AbstractThe TEA1713 integrates a controller for Power Factor Correction (PFC)
and a controller for a half-bridge resonant converter (HBC).
It provides the drive function for the discrete MOSFET for the up-converter
and for the two discrete power MOSFETs in a resonant half-bridge
The resonant controller part is a high-voltage controller for a zero voltage
switching LLC resonant converter. The resonant controller part of the IC
includes a high-voltage level shift circuit and several protection features
such as overcurrent protection, open-loop protection, Capacitive mode
protection and a general purpose latched protection input.
In addition to the resonant controller, the TEA1713 also contains a Power
Factor Correction (PFC) controller. The efficient operation of the PFC is
obtained by functions such as quasi-resonant operation at high power
levels and quasi-resonant operation with valley skipping at lower power
levels. Overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection and
demagnetization sensing, ensures safe operation in all conditions.
The proprietary high-voltage BCD Powerlogic process makes direct
start-up possible from the rectified universal mains voltage in an efficient
way. A second low voltage Silicon-On-Insulator (SOI) IC is used for
accurate, high speed protection functions and control.
The combination of PFC and a resonant controller in one IC makes the
TEA1713 suitable for power supplies in LCD TV, plasma televisions, PC
power supplies, high-power office equipment and adapters.
This application note discusses the TEA1713 functions for applications.
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1. Introduction
1.1Scope and setup
This application note discusses the TEA1713 functions for applications in general.
Because the TEA1713 provides extensive functionality, many subjects are discussed.
This document is set up in such a way, that a chapter or paragraph of a selected subject
can be read as a standalone explanation with a minimum of cross-references to other
document parts or the data sheet. This leads to some repetition of information within the
application note and to descriptions or figures that are similar to those published in the
TEA1713 data sheet. In most cases typical values are given to enhance the readability.
• Section 1 “Introduction”
• Section 2 “TEA1713 highlights and features”
• Section 3 “Pin overview with functional description”
• Section 4 “Application diagram and block diagrams”
• Section 5 “Supply functions”
• Section 6 “MOSFET drivers GATEPFC, GATELS and GATEHS”
• Section 7 “PFC functions”
• Section 8 “HBC functions”
• Section 9 “Burst mode operation”
• Section 10 “Protection functions”
• Section 11 “Miscellaneous advice and tips”
• Section 12 “Application examples and topologies”
• Section 13 “Differences between TEA1713T and TEA1713LT”
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
An overview of the TEA1713 pins with a summary of the functionality.
Sections 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 describe the main functions of the TEA1713, providing an
in-depth explanation of the issues relating to the subject. The functions are written
from an application point of view .
An overview of the protection functions of th e TEA1713 with an exte nded expl anation
and related issues on the subject. These functions are described and seen from an
applications point of view.
A collection of subjects related to PCB design and debugging are discussed, including
proposals for the way of working.
This section contains examples of applications (circuit diagrams) and possible
An overview of the differences between the TEA1713T and the TEA1713LT.
Remark: All values provided throughout this document are typical values unless
otherwise stated.
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2. TEA1713 highlights and features
2.1Resonant conversion
Today’s market demands high-quality, reliable, small, lightweight and efficient power
In principle, the higher the operating frequency, the smaller and lighter the transformers,
filter inductors and capacitors can be. On the other hand, the core, switching and winding
losses of the transformer increase at higher frequencies and become dominant. This
effect reduces the efficiency at a high frequency, which limits the minimum size of the
The corner frequency of the output filter usually determines the bandwidth of the control
loop. A well-chosen corner frequency allows high operating frequencies to achieve a fast
dynamic response.
Pulse Width Modulated (PWM) power converters, such as flyback, up and down
converters, are widely used in low and medium power applications. A disadvantage of
these converters is that the PWM rectangular voltage and current waveforms cause
turn-on and turn-off losses that limit the operating frequency. The rectangular waveforms
also generate broadband electromagnetic energy that can produce ElectroMagnetic
Interference (EMI).
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
A resonant DC-to-DC converter produces sinusoidal waveforms and reduces the
switching losses, which provide the possibility of operation at higher frequencies.
Recent environmental considerations have resulted in a need for high efficiency
performance at low loads. Burst mode operation of the resonant converter can provide
this if the converter is required to remain active as is the case for adapter applications.
Why resonant conversion?
• High power
• High efficiency
• EMI friendly
• Compact
2.2Power factor correction conversion
Most switch mode power supplies result in a non-linear impedance (load characteristic) to
the mains input. Current taken from the mains supply occurs only at the highest voltage
peaks and is stored in a large capacitor. The energy is taken from this capacitor storage,
in accordance with the switch mode power supply operation characteristics.
