The material in this guide is for information only and is subject to change without notice. Network Technologies Inc reserves the
right to make changes in the product design without reservation and without notification to its users.
Current firmware version 1.11
This product contains software licensed under the GNU Public License version 2 and other open source licenses.
You may obtain the complete open-source code free of charge from Network T echnolog ies Inc (send email to for more information.
Supported Web Browsers ...............................................................................................................................................2
Connectors and LEDs.....................................................................................................................................................3
USB Console Port........................................................................................................................................................7
Using the USB Console Port ..................................................................................................................................12
Connect the Power....................................................................................................................................................13
Front Panel LEDs Indicate Status .............................................................................................................................13
Connect a Modem .....................................................................................................................................................14
General Functions...................................................................................................................................................15
Operation via Web Interface..........................................................................................................................................18
Log In and Enter Password .......................................................................................................................................18
Configure Digital Inputs ..........................................................................................................................................26
Monitor IP Devices..................................................................................................................................................27
Monitor IP Cameras................................................................................................................................................31
DC Power................................................................................................................................................................32
System Configuration .............................................................................................................................................33
User Configuration..................................................................................................................................................39
System Information.................................................................................................................................................45
Reboot the System .................................................................................................................................................47
View Data Log.........................................................................................................................................................56
Support ......................................................................................................................................................................58
Operation via Text Menu- ENVIROMUX.......................................................................................................................59
Connect to ENVIROMUX from a Terminal Program.................................................................................................59
Connect to ENVIROMUX from Command Line.........................................................................................................60
Connect Via Telnet .................................................................................................................................................60
Connect Via SSH....................................................................................................................................................60
Using the Text Menu..................................................................................................................................................62
System Configuration .............................................................................................................................................77
User Configuration..................................................................................................................................................83
Event and Data Logs..............................................................................................................................................91
System Information.................................................................................................................................................94
Text Menu for Non-Administrative Users...................................................................................................................95
User Accessible Settings........................................................................................................................................97
System Reset Button...................................................................................................................................................101
USB Ports....................................................................................................................................................................101
How To Setup Email....................................................................................................................................................103
Figure 2- Terminal block for dry-contact sensors...............................................................................................................................4
Figure 3- Secure liquid detection sensor with tape............................................................................................................................5
Figure 4- Portion of Water Sensor configuration page.......................................................................................................................5
Figure 6- Connect ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO to the Ethernet..............................................................................................................6
Figure 7- Connect terminal to USB Console port...............................................................................................................................7
Figure 8- COM port assigned to ENVIROMUX................................................................................................................................12
Figure 9- Configure COM port in HyperTerminal .............................................................................................................................12
Figure 10- Connect the AC adapter and power-up..........................................................................................................................13
Figure 11- LEDs on front of ENVIROMUX.......................................................................................................................................13
Figure 12- Connect a Modem ..........................................................................................................................................................14
Figure 14- Login prompt to access web interface............................................................................................................................18
Figure 16- Summary page and the Monitoring menu.......................................................................................................................20
Figure 17- Status page for a temperature sensor ............................................................................................................................21
Figure 19- Sensor Configuration- exploded view of additional settings ...........................................................................................23
Figure 20- Chart to setup alert notification.......................................................................................................................................25
Figure 21- Sensor Configuration for Digital Inputs...........................................................................................................................26
Figure 22- IP Devices listing-none monitored yet ............................................................................................................................27
Figure 23- Add New IP Device page................................................................................................................................................27
Figure 24- IP Device Configuration page.........................................................................................................................................28
Figure 25- IP Device list with new devices added............................................................................................................................29
Figure 26- IP Device Status page....................................................................................................................................................29
Figure 27- Output Relay Status .......................................................................................................................................................29
Figure 30- IP Camera Monitoring.....................................................................................................................................................31
Figure 31- Configure IP Cameras....................................................................................................................................................31
Figure 32- Excerpt from the Summary Page showing DC Power monitoring...................................................................................32
Figure 33- DC Power Alert Configuration.........................................................................................................................................32
Figure 34- System Configuration page ............................................................................................................................................33
Figure 35- Enterprise Configuration- Modem Status “Ready”..........................................................................................................35
Figure 36- No Modem Installed........................................................................................................................................................35
Figure 41- Configure User- more options.........................................................................................................................................40
Figure 42-Summary page for User without Admin privileges...........................................................................................................42
Figure 44- Security Configuration- IP Filtering Rules.......................................................................................................................44
Figure 45- System Information page................................................................................................................................................45
Figure 47- Reboot System page......................................................................................................................................................47
Figure 48- System is rebooting........................................................................................................................................................47
Figure 49- Events used for Smart Alerts..........................................................................................................................................48
Figure 50- Sensor to be used for a predefined event.......................................................................................................................48
Figure 51- Configuration options for new event...............................................................................................................................49
Figure 57- Data Log page................................................................................................................................................................56
Figure 61- Text Menu Login screen.................................................................................................................................................59
Figure 62- Text Menu- Administrator Main Menu.............................................................................................................................60
Figure 63- Text Menu- User Main Menu..........................................................................................................................................61
Figure 64- Text Menu-Monitoring Menu...........................................................................................................................................62
Figure 65- Text Menu-Sensor Status...............................................................................................................................................63
Figure 66- Text Menu- Digital Input Status ......................................................................................................................................63
Figure 67- Text Menu-View IP Devices............................................................................................................................................64
Figure 68- Text Menu- View Output Relay Status............................................................................................................................64
Figure 69- Text Menu-Configure Sensors list ..................................................................................................................................65
Figure 70- Text Menu-Configuration Menu for Sensor.....................................................................................................................65
Figure 71- Text Menu-Sensor Settings............................................................................................................................................66
Figure 72- Text Menu-Non-Critical and Critical Alert Settings..........................................................................................................67
Figure 73- Text Menu-Sensor Data Logging....................................................................................................................................68
Figure 74- Configure Digital Input Sensors......................................................................................................................................68
Figure 75- Digital Input Sensor Settings Menu ................................................................................................................................69
Figure 76- Digital Input Alert Settings ..............................................................................................................................................69
Figure 77- Data Logging for Digital Input Sensors...........................................................................................................................70
Figure 78- Text Menu-Configure IP Devices List.............................................................................................................................71
Figure 79- Text menu-Configuration Menu for IP Devices...............................................................................................................71
Figure 81- Text Menu-IP Device Alert Settings................................................................................................................................73
Figure 82- Text Menu-IP Device Data Logging................................................................................................................................74
Figure 83- Text Menu- Select Configure Output Relay....................................................................................................................74
Figure 84- Text Menu- Output Relay Settings..................................................................................................................................75
Figure 85- Text Menu- Output Relay Alert Settings .........................................................................................................................75
Figure 86- Text Menu- IP Camera List for Configuration .................................................................................................................76
Figure 87- Text Menu- IP Camera Settings .....................................................................................................................................76
Figure 88- Text Menu- System Configuration..................................................................................................................................77
Figure 89- Text Menu-Time Settings menu......................................................................................................................................77
Figure 90- Text Menu-Restore Default Settings...............................................................................................................................78
Figure 91- Text Menu-Enterprise Configuration...............................................................................................................................79
Figure 92- Text Menu-Network Configuration..................................................................................................................................79
Figure 93- Text Menu-IPv4 Settings Menu ......................................................................................................................................80
Figure 94- Text Menu-IPv6 Settings Menu ......................................................................................................................................80
Figure 95- Text Menu-SMTP Server Settings..................................................................................................................................81
Figure 96- Text Menu-SNMP Server Settings..................................................................................................................................81
Figure 97- Text Menu-Misc. Service Settings menu ........................................................................................................................82
Figure 98- Text Menu-User Configuration........................................................................................................................................83
Figure 99- Text Menu-Confirm to add new user ..............................................................................................................................83
Figure 100- Text Menu-Configuration List for User..........................................................................................................................84
Figure 101- Text Menu-User Account Settings................................................................................................................................84
Figure 102- Text Menu-User Contact Settings.................................................................................................................................85
Figure 103- Text Menu-User Activity Schedule................................................................................................................................86
Figure 104-Text Menu- SNMP User Settings...................................................................................................................................86
Figure 105- Text Menu-Security Configuration ................................................................................................................................87
Figure 106- Text Menu-Authentication Settings ...............................................................................................................................88
Figure 107- Text Menu-IP Filtering..................................................................................................................................................89
Figure 108- Text Menu-Configure IP Filter rule................................................................................................................................89
Figure 109- Text Menu-Event & Data Logs......................................................................................................................................91
Figure 110- Text Menu-View Event Log...........................................................................................................................................91
Figure 111- Text Menu-View Data Log............................................................................................................................................92
Figure 112- Text Menu-Event Log Settings .....................................................................................................................................93
Figure 115- Text Menu-Reboot the ENVIROMUX...........................................................................................................................94
Figure 116- Text Menu-User Main Menu......................................................................................................................................... 95
Figure 117-Text Menu-User Monitoring Menu .................................................................................................................................95
Figure 118- Text Menu-User accessible status menus....................................................................................................................96
Figure 119- Text Menu-User Accessible Settings............................................................................................................................97
Figure 120- Text Menu-User Account Settings................................................................................................................................97
Figure 121- Text Menu-User Contact Settings.................................................................................................................................98
Figure 122- Text Menu-User Activity Schedule................................................................................................................................99
Figure 123- Text Menu-User SNMP Settings...................................................................................................................................99
Figure 124- Location of Reset buttons...........................................................................................................................................101
Figure 125- USB Flash Drive and GSM modem ports...................................................................................................................101
Figure 133- Example of configuration for Gmail server..................................................................................................................103
Figure 134- Configure user to receive alerts via email...................................................................................................................104
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
The ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO (ENVIROMUX) are Server Environment Monitoring Systems designed to monitor, from a remote
location, the critical environmental conditions in cabinets and rooms containing servers, hubs , switches and other network
components. Remote monitoring is provided via a 10/100BaseT Ethernet web interface, secure web interface, SSH, or Telnet.
The input data is filtered, collected, analyzed and processed to allow the user to configure it to meet individual requirements. The
user is able to specify parameters for all monitored signals. When a sensor exceeds the configured threshold, the unit will signal
an alert. Alert methods include email, SMS, SNMP traps (MIBs), web-page alerts, and a visual indicator (red LED).
The ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO will monitor temperature, humidity, and detect the presence of water on a flat surface (such as the
floor). The unit also has four sets of terminal block pairs for the connection of contact-closure sensors.
Features and Applications
¾ Monitor and manage server room environmental conditions over IP.
¾ Monitors and operates at temperatures from 32°F to 122°F (0ºC and 50ºC) and 20% to 90% relative humidity.
¾ Optional Industrial version (ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO-IND) operates at 32 to 167°F (0 to 75°C).
¾ Sensors supported:
• 2 temperature/humidity sensors
• 5 digital input devices
¾ Operates and configures via HTTP web page.
¾ 4 remote users can access the system simultaneously.
¾ Supports SMS alert messages via GSM modem
¾ Supports SMTP protocol
¾ Supports SNMP V1, V2C and V3 protocols
¾ Supports Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and higher, Firefox 2.0 and higher, Chrome, Safari 4.0 or higher, and Opera 9.0
¾ Sensor alerts and log messages are sent using email, Syslog, and SNMP traps when any monitored environmental
condition exceeds a user-specified range.
¾ Sensor alerts, end of alerts, and log-ins are posted in message log, which is accessible through web interface.
¾ SNMP trap messages can be imported into Microsoft Excel
¾ Use in data centers, co-lo sites, web hosting facilities, telecom switching sites, POP sites, server closets, or any
o Configure the timeout and number of retries to classify a device as unresponsive.
o Alerts are sent if devices are not responding.
¾ Monitored sensors and devices can be individually named (up to 63 characters).
¾ Monitor environmental conditions.
o Supports two sensors, including: temperature, humidity, up to 5 dry contacts or water detection sensors.
o When a sensor goes out of range of a configurable threshold, the system will notify you via email, syslog, LEDs,
web page, and network management (SNMP).
¾ Operates on a Linux system.
¾ Firmware upgradeable "in-field" through Ethernet port..
¾ Output relay fo
¾ Monitor up to 8 IP cameras
¾ The ENVIROMUX can be ordered with a DIN rail mounting bracket- Add “D” to the part number
¾ The ENVIROMUX can be ordered with battery backup support and DC power monitoring installed, providing up to 2.3
hours of operation in the event of a power failure- to order, add “B” to the part number (i.e. ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXOB)
¾ The ENVIROMUX can be ordered with a higher operating temperature range (32 to 167°F (0 to 75°C))- to order add “-
IND” to the part number (i.e. . ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO-IND)
r control of externa
l device (contacts rated for up to 1A, 30VDC or 0.5A, 125VAC)
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Most modern web browsers should be supported. The following browsers have been tested:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or higher
• Mozilla FireFox 2.0 or higher
• Opera 9.0
• Google Chrome
• Safari 4.0 or higher for MAC and PC
Materials supplied with this kit:
• NTI ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
• 1- 120VAC or 240VAC at 50 or 60Hz-9VDC/1.5A AC Adapter (PS4074)
• 1- Line cord- country specific
• 1- USB2-AB-2M-5T 2 meter USB 2.0 male type A-male type-B transparent cable (CB4306)
• CD containing a pdf of this manual, a SNMP MIB file, and the NTI Discovery Tool
Additional materials may need to be ordered;
CAT5/5e/6 unshielded twisted-pair cable(s) terminated with RJ45 connectors wired straight thru- pin 1 to pin 1, etc. for Ethernet
Contact your nearest NTI distributor or NTI directly for all of your cable needs at 800-RGB-TECH (800-742-8324) in US & Canada
or 330-562-7070 (Worldwide) or at our website at
and we will be happy to be of assistance.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
2 USB Console
3 Ethernet
4 9V 1.5A
5 Temperature &
8 Power
9 USB Devices
10 System Reset
11 Restore Defaults
Green LED
USB Type B female connector For connection of terminal for control through Text Menu
RJ45 female connector for connection to an Ethernet for remote multi-user control and
2.1x5.5mm Power Jack for connection of power supply
RJ45 female connectors for connection of optional ENVIROMUX-T, ENVIROMUX-RH, or
Wire terminal block For connecting dry-contact and liquid detection sensors
Wire terminal block For control of external devices (contacts rated up to 1A, 30VDC or
Slide switch For powering the ENVIROMUX On (I) and Off (O)
USB Type A female
Push button For manually rebooting the ENVIROMUX without power-cycling- a
Push button For manually restoring the ENVIROMUX to factory default settings-
green — indicates device is powered
red — illuminates if a sensor goes out of range of a configurable
• Yellow LED- indicates 100Base-T activity when illuminated,
• Green LED – illuminated when Ethernet link is present, strobing
ENVIROMUX-TRH sensors (The left port is "#1", the right port is
"#2" as listed in the Summary Page on Page 19.)
0.5A, 125VAC)
For connecting USB Flashdrive and USB Modem
momentary press will activate
press and hold for 5 seconds to activate
10Base-T activity when dark
indicates activity on the Ethernet port
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Connect Sensors
Connect the desired sensors (sold separately) to the available ports on the ENVIROMUX. Plug the RJ45 connectors to either of
the two RJ45 ports marked "TEMPERATURE/HUMIDITY". Mount the sensors according to their individual operating
characteristics. Power-cycle the ENVIROMUX after sensors have been plugged-in.
Note: The maximum CAT5 cable length for attachment of temperature and humidity sensors in the
Note: Mounting the temperature sensor in the path of a fan or on a heated surface may affect the accuracy of the
sensor’s readings.
Figure 1- Connect Sensors
Up to five dry-contact sensors can also be connected. Sensors with 16-26 AWG connection wires, that operate on 5V at 10mA
maximum current may be used. A contact resistance of 10kΩ or less will be interpreted by the ENVIROMUX as a closed contact.
The maximum cable length for attachment of contact sensors is 1000 feet.
To install the dry-contact sensor(s) to “DIGITAL IN” terminals:
A. Attach the positive lead to a terminal corresponding to a "+" marking on the ENVIROMUX and the ground lead
to the next terminal to the right that will correspond to a marking on the ENVIROMUX. Tighten the set screw above each contact. Terminal sets are numbered 1-5.
B. Mount the sensors as desired.
Figure 2- Terminal block for dry-contact sensors
Note: The terminal block is removable for easy sensor wire attachment if needed.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Optionally, connect the two-wire cable from a liquid detection
sensor (ENVIROMUX-LD shown below- sold separately) to a set
of “DIGITAL IN” contacts.
