8 Tx Buffer Element Size Configuration (M_CAN_TXESC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.35/71 CC Tx Buffer Request Pending Register (M_CAN_TXBRP) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.36/72 D0 Tx Buffer Add Request Register (M_CAN_TXBAR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.37/73 D4 Tx Buffer Cancellation Request Register (M_CAN_TXBCR) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.38/73
DC Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Register (M_CAN_TXBCF) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.40/74
F0 Tx Event FIFO Configuration Register (M_CAN_TXEFC) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.43/76 F4 Tx Event FIFO Status Register (M_CAN_TXEFS) 32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.44/77 F8 Tx Event FIFO Acknowledge Register (M_CAN_TXEFA) 32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.45/78
Rx Buffer / FIFO Element Size Configuration Register (M_CAN_RXESC)
Tx Buffer Transmission Occurred Register (M_CAN_TXBTO)
Tx Buffer Transmission Interrupt Enable Register (M_CAN_TXBTIE)
Tx Buffer Cancellation Finished Interrupt Enable Register (M_CAN_TXBCIE)
Register name
(in bits)
Access Reset value
32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.32/67
32 R 0000_0000h 3.3.39/74
32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.41/75
32 R/W 0000_0000h 3.3.42/75
3.3.1 Core Release Register (M_CAN_CREL)
The following table shows example field values for this register and explains how they encode a particular M_CAN core release.
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Chapter 3 Modular CAN (M_CAN)
0 2 0 9 3 26 Revision 0.2.0, date 2009/03/26
Address: 0h base + 0h offset = 0h
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x* x*
* Notes:
The coding of revisions depends on the module version used in the device.x = Undefined at reset.
M_CAN_CREL field descriptions
Field Description
12–15 YEAR
Core Release
One digit, BCD-coded. Step of Core Release
One digit, BCD-coded. Sub-step of Core Release
One digit, BCD-coded. Time Stamp Year
One digit, BCD-coded. Time Stamp Month
Two digits, BCD-coded. Time Stamp Day
Two digits, BCD-coded.
3.3.2 Endian Register (M_CAN_ENDN)
Address: 0h base + 4h offset = 4h
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
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Memory Map and Register Description
M_CAN_ENDN field descriptions
Field Description
Endianness Test Value
The endianness test value is 0x87654321.
3.3.3 Fast Bit Timing and Prescaler Register (M_CAN_FBTP)
The CAN bit time may be programed in the range of 4 to 25 time quanta. The CAN time quantum may be programmed in the range of 1 to 32 M_CAN clock periods. tq = (FBRP + 1) M_CAN clock period.
FTSEG1 is the sum of Prop_Seg and Phase_Seg1. FTSEG2 is Phase_Seg2. Therefore the length of the bit time is (programmed values) [FTSEG1 + FTSEG2 + 3] tq or (functional values) [Sync_Seg + Prop_Seg + Phase_Seg1 + Phase_Seg2] tq.
The Information Processing Time (IPT) is zero, meaning the data for the next bit is available at the first clock edge after the sample point.
With a M_CAN clock of 8 MHz, the reset value of 0x00000A33 configures the M_CAN for a fast bit rate of 500 kbit/s.
The bit rate configured for the CAN FD data phase via FBTP must be higher or equal to the bit rate configured for the arbitration phase via BTP.
Address: 0h base + Ch offset = Ch
Bit 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31
0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
M_CAN_FBTP field descriptions
Field Description
30 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
This field is reserved. This read-only field is reserved and always has the value 0.
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