Government regulations dictate special requirements for the load characteristics of certain
applications. Two main requirements can be distinguished:
• Mains harmonics requirements EN61000-3-2
• Power factor (real power/apparent power)
The requirements work towards a more resistive characteristic of the mains load.
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Measures are required regarding the input circuit of the power supply to fulfill these
requirements. Passive (often a series coil) or active (often a boost converter) circuits can
be used to modify the mains load characteristics accordingly.
An additional market requirement for the added mains input circuit is that it works with a
good efficiency and have a low cost.
Using a boost converter to meet these requirements provides the benefit of a fixed DC
input voltage when combined with a resonant converter. The fixed input voltage provides
easier design of the resonant converter (specially for wide mains input voltage ra nge
applications) and the possibility to reach a higher efficiency.
2.3TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
The TEA1713 integrates two controllers, one for Power Factor Correction (PFC) and one
for a half-bridge resonant converter (HBC). It provides the drive function for the discrete
MOSFET for the up-converter and for the two discrete power MOSFETs in a resonant
half-bridge configuration.
The resonant controller part is a high-voltage controller for a zero voltage switching LLC
resonant converter.
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
The resonant controller part of the IC includes a high-volt age leve l shift circuit and severa l
protection features such as overcurrent protection, open-loop protection, Ca pacitive mode
protection and a general purpose latched protection input.
In addition to the resonant controller, the TEA1713 also contains a Power Factor
Correction (PFC) controller. The efficient operation of the PFC is obtained by functions
such as quasi-resonant operation at high power levels and quasi-resonant operation with
valley skipping at lower power levels. Overcurrent protection, overvoltage protection and
demagnetization sensing ensures safe operation in all conditions.
The proprietary high-voltage BCD Powerlogic process ma kes direct start-up possible from
the rectified universal mains voltage in an efficient way. A second internal low-voltage SOI
die is used for accurate, high-speed protection functions and control.
The topology of a PFC and a resonant converter controlled by the TEA1713 is flexible and
enables a broad range of applications for wide input (85 V to 264 V) AC mains voltages.
The combination of PFC and resonant controller in one IC makes the TEA1713 suitable
for compact power supplies with a high level of integration and functionality.
2.4.1General features
• Integrated power factor controller and resonant controller
• Universal mains supply operation
• High level of integration, resulting in a low external component count and a cost
effective design
• Enable input. Also allows enabling of PFC only
• On-chip high-voltage start-up sour ce
• Standalone operation or IC supply from external DC supply
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2.4.2Power factor controller features
• Boundary mode operation with on-time control for highest efficiency
• Valley/zero voltage switching for minimum switching losses
• Frequency limitation to reduce switching losses
• Accurate boost voltage regulation
• Burst mode switching with soft-start and soft-stop
2.4.3Resonant half-bridge controller features
• Integrated high-voltage level shifter
• Adjustable minimum and maximum frequency
• Maximum 500 kHz half-bridge switching frequency
• Adaptive non-overlap timing
• Burst mode switching
2.4.4Protection features
• Safe restart mode for system fault conditions
• General latched protection input for output overvoltage protection or external
• Protection timer for time-out and restart
• OverTemperature Protection (OTP)
• Soft (re)start for both converters
• Undervoltage protection for mains (brownout), boost, IC supply and output voltage
• Overcurrent regulation and protection for both converters
• Accurate overvoltage protection for boost voltage
• Capacitive mode protection for resonant converter
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
temperature protection
The TEA1713 provides several protection functions that combine detection with a
response to solve the problem. By regulating the frequency as a reaction to, for example,
overpower or bad half-bridge switching, the problem can be solved or operation kept safe
until it is decided to stop and restart (timer function).
Externally connected to resistive divided mains voltage.
This pin has four functions:
• Mains enable level: V
• Mains stop level (brownout): V
• Mains-voltage compensation for the PFC control-loop gain bandwidth
• Fast latch reset: V
The mains enable and mains stop level enable and disable the PFC. Enabling and disabling of
the resonant controller is based on the voltage on SNSBOOST.
The voltage on the SNSMAINS pin must be an averaged DC value, representing the AC line
voltage. Do not use the pin for sensing the phase of the mains voltage.
Open pin detection is included by an internal current source (33 nA).
3SNSAUXPFCSense input from an auxiliary winding of the PFC coil for demagnetization timing and valley
detection to control the PFC switching. It is 100 mV level with a time-out of 50 s.
