Trademarks: Nuance, the Nuance logo, SafeCom, SafeCom Go, SafeCom P:Go,
SafeCom ePay and the SafeCom logo are trademarks of Nuance
Communications, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other
countries. All other trademarks referred to herein are the property of their
respective owners. Nuance Communications, Inc. cannot be held responsible for
any technical or typographical errors and reserves the right to make changes to
products and documentation without prior notification.
Third Party Software: This software may contain third party software which
requires notices and/or additional terms and conditions. Such required third
party software notices and/or additional terms and conditions are located in
the SafeCom Third Party Notice document.
Patent: Nuance Communications, Inc. has received the following British patent
GB 2350 713 B, US patent US 6,952,780 B2 and Europe EUR EP1 120 701.
4.1 SafeCom Go Canon device trace facility ............................................. 38
4.2 SafeCom Help Desk Assistant .......................................................... 38
4.3 SafeCom scan jobs not tracked ........................................................ 38
5 Regulatory information ............................................................................ 39
6 Index ................................................................................................... 40
D60707-18 3
1 Introduction
1 Introduction
1.1 SafeCom Go Canon
SafeCom Go Canon is the internal solution for Canon MFPs. It integrates with
the touch-screen control panel of the Canon MFP and offers user authentication
by code and/or card.
SafeCom Go Canon works together with the SafeCom G4 Server software and is
designed to help companies and organizations gain control over their printing
costs and document security. The SafeCom solution can be enhanced with addon modules to build customer specific and scalable solutions.
1.2 Requirements
SafeCom Go Canon supports the MEAP-enabled Canon MFPs in Table 1.
The MFPs are listed in order of release with the latest at the bottom.
Built-in USB port for connection of USB ID Device is featured on all newer
MFPs. Older MFPs may require a Canon USB Application Interface Board
(type B1, D1 or G1) and/or any additional Canon hardware.
MFP must be connected to the network.
The MFP should set department ID as off.
The MFP should not have system administrator setting.
SafeCom device license and Canon MEAP License (royalty fee paid to
Canon Access Management System Kit-A2 (AMS) is required to control
user's access rights for: Copy, Copy in color, E-mail, Scan and Fax.
Identification by card requires a USB SafeCom ID
Device (card reader) and the Canon MFP must
feature an available USB port.
On older Canon MFPs a Canon USB Application
Interface Board may be required. Refer to
information in the USB column in Table 1.
ID Device
SafeCom AWID Reader
SafeCom Barcode Reader
SafeCom Casi-Rusco Reader
SafeCom Cotag Reader
SafeCom EM Reader
SafeCom HID Prox Reader
SafeCom HID Prox Reader 37 bit (custom)
SafeCom iCLASS Reader
SafeCom Indala Reader 26 bit
SafeCom Indala Reader 29 bit
SafeCom IoProx Reader
SafeCom Legic Reader
SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 1)
SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 2)
SafeCom Magnetic Card Reader DD (Tr 3)
SafeCom Mifare Reader
SafeCom Nedap Reader
SafeCom NetWatch
A Device does not support IMI and hence the copy process cannot be
stopped when the user runs out of credits.
1.3 SafeCom Go Canon products
1.4 SafeCom ID devices
Note: ID devices require unique ID Device Licenses. SafeCom ID devices come
with ID device licenses, whereas ID device licenses for 3rd party ID devices must
be purchased separately.
Additional information about the ID devices is available in SafeCom G4
Administrator’s Manual D60650.
A comprehensive Manual that the administrator should consult to make a
successful SafeCom solution. Includes information about SafeCom
Tracking, SafeCom Rule Based Printing, SafeCom Client Billing, and
SafeCom Pay.
SafeCom Go Canon
SafeCom Go Canon Administrator’s Manual D60707 (this manual)
Manual on how to install, configure and use SafeCom Go Canon.
SafeCom Go Canon User’s Guide D20707
User's Guide on how to use SafeCom Go Canon.
1.6 About this manual
This manual applies to SafeCom G4 Server version S82 070.510*01 and SafeCom
Go Canon version S88 010.020*12.
This manual is organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Introduction lists the supplied SafeCom documentation,
introduces SafeCom relevant terms, system requirements, and describes
how this manual is organized.
Chapter 2 SafeCom Go Canon describes the installation and the web
interface of the internal solution for Canon MFPs.
Chapter 3 Using SafeCom Go Canon describes how to interact with the
Canon MFP’s control panel when SafeCom Go Canon is installed.
Chapter 4 Troubleshooting contains hints for troubleshooting.
Chapter 5 Regulatory information contains regulatory information.
D60707-18 8
1 Introduction
1.7 Document history
Revision D60707-18
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*12.
Corrected list of supported Canon models (1.2).
Possible to configure Guest login (2.7.3 and 3.2).
