This manual details the MKW01, which is a highly-integrated, cost-effective, system-in-package (SIP),
sub-1 GHz wireless node solution with an FSK, GFSK, MSK, or OOK modulation-capable transceiver and
low-power Kinetis microcontroller . The highly integrated RF trans cei ver operates over a wide frequency
range including 315 MHz, 433 MHz, 470 MHz, 868 MHz, 915 MHz, 928 MHz, and 955 MHz in the
license-free Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) frequency bands.
This manual is intended for system designers.
Revision History
The following table summarizes revisions to this document since the previous release (Rev 2.0).
Revision History
Chapter 1 • Corrected the package name from 56 LGA to 60-pin LGA
• Added the following paragraph in Section 1.7.1, “Transceiver overview
“The versatile RF Transceiver in the MKW01 can be configured to be compliant with
the relevant sections of numerous world-wide standards, including but not limited to:
ARIB-T108 and T67, FCC 15.231, 15.247 and 15.249, 802.15.4g, EN54-25 and ETSI
300 220.”
Chapter 2 • Updated Figure 2-1. MKW01Z128 pinout
• Updated Table 2-1. Pin Function Description
• Updated description of pin # 58 in Table 2-2 MKW01Z128 Internal Functional
Chapter 3 • Updated Table 3-2 Reset State of PORTx_PCRn Register Bit Fields.
• Updated Table 3-3 MKW01 Pin Assignments and Signal Multiplexing.
Chapter 4 • Added a note related to CLKOUT in Idle mode to Section 4.3.3, “External Clock
Chapter 5 • Added a note to Section 5.5.5, “Lock Detect Indicator.
• Added a figure to show Pout vs. Programmed Power to Section 5.6.5, “Power
• Updated the following sentence in Section 5.7.3, “Continuous-Time DAGC from
“The DAGC is enabled by setting RegTestDagc to 0x10“ to “The DAGC is enabled by
setting RegTestDagc to 0x20“.
• Added Table 5-6. Available DCC Cutoff Frequencies Expressed as Percentage of
RXBW (continued) to Section 5.7.6, “DC Cancellation.
• Added RSSI chart and the notes following the figure to Section 5.7.8, “RSSI.
Chapter 6 • Added a note related to CLKOUT in Idle mode to Section 6.3, “Listen Mode.
Chapter 7 • Updated Reset value of RegVersion (at address 0x10) from 0x22 to 0x 23 in T able 7-4.
Registers Summary. Also added a line for register RegTestTcxo at address 0x59.
• Added a line for register RegTestTcxo at address 0x59 in Table 7-11 Test Registers.
Also updated description of RegTestDagc (0x6F) register.
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Definitions, Acronyms, and Abbreviations
The following list defines the acronyms and abbreviations used in this document.
ACKAcknowledgement Frame
APIApplication Programming Interface
CCAClear Channel Assessment
CRCCyclical Redundancy Check
DCDDifferential Chip Decoding
DMEDevice Management Entity
FCSFrame Check Sequence
FFDFull Function Device
FFD-CFull Function Device Coordinator
FLIFrame Length Indicator
GTS Guaranteed Time Slot
IRQInterrupt Request
ISRInterrupt Service Routine
LOLocal Oscillator
MACMedium Access Control
MCPSMAC Common Part Sublayer
MCUMicrocontroller Unit
MLMEMAC Sublayer Management Entity
MSDUMAC Service Data Unit
PAPower Amplifier
PANPersonal Area Network
PANIDPAN Identification
PHYPHYsical Layer
PIBPAN Information Base
PPDUPHY Protocol Data Unit
PSDUPHY Service Data Unit
RFRadio Frequency
RFDReduced Function Device
SAPService Access Point
SFDStart of Frame Delimiter
The following sources were referenced to produce this book:
[1] IEEE 802.15.4 Standard
[2] Freescale
MKW01xx Data Sheet
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xiiFreescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Chapter 1
MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
Kinetis is the most scalable portfolio of low power, mixed-signal ARM®Cor tex™ MCUs in the industry.