The twisted orange sensing cable should be placed flat on the
surface (usually the floor) where liquid detection is desired. If
tape is required to hold the sensor in place, be sure to only apply
tape to the ends, exposing as much of the sensor as possible. At
least 5/8" of the sensor must be exposed for it to function. (See
Figure 3)
Figure 3- Secure liquid detection sensor with tape
To test the ENVIROMUX-LD;
1. Configure the sensor (page 26). (Normal Status set to “Open”, Refresh Rate set to 5 seconds.)
2. Submerge at least ½ inch of the exposed twisted orange wire (not the wrapped end) for up to 30 seconds. Do NOT use
distilled water as water must be conductive.
3. Monitor the sensor (page 20) to see the sensor “Value” change from “Open” (dry) to “Closed” (wet).
4. Dry the exposed area of sensor and the sensor “Value” should change back to “Open” within 30 seconds.
Figure 4- Portion of Water Sensor configuration page
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Output Relay
An output relay is provided to control an external device with a rating of up to 1A, 30VDC or 0.5A, 125VAC. Three terminals are
provided to enable a normally-open connection (using the N.O. and C terminals) or a normally-closed connection (using the N.C.
and C terminals). Using the web interface, this relay can be set to change state (close the normally-open connection, or open
the normally-closed connection) either manually (page 29) or as a result of an alert state from one or more of the connected
sensors (page 22). The terminals for these connections will accept 16-26AWG wire.
Note: A recent design improvement
resulted in a change to the pinout of
the output relay in the ENVIROMUXMINI-LXO. Please be aware of the
change and note which version yours
is. The previous version is shown
Figure 5- Output Relay Application Examples
Ethernet Connection
Connect a CAT5 patch cable (RJ45 connectors on each end wired pin 1 to pin 1, pin 2 to pin 2 etc) from the local Ethernet
network connection to the connector on the ENVIROMUX marked "Ethernet".
Figure 6- Connect ENVIROMUX-MINI-LXO to the Ethernet
Note: A direct Ethernet connection can be made with a PC using a crossover cable. For the pinout of this cable, see
page 102.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
USB Console Port
Your ENVIROMUX includes a USB Type B connector labeled “USB Console”. If you connect a USB cable between the
ENVIROMUX and your PC you will be able to control your ENVIROMUX serially from a terminal console using this connection.
Figure 7- Connect terminal to USB Console port
Installing Drivers
You will only need to install drivers the first time the ENVIROMUX is connected to your PC. After the first time, when the
ENVIROMUX is connected, your PC should recognize the ENVIROMUX and re-assign the COM port. Follow the steps below to
install the drivers.
1. Make sure the USB cable is connected between the ENVIROMUX and your PC.
2. Power ON the ENVIROMUX. The PC will see the ENVIROMUX as “New Hardware” and create a virtual COM port to
communicate with it.
3. You will be prompted to load drivers. A driver file compatible with Windows XP, 2000, Vista and 7 (32 and 64 bit versions) can
be found on the CD that came with your ENVIROMUX. Browse to the drive your Product Manual CD is in and locate and sel ect
the file named “enviromux.inf” in a directory named “windows-drivers\32bit or \64bit” depending upon your
operating system.
The .inf file will direct your PC to locate and install the file usbser.sys (already on your PC, comes with Windows). Installing
the usbser.sys file should happen automatically. When finished, Windows will indicate in stallation is successful.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Windows XP-32 bit Installation
Your typical installation will include windows like the ones that follo w. The images bel ow are from a Windows XP SP2 32 bit
B. You can try to “Install the software
automatically” but if windows doesn’t check the CD, you will need to use “Install from a
list or specific location” instead.
. Windows will want to check the internet
for drivers. Choose “No, not this time”
because the drivers are unique to the
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
D. Once the driver is installed, you will get
this screen and the ENVIROMUX USB
Console Port will be ready to use.
C. Let the New Hardware Wizard search for
the driver, but direct it to the drive the Product
Manual CD is in and the directory of either
the 32 bit driver or the 64 bit driver.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Windows 7-64 bit Installation
A Windows 7 64 bit installation has a few extra steps. The images below are from a Windows 7, 64-bit installation.
A. Upon ENVIROMUX power ON, the driver
cannot be found. Press “Close”.
