Come closer, go further
Unlocking the potential of Near Field Communication
Putting you in touch with a bigger world
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Welcome to the world of Near Field Communication (NFC) - the short-range and
secure wireless technology that makes connectivity for personal communication
and portable devices really easy. But it does much more than connect devices.
It’s a totally new way of doing things - by touch. It also enables many new mobile
applications and innovative services. So it can put your company and your
customers in touch with a bigger world.
The key to NFC is that it’s extremely
intuitive to use - simply touch two
NFC-enabled devices together and
they connect. Establishing a wireless
link between devices or enabling
end-to-end global transactions.
Making a ticket payment or reading
smart labels. Storing ownership rights
or an electronic door key. People want
easy electronics and NFC’s intuitive
operation delivers it, changing the
way we interact with technology and
our environment. All this is in marked
contrast to the complex way we’re
forced to set up and interconnect most
electronic equipment.
NFC is a new technology with a lot
of potential. The NFC Forum was
founded by Philips, Sony and Nokia.
Now it counts more than 60 of the
biggest names in the electronics,
software and fi nance industries among
its members. If you’re an equipment
manufacturer or a software developer,
a service or content provider, this is
one technology that presents so many
opportunities you can’t afford to miss
out on it.
What does NFC mean for equipment
users? In short, simplicity and
convenience. Using it is easy whether
it’s in mobile phones and PDAs,
or advanced consumer electronics and
new computing devices. It opens up a
whole new set of value-added services
and new marketing opportunities.
Now take a look at how it might make
a world of difference to your business.
“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication”
- Leonardo Da Vinci
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Make shopping magic
Whether shopping’s your hobby or a necessary evil, there are ways
NFC can make it a lot more fun. Picture a scene where a mother and young
daughter enter a toy store to look at a fairy costume. A label on the attractive
box shows there’s a movie clip and demo available. Just touching the box
with her mobile phone, the mother shows the child the video clip on the
phone’s display. While music plays and the contents are described,
a model shows the full costume from front and back, complete with wings,
tiara and wand.
Like a wave of a wand, an NFC phone can give
products a voice and put an end to queuing
After the clip, the price and an
option to buy the costume appear
on the screen. One click and two
satisfied customers leave the store.
The costume’s security tag has been
neutralized and a reference number
sent to the phone as a receipt.
So imagine a world without checkouts,
a shop with no queues. With NFC, you
could make this fairy tale come true.
Acting as a card reader, NFC can
automatically retrieve a web link from a
smart label. It can then benefit from the
phone’s fast 3G Internet connection to
initiate streaming of video clips.
Acting as an electronic wallet with
smartcard encryption, NFC’s payment
functionality is secure for banking
applications. Thanks to NFC chips and
phone system solutions available today,
you can make shopping magic.
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