Kinetis MCU families are peripheral- and software-compatible devices. Each family offers excellent
performance, memory and feature scalability with common peripherals, memory maps, and packages
providing easy migration both within and between families.
Kinetis MCUs are built from Freescale’ s innovative 90 nm thin film storage (TFS) flash technology with
unique FlexMemory. Kinetis MCU families combine the latest low-power innovations and high
performance, high precision mixed-signal capability with a broad range of connectivity, human-machine
interface, and safety & security peripherals.Kinetis MCUs are supported by a market-leading enablement
bundle from Freescale and numerous ARM 3rd party ecosystem partners.
Kinetis W-series devices all contain wireless connectivity options spanning across frequency bands and
T a ble 1-1. Kinetis W-Series devices
FamilyFrequency Band
KW2x2.4 GHz
KW01 devices also have these features:
— ARM Cortex-M0+ Cores delivering single-cycle access memories, 48 MHz CPU frequency
— Up to 16-channel DMA for peripheral and memory servicing with minimal CPU intervention
— Broad range of performance levels rated at maximum CPU frequencies starting at 48 MHz
•Ultra-low power:
— Multiple low power operating modes for optimizing peripheral activity and wakeup times for
extended battery life.
— Low–leakage wakeup unit, low power timer, and low power RTC for additional low power
— Industry-leading fast wakeup times
•Memory: 16 KB RAM, 128 KB flash
•Mixed-signal analog:
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
— Fast, high precision 16-bit ADCs, 12-bit DACs, high speed comparators and an internal voltage
reference. Powerful signal conditioning, conversion and analysis capability with reduced
system cost
•Human Machine Interface (HMI):
— Capacitive Touch Sensing Interface with full low-power support and minimal current adder
when enabled
•Connectivity and Communications:
— UARTs with ISO7816, CEA709.1-B (LON), and IrDA support, I2C, and DSPI
•Reliability, Safety and Security:
— Hardware cyclic redundancy check engine for validating memory contents/ communication
data and increased system reliability
— Independent-clocked computer operating properly (COP) for protection against code runaway
in fail-safe applications
— External watchdog monitor
•Timing and Control:
— Programmable Interrupt Timer for RTOS task scheduler time base or trigger source for ADC
conversion and programmable delay block
— Wide operating voltage range from 1.8 V to 3.6 V with flash programmable down to 1.8 V with
fully functional flash and analog peripherals
— Ambient operating temperature ranges from –40°C to 85°C
1.1KW01 family introduction
The KW01 family is the entry point into the Kinetis W-Series portfolio. The K01W is a single-chip
solution combining an ARM Cortex-M0+ microcontroller and a sub-GHz ISM band radio front-end
Devices contain 128 KB of flash and 16 KB of SRAM in an 8 x 8 mm 60-pin LGA package. Standard
features include a rich suite of analog, communication, timing and control peripherals. Additionally,
flexible low-power capabilities and innovative FlexMemory help to solve many of the major pain points
for system implementation.
1.2Ordering information
Table 1-2 lists the available devices in the MKW01 family.
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
Table 1-2. Devices in the MKW01 Family
MKW01Z128CHN–40° to 85° C60 LGA16 KB RAM,
Operating Temp
Range (TA.)
PackageMemory OptionsDescription
The primary target market is communications for
128 KB flash
last mile metering, sub metering and associated
devices such as concentrators. The feature set
will also allow it to serve for wireless sensor
networks in building control and automation.
1.3General platform features
•ARM Cortex-M0+ Core
•Sub-1 GHz in-package transceiver
•Multiple power saving modes
•1.8 V to 3.6 V operating voltage with on-chip voltage regulators
•–40°C to +85°C temperature range
•Low external component count
•Supports single crystal (32 MHz typical) clock source operation or dual crystal operation
•Versatile software solutions
•60-pin LGA (8x8 mm) Package
1.4MCU features
— ARM Cortex-M0+ 1.77 CoreMark/MHz from single-cycle access memories, 48 MHz CPU
— 4-channel DMA for peripheral and memory servicing with minimal CPU intervention
— CPU frequencies up to 48 MHz
•Ultra-low power:
— Multiple low power operating modes for optimizing peripheral activity and wakeup times for
extended battery life.
