NXP Semiconductors MPC57 Quick Start Manual

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Model-Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
Target Based Automatic Code Generation Tools
For MATLAB™/Simulink™/Stateflow™ Models working with Simulink Coder ™ and Embedded Coder®
Model Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
1 Installation .......................................................................................................................... 1-3
1.1 System Requirements .................................................................................................. 1-3
1.2 Installation Steps .......................................................................................................... 1-3
1.2.1 Run Add-on installer ............................................................................................ 1-4
1.2.2 License Registration & Installation ...................................................................... 1-7
1.2.3 Setting up the Target Compilers ........................................................................... 1-8
1.2.4 Setting the Path for Model-Based Design Toolbox .............................................. 1-8
2 Run Models ...................................................................................................................... 2-10
2.1 Examples Library & Help .......................................................................................... 2-10
2.2 Hardware Setup ......................................................................................................... 2-12
2.3 BootLoader Setup ...................................................................................................... 2-13
2.4 Hello World Example ................................................................................................ 2-17
Model Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
1 Installation
Installing the Model-Based Design Toolbox is the first step in setting up and running automatic C code generation from MATLAB/Simulink for NXP’s embedded target processors and development boards.
1.1 System Requirements
For a flowless development experience the minimum recommended PC platform is:
Windows® OS: any x64 processor
At least 4 GB of RAM
At least 6 GB of free disk space.
Internet connectivity for web downloads.
Operating System Supported
SP Level
Windows 7
Windows 10 X
1.2 Installation Steps
NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox is delivered as MATLAB Toolbox Package that can be installed offline or online from MathWorks Add-ons. This document shows how to install the offline package, assuming you have already downloaded the file from NXP’s official web page.
To have the toolbox installed and configured properly the following actions should be executed:
1. Run the MATLAB toolbox package file *.mltbx downloaded from NXP’s Model-
Based Design Toolbox web page
2. Register and install the toolbox license file into ..\My Documents\MATLAB\Add-
3. Set the Target Compiler Environment Variables
4. Setup the MATLAB path for Model-Based Design Toolbox
Each of these actions are explained in the following sub-chapters.
Model Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
1.2.1 Run Add-on installer
Install the NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox by double clicking the *.mltbx file. This will activate the MATLAB Add-ons installer that will automatically start the installation process.
After the MATLAB opens, you will be prompted with the following options:
1. The NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox Installation Wizard dialog will appear.
Click “Install” to proceed.
2. Indicate acceptance of the NXP Software License Agreement by selecting I
agree to the terms of the license” to proceed.
Model Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
3. Click “OK” to start the MATLAB installation process. The rest of the process is
silent and under MATLAB control. All the files will be automatically copied into default Add-Ons folder within the MATLAB
The default location can be changed prior to installation by changing the Add-Ons path from MATLAB Preferences
4. After a couple of minutes (2-5min), the NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox should
be visible as a new Add-ons.
5. More details about the NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox can be found by
clicking on View Details
Model Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
6. NXP’s Model-Based Design Toolbox documentation, help and examples are fully
integrated with MATLAB development environment. Get more details by accessing the standard Help and Supplemental Software section
Model Based Design Toolbox MPC57xx Series
Quick Start Guide
1.2.2 License Registration & Installation
The NXP’s Model Based Design Toolbox is available free of charge, however, a license is required. If you need to get a license it can be obtained by following the path outlined below. If you encounter issues getting a license please submit a ticket at
https://www.nxp.com/support/support:SUPPORTHOME describing the issue.
Please perform the following steps to obtain your license:
1. Go to www.nxp.com/mbdt and click on “Download Eval
2. Once you have logged in, the “Product Information page for Model-Based
Design Toolbox appears. Select the appropriate toolbox you wish you evaluate to bring up the Software Terms
and Conditions page.
3. Click “I Agree” to consent to the software license agreement.
4. If you need to download the tool, click on the linked file name. Otherwise, click on
License Keys” tab.
5. Verify the correct tool is identified and click on “Generate”.
6. Enter your Disk Serial Number as the Host ID. If you do not know your Disk
Serial Number, go to “Locating the Host ID in the document Model-Based Design Toolbox License Installation to learn how to locate your Disk Serial Number, which is needed to generate your license.
7. Click “Generate
8. Either click on “Save All” or copy and paste the file into a text editor and save the
file as “license.lic to the folder “..\MATLAB\Add­Ons\Toolboxes\NXP_MBDToolbox_MPC57xx\code\lic
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