Connect the auxiliary winding via an impedance to the pin (recommended is a 5.1 k series
resistor) to prevent damage of the input during surges (e.g. lightning).
Open pin detection is included by an internal current source (33 nA).
4SNSCURPFCCurrent sense input for PFC.
This input is used to limit the maximum peak-current in the PFC core. The PFCSENSE is a
cycle-by-cycle protection. The PFC MOSFET is switched off when the level reaches 0.5 V.
The internal logic controls a 60 A internal current source connected to the pin. This current
source is used to implement a soft-start and soft-stop function for the PFC to prevent audible
noise in Burst mode.
The pin is also used to enable the PFC. The PFC only starts when the internal current source
(60 A) is able to charge the soft-start capacitor to a voltage of 0.5V. A minimum soft-start
resistor of 12 k is required to guarantee enabling of the PFC.
The value of the capacitor on SNSCURPFC provides the soft-start and soft-stop timing in
combination with the parallel resistor value.
5SNSOUTInput for indirectly sensing the output voltage of the resonant converter. It is normally connected
to an auxiliary winding of HBC and is also an input for the Burst mode of HBC or PFC + HBC.
This pin has four functions related to internal comparators:
• Hold HBC + PFC: SNSOUT < 0.4 V, stop switching HBC and PFC (Burst mode)
The pin also contains an internal current source of 100 A that, initially, generates a voltage up
to 1.5 V across an external impedance (> 20 k recommended) to avoid unintended Burst
mode operation.
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TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
Table 2.Pinning overview
PinName Functional description
6SUPICIC voltage supply input and output of the internal HV start-up source.
All internal circuits are directly or indirectly (via SUPREG) supplied from this pin, except for the
high-voltage circuit.
The buffer capacitor on SUPIC can be charged in several ways:
• Internal High-Voltage (HV) start-up source
• Auxiliary winding from HBC transformer or capacitive supply from switching half-bridge
• External DC supply, for example a standby supply
The IC enables operation when the SUPIC voltage has reached the start level of 22 V (for
HV-start) or 17 V (for external supply). It stops operation below 15 V and a shutdown reset is
activated at 7 V.
7GATEPFCGate driver output for PFC MOSFET.
8PGNDPower ground. Reference (ground) for HBC low-side and PFC driver.
9SUPREGOutput of the internal regulator: 10.9 V.
Internal IC functions such as the MOSFET drivers use the supply created by this function . It can
also be used to supply an external circuit.
SUPREG can provide a minimum of 40 mA.
SUPREG becomes operational after SUPIC has reached its start level.
The IC starts full operation when SUPREG has reached 10.7 V.
UVP: If SUPREG drops below 10.3 V after start, the IC stops operating and the current from
SUPIC is limited to 5.4 mA, to allow recovery.
10GA T E LSGate driver output for low side MOSFET o f HBC.
11n.c.Not connected, high-voltage spacer.
12SUPHVHigh-voltage supply input for internal HV start-up source.
In a standalone power supply application, this pin is connected to the boost voltage. SUPIC and
SUPREG are charged with a constant current by the internal start-up source. SUPHV operates
at a voltage above 25 V .
Initially the charging current is low (1.1 mA). When the SUPIC exceeds the short circuit
protection level of 0.65 V , the generated current increases to 5.1 mA. The source is switched off
when SUPIC reaches 22 V which initiates a start operation. During start operation, an auxiliary
supply takes over the supply of SUPIC. If the takeover is not successful, the SUPHV source is
reactivated and a restart is made (SUPIC below 15 V).
13GA T E H SGate driver output for high-side MOSFET of HBC.
14SUPHSHigh-side driver supply connected to an external bootstrap capacitor between HB and SUPHS.
The supply is obtained using an external diode between SUPREG and SUPHS.
15HBReference for the high-side driver GATEHS.
It is an input for the internal half-bridge slope detection circuit for adaptive non-overlap
regulation and Capacitive mode protection. It is externally connected to a half-bridge node
between the MOSFETs of HBC.
16n.c.Not connected, high-voltage spacer.
23RCPROTTimer presetting for time-out and restart. The values of an externally connected resistor and
capacitor determine the timing.
A 100 A charge current activates the timer during certain protection events:
• Overcurrent regulation (SNSCURHBC)
• High-frequency protection (RFMAX)
• Open-loop protection (SNSFB)
• Undervoltage protecti on (SNSOUT)
When the level of 4 V is reached the protection is activated. The resistor discharges the
capacitor and at a level of 0.5 V, a restart is made.