— Low–leakage wakeup unit and low power timer for time keeping function
— Industry-leading fast wakeup times
— 128 KB Flash, 16 KB RAM
•Mixed-signal analog:
— Fast, high precision 16-bit ADCs, and internal high speed comparators. Powerful signal
conditioning, conversion and analysis capability with reduced system cost
•Human Machine Interface (HMI):
— Capacitive Touch Sensing Interface with full low-power support and minimal current adder
when enabled
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
•Connectivity and Communications:
— Three UARTs, two SPIs, and two I2C
•Reliability, Safety and Security:
— Hardware cyclic redundancy check engine for validating memory contents/ communication
data and increased system reliability
— Independent-clocked computer operating properly (COP) for protection against code runaway
in fail-safe applications
•Timing and Control:
— Powerful timer modules that support general-purpose, PWM, and motor control functions
— Programmable Interrupt Timer for RTOS task scheduler time base or trigger source for ADC
conversion and programmable delay block
— Wide operating voltage range from 1.8 V to 3.6 V with flash programmable down to 1.8 V with
fully functional flash and analog peripherals
— Ambient operating temperature ranges from –40°C to 85°C
1.5RF transceiver features
•High Sensitivity: down to –120 dBm at 1.2 kbps
•High Selectivity: 16-tap FIR Channel Filter
•Bullet-proof front end: IIP3 = –18 dBm, IIP2 = +35 dBm, 80 dB Blocking Immunity, no Image
Frequency response
•Low current: RX = 16 mA, 100 nA register retention
•Programmable Pout : –18 to +17 dBm in 1 dB steps
•Constant RF performance over voltage range of chip
•FSK bit rates up to 600 kbps
•Fully integrated synthesizer with a resolution of 61 Hz
•FSK, GFSK, MSK, GMSK and OOK modulations
•Built-in Bit Synchronizer performing Clock recovery
•Incoming Sync Word Recognition
•Automatic RF Sense with ultra-fast AFC
•Packet engine with CRC, AES-128 encryption and 66-byte FIFO
•Built-in temperature sensor and Low battery indicator
•32 MHz (typical) crystal oscillator clock source
1.6Software solutions
Freescale will support the MKW01Z128 platform with several software solutions:
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
•A radio utility GUI will be available that allows testing of various features and setting registers. A
firmware-based connectivity test will allow a limited set of testing controlled with a terminal
emulator on any computer.
•SMAC (Simple Media Access Controller) — This codebase provides simple communication and
test apps based on drivers/PHY utilities available as source code. This environment is useful for
hardware and RF debug, hardware standards certification, and developing proprietary applications.
•MAC/PHY (Media Access Control/Physical) for IEEE 802.15.4g/e — This release was developed
primarily for the ZigBee Alliance specified Home Energy Management Systems for the Japanese
application space.
•Additional software will be available through 3rd party providers.
1.7System overview
Figure 1-1 shows a simplified block diagram of the MKW01.
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
Figure 1-1. MKW01 system level block diagram
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
1.7.1Transceiver overview
The transceiver (see Figure 1-1) is a single-chip integrated circuit ideally suited for today's high
performance ISM band RF applications. Its advanced features set, including state of the art packet engine,
greatly simplifies system design while the high level of integration reduces the external RF component bill
of material (BOM) to a handful of passive de-coupling and matching components. It is intended for use as
a high-performance, low-cost FSK and OOK RF transceiver for robust, frequency agile, half-duplex
bidirectional RF links.