Upload log to server (2.7.5)
Added section 2.8.14 HP Access Control USB proximity card reader (HP
Revision D60707-17
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*10.
Updated to reflect the introduction of SafeCom G4 Server.
Introduction of ID Device license.
Updated installation section 2.4.1 with instructions on how to prevent
additional user credentials popup when sending e-mail.
Support for the following Canon imageRUNNER ADVANCE models:
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*09.
Support for imageRunner ADVANCE 4000 Series.
Support use of Canon Access Management System Kit-A2 (AMS). This is
required to control the user's access rights for: Copy, Copy in color, Email, Scan and Fax. When AMS is used the Configuration web page (2.7.3)
features controls for MFP authentication.
Revision D60707-14
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*08.
Support for Mask ID code (2.7.3).
Explain how to log in when a System Manager is defined (2.7.1) and how
to define a System Manager (2.8.8). By defining a System Manager gives
control of who can access management settings and restart the Canon
device remotely.
Revision D60707-13
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*02.
Revision D60707-12
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*02
How to display the Pull Print icon (2.6).
Timeout is now controlled by the printer (2.8.9).
D60707-18 9
1 Introduction
Revision D60707-11
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*01
Updated to reflect the introduction of SafeCom G3 Server.
Support for imageRunner ADVANCE C2000, C8000 and 6000 Series.
Revision D60707-10
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.020*01
Support for imageRunner ADVANCE C5000, C7000 and C9000 Series.
Possible to reference multiple SafeCom servers (2.7.3).
Tracking of Scan, E-mail and Fax jobs (2.7.3).
Possible to pre-fill and hide domain field (2.7.3).
New and default login method called auto-sense (2.7.3).
Support for High speed print (2.7.3).
Possible to specify encryption (2.7.3) when used with SafeCom G3 server.
Revision D60707-09
SafeCom Go Canon version S88 010.010*04
Improved description of installation in chapter 2.
D60707-18 10
2 SafeCom Go Canon
2 SafeCom Go Canon
2.1 Overview
Make sure the SafeCom G4 Server software installation has been completed as
described in SafeCom Smart Printing Administrator’s Quick Guide D10600.
1. Install optional card reader (2.2).
2. Prepare MFP for installation (2.3).
3. Install SafeCom Go Canon software (2.4).
Restart the MFP.
4. Specify SafeCom server and register device (2.5).
2.2 Install optional card reader
This section is only relevant if users will login by card. Connect the SafeCom ID
Device directly to the external USB port. The USB port is located at the rear
next to the network port.
Some MFPs feature a USB port near the touch-screen control panel. This is
reserved for connection of storage media, such as USB memory key. Do NOT
connect the SafeCom ID device to this USB port.
2.3 Prepare MFP for installation
For detailed instructions please consult the supplied Canon documentation.
Ensure that the MFP has Department ID management disabled. Please refer to
the appropriate section:
Note: When SafeCom is responsible for authentication (SafeCom Go Login is
started) then the Settings/Registration button only works once logged into the
SafeCom solution. Access to Management Settings is only allowed if you are
logged in as Administrator or Technician.
1. Press to access Settings/Registration.
2. Tap Management Settings.
3. Tap User Management.
4. Tap Department ID Management and then Settings.
5. Make sure that Enable Department ID Management is cleared.
6. Tap OK.
Proceed with the installation of the SafeCom Go Canon software (2.4.1).
D60707-18 11
2 SafeCom Go Canon
2.3.2 Older Canon devices
Note: When SafeCom is responsible for authentication (SafeCom Go Login is
started) then the Additional Functions button only works once logged into the
SafeCom solution.
1. Press to access Additional Functions.
2. Tap System Settings.
3. In System Settings tap Dept ID Management.
4. Tap Off and tap OK.
5. In System Settings tap System Manager Settings.
6. Make sure System Manager ID is blank and tap OK.
7. Tap Done.
On older Canon devices you may want to select MEAP (Pull Print) as the Initial
Function. If so, please perform these steps also. Otherwise proceed with the
installation of the SafeCom Go Canon software (2.4.2).
8. Press to access Additional Functions.
9. Tap Common Settings.
10. In Common Settings tap Function Display Settings.
11. In Initial Function and Function Order Settings tap Settings.
12. Tap MEAP and tap Set as Initial Function.
13. Tap Next. Tap OK.
14. In Common Setting tap Auto Clear Setting.
15. Tap Initial Function. Tap OK.
16. Tap Done.
17. Tap Done.
Note: Step 8-17 may vary between models. For detailed instructions please
consult the supplied Canon documentation.
Proceed with the installation of the SafeCom Go Canon software (2.4.2).
2.4 SafeCom Go Canon software installation
The software MUST be installed via the Canon MFP’s web interface. It is NOT
possible to send the software via the SafeCom Administrator.
Please refer to the appropriate section: