NTI Trinity Ti 100, Trinity Ti 150, Trinity Ti 200, Trinity Ti 400 Installation And Operation Instructions Manual

This Boiler must be installed by a licensed and trained Heating Technician; otherwise the warranty of this unit is void. Failure to properly install this unit could cause damage to property and injury to occupants possibly resulting in death.
1.0 SPECIFICATIONS..................................................................................................2
1.1 HIGH ALTITUDE OPERATION ..................................................................................2
2.0 INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................2
3.0 VENTING.................................................................................................................4
3.1 VENT PIPE MATERIAL............................................................................................4
3.3 VENTING RU LES AN D GUIDELINES .........................................................................7
3.4 VENTING CLEARANCES ..........................................................................................7
4.0 CONDENSATE DRAIN..........................................................................................9
5.0 INSTALLING GAS PIPING...................................................................................9
5.0 INSTALLING GAS PIPING.................................................................................10
5.1 INSTALLATION ......................................................................................................10
5.2 TESTIN G AN D SE T TIN GS ........................................................................................10
6.0 HEATING SYSTEM PIPING...............................................................................12
Trinity Ti
Trinity Ti Boiler Only
VERSION DATE: 1-5-2010
Installation and
Operation Instructions
6.1 PRIMARY LOOP PLUMBIN G...................................................................................13
6.2 SECONDARY LOOP HEATING SYSTEM ..................................................................16
6.2.1 Multiple Zones using Zone Valves.............................................................16
6.2.2 Multiple Zones using Pumps......................................................................16
6.2.3 Multiple Zones with Different Temperatures............................................17
6.3 DOMES TIC COMBI SYSTEM...................................................................................18
7.0 WIRING..................................................................................................................20
7.1 SIMPLIFIED WIRIN G CONNECTIONS ......................................................................21
7.2 ADVANCED WIRING SYSTEMS ..............................................................................22
7.2.1 Multiple 4 wire Zone Valves.......................................................................22
7.2.2 Multiple Zones with Taco Valve controller................................................23
7.2.3 Multiple Zones Pump controller................................................................24
7.2.4 Multiple Temperature Zones with Injection Pumps..................................25
8.0 SENTRY 2100 CONTROLLER ...........................................................................26
9.0 LIGHTING BOILER.............................................................................................30
9.1 INITIAL START-UP.................................................................................................30
9.2 RE-LIGHTING UNIT ...............................................................................................30
9.3 TURN OFF BOILER.................................................................................................30
10.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING......................................................................................31
11.0 SEQUENCE OF OPERATION..........................................................................34
14.0 ANNUAL MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION............................................36
14.1 COMBUSTION CHAM BER CLEANING...................................................................36
15.0 PARTS LIST.........................................................................................................37
Description Ti 100 Ti 150 Ti 200 Ti 400
Input (BTUx1000)
Inp ut Ca pa c i ty - Max. / Min.
Output (BTUx1000)
Output Capacity - Max./ Min.
Steady State Efficiency 95% 95% 94% 94%
AFUE Efficiency 95.1%
Venting material CPVC, PVC (See Section 3.1)
Max. Vent lengths Natural Gas
Max. Vent lengths Propane
Dime ns i ons L- W- D ( Inche s )
Clearance to Combustibles
Natural =100 / 15
Propane= 100 / 15
Natural =92.7 / 13.9
Propane = 92.7/ 13.9
3” @ 105’ Equivalent
Natural =150 / 25
Propane= 145 / 25
Natural =139 / 23.2
Propane = 134 / 23.2
3” @ 105’ Equivalent
3” @ 50’ Equivalent
80 lbs. 80 lbs.
22.5x15.25x14 22.5x15.25x14
Natural = 200 / 25 Propane= 194 / 25
Natural = 185 / 23.2
Propane = 180 / 23.2
110 lbs.
Propane = 370 / 69.5
4” @ 30’ Equivalent 6” @ 65’ Equivalent
Natural = 399 / 75 Propane= 399 / 75
Natural = 370 / 69.5
205 lbs.
1.1 High Altitude O per at ion
The Trinity boiler is designed to operate to capacity in installations with 2000 feet of elevation or less. As elevations higher than 2000 feet have less dense air, the unit
is not capable of providing its specified capacity. (See Chart).
In Canada: De-rate by 5% for altitudes between 2000 and 4500 feet.
Input (Mbh)
For altitudes above 4500 feet consult with local authorities.
In USA: De-rate by 4% for every 1000 feet over 2000 feet.
CAUTION At elevations greater than 2000 feet, the combustion of the Trinity must be checked with a calibrated
3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000 9000 10000
Elevation (ft)
Ti150 Ti200 Ti400 Ti100
combustion tester to ensure safe and reliable operation.
Consult Section 5.20 for instructions on adjusting the input to provide proper operation. It is the Installers responsibility to
check the combustion, and to adjust the combustion in accordance to Section 5.2
Important: Carbon Monoxide Detectors
The installation of your NY Thermal Trinity gas boiler must conform to the requirements of your local authority, and the National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1 and or CAN/CGA B149 Installation Codes. Where required by the Authority, the installation must conform to the standard for “Controls and Safety Devices for Automatically Fired Boilers ANSI/ASME CSD-1.
The Trinity boiler is set to operate with Natural Gas; LP Conve rsion Kit Part No. 82650-1 for Ti100’s, Ti150’s and Ti200’s, or LP Conversion Kit Part No. 83017-1 for Ti400’s is included with each boiler and must be installed before operating with Propane. Liquefied Petroleum ( LP) propane gas is heavier than air; it is imperative tha t your boiler is not installed in a pit or similar location that wi ll permit heavier than air gas to collect. Local Codes may require appliances fueled with LP gas be provided with an approved means, of removing unburned gases from the room. Check your local codes for this requirement.
“In the State of Massachusetts only”
(a)For all horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in every dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for residential purposes, including those owned and operated by the Commonwealth and where the side wall exhaust vent termination is less than seven (7) feet above finished grade in the area of the venting, including but not limited to decks and porches, the following requirements shall be satisfied:
1. INSTALLATION OF CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. At the time of installation of the side wall horizontal vented
gas fueled equipment, the installing plumber or gas fitter shall observe that a hard wired carbon monoxide detector with an alarm and battery back-up is installed on the floor level where the gas equipment is to be installed and on each additional level of the dwelling, building or structure served by the equipment. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure the services of qualified licensed professionals for the installation of hard wired carbon monoxide detectors.
a. In the event that the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment is installed in a crawl space or an attic, the
hard wired carbon monoxide detector with alarm and battery back-up may be installed on the next adjacent floor level.
b. In the event that the requirements of this subdivision can not be met at the time of completion of installation, the
owner shall have a period of 30 days to comply with the above requirements; provided, however, that during said 30 day period a battery operated carbon monoxide detector with an alarm shall be installed.
2. APPROVED CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS. Each carbon monoxide detector as required in accordance with the
above provisions shall comply with NFPA 720 and be ANSI/UL 2034 listed and IAS certified.
3. SIGNAGE. A metal or plastic identification plate shall be permanently mounted to the exterior of the building at a
minimum height of eight (8) feet above grade directly in line with the exhaust vent terminal for the horizontally vented gas fueled heating appliance or equipment. The sign shall read, in print size no less than one-half (1/2) inch in size, “GAS VENT DIRECTLY BELOW. KEEP CLEAR OF ALL OBSTRUCTIONS”. (Plate include with boiler)
4. INSPECTION. The state or local gas inspector of the side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment shall not approve
the installation unless, upon inspection, the inspector observes carbon monoxide detectors and signage installed in accordance with the provisions of 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1 through 4.
(b)EXEMPTIONS: The following equipment is exempt from 248 CMR 5.08(2)(a)1 through 4:
1. The equipment listed in Chapter 10 entitled “Equipment Not Required To Be Vented” in the most current edition of NFPA
54 as adopted by the Board; and
2. Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment installed in a room or structure separate from the
dwelling, building or structure used in whole or in part for residential purposes.