The MKW01 is intended for applications over a wide frequency range, including the 433 MHz and
868 MHz European and the 902–928 MHz North American and Japan ISM bands. Coupled with a link
budget in excess of 135 dB, the transceiver advanced system features include a 66 byte TX/RX FIFO,
configurable automatic packet handler, listen mode, temperature sensor and configurable DIOs which
greatly enhance system flexibility while at the same time significantly reducing MCU requirements. The
transceiver complies with both ETSI and FCC regulatory requirements.
The major RF communication parameters of the MKW0 1 transceiver are programmable and most can be
dynamically set. This feature offers the unique advantage of programmable narrow-band and wide-band
communication modes without the need to modify external components. The transceiver is also optimized
for low power consumption while offering high RF output power and channelized operation.
The versatile RF Transceiver in the MKW01 can be configured to be compliant with the relevant sections
of numerous world-wide standards, including but not limited to: FCC Part 15.247 and Part 15.249, ETSI
EN 300 220, ARIB STD-T108, IC RSS 210.
1.7.2MCU overview
The in-package Kinetis L series 48 MHz MCU features an ARM Cortex M0+, 16 KB Ram and 128 KB
flash. The RF transceiver is controlled through the MCU SPI port which is dedicated to the RF device
interface. Two of the transceiver status IO lines are also directly connected to the MCU GPIO to monitor
the transceiver operation. In addition, the transceiver reset and additional status can be connected to the
MCU through external connections. functional categories
The modules on this device are grouped into functional categories. The following sections describe the
modules assigned to each category in more detail.
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
Table 1-3. Module functional categories
Module categoryDescription
ARM Cortex-M0+ core
System • System integration module
• Power management and mode controllers — Multiple power modes available based on
run, wait, stop, and powerdown modes
• Low-leakage wakeup unit
• Miscellaneous control module
• Crossbar switch
• Peripheral bridge
• Direct memory access (DMA) controller with multiplexer to increase available DMA
• External watchdog monitor
• Watchdog
MemoriesInternal memories include:
• Up to 128KB program flash memory
• Up to 16KB SRAM
Clocks • Multiple clock generation options available from internally- and externally-generated
• System oscillator from transceiver to provide clock source for the MCU
• 32 kHz RTC oscillator
Security • Cyclic Redundancy Check module for error detection
Analog • 16-bit analog-to-digital converter
• Internal Comparator with internal 6-bit DAC for reference
• 12-bit DAC with DMA support and two 16-bit buffers
Timers • Low Power Timer/PWM (TPM) modules
• One 6-channel TPM
• Two 2-channel TPMs
• 2-channel periodic interrupt timer
• Real-time clock
• Low-power timer
• System tick timer
Communications • 2x internal serial peripheral interface
• 2x inter-integrated circuit (I
•3x UART
Human-Machine Interfaces (HMI) • General purpose input/output controller
• Capacitive touch sense input interface enabled in hardware
C) Cortex-M0 core modules
The following core modules are available on this device.
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
Table 1-4. Core modules
ARM Cortex-M0+The ARM Cortex-M0+ is the newest member of the Cortex M Series of processors
targeting microcontroller applications focused on very cost sensitive, deterministic,
interrupt driven environments. The Cortex M0+ processor is based on the ARMv6
Architecture and Thumb®-2 ISA and is 100% instruction set compatible with its
predecessor, the Cortex-M0 core, and upward compatible to Cortex-M3 and M4 cores.
NVICThe ARMv6-M exception model and nested-vectored interrupt controller (NVIC) implement
a relocatable vector table supporting many external interrupts, a single non-maskable
interrupt (NMI), and priority levels.
The NVIC replaces shadow registers with equivalent system and simplified
programmability. The NVIC contains the address of the function to execute for a particular
handler. The address is fetched via the instruction port allowing parallel register stacking
and look-up. The first sixteen entries are allocated to ARM internal sources with the others
mapping to MCU-defined interrupts.
