NTI-audio XL2 Reference Manual

Remote Measurement
Reference Manual V4.50
Refers to XL2 firmware version 4.50 or higher
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
Table of contents
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 5
Purpose of the XL2 Remote Measurement ....................................................................... 5
XL2 Projector PRO ............................................................................................................. 5
Remote Measurement Option required ............................................................................. 6
Driver ................................................................................................................................. 6
Getting Started .................................................................................................................. 7
Microsoft Excel Demo Application ................................................................................. 7
Labview Demo Application ............................................................................................. 8
Demos with TERMINAL Program ..................................................................................11
Commands ...........................................................................................................................14
Command Structure ..........................................................................................................14
Command Notation & Descriptive Symbols ......................................................................15
My first program (a typical program skeleton) ...................................................................16
Response Time .................................................................................................................17
Device Status ....................................................................................................................18
*IDN? ............................................................................................................................18
*RST .............................................................................................................................18
Debug ...............................................................................................................................19
ECHO ............................................................................................................................19
INITiate Subsystem...........................................................................................................19
INITiate ..........................................................................................................................19
INITiate:STATe? ............................................................................................................19
INITiate:STATe:SETTlingtime? .......................................................................................20
MEASure Subsystem ........................................................................................................21
MEASure:FUNCtion ......................................................................................................21
MEASure:FUNCtion? .....................................................................................................21
MEASure:INITiate ..........................................................................................................21
MEASure:TIMEr? ..........................................................................................................22
MEASure:DTTIme? .......................................................................................................22
MEASure:DECImals ......................................................................................................23
MEASure:DECImals? ....................................................................................................23
MEASure:DOMAin? ......................................................................................................23
MEASure:VIBDbref? (Domain: Vibration) .......................................................................23
MEASure: SLM Subsystem (Domain: Sound) ...................................................................24
MEASure:SLM:123? ......................................................................................................24
MEASure:SLM:RTA? .....................................................................................................27
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
MEASure:SLM:RTA:dt? .................................................................................................27
MEASure:SLM:RTA:WEIGhting .....................................................................................28
MEASure:SLM:RTA:WEIGhting? ...................................................................................28
MEASure:SLM:RTA:RESOlution ....................................................................................28
MEASure:SLM:RTA:RESOlution? ..................................................................................29
MEASure: RMSThdn Subsystem (Domain: Sound) ...........................................................30
MEASure:RMSThdn? ....................................................................................................30
MEASure:RMSThdn:FILTer ................................................................ ...........................30
MEASure:RMSThdn:FILTer? .........................................................................................30
MEASure: FFT Subsystem (Domain: Sound) .....................................................................31
MEASure:FFT? ..............................................................................................................31
MEASure:FFT:dt? ..........................................................................................................32
MEASure:FFT:PAGE ......................................................................................................32
MEASure:FFT:PAGE? ....................................................................................................33
MEASure:FFT:ZOOM ....................................................................................................33
MEASure:FFT:ZOOM? ..................................................................................................33
MEASure:FFT:F? ...........................................................................................................34
MEASure:FFT:FSTArt ....................................................................................................34
MEASure: 12OCT Subsystem (Domain: Sound) ................................................................35
MEASure:12OCT? .........................................................................................................35
MEASure:12OCT:dt? .....................................................................................................35
MEASure:12OCT:RESOlution ........................................................................................36
MEASure:12OCT:RESOlution? ......................................................................................36
MEASure: RT60 Subsystem (Domain: Sound) ..................................................................37