If an SCP (SNSBOOST) occurs, the RCPROT capacitor is quickly charged by 2.2 mA. After it
reaches the 4 V level, the capacitor is discharged after which a new start is initiated.
24SNSBOOSTSense input for boost voltage regulation (output voltage of the PFC stage). It is externally
connected to a resistive divided boost voltage.
This pin has four functions:
• Pin SNSBOOST short detection: V
• Regulation of PFC output voltage: V
• PFC soft-OVP (cycle-by-cycle): V
• Brownout function for HBC: converter enable voltage: V
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MOSFET drivers: GATEPFC, GATELS and GATEHS. A bootstrap function with an
external diode is used to make supply SUPHS.This is used to supply GATEHS.
SUPIC and SUPREG also supply other internal TEA1713 circuits.
NXP Semiconductors
5.1.2Supply monitoring and protection
The supply voltages are internally monitored to determine when to initiate certain actions,
such as starting, stopping or protection.
In several applications (e.g. when using an auxiliary winding construction) the SUPIC
voltage can also be used to monitor the HBC output voltage by protection input SNSOUT.
5.2SUPIC - the low voltage IC supply
SUPIC is the main IC supply. Except for the SUPHV circuit, all internal circuits are either
directly or indirectly supplied from this pin.
5.2.1SUPIC start-up
Connect SUPIC to an external buffer capacitor. This buffer capacitor can be charged in
several ways:
• Internal high-voltage (HV) start-up source
• Auxiliary supply , e.g. from a winding on the HBC transformer
• External DC supply, e.g. from a standby supply
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
The IC starts operating when the SUPIC and SUPREG voltage have reached the start
level. The start level value of SUPIC depends on the condition of the SUPHV pin. 25 V
This is the case in a standalone application where the HV start-up source initially charges
SUPIC. The SUPIC start level is 22 V. The large difference between start level and stop
level (15 V) is used to allow discharge of the SUPIC capacitor until the auxiliary supply
can take over the IC supply. not connected/used
This is the case when the TEA1713 is supplied from an external DC supply. The SUPIC
start level is now 17 V. During start-up and operation the IC is continuously supplied by
the external DC supply. The SUPHV pin must not be connected for this kind of application.
5.2.2SUPIC stop, UVP and SCP
The IC stops operating when the SUPIC voltage drops below 15 V which is the
UnderVoltage Protection (UVP) of SUPIC. While in the process of stopping, the HBC
continues until the low-side MOSFET is active, before stopping the PFC and HBC
SUPIC has a low level detection at 0.65 V to detect a short circuit to ground. This level
also controls the current source from the SUPHV pin.
When the IC is disabled via the SSHBC/EN pin, the current consumption is low at
250 A.
During the charging of SUPIC and SUPREG before start-up, during a restart
sequence or during shutdown after activation of protection, only a small part of the IC
is active. The PFC and HBC are disabled. The current consumption from SUPIC in
these states is small at 400 A.
PFC is switching and HBC is still off. The current from the high-voltage start-up source
is large enough to supply SUPIC, so current consumption is below the maximum
current (5.1 mA) that SUPHV can de live r.
Both PFC and HBC are switching. The current consumption is larger. The MOSFET
drivers are dominant in the current consumption (see Section 5.5.5
soft-start of the HBC, when the switching frequency is high, and also during normal
operation. Initially, the stored energy in the SUPIC capacitor delivers the SUPIC
current. After a short time the current supply is taken over by the supply source on
SUPIC during normal operation.
), especially during
5.3SUPIC supply using HBC transformer auxiliary winding
5.3.1Start-up by SUPHV
In a standalone power supply application, the IC can be started by a high-voltage source
such as the rectified mains voltage by connecting the high-voltage input SUPHV to the
boost voltage (PFC output voltage).
The internal HV start-up source, which delivers a const ant current from SUPHV to SUPIC,
charges the SUPIC and SUPREG. SUPHV is operational at a voltage > 25 V.
As long as the voltage at SUPIC is below the short circuit protection level (0.65 V), the
current from SUPHV is low (1.1 mA). This is to limit the dissipation in the HV start-up
source when SUPIC is shorted to ground.
During normal conditions, SUPIC quickly exceeds the protection level and the HV st art-up
source switches to normal current (5.1 mA). The HV start-up source switches off when
SUPIC has reached the start level (22 V). The current consumption from SUPHV is low
(7 A) when switched off.
When SUPIC has reached the start level (22 V), SUPREG is charged. When SUPREG
reaches the level of 10.7 V, it enables operation of HBC and PFC.
