The JN5121-xxx-Myy is a family of surface mounted modules that enable users to implement
The JN5121-xxx-Myy is a family of surface mounted modules that enable users to implement
IEEE802.15.4 or ZigBee compliant systems with minimum time to market and at the lo west
IEEE802.15.4 or ZigBee compliant systems with minimum time to market and at the lo west
cost. They remove the need for expensive and lengthy development of custom RF board
cost. They remove the need for expensive and lengthy development of custom RF board
designs and test suites. The modules use Jennic’s JN 5121 wireless microcontroller to provid e
designs and test suites. The modules use Jennic’s JN 5121 wireless microcontroller to provid e
a comprehensive solution, including all RF components. All that is required to dev elop and
a comprehensive solution, including all RF components. All that is required to dev elop and
manufacture wireless control or sensing products is to connect a power supply and p eripherals
manufacture wireless control or sensing products is to connect a power supply and p eripherals
such as switches, actuators, sensors, considerably simplifying product development.
such as switches, actuators, sensors, considerably simplifying product development.
Three basic hardware module variants are available: JN5121-xxx-M00 with an integrated
Three basic hardware module variants are available: JN5121-xxx-M00 with an integrated
antenna, JN5121-xxx-M01/M03 with an antenna connecto r and JN5121-xxx-M02/M04 with a
antenna, JN5121-xxx-M01/M03 with an antenna connecto r and JN5121-xxx-M02/M04 with a
power amplifier and LNA for extended range. Each of these can be provided pr e-programmed
power amplifier and LNA for extended range. Each of these can be provided pr e-programmed
with a ZigBee network stack (JN5121-Z01-Myy) or with customer-specific software.
with a ZigBee network stack (JN5121-Z01-Myy) or with customer-specific software.
Block Diagram Block Diagram
MO00 O ption
M01/03 Option
M02/04 Option
Ceramic Antenna
JN5121 chip
128-bit AE S
128kB Serial
Flash Memory
2-wire serial
12-bit A DC ,
11-bit DACs,
temp sensor
Microminiature module solutions Ready to use in products Minimises product development
No RF test required for systems Compliant with FCC part 15
rules, ETSI ETS 300-328 and
Japan ARIB STD-T66
Production volumes supplied
pre-programmed with
application software
Robust and secure low power
wireless applications
Wireless sensor networks,
particularly IEEE802.15.4 /
ZigBee systems
Home and commercial building
Home networks Toys and gaming peripherals Industrial systems Telemetry and utilities
(e.g. AMR)
Features: Module
2.4GHz IEEE802.15.4
2.7-3.6V operation
Sleep current (with active
sleep timer) < 14µA
Standard module, 0dBm power
M00: on board antenna or
M01: SMA connector,
M03: RP-SMA connector
> 400m range
o Receiver sensitivity -90dBm
o TX current < 45mA
o RX current < 50mA
o 18x30mm
18.5dBm power with LNA and
SMA connector, > 4km range
Receiver sensitivity -93dBm
o TX current < 120mA
o RX current < 55mA
o 18x40mm
Features: Microcontroller
16MHz 32-bit RISC CPU 96kB RAM, 64kB ROM 4-input 12-bit ADC, 2 11-bit
DACs, comparator,
temperature sensor
2 Application timer/counters,
3 system timers
2 UARTs (one for in-system
SPI port with 5 selects 2-wire serial interface 21 GPIO Evaluation kits available with
The JN5121-xxx-Myy module family provides designers with a ready made component which allows IEEE802.15.4 [1]
wireless applications, including ZigBee, to be quickl y and easily inclu ded in product designs. The m odules integrate
all of the RF components, removing the need to perform expensive RF design and test. Products ca n be designed by
simply connecting sensors and switches to the module IO pins. The modules use Je nnic’s single chip IEEE802.15. 4
Wireless Microcontroller, allowing designers to make use of the extensive chip development support material.
Hence, this range of modules allows designers to bring wirel ess applications to market in the minimum time with
significantly reduced development effort and cost.
Three basic modules are available: JN5121- xxx-M0 0 (standard module with on board ceramic antenna), JN5121-xxxM01 (standard module with SMA connector for use with externa l antennae) and JN5121-xxx-M02 (high RF power,
improved sensitivity module for extended range applications). Each of these modules can be supplied with a range of
protocol stacks, including a simple IEEE802.15.4 protocol for point to poin t and star applications and a ZigBee mesh
networking stack. The variants available are described below.
1.1. Variants
Variant Description FCCID
JN5121-000-M00 IEEE802.15.4 stack, ceramic antenna TYOJN5121M0
JN5121-Z01-M00 ZigBee stack, ceramic antenna TYOJN5121M0
JN5121-000-M01 IEEE802.15.4 stack, SMA connector N/A
JN5121-Z01-M01 ZigBee stack, SMA connector N/A
JN5121-000-M02 High Po wer (18.5dBm), IEEE802.1 5.4 stack,
SMA connector
JN5121-Z01-M02 High Power (18.5dBm), ZigBee stack, SMA
stack, RP-SMA connector
JN5121-Z01-M04 High Power (18.5dBm), ZigBee stack,
RP-SMA connector
1.2. Regulatory Approvals
All module types have been tested against the requirements of European standard ETS 300
328 and a certificate of compliance to this standard is available on request. The High Power
modules with M02 suffix are approved for use in Europe with reduced output power. They must
not be used with PHY_PIB_ATTR_TX_POWER set above 3 See
Additionally, modules with M00, M03 and M04 suffixes have received FCC “Modular Approvals”,
in compliance with CFR 47 FCC part 15 regulations and in accordance to FCC Public notice
DA00-1407. The modules are approved for use with the following half wave dipole antenna
families: EAD BKR2400 series, Antenna Factor RCT and RCL series, Centurion WCR2400 &
WRR2400, GigaAnt Titanis and Nearson Models 131, 141 & 145. See Appendix
on the conditions applying to this modular approval.