(c)MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS – GAS EQUIPMENT VENTING SYSTEM PROVIDED. When the manufacturer of Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas equipment provides a venting system design or venting system components with the equipment, the instructions provided by the manufacturer for installation of the equipment and the venting system shall include:
1. Detailed instructions for the installation of the venting system design or the venting system components; and
2. A complete parts list for the venting system design or venting system.
(d)MANUFACTURER REQUIREMENTS – GAS EQUIPMENT VENTING SYSTEM NOT PROVIDED. When the manufacturer of a Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment does not provide the parts for venting the flue gases, but identifies “special venting systems”, the following requirements shall be satisfied by the manufacturer:
1. The referenced “special venting system” instructions shall be included with the appliance or equipment installation
instructions; and
2. The “special venting systems” shall be Product Approved by the Board, and the instructions for that system shall include a
parts list and detailed installation instructions.
(e)A copy of all installation instructions for all Product Approved side wall horizontally vented gas fueled equipment, all venting instructions, all parts lists for venting instructions, and/or all venting design instructions shall remain with the appliance or equipment at the completion of the installation.
2.1 Location
In all cases, the Trinity boiler must be installed indoors, in a dry location, such that the gas components are protected from dripping or spraying water or rain, during operation and servicing. The boiler location ambient temperature is maintained to a minimum of 50°F.
Determine the best location of the vent termination, and if possible locate the boiler as close to the termination point as possible.
For prop er and safe i nstall ation ad here to the fol lowing clearances to combust ibles:
The NY Thermal Trinity condensing gas boiler is a high efficiency boiler utilizing induced power venting. Exhaust gases are to be vented directly outdoors, using the venting methods detailed in this section. Under no conditions may this unit vent gases into a masonry chimney, unless it is vacant, and utilizes the Trinity approved venting material as illustrated in this section. Installation must comply with local requirements and with the National Fuel Gas Code, ANSI Z223.1 for U.S. installations or CSA B149.1 for Canadian Installations.
It is recommended that two elbows be used, so that the slope of the horizontal exhaust vent does not affect the vertical plumb of the pipe connected to the boiler. Slope all horizontal indoor exhaust venting ¼” to ½” per
linear foot.
Attaching Vent Piping to Boiler
Boiler Casing=0" Floor=Combustible Flue Pipe: Boxed in or enclosed=2” In free air=0”
Th e f ol lowin g are the min imum clearances for servicing, how ever 24” is recommen ded:
Front = 24” Back = 0" Top = 12" Sides = 12" Bottom = 9" (0” for Ti400)
It is extremely important for the intake and exhaust piping to be
adapted to the appropriate size immediately upon exiting the boiler cabinet. Ti100-200’s come with a 3”x1-1/2” PVC adapter to be used to immediately connect to the air intake port of the boiler.
Ti100-200 exhaust connection is 3” male PVC, use approved cement to connect to venting system.
Ti400 exhaust connection accepts approved 4” venting material, do no t insert PVC pipe directly into the exhaust connection;
PVC pipe could become deformed by the clamping force of the gear clamp. Only approved CPVC can be inserted into the Ti400 exhaust connection. Note: a 4” long piece of 4” CPVC is provided with the Ti400.
Check the flue outlet gasket for proper insertion and sealing prior to and after attaching the venting.
Ensure the venting system does not apply a load or stain on the flue outlet of the boiler (recommend using two elbows to create a
“swing joint” as shown above).
3” Coupling Field Provided
-3” male PVC Exhaust Fitting.
3.1 Vent Pipe Mat erial
Exhaust Vent Piping:
The first 3 feet of the exhaust venting must be readily accessible for inspection.
In Canada all exhaust pipe, fittings and cement must comply with ULC S636 (ULC S636 PVC pipe is approved for flue gas
temperatures up to 149ºF (65ºC), therefore it can only be used in low temperature applications; systems requiring boiler supply water temperature greater than 140ºF must use ULC S636 approved CPVC).
In U.S. exhaust pipe and fittings must comply with ANSI/ASTM D1785 and DF441 for PVC and CPVC, respectively. Cement
and primer must comply with ANSI/ASTM D2564 and F493 for PVC and CPVC respectively.
3” PVC Sch.40 (See note above for installations in Canada).
3” CPVC Sch.40.
4 or 6” PVC Sch.40 (See note above for installations in Canada).
4 or 6” CPVC Sch.40.