MEASure:RT60 ? ...........................................................................................................37
MEASure: Vibration Introduction (Domain: Vibration) ........................................................38
MEASure: VIBM Subsystem (Domain: Vibration) ..............................................................39
MEASure:VIBM:123? ....................................................................................................39
MEASure:VIBM:123:dt? ................................................................................................40
MEASure:VIBM:FILTer ..................................................................................................41
MEASure:VIBM:FILTer? ................................................................................................41
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:FILTer .................................................................................41
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:FILTer ? ..............................................................................42
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum? ..........................................................................................42
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:dt? ......................................................................................43
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:WEIGhting ..........................................................................44
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:WEIGhting? ........................................................................44
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:RESOlution .........................................................................44
MEASure:VIBM:SPECtrum:RESOlution? .......................................................................44
MEASure: VFFT Subsystem (Domain: Vibration) ...............................................................45
MEASure:VFFT? ............................................................................................................45
MEASure:VFFT:dt? ................................ ........................................................................46
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
MEASure:VFFT:PAGE ...................................................................................................47
MEASure:VFFT:PAGE? ..................................................................................................47
MEASure:VFFT:ZOOM ..................................................................................................47
MEASure:VFFT:ZOOM? ................................................................................................47
MEASure:VFFT:F? .........................................................................................................48
MEASure:VFFT:FSTArt ..................................................................................................48
MEASure: V12OCT Subsystem (Domain: Vibration) ..........................................................49
MEASure:V12OCT? .......................................................................................................49
MEASure:V12OCT:dt? ...................................................................................................49
MEASure:V12OCT:RESOlution ......................................................................................50
MEASure:V12OCT:RESOlution? ....................................................................................50
INPUt Subsystem .............................................................................................................51
INPUt:SELEct ................................................................................................................51
INPUt:SELEct? ................................ ................................................................ ..............51
INPUt:RANGe ................................................................................................................51
INPUt:RANGe? ..............................................................................................................51
INPUt: PHANtom...........................................................................................................52
INPUt: PHANtom? ................................................................................................ .........52
CALIBrate Subsystem .......................................................................................................53
CALIbrate:MIC:TYPE? ................................................................................................ ...53
CALIbrate:MIC:SENS:SOURce? ....................................................................................53
CALIbrate:MIC:SENS:VALUe ........................................................................................54
CALIbrate:MIC:SENS:VALUe? .......................................................................................54
SYSTem Subsystem .........................................................................................................55
SYSTem:ERROr? ...........................................................................................................55
SYSTem:KEY .................................................................................................................56
SYSTem:KLOCk ............................................................................................................56
SYSTem:SPEAker:ONOFf .............................................................................................57
SYSTem:SPEAker:LEVEl ...............................................................................................57
SYSTem:LIMItled? ........................................................................................................57
SYSTem:OPTIons? ........................................................................................................57
SYSTem:MSD ................................................................................................ ...............58
SYSTem:MSDMAC .......................................................................................................58
Supplements ........................................................................................................................59
Automatic COM Port Detection ........................................................................................59
Accessing an XL2 over the Internet ..................................................................................60
NetBox Gateway Mode .................................................................................................60
Switching between NoiseScout and Gateway Mode .....................................................60
SFTP Access .................................................................................................................61
COM Port Access ..........................................................................................................61
COM Port Access SAMPLE Code .................................................................................62
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Purpose of the XL2 Remote Measurement << Introduction


