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The M5253EVBE is a versatile single-board computer based on the MCF5253 ColdFire® processor. It
may be used as a powerful microprocessor-based controller in a variety of applications. It serves as a
complete microcomputer system for reference design, development/evaluation, training, and educational
use. The user need only connect an RS-232 compatible terminal (or a personal computer with terminal
emulation software) and a power supply to have a fully functional system.
This board generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if
not installed properly, may cause interference to radio communications.
Operation of this product in a residential area is likely to cause interference,
in which case, the user, at his/her own expense, will be required to correct
the interference.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to
the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful
interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received,
including interference that may cause undesired operation.
1.1General Hardware Description
The M5253EVBE board provides SDRAM, Flash ROM, and RS-232 in addition to the built-in I/O
functions of the MCF5253 device for programming and evaluating the attributes of the microprocessor . In
addition, there is an IDE and ATA interface for connection to things like an external HDD. There is also
an SD card interface, CAN interface, and both analog and digital audio I/O connections. The board is
driven by the MCF5253 device, which is a member of the ColdFire® family of processors. It is a 32-bit
processor with a 24-bit address bus and 16 lines of data. The processor has eight 32-bit data registers, eight
32-bit address registers, a 32-bit program counter, and a 16-bit status register.
The MCF5253 processor has a System Integration Module referred to as the SIM. This module
incorporates many of the functions needed for system design. These include programmable chip-select
logic, system protection logic, general purpose I/O and interrupt controller logic. The chip-select logic can
select up to five memory banks and peripherals in addition to one bank of DRAM. The chip-select logic
also allows the insertion of a programmable number of wait states to allow slower memory or
memory-mapped peripherals to be used. (Refer to the MCF5253 Reference Manual for detailed
information about the chip selects.) One of the chip selects (CS0) is used to access the on-board Flash
ROM; the other chip selects are user-programmable. The DRAM controller is used to control one SDRAM
device providing 8 MB of SDRAM memory configured as 4 MB x 16 words. All other functions of the
SIM are available to the user.
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
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Figure 1-1 shows the M5253EVBE block diagram.
Phono plugs
Optical EBU
Optical EBU
Audio DAC
Audio ADC
Audio Out
Audio In
26-pin debug connector
Oscillators:32.768 KHz
11.2896 MHz
24 MHz
Flash (CS0)
16 bit,3.3v
16bit 3.3V
Supports DMA
SD Card
1-2Freescale Semiconductor
TFT Display
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
B&W Display
2.0 OTG
26-pin debug connector
Oscillators:32.768 KHz
11.2896 MHz
24 MHz
Flash (CS0)
16 bit,3.3v
16bit 3.3V
Supports DMA
SD Card
TFT Display
B&W Display
2.0 OTG
Figure 1-1 M5253EVBE Block Diagram
1.2System Memory
One on-board Flash ROM (U11) is used in the system. The Am29LV160DB-XX device contains 16 Mbits
of non-volatile storage (1 Mbyte x 16), giving a total of 2 Mbytes of Flash memory. The lower 256 Kbytes
are used to store the M5253EVBE dBUG debugger/monitor firmware that is pre-programmed into the
Flash during factory testing.
The MCF5253 processor has 128 Kbytes of internal SRAM organized as 2 banks of 64 Kbytes. The
SRAM can be used for either data or instruction space.
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
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There is one SDRAM (U12) device on the PCB. The system ships with 1x4Mbytesx16 of SDRAM
totalling 8 Mbytes of volatile memory.
The internal cache of the MCF5253 is non-blocking. The instruction cache is 8 Kbytes with a 16-byte line
size. The ROM monitor currently does not utilize the cache, but programs downloaded with the ROM
monitor can initialize and use the cache.
1.3Serial Communication Channels
The MCF5253 processor has 3 built-in UARTs with independent baud rate generators. The signals of all
channels can be passed through the external transceiver to make the channels RS-232 compatible (P4). An
RS-232 serial cable with DB9 connectors is included with the board. UART0 cha nnel is the “TERMINAL”
channel used by dBUG for communication with an external terminal/PC. The “TERMINAL” baud rate
defaults to 115200.
1.4Parallel I/O Ports
The MCF5253 offers up to 60 lines of general-purpose I/O, of which six are dedicated inputs and three are
dedicated outputs. Seven of the GPIO lines are also available as edge-sensitive interrupt inputs. In
addition, there is one dedicated input for wake-up from low-power mode.