C. From the next window,
select “Browse my
computer for driver
. In the next window, enter the path to the .inf driver
file (on the Product Manual CD). Press “Next”.
B. Open the Device Manger and select the
ENVIROMUX in the device list. Right-click and
open “Properties”. Select “Update Driver
Tip: The Device Manager can be opened by
right-clicking on “My Computer” on the
desktop, selecting “Properties”, and
selecting “Device Manager”.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
E. You will probably get this warning that Windows can’t
verify the publisher of the driver software. Select “Install
this driver software anyway. “
F. The driver will load. This might take a minute while it
searches your computer for the usbser.sys file it needs.
Once it does, you will get a window telling you Windows is
finished. Take note of the COM port number it assigned.
(This one assigned COM3.)
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
4. During the installation, your PC will assign a COM port number to the USB port attached to the ENVIROMUX. You will need
to identify the COM port number assigned. This information can be viewed in your Device Manager list (below) if you didn’t take
note of it during installation.
COM Port
Figure 8- COM port assigned to ENVIROMUX
Using the USB Console Port
The virtual COM port will be used to enable serial control over the ENVIROMUX (see Operation Via Text Menu on page 59).
When you open a terminal program be sure to use the correct COM port (see Figure 8 and Figure 9 ).
Figure 9- Configure COM port in HyperTerminal
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Connect the Power
Note: Sensors should be connected before supplying power to the ENVIROMUX.
1. Connect the AC adapter to the connection marked "PWR" on the ENVIROMUX and plug it into an outlet.
Figure 10- Connect the AC adapter and power-up
2. Use the NTI Discovery Tool (page 17) to configure network settings.
Front Panel LEDs Indicate Status
With proper connections made, the ENVIROMUX is now ready to power ON. With the power cord attached and plugged into an
AC outlet, the “Power” green LED should be illuminated on the front of the ENVIROMUX. The red “Fault” LED will illuminate
when power is first applied and while the ENVIROMUX boots up (for up to 60 seconds). Once the red LED goes OFF, the
ENVIROMUX is ready for use. After a completed boot-up, the red LED will only illuminate when one of the connected sensors is
in alert.
Figure 11- LEDs on front of ENVIROMUX
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Connect a Modem
A USB GSM modem may be connected (ENVIROMUX-3GU) to use to send SMS alert messages to a contact’s cell phone. The
ENVIROMUX-3GU modem will connect to the ENVIROMUX at the “USB Devices” port (either USB Type A connector, it doesn’t
matter which one) . The remaining USB Type A connector on the ENVIROMUX is available for the connection of a USB Flash
Drive for data logging (page 57).
The phone number to be called for each user is configured under “User Configuration-Contact Settings” (page 41).
Note: A Mini SIM card (not included) must be installed in the modem for the modem to send messages. Make sure the
SIM card is for GSM communication (not CDMA) and that it is not locked (some SIM cards are "locked" to search for a
specific IMEI number of the phone to operate).
Figure 12- Connect a Modem
Cell phone Mini SIM card for GSM modem
A SIM card or Subscriber Identity Module is a portable memory chip used in some models of cellular telephones. It can be thought
of as a mini hard disk that automatically activates the phone (or in this case the GSM modem) into which it is inserted.
SIM cards are available in two standard sizes. The first is the size of a credit card (85.60 mm × 53.98 mm x 0.76 mm). The newer,
more popular miniature-version has a width of 25 mm, a height of 15 mm, and a thickness of 0.76 mm.
Some cellular service providers use Mini SIM cards. Verify with your service provider that their Mini SIM card will work with GSM
/ 3G GSM modems before making a purchase.
Note: The ENVIROMUX-3GU will send SMS messages only. No access to the ENVIROMUX is possible through the
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
The ENVIROMUX can be administered in any one of the following ways:
• Using Telnet or SSH protocol via the Ethernet Port.
• Using a terminal program via the USB Console Port
• Using the web interface (HTTP/HTTPS protocol) via the Ethernet Port.
The following administrative controls are available in the ENVIROMUX, thru the menu.
• View or modify the administrator & user parameters (passwords, sensor alert subscriptions, admin access, etc.)
• View or modify the network parameters (e.g. IP Address, Gateways, DNS, etc.)