Purpose of the XL2 Remote Measurement

The XL2 Remote Measurement option enables you to query your XL2 measurement data from your PC via the USB interface, allowing you to program your own measurement application on your PC, e.g. for sound level monitoring or automated measurement tasks. The following XL2 measurement functions are supported:
o Sound level meter and spectrum analyzer SLMeter o FFT analyzer o Audio analyzer RMS/THDN o High resolution spectral analyzer 1/12 Oct + Tol
NOTE The following functions are not supported with the Remote Measurement Option:
o access to the XL2 file system o setup of data presentation on your XL2 LCD o logging and reporting to the internal SD card
The access to the XL2 file system is supported with the accessory NetBox used in Gateway Mode. See the chapter Accessing an XL2 over the Internet in this manual for more details.
The XL2 with serial number ending E0 or higher may power on automatically upon mains power is available. This auto start functionality is enabled by copying a txt-file with the file name AutoOn.txt onto the SD Card. This allows to remotely control the XL2 as soon as power supply is available at the instrument.

XL2 Projector PRO

The XL2 Projector PRO displays your XL2 screen, in real-time via USB, on your PC. The virtual keyboard provides you with control of your XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer from your PC, using mouse clicks.
Your XL2 Analyzer offers the facility to set limits for the maximum permitted sound level e.g. as prescribed by local authorities for live sound monitoring. In case such limits are exceeded, the XL2 Projector background color on your PC turns from green to yellow or red according to your defined limits.
XL2 Projector PRO runs with every XL2, there is no need to have any options installed on the XL2. The XL2 Projector PRO is available to you as a free download at https://my.nti-audio.com/support/xl2.
The optional XL View and Sound Level Predictor is dedicated for live sound monitoring applications. Its enabled by the Projector PRO Option or Remote Measurement Option upon installation on your XL2.
NOTE: The XL2 Projector function uses the COM port USB mode. Click the SD-Card icon in the XL2 Projector PRO to open the XL2 File Explorer.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Remote Measurement Option required << Introduction

Remote Measurement Option required

To query measurement results from the XL2 remotely, the XL2 must be equipped with a Remote Measurement Option.
NOTE If the XL2 Remote Measurement option is not installed, the instrument will respond to some basic commands like *IDN?, but will answer with the error "Parameter not available, license not installed" (Error No. 5).


The XL2 Analyzer communicates with the PC via the USB interface utilizing a virtual COM port. The required drivers will automatically be installed with the XL2 Projector PRO software.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction

Getting Started

Requirement: Make sure that you have installed the XL2 Projector PRO on your system. Together with the XL2 Projector PRO, the USB serial driver is installed, which is required for the Remote Measurement option of the XL2.
You receive the following "Getting Started" tools:


This demo, written in visual basic for applications (VBA), queries XL2 data online into MS Excel and charts the sound level graph.
1. Connect the XL2 to your computer
2. On the XL2, select COM port at the pop-up USB Mode
3. On your PC, open the file XL2 Remote Monitoring Demo.xls
4. Click the start button in the software -> the XL2 is started and logging starts on the PC screen.
5. The demo stops automatically after 20 log lines.
On your PC, press the Alt-F11 keys to access the open source code and extend the functionalities according your individual requirements.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction


You can use the demo application in two ways. Use either the runtime version (runs without LabVIEW), or the LabVIEW source files (requires a LabVIEW 10 basic license).
6. Select the folder LabViewDemo\RuntimeInstall
7. Start setup.exe and follow the instructions on the screen. As soon as the installation has successfully completed, a shortcut is available in the Windows start menu.
8. Start XL2SLMeterRemote under All Programs NTi Audio .
9. In case any error messages are displayed, simply continue with these instructions.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction
10. Connect your XL2 a) Connect your XL2 to your PC via USB and power-up the XL2. The XL2 displays the USB
Mode window. b) Select COM port on your XL2. c) As soon as your XL2 is connected to your PC, the Used virtual COM port changes from
COM1 to another COM port.
NOTE If the COM port used is higher than COM9, then the application will not open the COM port. In this case you need to change the number of the COM port in the windows device manager to a number lower than 10.
11. Upper plot The default measurement value is LAF. The data is immediately displayed in the upper plot area.
12. Lower plot The default measurement value is LAEQ. Press the Start Measurement button to display the measurement results in the lower plot area.
13. Change measurement value The plotted measurement value can be changed by typing the value name into the
Measurement Value field of the plot below. A list of valid value names is listed in the section
MEASure:SLM:123? of this manual. Some measurement values require the Extended Acoustics Pack option of the XL2. To get a dt-value of a measurement, click the displayed dt button. For more details please refer to section MEASure:SLM:123:dt? in this manual.
14. Commands The "Send String" of a plot shows the complete string, which is sent to your XL2 to acquire the measurement value. The "Receive String" of a plot shows all received measurement values. Use the scrollbar to view all values.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction
15. Setting time parameter In the "Read Data Interval" you can change the speed of acquiring data from your XL2. The minimum interval is 0.1 second, represented by a value of 1. Enter the value 20 to acquire measurement results every two seconds. The Timer in seconds shows the current measurement timer value of your XL2. The dt-time in seconds shows the measured time between two consecutive measurement value requests. Use the scroll bar to view all request intervals.
Open the file XL2BroadBandPlot.vi in the LabViewDemo\SourceFiles\SLM folder to run the application with LabVIEW. The application works as described in the Runtime Version section.
An additional demo is included as a source file, which plots the level RMS , THD+N + frequency time sweep. In order to run the THD demo application, open the File XL2ThdPlot.vi in the
LabViewDemo\SourceFiles\THD folder.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction


The terminal program HTerm with the configuration file XL2_Config.cfg offers a quick introduction to handling the XL2 Remote Measurement commands.
Requirement: Make sure that you have installed the XL2 Projector PRO software on your PC, thereby ensuring that the serial driver, required for remote measuring, is available. Verify that the XL2 Projector PRO software functions correctly prior to continuing with the next steps.
1) Start the terminal program HTerm.exe:
2) Load the configuration File XL2_Config.cfg
3) HTerm displays the loaded XL2 configuration file:
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction
4) Connect your XL2 a) Connect your XL2 via USB to your PC and power-up the XL2. The XL2 displays the USB
Mode window.
b) Select COM port on your XL2.
5) Selecting the COM port in HTerm: a) Press the R button to refresh the port list
b) Select the COM port used to communicate with your XL2 (e.g. your PC displays the com port
assigned to the XL2 during the initial connection to your XL2).
c) Press Connect and wait for the status information of HTerm in the bottom line; as soon as
it is connected successfully, the status line should show something like this:
6) First communication with your XL2: a) Double-click on *idn? in the Sequence Overview window on the left hand side. b) *IDN? is shown on the transmitted data window. c) "NTiAudio, XL2, A2A-xxxx-D1, FW2.xx" is shown in the Received Data window.
7) Reset your XL2 to a defined status a) Execute the *RST command to set your XL2 to a defined state. The RST command
i) clears the error queue ii) stops any running measurement iii) exits any active profile iv) selects the SLMeter function v) resets parameters vi) locks the keyboard
8) Read measurement function a) Double-click MEASure:Function? b) The Received Data window shows SLMeter
9) Read measurement data a) Double-click MEASure:INITiate , this reads all the actual measurement results for post-
processing on your PC. b) Double-click MEASur:SLM:123: LAF? c) The Received Data window shows e.g. 70.1 dB, OK (= the live sound level from
MEASure:INITiate before)
d) Double-click any other parameter to read out further measurement results taken by the
MEASure:INITiate command.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Getting Started << Introduction
10) Read measurement data a) Any measurement results not listed in the HTerm sequence overview can be read using the
commands with ### (= placeholders for individual input values). b) Double-click MEASure:INITiate c) Double-click MEASur:SLM:123: ### d) Add the required characters into the Input control window and press ENTER. In the
example below, the value "LAS" is queried:
11) Stopping the remote measurement a) Click the button Disconnect in HTerm b) Disconnect your XL2 from the USB connection to your PC.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Command Structure << Commands


Command Structure

The commands are send in ASCII format through the virtual COM port to your XL2 Audio and Acoustic Analyzer. Every command transmission from your PC to your XL2 or vice versa must be terminated with "CR LF" (Carriage Return, Line Feed).
The measurement commands are divided into six groups (i.e. "subsystems").
Device status commands
Status control for a measurement
Measurement result query commands
Settings for Input signal path
Microphone Calibration commands
System status commands
The XL2 accepts the short or any variant of the full form of the commands.
In the command list, the CAPITAL letters indicate the short form. However, the XL2 accepts both
lowercase and UPPERCASE letters, i.e. commands are not case-sensitive.
Multiple commands separated by semi-colons (";") are not supported.
Errors are stored in an error queue and can be queried with the SYSTem:ERROr? command.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Command Notation & Descriptive Symbols << Commands

