The PCA9646 is a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit for 2-wire bus buffering and
switching in applications including I
similar principles.
Each of the four outputs may be inde pendently enabled i n any combination as d etermined
by the contents of the programmable control register. Each I/O is impedance isolated from
all others, thus allowing a total of five branches of 2-wire bus with the maximum specified
load (e.g., 5 400 pF for Fm+ I
(Ref. 1
). More than one PCA9646 may be used in series, providing a substantial fan-o ut
As per the PCA9525 and PCA9605 simple bus buffers, the PCA9646 includes a
unidirectional buffer for the clock signal, and a bidirectional buffer for the data signal. The
direction of the clock signal may also be set by the contents of the programmable control
register. Clock stretching and timing must always be under control of the master device.
The PCA9646 has excellent application to 2-wire bus address expansion and increasing
of maximum load capacitance. Very large LED displays are a perfect example.
2. Features and benefits
Drop-in pin compatible with PCA9546A, etc.
Each I/O is impedance isolated from all others allowing maximum capacitance on all
30 mA static sink capability on all ports
Works with I
SMBus (standard and high power mode) , and PMBus
Fast switching times allow operation in excess of 1 MHz
Allows driving of large loads (e.g., 5 4nF)
Hysteresis on I/O increases noise immunity
Operating voltages from 2.7 V to 5.5 V
Uncomplicated characteristics suitable for quick implementation in most common
2-wire bus applications
C-bus, SMBus, PMBus, and other systems based on
C-bus at 1 MHz, or 5 4 nF at lower frequencies)
C-bus (Standard-mode, Fast-mode, and Fast-mode Plus (Fm+)),
3. Applications
Large arrays of I2C-bus components, e.g., LED displays
Power management systems
Game consoles, computers, RAID systems
NXP Semiconductors
R3R5R6R7R8 R9R10
1 A0
2 A1
13 A2
2.7 V to 5.5 V
4. Ordering information
Buffered 4-channel 2-wire bus switch
Table 1.Ordering information
Type numberTopside
PCA9646DPCA9646SO16plastic small outline package; 16 leads; body width3.9 mmSOT109-1
PCA9646PWPCA9646TSSOP16plastic thin shrink small outline package; 16 leads;
Fig 2.Pin configuration for SO16Fig 3.Pin configuration for TSSOP16
6.2 Pin description
Table 2.Pin description
A01address input 0
A12address input 1
SD04serial data 0
SC05serial clock 0
SD16serial data 1
SC17serial clock 1
SD29serial data 2
SC210serial clock 2
SD311serial data 3
SC312serial clock 3
A213address input 2
SCL14serial clock line (normally input)
SDA15serial data line
Refer to Figure 1 “Simplified block diagram of PCA9646”.
7.1 VDD, VSS — DC supply pins
The power supply voltage for the PCA9646 may be any voltage in the range 2.7 V to
5.5 V. The IC supply must be common with the supply for the bus. Hysteresis on the port s
are a percentage of the IC’s power supply, hence noise margin considerations should be
taken into account when selecting an operating voltage.
7.2 SCL — clock signal input
The clock signal buffer is unidirectional, with this pin acting as the default input. However,
the clock signal direction may be reversed by setting the MSB of the Control register
HIGH. In normal I
signal to the slave. For lowest cost the PCA9646 combines unidirectional buffering of the
clock signal with a bidirectional buffer for the data signal. Clock stretching is therefore not
supported and slave devices that may require clock stretching must be accommodated by
the master adopting an appropriate clocking when communicating with them.
Buffered 4-channel 2-wire bus switch
C-bus operations the master device generates a unidirectional clock
The buffer includes hysteresis to ensure clean switching signals are output, especially
with slow rise times on high capacitively loaded buses.
7.3 SC0, SC1, SC2 , SC3 — clock signal outputs
The clock signal from SCL is buffered through four independent buffers, and the signal is
presented at the four SC0 to SC3 ports. Ports are open-drain type and require external
pull-up resistors.
When the MSB of the control register is set HIGH, the port direction is reversed. The
ANDed result of the selected SC0 to SC3 lines is then used to drive the open-dr ain output
of the SCL pin.
