stability ceramic
4 capacitances
of 100 nF each
400 - - nF
stability ceramic
capacitor on
- 40 - - µF
2.3 Capacitors
The ballast transistor requires capacitors to be added for decoupling and stability. The number of capacitors is not important
— only the overall capacitance value and the overall ESR value are important.
• C1 – The capacitance on V
is determined by the stability requirement of the regulator. It is recommended that the
40µF value is split between the V
/ V
pair pins, 4x10µF capacitors placed as close as possibly to
the MCU pins.
• C2 – The 4 x100nF decoupling capacitors are required to filter high frequency noise and smooth the 5 V input signal,
again these should be placed as close as possible to the MCU pins.
• C3 – The 40µF capacitance value is required to meet the voltage drop on the collector and transient requirements,
especially during power-up. It is recommended to place the 40µF capacitor as close as possible to the ballast transistor
collector pin.
47 µF cap can be added to the VDD 5V as a bulk capacitance to reduce ripple from the input supply (optional).
The bypass capacitors serve two purposes:
• To provide (normally dominant) pole to ensure loop stability
• Used as a charge tank for load demand changes. This means if for example load suddenly drops, the cap on the collector
will consume the current until the regulator has adapted to the new situation (and vice versa)
Required capacitor values listed in the table include a de-rating factor of 40%, covering tolerance, temperature, and aging
effects. These factors are taken into account to assure proper operation under worst case conditions. X7R type materials are
recommended for all capacitors, based on ESR characteristics.
2.4 Additional design option
The output stage for the power transistor is a class A stage, PMOS power device, loaded with a bit current towards ground.
Thus only the current source towards ground can remove charge in the base of the power transistor, so the turn off delay is
not acceptable. Adding an external resistor base to ground improves the situation and decreases the max available base
current. Using this approach it is possible to reduce load capacitance from 40μF to 20μF as shown in Figure 2. This is
achieved through the addition of an external 20 kresistor added to the base of the transistor. Addition of this pull-down
resistor reduces the response rate of the regulation loop, and therefore reduces the amount of reserve required to respond to
changes in the load. This option may reduce component cost.
Power Supply
Hardware Design Guide, Rev. 0, 2012
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. 5