The auxiliary winding supply of the HBC transformer must take over the supply of SUPIC
before it is discharged to the SUPIC under voltage stop level (15 V).
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SuplcChargeLow = 1.1 mA
SuplcCharge = 5.1 mA
SuplcCharge = off
0.65 V
10.9 V
5.5 mA
startlevel Hv = 22 V
startlevel Lv = 17 V
stoplevel = 15 V
startlevel = 10.7 V
stoplevel = 10.3 V
5.3.2Block diagram for SUPIC start-up
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
Fig 6.Block diagram: SUPIC and SUPREG start-up with SUPHV and auxiliary supply
5.3.3Auxiliary winding on the HBC transformer
An auxiliary winding on the HBC transformer can be used to obtain a supply voltage for
SUPIC during operation. As SUPIC has a wide operational voltage range (15 V to 38 V),
this is not a critical parameter.
• The voltage on SUPIC must be low for low power consumption.
• The auxiliary supply must be made accurately representing the output voltage to use
the voltage from the auxiliary winding for IC supply and HBC output voltage
measurement (by SNSOUT). Place this winding on the secondary (output) side to
ensure good coupling.
• When mains insulation is included in the HBC transformer, it can impact the
construction of the auxiliary winding. Triple insulated wire is needed when the
auxiliary winding is placed on the mains-insulated area of the transformer
• Hold HBC + PFC: SNSOUT < 0.4 V, stop switching HBC and PFC (for Burst mode)
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
Remark: A more detailed explanation of the SNSOUT functions can be found in
Section 10.3.1
Often, a circuit is used which combines SUPIC and the output voltage monitoring by
SNSOUT, with one auxiliary winding on the HBC transformer. But an independent
construction for SUPIC and SNSOUT is also possible. This could be in a situation where
SUPIC is supplied by a separate standby supply and an auxiliary winding is only used for
output voltage sensing. It is also possible not to use SNSOUT for output sensing but as a
general-purpose protection input. See Section 10.3.3
In a combined function of SUPIC and SNSOUT by an auxiliary winding on the HBC
transformer, some issues must be addressed to obtain a good representation of the output
voltage for SNSOUT measurement.
The advantage of a good coupling/representation of the auxiliary winding with the output
windings is also that a stable auxiliary voltage is obtained for SUPIC. A low SUPIC voltage
value can be designed more easily for lowest power consumption. supply voltage variations by output current
At high (peak) current loads, the voltage drop across the series components of the HBC
output stage (resistance and diodes) is compensated by regulation. This results in a
higher voltage on the windings at higher output currents due to the higher currents
causing a larger voltage drop across the series components. An auxiliary winding supply
shows this variation caused by the HBC output.
and Section 10.3.2.
for more information. variations by auxiliary winding position: primary side component
Due to a less optimal position of the auxiliary winding, the voltage for SNSOUT and/or
SUPIC can contain a certain amount of undesired primary voltage component. This can
seriously endanger the feasibility of the SNSOUT sensing function.
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secondary side
primary side
Bad coupling V
to VO at high
output current
Good coupling
to VO at
high output current
The coupling of the auxiliary winding with the primary winding must be as small as
possible to avoid a primary voltage component on the auxiliary voltage. Place the auxiliary
winding on the secondary winding(s) and as physically remote as possible from the
primary winding to obtain this. See differences in results given by comparison on
secondary side position in Figure 8
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
Fig 8.Position the auxiliary winding for good output coupling
5.3.4Difference between UVP on SNSOUT and SNSCURHBC OCP/OCR
In a system that uses output voltage sensing with the SNSOUT function, there can be an
overlap in functionality in an over power or short-circuit situation. In such a situation, often
both the SNSOUT UVP and the OCP/OCR on SNSCURHBC, activate the protection
There are basic differences between both functions:
• SNSOUT monitors (indirectly) the HBC output voltage or another external protection
circuit (such as NTC temperature measurement)
• OCP/OCR monitors the power in the system by sensing the primary current in detail
SNSOUT is a more general usable protection input while SNSCURHBC is specifically
designed for HBC operation. In addition, SNSOUT also of fers three other functions:
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5.4SUPIC supply by external voltage
When the TEA1713 is supplied by an external DC supply, the SUPHV pin can remain
unconnected. The SUPIC start level is now 17 V.
When the SUPIC exceeds 17 V the internal regulator is activated and charge SUPREG.