AWICThe primary function of the Asynchronous Wake-up Interrupt Controller (AWIC) is to detect
asynchronous wake-up events in stop modes and signal to clock control logic to resume
system clocking. After clock restart, the NVIC observes the pending interrupt and performs
the normal interrupt or event processing.
Single-cycle I/O PortFor high-speed, single-cycle access to peripherals, the Cortex-M0+ processor implements
a dedicated single-cycle I/O port.
Debug interfacesMost of this device's debug is based on the ARM CoreSight™ architecture. One debug
interface is supported:
• Serial Wire Debug (SWD) modules
The following system modules are available on this device.
Table 1-5. System modules
System integration module (SIM) The SIM includes integration logic and several module configuration setti n gs.
System mode controllerThe SMC provides control and protection on entry and exit to each power mode, control
for the Power management controller (PMC), and reset entry and exit for the complete
Power management controller
Low-leakage wakeup unit (LLWU) The LLWU module allows the device to wake from low leakage power modes (LLS and
Peripheral bridgeThe peripheral bridge converts the crossbar switch interface to an interface to access a
The PMC provides the user with multiple power options. Multiple modes are supported that
allow the user to optimize power consumption for the level of functionality needed. Includes
power-on-reset (POR) and integrated low voltage detect (LVD) with reset (brownout)
capability and selectable LVD trip points.
VLLS) through various internal peripheral and external pin sources.
majority of peripherals on the device.
DMA multiplexer (DMAMUX)The DMA multiplexer selects from many DMA requests down to 4 for the DMA controller.
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
Table 1-5. System modules (continued)
Direct memory access (DMA)
Computer operating properly
watchdog (WDOG)
The DMA controller provides programmable channels with transfer control descriptors for
data movement via dual-address transfers for 8-, 16- and 32-bit data values.
The WDOG monitors internal system operation and forces a reset in case of failure. It can
run from an independent 1 kHz low power oscillator with a programmable refresh window
to detect deviations in program flow or system frequency. and memory interfaces
The following memories and memory interfaces are available on this device.
Table 1-6. Memories and memory interfaces
Module Description
Flash memoryProgram flash memory — up to 128 KB of the non-volatile flash memory that can
execute program code
Flash memory controllerManages the interface between the device and the on-chip flash memory.
SRAMUp to 16 KB internal system RAM. modules
The following clock modules are available on this device.
Table 1-7. Clock modules
Multi-clock generator (MCG)The MCG , controlled by an internal or external (such as the CLKOUT from the transceiver)
reference oscillator, provides several clock sources for the MCU that include:
• Internal reference clocks. Can be used as a clock source for other on-chip peripherals
System oscillatorThe system oscillator, in conjunction with an external crystal or resonator,
generates a reference clock for the MCU. and integrity module
The following security and integrity module is available on this device.
Table 1-8. Security and integrity module
Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) Hardware CRC generator circuit using 16-/32-bit shift register. Error detection for all single,
double, odd, and most multi-bit errors, programmable initial seed value, and optional
feature to transpose input data and CRC result via transpose register.
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The following analog modules are available on this device.
T ab le 1-9. Analog Modules
MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration
16-bit analog-to-digital converters
Internal analog comparatorsCompares two analog input voltages, one of which can be a reference provided by the
6-bit digital-to-analog converters
16-bit successive-approximation ADC
internal 6-bit DAC, across the full range of the supply voltage.
64-tap resistor ladder network which provides a selectable voltage reference for analog
comparator. modules
The following timer modules are available on this device.
• 16-bit free-running counter or modulo counter with counting be up or updown
• Six configurable channels for input capture, output compare, or edge-aligned PWM
• Support the generation of an interrupt and/or DMA request per channel
• Support the generation of an interrupt and/or DMA request when the counter overflows
• Support selectable trigger input to optionally reset or cause the counter to start
• Support the generation of hardware triggers when the counter overflows and per
Periodic interrupt timers (PIT) • Four general purpose interrupt timers
• Interrupt timers for triggering ADC conversions
• 32-bit counter resolution
• Clocked by system clock frequency
• DMA support
Low-power timer (LPTimer) • Selectable clock for prescaler/glitch filter of 1 kHz (internal LPO), 32.768 kHz (external
crystal), or internal reference clock
• Configurable Glitch Filter or Prescaler with 16-bit counter
• 16-bit time or pulse counter with compare
• Interrupt generated on Timer Compare
• Hardware trigger generated on Timer Compare
Table 1-11. Radio transceiver
Sub-GHz transceiver • A highly integrated ISM band transceiver for FSK and OOK packet or continuous data.