1.5System Configuration
The M5253EVBE board requires the following items for minimum system configuration:
•The M5253EVBE board (provided)
•Power supply, +7 V to 14 V DC with minimum of 1.0 amp
•RS232C-compatible terminal or a PC with terminal emulation software
•RS232 communication cable (provided)
Refer to Section 2.2.2, “System Initialization” for initial system setup.
1-4Freescale Semiconductor
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
Figure 1-2 displays the minimum system configuration.
RS-232 Terminal or PC
Figure 1-2 Minimum System Configuration
Freescale Semiconductor1-5
+7.0 to +14 VDC
Input Power
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
1.6Installation and Setup
This section discusses all the steps needed to prepare the board for operation. Read all the sections
carefully before using the board. When you are preparing the board for the first time, be sure to check that
all jumpers are in the default locations.
Unpack the computer board from its shipping box. Save the box for storing or reshipping. Refer to the
following list and verify that all the items are present. You should have received:
•M5253EVBE development system (CE certified)
•Sceptre 9.0 Volt, 2.7 A power supply with WS-047 and WS-048 adapters
•P&E Micro ColdFire USB interface cable
•USB 2.0 cable
•EVB Quickstart Guide (hardcopy)
•Warranty card—920-75133
•Technical Information Center Worldwide Contact List
Avoid touching the MOS devices. Static discharge can and will damage
these devices.
Once you have verified that all the items are present, remove the board from its protective jacket and
anti-static bag. Check the board for any visible damage. Ensure that there are no broken, damaged, or
missing parts. If you have not received all the items listed above or they are damaged, contact Rapid
Design immediately. For contact details, see the front of this manual.
1.6.2Preparing the Board for Use
The board, as shipped, is ready to be connected to a terminal and power supply without any need for
modification. Figure 1-4 shows the position of the jumpers and connectors.
1.6.3Providing Power to the Board
The board accepts three means of power supply connection—P1, P2, or J4. Connector P1 is a 2.1 mm
power jack, P2 is a lever-actuated connector, and J4 is a PC disk drive-type power connector. The board
accepts +7 V to +14 V DC at 1.0 amp via either of the connectors. Table 1-2 lists power supply
connections on P2.
1-6Freescale Semiconductor
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
Table 1-1 Power Supply Connections on P2
Contact NumberVoltage
1+7V to +14V DC
1.6.4Selecting Terminal Baud Rate
The serial channel UAR T0 of the MCF5253 is used for serial communication and has a built in timer . This
timer is used by the dBUG ROM monitor to generate the baud rate used to communicate with a serial
terminal. A number of baud rates can be programmed. On power-up or manual RESET, the dBUG ROM
monitor firmware configures the channel for 115200 baud. Once the dBUG ROM monitor is running, a
SET command may be issued to select any baud rate supported by the ROM monitor. See Section 2.1,
“What Is dBUG?” for the discussion of this command.
1.6.5Terminal Character Format
The character format of the communication channel is fixed at power-up or RESET. The default character
format is 8 bits per character, no parity and one stop bit with no flow control. It is necessary to ensure that
the terminal or PC is set to this format.
1.6.6Connecting the Terminal
The board is now ready to be connected to a PC/terminal. Use the RS232 serial cable to connect the
PC/terminal to the M5253EVBE PCB. The cable has a 9-pin female D-sub terminal connector at one end
and a 9-pin male D-sub connector at the other end. Connect the 9-pin male connector to connector P4 on
the M5253EVBE board. Connect the 9-pin female connector to one of the available serial communication
channels normally referred to as COM1 (COM2, etc.) on the PC running terminal emulation software. The
connector on the PC/terminal may be either male 25-pin or 9-pin. It may be necessary to obtain a
25pin-to-9pin adapter to make this connection. If an adapter is required, refer to Figure 1-3, which shows
the pin assignment for the 9-pin connector on the board.
Figure 1-3 Pin Assignment for Female (Terminal) Connector
1.6.7Using a Personal Computer as a Terminal
A personal computer may be used as a terminal provided a terminal emulation software package is
available. Examples of this software are PROCOMM, KERMIT, QMODEM, Windows 95/98/2000/XP
Hyper Terminal or similar packages. The board should then be connected as described in Section 1.6.6,
“Connecting the Terminal.”
Freescale Semiconductor1-7
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
Once the connection to the PC is made, power may be applied to the PC and the terminal emulation
software can be run. In terminal mode, it is necessary to select the baud rate and character format for the
channel. Most terminal emulation software packages provide a command known as “Alt-p” (press the p
key while pressing the Alt key) to choose the baud rate and character format. The character format should
be 8 bits, no parity, one stop bit. (See Section 1.6.5, “Terminal Character Format.”) The baud rate should
be set to 115200. Power can now be applied to the board.