• View and clear system event logs
• Clear, import, export and restore configuration parameters
• Firmware upgrades for the ENVIROMUX (over Ethernet)
• View or modify sensor, and IP device configurations
General Functions
Sensor Alerts
A high and low threshold limit can be set for each temperature or humidity sensor. When a sensor takes a reading that is outside
a threshold, an alert notification is generated. The user can specify the frequency of alert notifications to match his or her
schedule. Also, there will be some hysteresis involved with alert notifications. This means if a sensor’s readings are moving in
and out of the threshold boundaries within a configurable period of time, additional alert notifications wil l not be sent. After an alert
is activated, it remains persistent even if the condition of the sensors returns back to normal, until the user acknowledges or
dismisses that alert. The user has the option to set the unit to auto-clear the alert if the sensor’s status returns to normal, and the
user can be notified if the condition goes back to normal. Alert notifications will be provided through four main methods: visible
notification via one of the user interfaces (red “Fault” LED on front panel, alert on webpage, alert in text menu), emails, syslog
message and/or SNMP traps.
IP Monitoring & Alerts
Individual IP addresses can be monitored. The ENVIROMUX will ping each address, and if a response is received, the IP
address status is considered to be “OK”’. If no response, the user will have the option to configure the ENVIROMUX for an alert
will be logged and sent. The user can configure the timeout for a response and the number of retries before signaling an alert.
The ENVIROMUX can also be configured to monitor the IP addresses of the network switches and routers to which these devices
are connected, so as to determine if the problem is due to a lack of response from the device or a network failure. Alert
notifications will be provided through four main methods: visible notification via one of the user interfaces (red “Fault” LED on front
panel, alert on webpage, alert in text menu), emails, syslog messages, SMS messages and/or SNMP traps.
Event Log
The ENVIROMUX maintains an event log. The event log includes power-ON, system, and alert notifications, as well as user
login/logout, and user alert handling. The maximum number of log entries is 1000, and these entries are sorted in chrono logical
order. The log can be viewed at any time through the web interface or text menu, and can be saved as a text file. Log entries can
be removed individually or all at once.
Data Log
The ENVIROMUX maintains a data log. The data log includes readings taken from sensors, IP devices, and connected
accessories being monitored. The maximum number of log entries is 1000, and these entries are sorted in chronological order.
The log can be viewed at any time through the web interface or text menu, and can be saved as a text file. Log entries can be
removed individually or all at once.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
The ENVIROMUX can access an SMTP server to send outgoing email. Outgoing email would contain pre-formatted alert
notifications. SMTP server information can be configured using one of the interfaces. Email addresses can be configured through
web pages or text menu. Each user (up to 15) can have their own email address. For assistance in setting up Email, see page
The email messages sent by the ENVIROMUX have a fixed format. Alert emails contain 6 fields and will have a configurable title.
The title is configurable for each sensor, device, or IP address. The title is the “email subject” in all configuration pages. A
sample message is shown below:
ENTERPRISE: Enterprise name here
LOCATION: Danner Drive
CONTACT: John Smith
DESCRIPTION: Undefined #5
TYPE: Humidity
MESSAGE: Sensor value exceeded thresholds
The ENVIROMUX can send alerts as SNMP traps when a sensor or IP device enters/leaves alert mode and for all log events.
Using an SNMP MIB browser, a user can monitor all sensor statuses and system IP settings.
The destination for SNMP traps can be configured for each user.
Note: The SNMP MIB file (mini-lx-v1-xx.mib), for use with an SNMP MIB browser or SNMP trap receiver, can be found on
the manual CD. Click on the link to open the file, then save the file to your hard drive to use with the SNMP MIB browser
or SNMP trap receiver.
GSM Modem
An external GSM modem can be connected to allow the system to send alert notifications via SMS messages. When a sensor
crosses a threshold or IP device become inactive, an alert notification can be formatted to SMS message (see page 24) and the
modem can transmit the message to all users that subscribe to the applicable sensor group.
User Settings
In order to configure and operate the ENVIROMUX, each user must login with a unique username and password. The
Administrator can configure each user’s settings as User or Administrator. An Administrator has access to all configurations and
controls. A user can monitor sensors, accessories, and IP devices. A user can edit his/her own account. Users cannot configure
the sensor settings.