At SUPREG 10.7 V, GATELS is switched on for the bootstrap function to charge
SUPHS. And at the same time the PFC operation is internally enabled. When all enable
conditions are met, the TEA1713 starts the PFC function and when V
approximately 90 % (SNSBOOST 2.3 V) of its nominal value, the HBC starts.
Operation of the TEA1713 can be stopped by switching off the external source for SUPIC.
When the voltage level on SUPIC drops below 15 V, operation is stopped.
In case of shutdown (because of protection), this state is reset by internal logic when the
SUPIC voltage drops below 7 V.
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
SUPIC has a wide voltage range for easy application. Because of this, SUPIC cannot be
directly used to supply the internal MOSFET drivers as this would exceed the allowed
gate voltage of many external MOSFETs.
The TEA1713 contains an integrated series stabilizer to avoid this issue and to create a
few other benefits. The series stabilizer generates an accurate regulated voltage on
SUPREG on the external buffer capacitor.
This stabilized SUPREG voltage is used for:
• Supply of internal PFC driver
• Supply of internal low-side HBC driver
• Supply of internal high-side driver via external components
• Reference voltage for optional external circuits
The series stabilizer for SUPREG is enabled after SUPIC has been charged. In this way
optional external circuitry at SUPREG does not consume from the start-up current during
the charging of SUPIC. The capacitor on SUPIC acts as a buffer at charge of SUPREG
and start-up of the IC.
The SUPREG voltage must reach the V
ensure that the external MOSFETs receive sufficient gate drive, provided that the SUPIC
voltage has also reached the start level.
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SUPREG load current (mA)
SUPIC = 17 V
SUPIC = 20 V
Temperature (°C)
The SUPREG has an UnderVoltage Protection. When the SUPREG voltage drops below
the 10.3 V two actions take place:
• The IC stops operating to prevent unreliable switching due to too low gate driver
• The maximum current from the internal SUPREG series stabilizer is reduced to
It is important to realize that in principle, SUPREG can only source current.
The drivers of GATELS and GATEPFC are supplied by this volt age and dr aw current fr om
it during operation depending on the operating condition. Some change in value can be
expected due to current load and temperature:
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
voltage. The PFC controller stops switching immediately, but the HBC continues until
the low-side stroke is active.
5.4 mA. In case of an overload at SUPREG in combination with an external DC supply
for SUPIC, this action reduces the dissipation in the series stabilizer.
Voltage characteristics for loadVoltage characteristics for temperature
Fig 9.Typical SUPREG voltage characteristics for load and temperature
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11 V
5.4 mA
startlevel = 10.7 V
stoplevel = 10.3 V
5.5.1Block diagram of SUPREG regulator
Fig 10. Block diagram of internal SUPREG regulator
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
5.5.2SUPREG during start-up
SUPREG is supplied by SUPIC. SUPIC is the unregulated external powe r sou rc e th at
provides the input voltage for the internal voltage regulator that provides SUPREG.
At start-up SUPIC must reach a specific voltage level before SUPREG is activated:
• Using the internal HV supply, SUPREG is activated when SUPIC 22 V
• Using an external low voltage supply, SUPREG is activated when SUPIC 17 V
5.5.3Supply voltage for the output drivers: SUPREG
The TEA1713 has a powerful output stage for GATEPFC and GATELS to drive large
MOSFETs. These internal drivers are supplied by SUPREG that provides a fixed voltage.
Fig 11. Simplified model of MOSFET drive
It can be seen from Figure 11 that current is taken from SUPREG when the external
MOSFET is switched on by charging the gate to a high voltage.
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The shape of the current from SUPREG at switch-on is related to:
• The supply voltage for the internal driver (10.9 V)
• The characteristic of the internal driver
• The gate capacitance to be charge d
• The gate threshold voltage for the MOSFET to switch on
• The external circuit to the gate
Remark: The switching moments of GATEPFC and GATELS are independent in time.
The charging of SUPHS for GATEHS is synchronized in time with GATELS but has a
different shape because of the bootstrap function.
5.5.4Supply voltage for the output drivers: SUPHS
The high-side driver is supplied by an external bootstrap buffer capacitor. The bootstrap
capacitor is connected between the high-side reference pin HB and the high-side driver
supply input pin SUPHS. During the time that HB is low an external diode from SUPREG
charges this capacitor. By selecting a suitable external diode, the voltage drop between
SUPREG and SUPHS can be minimized. This is especially important when using a
MOSFET that needs a large amount of gate charge and/or when switching at high
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
Instead of using SUPREG as the power source for charging SUPHS, another supply
source can be used. In such a construction it is important to check for correct start/stop
sequences and to prevent the voltage exceeding the maximum value of HB +14 V.