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MKW01Z128 Introduction and Chip Configuration interfaces
The following wired communication interfaces are available on this device.
T able 1-12. Communication interfaces
Internal serial peripheral interface
Inter-integrated circuit (I2C)Allows communication between a number of devices. Also supports the System
Universal asynchronous
receiver/transmitters (UART)
Synchronous serial bus for communication to an external device
Management Bus (SMBus) Specification, version 2.
Asynchronous serial bus communication interface with programmable 8- or 9-bit data
format interfaces
The following human-machine interfaces (HMI) are available on this device.
Table 1-13. HMI modules
General purpose input/output
Capacitive touch sense input (TSI) Contains up to 10 channel inputs for capacitive touch sensing applications. Operation is
All general purpose input or output (GPIO) pins are capable of interrupt and DMA request
generation. All GPIO pins have 5 V tolerance.
available in low-power modes via interrupts. Device Identification Register
The system device identification register contains device specific information factory programmed into the
in-package MCU die.
Table 1-14. Device-Specific Values
Field IDValue
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Chapter 2
MKW01Z128 Pins and Connections
2.1Device pin assignment
Figure 2-1. MKW01Z128 pinout
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MKW01Z128 Pins and Connections
2.2Pin definitions
Table 2-1 details the MKW01Z128 pinout and functionality.
Table 2-1. Pin Function Description (Sheet 1 of 5)
Pin #Pin NameTypeDescriptionFunctionality
1VREFHInputMCU high reference voltage for ADC
2VREFLInputMCU low reference voltage for ADC
3VSSAPower InputMCU ADC GroundConnect to ground
4VSSPower InputMCU GroundConnect to ground
8PTE19/ADC0_DM2/ ADC0_
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
Digit-l Input /
MCU Port E Bit 16 / ADC0 positive
differential analog channel input DP1/
ADC0 Single Ended analog channel input
SE1 / SPI module 0 PCS0 / TPM module
Clock In 0 / UART2_TX
MCU Port E Bit 17 / ADC0 negative
differential analog channel input DM1/
ADC0 Single Ended analog channel input
5a / SPI module 0 SCK / TPM module
Clock In 1 / UART2_RX / Low Power Timer
Module 0 ALT3
MCU Port E Bit 18 / ADC0 positive
differential analog channel input DP2/
ADC0 Single Ended analog channel input
2 / SPI module 0 MOSI / I2C0 Bus Data /
SPI module 0 MISO
MCU Port E Bit 19 / ADC0 negative
differential analog channel input DM2/
ADC0 Single Ended analog channel input
6a / SPI module 0 MISO / I2C0 Bus Clock /
SPI module 0 MOSI
MCU Port E Bit 30 / DAC0 Output/ ADC0
Single Ended analog channel input 23 /
Comparator 0 Analog Voltage Input 4/ TPM
Timer module 0 Channel 3 / TPM module
Clock In 1
2-2Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
MKW01xxRM Reference Manual, Rev. 3, 04/2016
MCU Port A Bit 0 / Serial Wire Data Clock
/ Touch Screen Interface Channel 1/ TPM
module 0 Channel 5
MCU Port A Bit 3 / Serial Wire Data DIO /
Touch Screen Interface Channel 4 / I2C1
Bus Clock / TPM module 0 Channel 0
MCU Port A Bit 4/ / Non Maskable
Interrupt_ b/Touch Screen Interface
Channel 5 /I2C1 Bus Data / TPM module 0
Channel 1
MKW01Z128 Pins and Connections