Command Notation & Descriptive Symbols

The XL2 command descriptions use headings to divide the syntax information into easily-readable parts. These headings and their meaning are listed below. If a heading does not apply to a command, it does not appear in the command syntax description.
What the command does
The mode and system settings that must be active to execute the command
The parameters to be set and their types
The possible answer(s) to a query command
Command examples are provided here. Short form and lowercase characters are randomly altered to remind the reader that both forms are allowed
Additional explanations, hints and notes
The subsequent table lists the symbols that are used for the command description.
Colons separate elements of an XL2 command.
[ ]
Square brackets enclose the
list of available parameters
, out of which 1 parameter must
be selected.
A vertical line reads as an OR , i.e. this sign separates
< >
Triangle brackets enclose the
variable parameters
that must be set for a user-defined
 
Braces have the same meaning as triangle brackets ("< >"), except that the enclosed parameters can be included
Commas separate arguments in an arguments list.
The question mark indicates a
( )
Round brackets enclose comments.
The string is sent from your PC to your XL2.
The string is returned from your XL2 to your PC.
NOTE If a value is undefined, the XL2 returns the message -999.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com My first program (a typical program skeleton) << Commands

My first program (a typical program skeleton)

When starting to write a program to query values from the XL2, we suggest using the following skeleton (code is written in Python 2.7):
1 import time 2 import serial 3 4 # Query the Device Manager of your Windows PC to find out which COM port the 5 # system assigned to the XL2 and adapt the following line: 6 COM_PORT = "COM15" 7 8 xl2 = serial.Serial(COM_PORT, timeout=1) 9 10 xl2.write('*RST\n') # Reset the XL2 to default state (SLMeter, ...) 11 xl2.write('INIT START\n') # Start the measurement 12 time.sleep(3) # Allow the XL2 to start the measurement 13 14 for i in range(10): 15 xl2.write('MEAS:INIT\n') # Triggers a measurement 16 xl2.write('MEAS:SLM:123? LAS\n') # Query LAS 17 result = xl2.readline() 18 print result, 19 time.sleep(1) 20 21 xl2.write('INIT STOP\n') # Stop the measurement (optional) 22 xl2.close()
Output of the program:
36.0 dB, OK
34.8 dB, OK
48.8 dB, OK
44.7 dB, OK
53.4 dB, OK
49.4 dB, OK
45.3 dB, OK
41.8 dB, OK
39.3 dB, OK
38.0 dB, OK
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Response Time << Commands

Response Time

The time the XL2 requires for a response depends on the command and the workload of the XL2 (logging settings). A typical pattern for querying measurement data is:
1 xl2.write('MEAS:INIT\n') 2 xl2.write('MEAS:SLM:RTA:dt? EQ\n') 3 result = xl2.readline()
This pattern delivers a measurement result within:
Min: 8 ms Mean: 10 ms Max: 35 ms
Comment: Tested with XL2 FW 4.50 running 1000 times the above pattern.
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Device Status << Commands

Device Status

Identification: reads the unique identification of the XL2.
<Manufacturer>, <Unit>, <Serial Number>, <FW Version>
Executes a device reset, and should be the first command when starting a remote session to ensure that all XL2 settings make sense for remote measuring.
It is highly recommended to execute this command first to avoid unwanted side effects. The RST command
clears the error queue
stops any running measurement
stops any running script
exits any active profile
selects the SLMeter function
sets the following parameters
o Append mode: OFF o Auto save: OFF o Logging: OFF o Events: OFF o Timer mode: CONTINUOUS o Range: MID o RMS/THDN Filter: Z-WEIGHTED o Input: XLR o Phantom Power: ON o RTA Source: LZF o RTA Resolution: TERZ
locks the keyboard
sets the precision of queried floating-point numbers to 'LCD'
XL2 Remote Measurement
Reference Manual
www.nti-audio.com Debug << Commands


INITiate Subsystem

Queries the run status of a measurement
UNDEFINED when DSP is not responding
Returns the string after the command including separators. It is for debugging purpose only.
ECHO This is an echo, isn’t it
This is an echo, isn’t it
Starts/Stops a measurement
SLMeter, FFT, 1/12 Oct, RT60
Time dependent parameters like LAeq, LAFmax, etc. are undefined until START has been initiated. The start procedure may last a few seconds. If required, query INIT:STATE? to see, whether the start procedure is finished. When a measurement is stopped with STOP, the calculation of time dependent parameters is stopped and the result stays constant.
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