Remark: The current taken from SUPREG to charge SUPHS differs for each cycle in time
and shape from the current taken by drivers GATEPFC and GATELS. charging of SUPHS
At start-up, SUPHS is charged by the bootstrap function by setting GATELS high to switch
on the low side MOSFET. While SUPHS is being charged, GATELS is switched on for
charging and the PFC operation is started. The time betwe en start charging and start HBC
operation is normally sufficient to charge SUPHS completely. Start HBC operation is when
SNSBOOST reaches 2.3 V which is approximately 90 % of the nominal V load on SUPHS
The current taken from SUPHS consists of two parts:
• Internal MOSFET driver GATEHS
• Internal circuit to control GATEHS (37 A, quiescent current)
Figure 12
shape of the current from SUPHS at switch-on is related to:
shows that the current taken by the driver GATEHS occurs at switch-on. The
• The value of the supply voltage for the internal driver
• The characteristic of the internal driver
• The gate capacitance to be charge d
• The gate threshold voltage for the MOSFET to switch on
Application noteRev. 2 — 26 September 2011 25 of 102
NXP Semiconductors
15 HB
Fig 12. Typical application of SUPHS voltage on SUPHS
During normal operation, each time the Half-Bridge (HB) node is switched to grou nd level,
the bootstrap function charges the SUPHS capacitor. Because of the voltage drop across
the bootstrap diode, the value of SUPHS is normally lower than SUPREG (or other
bootstrap supply input).
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
The voltage drop across the bootstrap diode is directly related to the am ount of current
that is required to charge SUPHS. The resultant SUPHS voltage also has a relation to the
time available for charging.
A large voltage drop occurs when an externa l MOSFET with a large gate capacit ance has
to be switched at high frequency (high current and a short time).
Also, during Burst mode operation, a low voltage on SUPHS can occur. In Burst mode
there are (long) periods of not switching and therefore no ch arging of SUPHS. Dur ing th is
time the circuit supplied by SUPHS slowly discharges the supply volt age cap a citor. When
a new burst starts, the SUPHS voltage is lower than during normal operation. During the
first switching cycles SUPHS is recharged to its normal level. During Burst mode, at low
output power , the switching frequency is normally rather high which limits a fast recovery
of the SUPHS voltage.
Although in most applications the voltage drop is limited, it is an important issue to be
evaluated. It can influence the selection of the best diode type for the bootstrap function
and the value of the buffer capacitor on SUPHS.
5.5.5SUPREG power consumed by MOSFET drivers
During operation the drivers GATEPFC, GATELS and GATEHS charging the gate
capacitances of the external MOSFETs are a major part of the power consumption from
SUPREG. The amount of energy required in time is linear to the switching frequency.
Often, for the MOSFETs used, the total charge is specified for certain conditions. With this
figure an estimation can be made for the amount of current needed from SUPREG. and GATEHS (driving a total of two MOSFETs)
Application noteRev. 2 — 26 September 2011 26 of 102
NXP Semiconductors
240 nC100 kHz8 mA==
40 nC100 kHz4 mA==
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
• Q
• f
Remark: The calculated value is generally higher than the practical value, because the
switching operation deviates from the MOSFET specification for Q
• Q
• f
5.5.6SUPREG supply voltage for other circuits
The regulated voltage of SUPREG can also be used as a regulated supply for an external
circuit. The load of the external circuits affects the start-up (time) and the total load
(IC + extern al circ uit ) of SUPREG durin g op e ra tio n.
(2) available for supplying an external circuit from SUPREG
The total current available from SUPREG is a minimum of 40 mA. How much current the
IC is using must be determined to ensure how much current is available for an external
=40mA I
With respect to the IC, by far the greatest amount of current from SUPREG is consumed
by the MOSFET drivers (GATELS, GA TEHS and GATEPFC). Other circuit pa rt s in the IC,
consume a maximum of 3 mA.
can be estimated by the method provided in Section 12
max estimation by measurement
The current used by SUPIC, while supplying the circuit from an external power supply , can
be assumed as a first approximation of how much current the IC circuits take from
SUPREG. Using this value, an estimation can be made of the power available for external
Remark: The highest power consumption value is reached when the MOSFET drivers
are switching at the highest frequency.