Table 2-1. Pin Function Description (Sheet 2 of 5)
Pin #Pin NameTypeDescriptionFunctionality
Digital Input /
MCU Port A Bit 2/Touch Screen Interface
Channel 3/UART module 0 Transmit / TPM
module 2 Channel 1
Digital Input /
MCU Port A Bit 1/Touch Screen Interface
Channel 2/UART module 0 Receive / TPM
module Channel 0
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
MCU Port A Bit 18 / EXTAL0/ UART
module 1 Receive / TPM module Clock In 0
MCU Port A Bit 19 / XTAL0/ UAR T module
1 Transmit / TPM module Clock In 1
/Low Power Timer module 0 ALT1
Digital Input /
MCU Port B Bit 0 / ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE8 / Touch Screen
Interface Channel 0/ Low Leakage Wake
Up Port 5 / I2C0 Bus Clock / TPM module
1 Channel 0
Digital Input /
MCU Port B Bit 1 / ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE9 / Touch Screen
Interface Channel 6 / I2C0 Bus Data / TPM
module 1 Channel 1
19VDDPower InputMCU VDD supply inputConnect to system VDD
20VSSPower Input MCU Gro undConnect to ground
Digital Input/
MCU Port B Bit 2 / ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE12 / T ouch Screen
Interface Channel 7 / I2C0 Bus Clock /
TPM Timer module 2 Channel 0
Digital Input/
Digital Input /
MCU Port B Bit 17 / T ouch Screen Interface
Channel 10/SPI1 MOSI or MISO/UART0
TX / TPM timer clock
MCU Port C bit 4 / Low leakage Wake Up
port 8 / SPI0 Chip Select / UART1 TX /
TPM Timer module 0 channel 3
Digital Input
Output /
Analog Input
MCU Port C Bit 1 /ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE15/ Touch Screen
Interface Channel 14/ Low Leakage Wake
Up Port 6 / Real Time Counter Clock Input/
IC1 Bus Clock/ TPM module 0 Channel 0
Digital Input /
Output /
Analog Input
MCU Port C Bit 2 / ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE11/ / T ouch Screen
Interface Channel 15 / I2C1 Bus Data /
TPM module 0 Channel 1
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MKW01Z128 Pins and Connections
Table 2-1. Pin Function Description (Sheet 3 of 5)
Pin #Pin NameTypeDescriptionFunctionality
Digital Input /
MCU Port C Bit 3 / Low Leakage Wake Up
Port 7 / UART module 1 Receive / TPM
module 0 Channel 2/ Clock OutA
Digital Input /
Digital Input /
Output /
Analog Input
Digital Input /
Output /
Analog Input
MCU Port D Bit 4 / Low Leak Wake Up Port
14/ SPI module 1 PCS0 / UART2 Receiver
input / TPM module 0 Channel 4
MCU Port D bit 5 / ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE6b / SPI1 clock /
UART2 TX / TPM module 0 Channel 5
MCU Port D bit 6 / ADC0 Single Ended
analog channel input SE7b / Low leakage
Wake Up port 15 / SPI1 MOSI / UART0 RX
Analog voltage Output / I2C1 Bus Data
33PT A20/RESETBDigital Input/
PIN_CFG] controls the
functionality of this pin.
Digital Input/
MCU Port E Bit 1 / SPI module 1 MOSI /
UART module 1 RX / SPI1_MISO / I2C1_
35VBAT2 (RF)Power InputTransceiver VDDConnect to system VDD
36GND/SCAN (RF)Power InputTransceiver GroundConnect to ground
37RXTX (RF)Digital
Transceiver RX / TX RF Switch Control
Output; high when in TX
38GND_PA2 (RF)Power InputTransceiver RF GroundConnect to ground
39RFIO (RF)RF Input /
Transceiver RF Input / Output
40GND_PA1 (RF)Power InputTransceiver RF GroundConnect to ground
41PA_BOOST (RF)RF OutputTransceiver Optional High-Power PA
42VR_PA (RF)Power
Transceiver regulated output voltage for
VR_PA use.