Pin assignments are as follows:
1. Data Carrier Detect—Output (shorted to pins 4 and 6)
2. Receive Data—Output from board (Receive refers to terminal side.)
3. Transmit Data—Input to board (Transmit refers to terminal side.)
4. Data Terminal Ready—Input (shorted to pin 1 and 6)
5. Signal Ground
6. Data Set Ready—Output (shorted to pins 1 and 4)
7. Request to Send—Input
8. Clear to Send—Output
9. Not connected
1-8Freescale Semiconductor
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
Figure 1-4 shows the default jumper locations for the board.
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Figure 1-4 Default Jumper Locations
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
1.7System Power-up and Initial Operation
When all of the cables are connected to the board, power may be applied. The dBUG ROM Monitor
initializes the board and then displays a power-up message on the terminal, which includes the amount of
memory present on the board.
Hard Reset
DRAM Size: 8M
ColdFire MCF5253 on the M5253EVB
Firmware v4c.1b.1a (Built on Feb 1 2007 11:45:04)
Copyright 2006 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
Enter 'help' for help.
The board is now ready for operation under the control of the debugger as described in Section 2.2,
“Operational Procedure.” If you do not get the above response, perform the following checks:
1. Make sure that the power supply is properly configured for polarity, voltage level and current
capability (~1A) and is connected to the board.
2. Check that the terminal and board are set for the same character format and baud.
3. Press the RESET button to insure that the board has been initialized properly.
If you still are not receiving the proper response, your board may have been damaged. Contact Rapid PCB
for further instructions. For contact details, see the front of this manual.
1.8M5253EVBE Jumper Setup
Jumper settings are as follows:
*: Indicates the default setting.
**: Indicates mandatory setting for proper operation.
Table 1-2 Jumper Settings
Jumper Setting Function
JP6* 1-2Audio DAC AK4366VT U4 audio format I2S
2-3Audio DAC AK4366VT U4 audio format 24-bit MSB justified
JP71-2Audio DAC AK4366VT U4 de-emphasis ON
* 2-3Audio DAC AK4366VT U4 de-emphasis OFF
JP8Not fittedEnable external audio clock source
JP9Not fittedEnable XTRIM hardware feature
JP10Not fittedExternal 1.2V (core) supply current measurement
JP11,JP13Not fittedI2S0 5V pull-up (SDA0 and SCL0)
JP12** FittedExternal 3.3V (pad) supply current measurement
1-10Freescale Semiconductor
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
Table 1-2 Jumper Settings (Continued)
Jumper Setting Function
JP14** 1-21.2V (core) supply from internal regulator
2-31.2V (core) supply from external regulator
JP15* 1-2Audio clock source taken from CRIN
2-3Audio clock source taken from external pin (LRCK3)
JP16,JP19Not fittedI2S1 5V pull-up (SDA1 and SCL1)
JP21,JP23,JP27,JP28Not fittedDDATA signal isolation from BDM interface
JP22,JP26,JP30Not fittedInternal boot ROM mode select
JP24* 1-2 (UART0)RS232 transceiver RX select
JP251-2SPI EEPROM M25P40 U14 write protected (WP)
2-3SPI EEPROM M25P40 U14 write enabled
JP29* 1-2 (UART0)RS232 transceiver TX select
JP31Not fittedRS232 transceiver RTS select
JP321-2Wireless module M1 WAIT signal connected to IDEIORDY
2-3Wireless module M1 WAIT signal connected to TA
JP33Not fittedRS232 transceiver CTS select
JP341-2Push button S2 connected to interrupt capable GPIO1
2-3Push button S2 connected to WAKEUP pin
JP36* FittedReal Time Clock (RTC) supply isolation / current
JP37Not fittedRS232 transceiver INVALID signal connected to GPIO34
JP38Not fittedCAN transceiver TX select
JP39Not fittedCAN transceiver RX select
JP40Not fittedConnect CAN bus termination resistor (120R)
JP41Not fittedRS232 transceiver READY signal connected to GPIO8
1.9Using the BDM Port
The MCF5253 microprocessor has a built in debug module referred to as BDM (background debug
module). In order to use the BDM, simply connect the 26-pin debug connector on the board (J12) to the
Freescale Semiconductor1-11
M5253EVBE Users Manual, Rev. 1
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