Most specification parameters for the modules are specified in JN-DS-JN5121 Datasheet for JN5121 single chip
wireless microcontroller
VDD=3.0V @ +25ºC
, [2]. Where there are differences, the parameters are defined here.
Typ. DC Characteristics Notes
Deep sleep <11uA <11uA
Sleep <14uA <14uA With active sleep timer
Radio transmit 44mA 115mA CPU in doze, radio transmitting
Radio receive 49mA 60mA CPU in doze, radio receiving
Centre frequency accuracy +/-25ppm +/-25ppm
Typ. RF Characteristics Notes
Receive sensitivity -90dBm -93dBm
Max. Transmit power 0dBm 16dBm Nominal
Transmit power at 3.6V 18.5dBm With Vcc=3.6V
Maximum input signal -10dBm -15dBm
RSSI range
RF Port impedance - SMA connector 50 ohm 50 ohm 2.4 - 2.5GHz
VSWR (max) 2:1 2:1 2.4 - 2.5GHz
Peripherals Notes
Master SPI port with five select outputs 250kHz - 16MHz
Slave SPI port 250kHz - 16MHz
Two UARTs 16550 compatible
Two-wire serial I/F (compatible with SMbus & I2C) Up to 400kHz
Two programmable Timer/Counters with
capture/compare facility, Tick timer
Two programmable Sleep Timers 32kHz clock
Twenty-one digital IO lines (multiplexed with
UARTs, timers and SPI selects)
Four-channel, 12-bit, Analogue-to-Digital
Two 11-bit Digital-to-Analogue converters Up to 100ks/s
Programmable analogue comparator Ultra low power mode for sleep
Internal temperature sensor and battery monitor
-95 to -10
-115 to -20
Additional +/-15ppm allowance for
temperature and aging
Jennic supplies all the development tools and networking st acks needed to enable en d product deve lopment to occ ur
quickly and efficiently. These are all freely available from Jennic’s s upport website:
A range of evaluation/developer kits is also available, allowing products to be quickly breadboarded. Efficient
development of software applications is enabled by the provisio n of a complete, unlimited, software developer kit.
Together with the available libraries for the IEEE802.15.4 MAC and the ZigBee net work st ack, this package provi des
everything required to develop application code and to trial it with hardware representative of the final module.
The modules can be programmed by the user, for both develo pment and production, using Jennic supplied software.
They can also be supplied read y loaded with customer defined soft ware if required. The
User Guide
load individual MAC addresses. Access to the on-chip peripherals, MAC and ZigBee stack software is provided
through specific APIs. These are described in the JN-RM-2001 Hardware Periphera l Library Reference Manual [3],
JN-RM-2002 Stack Software Reference Manual [4] and JN-RM-2014 Z igBee Application Development API Reference
[5], describes how to put the module into programming mode, do wnload software onto the module a nd to
. Additional information is available on the Jennic support website.[6]
3.1. JN5121 Single Chip Wireless Microcontroller
The JN5121-xxx-Myy series is constructed around the JN512 1 single chip wireless microcontroller, which includes
the radio system, a 32-bit RISC CPU, ROM and RAM memory and a range of analogue and digital peri pherals.
The chip is described fully in
JN-DS-JN5121 Datasheet for JN5121 single chip wireless microcontroller [2].
Note that the same basic pin configuration applies for all module designs. However, DIO3/SPISEL4 and
DIO2/SPISEL3 are not available with high power modules.
1 ADC4 Analogue to Digital input
2 DAC1 Digital to Analogue output
3 DAC2 Digital to Analogue output
5 COMP6 SPICLK SPI master clock out/slave clock in
7 SPIMISO SPI Master In/Slave Out
8 SPIMOSI SPI Master Out/Slave In
9 SPISSZ SPI select from module - SS0 (output)
10 SPISEL1 SPI Slave Select1 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO0
11 SPISEL2 SPI Slave Select2 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO1
12 SPISEL3* SPI Slave Select3 (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO2 *
13 SPISSM SPI select to FLASH (input)
14 SPISWP FLASH write protect (input)
Signal Function Alternative Function
Comparator inputs
16 CTS0 UART0 Clear To Send (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO4
17 RTS0 UART0 Request To Send (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO5
18 TXD0 UART0 Transmit Data (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO6
19 RXD0 UART0 Receive Data (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO7
20 TIM0GT Timer0 clock/gate (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO8
21 TIM0_CAP Timer0 capture (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO9
22 TIM0_OUT Timer0 PWM (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO10
23 TIM1GT Timer1 clock/gate (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO11
24 VDD 3V power
25 GND Digital ground
26 VSSA Analogue ground
27 TIM1_CAP Timer1 capture (input) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO12
28 TIM1_OUT Timer1 PWM (output) General Purpose Digital I/O DIO13
29 RESETN Active low reset
SPI Slave Select4 (output) Gener al Purpose Digital I/O DIO3*
30 SIF_CLK Serial Interface clock / Intelligent peripheral clock General Purpose Digital I/O DIO14