De-coupling cap
43VBAT1 (RF)Power InputTransceiver VDD for RF circuitryConnect to system VDD
MKW01xxRM Reference Manual, Rev. 3, 04/2016
2-4Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MKW01Z128 Pins and Connections
Table 2-1. Pin Function Description (Sheet 4 of 5)
Pin #Pin NameTypeDescriptionFunctionality
44VR_ANA (RF)Power
45VR_DIG (RF)Power
Transceiver regulated output voltage for
analog circuitry.
Transceiver regulated output voltage for
digital circuitry.
Decouple to ground with
100 nF capacitor
Decouple to ground with
100 nF capacitor
46XTA (RF)Xtal OscTransceiver crystal reference oscillatorConnect to 32 MHz
crystal and load capacitor
47XTB (RF)Xtal OscTransceiver crystal reference oscillatorConnect to 32 MHz
crystal and load capacitor
48RESET (RF)Digital InputTransceiver hardware reset inputTypically driven from
49DIO0/PTE2/SPI1_SCKDigital Input/
Digital Input/
51DIO2Digital Input/
Internally connected to Transceiver GPIO
bit 0 and MCU Port E bit 2 / SPI1 clock
Internally connected to Transceiver GPIO
bit 1 and MCU Port E bit 3 /SPI1 in or out
Transceiver GPIO Bit 2
MCU IO and Transceiver
IO connected onboard
MCU IO and Transceiver
IO connected onboard
52DIO3Digital Input/
Transceiver GPIO Bit 3
53DIO4Digital Input/
Transceiver GPIO Bit 4
54DIO5/CLKOUTDigital Input/
Transceiver GPIO Bit 5 / ClkOutCommonly programmed
as ClkOut to supply MCU
clock; connect to Pin 15
55VDDPower InputMCU VDD supplyConnect to VDD supply
56VDDADPower InputMCU Analog supplyConnect to Analog
Digital Input/
Internal SPI data connection from
Transceiver MISO bit 1 to MCU SPI0 (Port
C bit 7 )
• MCU IO and
Transceiver IO
connected onboard
• MCU IO must be
configured for this
• SPI0 is dedicated to
radio interface; not for
application usage
MKW01xxRM Reference Manual, Rev. 3, 04/2016
Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.2-5
MKW01Z128 Pins and Connections
Table 2-1. Pin Function Description (Sheet 5 of 5)
Pin #Pin NameTypeDescriptionFunctionality
58NSS/PTD0/SPI0_PCS0 Digital Input/
59SCK/PTC5/SPI0_SCK Digital Input/
Digital Input/
Internal SPI select connection between
Transceiver NSS and MCU SPI0 (Port D bit
Internal SPI clock connection between
Transceiver SCK and MCU SPI0 (port C bit
Internal SPI data connection to Transceiver
MOSI bit 1 to MCU SPI0 (Port C bit 6 )
• MCU IO and
Transceiver IO
connected onboard
• MCU IO must be
configured for this
• SPI0 is dedicated to
radio interface; not for
application usage
• MCU IO and
Transceiver IO
connected onboard
• MCU IO must be
configured for this
• SPI0 is dedicated to
radio interface; not for
application usage
• MCU IO and
Transceiver IO
connected onboard
• MCU IO must be
configured for this
• SPI0 is dedicated to
radio interface; not for
application usage
FLAG VSSPower inputExternal package flag. Common VSSConnect to ground.
2.3Internal Functional Interconnects
The MCU provides control to the transceiver through the SPI0 Port and receives status from the transceiver
from the DIOx pins. Certain interconnects between the devices are routed in the package. In addition, the
signals are brought out to external pads for monitoring, but only SPI1 is intended for applications usage.
SPI0 is dedicated to the radio interface and should not be used for applications.