7.4 SDA, SD0, SD1, SD2, SD3 — data signal inputs/outputs
The data signal buffers are bidir ectional. The port ( SDA, or any one of SD0 to SD3) which
first falls LOW, will decide the direction of this buf fer and ‘lock out’ signals coming from the
opposite side. As the ‘input’ signal continues to fall, it will then drive the open-drain of the
‘output’ side LOW. Again, hysteresis is applied to the buffer to minimize the effects of
noise. Ports are open-drain type and require external pull-up resistors.
At some points during the communication, the data direction will reverse—for example,
when the slave transmits an acknowledge (ACK) or responds with its register contents.
During these times, the controlling ‘input’ side will have to rise to V
the ‘lock’, which then allows the ‘output’ side to gain control, and pull (what was) the ‘input’
side LOW again. This will cause a ‘pulse’ on the ‘input’ side, which can be quite long
duration in high capacitance buses. However, this pulse will not interfere with the actual
data transmission, as it should not occur during times of clock line transition (during
normal I
still met.
C-bus and SMBus protocols), and thus data signal set-up time requ irem ents are
The active LOW RESET input is used to disable the buffer, and reset it to its default state.
The IC should only be disabled when the bus is idle to avoid truncation of commands
which may confuse other devices on the bus.
Buffered 4-channel 2-wire bus switch
disabling all output lines SC[0:3] and SD[0:3]. It is the nature of the I
signal will clear the contents of the Control register, which has the effect of
C-bus protocol that
devices may become ‘stuck’. T o help in the clearin g of this condition, the PCA9646 can be
reset, and each port brought on-line successively to find the component holding the bus
7.6 Power-On Reset (POR)
During power-on, the PCA9646 is internally held in the reset condition for a maximum of
= 500 ns. The default condition after reset is for the Control register to be erased
(all zeros), resulting in all output channels being disabled.
7.7 A0, A1, A2 — address lines
The slave address of the PCA9646 is shown in Figure 4. The address pins (A2, A1, A0)
must be driven to a HIGH or LOW level—they are not internally pulled to a default state.
Fig 4.Slave address
The read/write bit must be set LOW to enable a write to the Control register, or HIGH to
read from the Control register.
7.8 Control register
The Control register of the PCA9646 is shown in Figure 5. Each of the four output
channels (SCn/SDn pairs) can be enabled independently, and the direction of the clock
signal can be reversed.
A LOW or ‘zero’ bit (B[3:0]) indicates that the respective channel (SC[3:0], SD[3:0]) is
disabled. The default reset condition of the register is all zeros, all channels disabled,
forward direction. A HIGH or ‘one’ bit indicates the respective channel is enabled.
Example: B3 = 1, B2 = 0, B1 = 1, B0 = 0 means channel 3 (SC3/SD3) and channel 1
(SC1/SD1) are enabled, and channel 2 (SC2/SD2) and channel 0 (SC0/SD0) are
As each channel is individually buffered, the loads on each are isolated, and therefore
there is no special requirement to keep the sum of the collective capacitances below the
maximum bus capacitance. Instead, each line may have up to the maximum bus
capacitance and be enabled or disabled without affecting the performance of the other
The Most Significant Bit (MSB) B7 is used to set the direction of the SCL (clock) signal.
The default state is LOW (zero). In this state, the SCL port will act as the input, and the IC
will supply a buffered signal to any of the four output channels (SC0 to SC3) which are
enabled. When B7 is set HIGH (one), the clock signal direction is reversed. The ports
SC0 to SC3 act as inputs, the ANDed combination of the selected signals is buffered and
output on the SCL pin.
Buffered 4-channel 2-wire bus switch
The PCA9646 is always addressable from the SCL/SDA side, regardless of the state of
B7. Any device which can communicate data to the SCL/SDA pins, either by being directly
attached to those pins or by transmitting through the PCA9646 (when B7 = 1), may
address the device and change the control register’s contents. The Control register is only
updated upon receipt of the STOP condition.
8. Bus transaction
A typical I2C-bus write transaction to the PCA9646 is shown in Figure 6. A typical read
transaction is shown in Figure 7
Fig 6.PCA9646 write transaction to Control register