Air Supply Pipe:
3” ABS. (Use 4” or 6” for Ti400)
3” PVC Sch.40. (Use 4” or 6” for Ti400)
3.2 Venting Confi gur at ions
3.2.1 Two-Pipe Vent Termination
The vertical portion of the exhaust termination does not require insu latio n, i f le s s tha n 5 fe e t i n total length
Gas Vent Direct ly Below
18” Min
Keep Free of O bstruct ions 36”
Apply Plate
Coupling and elbow to be against wal l
– ½” play is acceptable
12” Plus Snow allow ance
Example 12+19=31
Must insert plastic bird
Out sid e W all”
12” Plus Snow
3.2.2 Concentric Vent Ter minat i on (No longer appr oved f or Canada)
Ti100-200 Only (Not for use with Ti400)
NTI part number 82666 (York part number 1CT0303)
Instructions included with vent terminal contain more detailed assembly and installation instructions.
Clearances and requirements of this manual supersede those of the instructions included with the vent terminal.
Terminal must be cemented together during installation.
Plate Here
Gas Vent Directly Below Keep Free of Obstructions
Support (Fie ld installed)
4”-12” or greater than 36”
48” min.
4” or greater than 24”
Minimum 12”
lus snow
36” min.
Note: inlet pipe must always be connected to the boiler.
Must insert plastic bird screen
Must be 1” from wall
3.2.3 Ti400 Optional Vent Termination Kit
NTI part number 83236.
For use with Ti400 only.
4” Connections (When venting with 6”, must adapt down at terminal)
See Installation Manual included in vent terminal kit for further instructions.
Gas Vent Directly Below
Keep Free of Obstruct i ons
3.2.4 Roof Vent i ng
It is permissible to run vent pipe through an existing chimney as long as:
1) The chimney is not being used by any other appliance.
2) Flue gases don’t enter the vacant chimney.
3) Only Trinity certified venting materials are used, see Section 3.1.
4) Vent lengths are within the maximums specified.
3' Minimum
12" Plu s Sn ow Allowance (Minimum)
Inlet Air
Inlet Air
Note: inlet pipe must always be connected
to the boiler.
12” Plus Snow
Roof weat her seal Flash ing (field supplied)
Support (Field su pplied)
3.3 Venting Rules and G uide lines
1. It is highly recommended that the vent terminal be located where it will not be exposed to normal prevailing winds.
2. Air for combustion must be drawn from outdoors from an area free of dust and contaminants. Combustion air containing chemicals
such as chloride, fluoride, bromine or iodine, will cause corrosion damage of the heat exchanger voiding your NTI warranty. Avoid drawing combustion air from the vicinity of swimming pools, laundry facilities, workshops, or other areas where the air may contain chemicals or dust.
3. The exhaust must be a minimum of 18” above the air inlet, and the air inlet must always be a minimum of 12” plus snow allowance
above any surface that will support snow. (Two feet plus snow allowance is highly recommended). Consult your weather office, for the maximum typical snowfall for your region. Example: New Brunswick Canada the typical maximum snowfall is 19”, Thus in figures of Section 3.3, the inlet must be (12”+19”) = 31” off the ground, the exhaust must be (31”+18”) = 49”.
4. The horizontal distance between the inlet and exhaust must be a minimum of 4” center to center. If the horizontal distance between
the inlet and exhaust is more then 12”, increase the vertical separation by the same amount. Example: If horizontal separation is 24”, a minimum vertical separation of 30” is required (24”-12”=12”), so increase minimum vertical separation by 12”), (18”+12”=30”). If horizontal distance is greater then 6’, no additional vertical spacing is required. Vertical separation is never required to be greater then 36”.
5. Under normal operating conditions this appliance will produce a plume of white gases, and should be taken into consideration when
selecting an adequate location. A 3’ diameter stainless, plastic, or vinyl shield can be used to flash the exterior of the residence.
6. If the horizontal distance between the inlet and exhaust is more then 12”, increase minimum vertical separation by the same amount.
(If horizontal distance is greater then 6’, no additional vertical spacing is required). Example, horizontal separation equal to 24” requires a minimum vertical separation of 18”+(24”-12”) =30”. (Vertical separation is never required to be greater then 36”)
7. Elbows on outside of wall must be no greater than ½” away from the wall.
8. All indoor exhaust piping must be on a slope back to the boiler a minimum of ¼” per linear foot of vent. For applications where
excessive condensation is possible ½” per linear foot is recommended.