Application noteRev. 2 — 26 September 2011 27 of 102
NXP Semiconductors
Vaux 15 V
SUPIC start-up
----------------------------------------- -
10 mA
70 ms
7 V
-------------- -
100 F==
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
SUPIC(maximum measured)
SUPREG(for IC circuits)=ISUPIC(maximum measured)
SUPREG(for externals)
=40mA I
SUPREG(for IC circuits)
=40mA 18 mA = 22 mA
Remark: SUPREG must remain above the undervoltage protection level of 10.3 V to
maintain full functionality. During start-up, high external current loads can lead to
5.6Value of the capacitors on SUPIC, SUPREG and SUPHS
Some practical examples are provided in Section 12.
5.6.1Value of the capacitor on SUPIC
Use two types of capacitors on SUPIC. An SMD ceramic type with a smaller value located
close to the IC and an electrolytic type with the major part of the capacitance.
When the supply is initially provided by an HV source, before being handled by an
auxiliary winding, a larger capacitor is needed. The capacitor value must be large enough
to handle the start-up before the auxiliary winding takes over the supply of SUPIC.
• I
• V
• t
=22V 15 V = 7 V
=70ms operation
The main purpose of the capacitors on SUPIC for normal operation is to keep the current
load variations (e.g. gate drive currents) local. mode operation
When Burst mode operation is applied, the supply construction often uses an auxiliary
winding and start-up from an HV source. While in Burst mode there is a long period during
which the auxiliary winding is not able to charge the SUPIC because there is no HBC
switching (time between two bursts). Therefore, the capacitor value on SUPIC must be
large enough to keep the voltage above 15 V to prevent activating the SUPIC
undervoltage stop level.
Application noteRev. 2 — 26 September 2011 28 of 102
NXP Semiconductors
SUPICISUPIC start-up between 2 bursts
between 2 bursts
SUPIC burst
---------------------------------------- -
4 mA
25 ms
4 V
-------------- -
25 F==
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
• I
SUPIC(between 2 bursts)
• V
SUPIC(burst)=Vaux burst
• t
between 2 bursts
15 V = 19 V 15 V = 4 V
5.6.2Value of the capacitor for SUPREG
The capacitor on SUPREG must not be larger than the capacitor on SUPIC to support
charging of SUPREG during an HV source start. This is to prevent a severe voltage drop
on SUPIC due to the charge of SUPREG. If SUPIC is supplied by an external (standby)
source, this is not important.
SUPREG is the supply for the current of the gate drivers. Keepin g current peaks lo cal can
be achieved using an SMD ceramic capacitor supported by an electrolytic capacitor. This
is necessary to provide sufficient capacitance to prevent voltage drop during high current
loads. The value of the capacitor on SUPREG must be much larger than the (total)
capacitance of the MOSFETs that must be driven (including the SUPHS parallel load and
capacitor bootstrap construction) to prevent significant voltage drop.
When considering the internal voltage regu lator , the value of the cap acitance on SUPREG
must be 1 F. Often a much larger value is used for the reasons mentioned previously.
5.6.3Value of the capacitor for SUPHS
The SUPHS capacitor must be much larger than the gate capacitance to support charging
the gate of the high side MOSFET. This is to prevent a significant voltage drop on SUPHS
by the gate charge. When Burst mode is applied, SUPHS is discharged by 37 A during
the time between two bursts.
Application noteRev. 2 — 26 September 2011 29 of 102
NXP Semiconductors
15 HB
TEA1713 resonant power supply control IC with PFC
The TEA1713 provides three outputs for driving external high- voltage power MOSFETs:
• GATEPFC for driving the PFC MOSFET
• GATELS for driving the low side of the HBC MOSFET
• GATEHS for driving the low side of the HBC MOSFET
The TEA1713 has a strong output stage for PFC to drive a high-voltage power MOSFET.
It is supplied by the fixed voltage from SUPREG = 10.9 V.
Both drivers have identical driving capabilities for the gate of an external high-voltage
power MOSFET. The low-side driver is referenced to pin PGND and is supplied from
SUPREG. The high-side driver is floating, referenced to HB, the connection to the
midpoint of the external half-bridge. The high-side driver is supplie d by a capacitor on
SUPHS that is supplied by an external bootstrap function by SUPREG. The bootstrap
diode charges the capacitor on SUPHS when the low-side MOSFET is on.
Fig 13. GATELS and GATEHS drivers
Both HBC drivers have a strong current source capability and an extra strong current sink
capability. In general operation of the HBC, fast switch-on of the external MOSFET is not
critical, as the HB node swings automatically to the correct state after switch-off. Fast
switch off however, is important to limit switching losses and prevent delay especially at
high frequency.
6.3Supply voltage and power consumption
See Section 5.5.3 and Section 5.5.5.for a description of the supply voltages and power
consumption by the MOSFET drivers.