9. Exhaust vent pipe can be secured to the wall for more rigidity.
10. In all roof applications the discharge must point away from the pitch of the roof.
11. Install adequate flashing where the pipe enters the roof, to prevent water leakage.
12. Install and seal a rain cap over existing chimney openings, in vacant chimney applications.
13. For installations that exit the wall below grade. Excavate site as
shown in figure, to a point below where the pipes are to exit. Ensure
Installing Venting B elow Gr ade
that the wall is fully sealed where the pipes penetrate the wall. The vent piping MUST be secured to the side of the building above grade, as shown, to provide rigidity. NTI Provides a mounting bracket PN. 82075 for securing the exhaust pipes. Ensure that the vent clearances are maintained (Inlet minimum 12” plus snow allowance from grade, exhaust outlet 18” minimum above inlet)
14. Install the vent screens provided into both the inlet and exhaust vent
terminal elbows. The screen must be on the outside of the last elbow. Install the screen into the female opening of the elbow. Then cut a small piece of pipe to sandwich the screen into the elbow. NOTE be sure that the small piece of pipe cut, does not extend past the end of the elbow. Two screens are provided in the package.
15. It is extremely important that the intake and exhaust piping be
adapted to the appropriate size immediately upon exiting the boiler cabinet.
16. All interior vent pipe shall be supported a minimum of every 36” (6”-
diameter pipe used with the Ti400, need only be supported every 48”).
17. Install the warning plate “Gas Vent Directly Below” 4 feet above the location of the air inlet pipe, so it is visible from at least eight
(8) feet away.
3.4 Venting Clearances
These are code restrictions for the location of the Flue gas vent terminal. Compliance doesn’t insure a satisfactory installation; good common sense must also be applied.
The vent terminal shall not terminate:
1. Directly above a paved sidewalk or a paved driveway that is located between two buildings, and that serves both buildings;
2. Less than 7 feet above grade where located adjacent to a paved walkway or driveway located on public property.
3. Within 3' (three feet) of a window or door that can be opened, or non-mechanical air supply inlet to any building.
4. Within 6’ of a mechanical air supply inlet to any building, or roof eve containing soffit openings.
5. Above a meter/regulator assembly within 3' horizontally of the vertical centerline of the regulator.
6. Within 3' horizontally of any gas service regulator vent outlet up to a height of 15’.
7. Less than 30” plus snow allowance above grade, or any surface that will support snow, ice, or debris. The exhaust must be a
minimum of 18” above the air inlet, and the air inlet must always be a minimum of 12” plus snow allowance above any surface that will support snow. (Two feet plus snow allowance is highly recommended). Consult your weather office, for the maximum typical snowfall for your region.
8. Underneath a wooden verandah, porch, or deck.
9. Underneath cement verandah, porch, or deck, unless both ends are open and the exhaust pipe is installed at least 24” under the deck
10. So situated that the flue gases are directed towards brickwork, siding, or other construction, in such a manner that may cause damage
from heat or condensate from the flue gases.
11. Less than 3’ from an inside corner of an L-shaped structure (including walls and fences).
3.5 Deter mining Vent Lengt hs
Use the following chart to determine the maximum amount of vent pipe that can be used. This chart calculates, sweep and 45º elbows, and 90º elbows at 5 equivalent feet. Note: chart shows allowable equivalent vent lengths for intake and exhaust vents separately, thus a Ti100 can be installed with 105 equivalent feet of intake venting and 105 equivalent feet of exhaust venting.
The length of one vent pipe (intake or exhaust) may not exceed the length of the other vent pipe by more then 20 equivalent feet.
The three 90° elbows of the exterior vent piping (two outlet, and one inlet) do not have to be included, as they are taken into
consideration in the vent calculations.
For 150 and 200 Models, Propane Gas (LP) maximum vent length cannot exceed 50 equivalent feet.
ModelsizeTypeLength 123456789
Ti100 Ti150-200 Ti150-200
3.6 Out door Hor izontal Venting
Vent piping outside the Building is permitted under the following conditions:
1. The maximum length outside the building is 20 feet. (Outdoor length must be included in the overall vent length calculation.)
2. Only 3” pipe can be used for Ti100-200, only
4” pipe can be used for Ti400.
3. All normal termination clearances are
4. All exterior exhaust vent pipes are insulated
with 3.5”-ID, ½”-thick, for Ti100-200, or
4.5”-ID, ½”-thick, for Ti400, Closed Cell
Foamed Polyolefin Tubing i.e., “Tundra Seal Plus” or equivalent.
5. The pipe is supported every 24”
6. The exhaust and inlet are sloped back to the
boiler ½ ” elevation for every foot.
3"NG,LP 105 1009590858075706560 3"Natural 105 1009590858075706560 3" LP 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
4" 30 25 20 15 10 5 6" 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20
& LP
Supports every 24”
Maximum of 20 feet is permitted for outside a building using 3” pipe
Apply plate here
Gas Vent Directly Below
Keep Free of Obstructions
12” plus allowance above grade
Plus” 3.5” or
4.5”-ID. ½” thick
“Tund ra Seal
This unit produces water as a product of combustion. Much of this water condenses on the heat exchanger and in the venting system. All exhaust piping must be on a slope back to the boiler ¼” per linear foot of vent. Steps must be taken to ensure that condensate does not collect in the venting system. Condensate must be drained from the boiler into a household drain.
Note: check with your municipality, or local gas company to determine if disposal of combustion condensate is permitted. In the State of Massachusetts the condensate must be neutralized prior to entering a drain.
The following are important notes that must be taken into consideration when constructing the condensate system:
DO NOT run condensate line outside. A frozen or blocked drain will cause the condensate to fill the combustion chamber. This
will result in a no heat condition, as the unit will shut down, and damage to the flame sensor, and components can occur.
NEVER use copper, steel, or galvanized piping in the construction of the condensate system (condensate is very corrosive and
will wrought most metals).
When a condensate pump is used or required, select a pump that is designed for residential furnaces.
Fai lure to prope rly connect t he condensate li ne will cause combustion gases t o en t er t he room, possibl y causing serio us i njury to
occupants or death.
The condensate drain kit supplied with each boiler is susceptible to flooding if the drain hose exiting the kit is lengthened or inserted into a drain. If additional length is required, do not use the drain kit provided, instead fabricate a 15” trap using tubing suitable for condensate disposal.
Condensate Siphon (Factory
installed in Ti400)
White Siphon drainpipe must terminate above any possible water line in t he house drain
Condensate from Boiler
Bottom Panel
Condensate drainpipe must not be sealed, thus allowing overflow if blocked.
Trap & drain
5.1 Installation
Refer to the current National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z223.1/NFPA 54 or CAN/ CG A B149.1 installation codes, and
local codes for gas piping requirements and sizing. Pipe size running to the unit depends on:
Length of pipe.
Number of fittings.
Type of gas.
Maximum input requirement of all gas appliances in the
Insure that:
Flexible gas pipe is used (if acceptable by local codes).
The gas valve and blower cannot support the weight of piping, leading to blower vibration and damaged components. If rigid piping is used, ensure that the valve supports NO WEIGHT
You plan the installation so that the piping does not
interfere with the vent pipe, or the removal of the valve, burner, and serviceable components.
The Boiler shall be installed such that the gas ignition
system components are protected from water (dripping, spraying, rain etc.) during installation and servicing.
The gas piping is large enough for all the appliances in
the home. No appreciable drop in line or manifold pressure should occur when any unit (or combination of units) lights or runs.
Always use a pipe-threading compound that is resistant to propane (LP) gas solvent action. Use sparingly to all male threads,
starting at two threads from the end. Over doping or applying dope to the female end, can result in a blocked gas line.
DO NOT TIGHTEN FITTINGS WITHOUT SUPPORTING THE GAS VALVE as damage to the valve or motor can occur.
Install a manual “equipment Shut-Off Valve” as shown. Valve must be listed by a nationally recognized testing lab.
It is highly recommended to use flexible gas p ipe, the gas valve a nd blower cannot support the weight of piping. If piping is used, ensure that the valve supports NO WEIGHT
Gas va lv e
Gas cock shut Off Va lve to be "T" type handle
5.2 T esting and sett ings
When running, the line pressure supplying the unit must be 4-9 inches w.c. for Natural gas installations and 9-12” for Propane installations. Ensure that the regulator is capable of maintaining this pressure under all operational conditions.
Line pressure should be maintained at 4-9”w.c for Natural Gas and 9-12”w.c for propane while running at maximum rate. Trinity gas valves are equipped with two bleed ports; one is for the Manifold pressure, and the other is for the Line pressure.
The gas valve is equipped with a throttle/input adjustment screw. The input screw “MUST NEVE R BE ADJ USTE D” without verifying proper combustion with a calibrated combustion analyzer.
If li ne pressure exceeds ½ P S I (14 inches w.c.) complet ely disconnect lin e t o gas valve. T his excessive pre ssure can damage valve,
causi ng a leak resul t ing in fire or explosion .
Setting Combustion
Input Screw
Using a calibrated gas analyzer, check the combustion and compare it with the acceptable requirements. The test should be performed at maximum fan speed (“Gas Input Value”).
Adjusting Combustio n - Use the input screw to adjust the
amount of gas available for combustion. Increasing gas increases CO and CO2. Reducing gas decreases CO and CO2.
COAt maximum fan speed, the CO reading is the most critical to the safe operation of the boiler. The CO should be no higher than 175 PPM at any condition. If the CO is over 140 PPM, the input should be reduced until the CO is less than 140 PPM or the CO2 is reduced to 8% (9% for LP Gas). If the CO is over 140 PPM and the CO2 is less than 8% (9% for LP Gas), contact NTI for assistance.
COAt minimum fan speed, should be checked, and the CO should be less than the reading recorded at high fan speed. The CO2 at low fan speed must be at least as high as the CO2 recorded at high fan speed, but not more than 9.5% (10.5% for LP Gas).
Ti100-200 Input Screw – Is a
multiple turn needle valve. Fully open to close is approximately 17 turns. Typical adjustment for Natural Gas is 0-1 full turns in or out. Typical adjustment for LP Gas is 0-3 full turns in or out.
Ti100-200 Models
Air In
Gas IN
Line Pressure
(At maximum fan speed, 240 for Ti100-200, and 195 for Ti400)
Natural Propane Carbon Dioxide CO2 % 8-9.5* 9-10.5* Carbon Monoxide CO ppm 25-175* 25-175*
NOX ppm *Note: On colder days CO2 should be closer to the lower number, on warmer days it should be closer to the higher number. CO should be highest at the maximum firing rate.
Ti Input Screw Adjustment
Decrease gas Turn Clockwise
Increase gas Turn co unte rc lo c kwise
Ti400 Model
Input Screw
Normal Rang e of C o mbus tio n Products
Ti400 Input Screw – Is a geared ball
valve with a 4 to 1 ratio. Adjusting input screw 4 complete turns will returned the valve to the original location, 2 turns from fully open will completely close the valve. Typical adjustment required is 0­1/4 turns in or out.
Manifold Pressure
Line Pressure
Warning / Hard Water
This boiler must have adequate water flowing through it whenever the burner is on. Failure to do this will damage the unit and void the warranty. Water with a total hardness greater then 6 Grains/gallon may result in heat exchanger failure. Treat with Fernox Protector F1, included in boiler
package (NTI Part Number: 83448).
Warning for all Systems
All systems old and new must be flushed to remove sediment, flux, filings, etc. Failure to do so will seriously damage the boiler, voiding warranty. Clean with Fernox Cleaner F3 (NTI Part Number: 83449).
Warning for all Systems
The boiler fittings can’t support any weight. Support all of the plumbing system externally.
Do not apply torque to the boiler fittin gs. Hold the f itting when installing, otherwise damage to the unit will occur.
Caution: This boiler is designed to operate in residential and commercial heating systems, and is not intended for:
1. Outdoor installations, or unheated spaces, which can cause freezing.
2. Process heating of potable water, or any other fluids.
3. Un-pressurized, and gravity feed heating systems.
4. Heating systems with very low pressures or flow.
1. Understand and follow the plumbing requirements provided in this section.
2. Keep serviceability in mind when installing plumbing around the boiler cabinetry.
3. Install fittings that will allow the system to be flushed if needed during annual check-ups.
4. Add inhibitor, Fernox Protector F1 (NTI Part Number: 83448), to the system water to help prevent limestone and magnetite
deposits and galvanic corrosion. Bottle provided will treat an average 100-liter (26 US gallon) system.
Caution Th e Trinity i s tested wi th Natural
Gas having a heating value of 1020 BTU per cubic foot. For areas wi t h lower heating values, a combustion test is required to obtain
optimum operation.
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