IP Filtering
The ENVIROMUX allows the administrator to block access to the device from certain IP addresses. The ENVIROMUX can accept
or drop requests based on the IP filter settings. IP Filtering provides an additional mechanism for securing the ENVIROMUX.
Access to the ENVIROMUX network services (SNMP, HTTP(S), SSH, Telnet) can be controlled by allowing or disallowing
connections from various IP addresses, subnets, or networks.
Secure Connections
The ENVIROMUX supports secure connections using SSHv2 and HTTPS.
The ENVIROMUX supports local authentication with up to 16 character usernames and passwords, and it also supports LDAPv3.
The ENVIROMUX supports 256-bit AES encryption.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
In order to easily locate the ENVIROMUX on a network, the NTI Device Discovery Tool may be used. A link to the Discovery
Tool is provided on the web page that appears when you insert the instruction manual CD provided into your CD ROM drive.
Click on the link or browse the CD and click on the file discover.html . This will open your browser and display the Device
Discovery Tool page.
Note: The Device Discovery Tool requires the Java Runtime Environment to operate. A link to the web page from which
it can be downloaded and installed is provided on the CD.
Note: The computer using the Device Discovery Tool and the ENVIROMUX must be connected to the same physical
network in order for the Device Discovery Tool to work.
Figure 13- Device Discovery Tool page
Use the Device Discovery Tool to display all NTI ENVIROMUX units on the network, along with their network settings. Follow the
instructions on the Device Discovery Tool page to use the tool and to change the device settings if so desired.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
A user may monitor and configure the settings of the ENVIROMUX and any sensor connected to it using the Web Interface via
any web browser (see page 2 for supported web browsers). To access the Web Interface, connect the ENVIROMUX to the
Ethernet (page 6). Use the Device Discovery Tool (page 17) to setup the network settings. Then, to access the web interface
controls, the user must log in.
Log In and Enter Password
To access the web interface, type the current IP address into the address bar of the web browser. (The default IP address is
shown below):
Note: If “Allow HTTP Access” (page 36) is not checked to be enabled (disabled by default) , only an SSL-encrypted
connection will be possible. The software will automatically redirect to an HTTPS (secure) connection. The user will
likely see a warning about the SSL certificate and a prompt to accept th e certificate. The ENVIROMUX uses a selfsigned NTI certificate. Accept the NTI certificate.
A log in prompt requiring a username and password will appear:
Figure 14- Login prompt to access web interface
Username = root
Password = nti
(lower case letters only)
Note: usernames and passwords are case sensitive
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
With a successful log in, the “Summary” page with a menu at left will appear on the screen:
Figure 15- Summary page
From this initial page, the user can use the menu to the left to manage all the functions of the ENVIROMUX.
Function Description
MONITORING Monitor the sensors, accessories, and IP devices of the ENVIROMUX (next page)
ADMINISTRATION Configure all system, network, multi-user access, and security settings as
well as upgrade firmware (page 33)
SMART ALERTS View and configure the Events used for Smart Alerts and the Smart Alerts
themselves (page 48)
LOG View and configure the Event and Data Logs (page 55)
SUPPORT Links for downloading a manual, the MIB file, or firmware upgrades
LOGOUT Log the user out of the ENVIROMUX web interface
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Under Monitoring, there are links to view the status of all sensors and IP Devices being monitored by the ENVIROMUX.
Link Description
Summary Lists all items being monitored, including their description, type, value, and status
Sensors Provides a link to view the status of only the Sensors and a link to add them (page 22)
Digital Inputs Provides a link to view the status of any sensors connected to the CONTACT terminals (1-5) a link to view or
edit their configuration (page 22)
IP Devices Provides a link to view the status of only the IP Devices and a link to add them (page 27)
Output Relay Provides a link to view the status of the output relay and a link to edit the configuration (page 29)
IP Cameras Displays an image from up to 8 webcams with links to connect to each (page 31)
DC Power Provides status of the external DC power supply (page 32) (only applicable on models with battery-backup
Smart Alerts Displays the status of each Smart Alert configuration (page 48) and provided link to respond when triggered
Figure 16- Summary page and the Monitoring menu
From the Summary page, the user can view the status of all sensors and the IP Devices being monitored by the ENVIROMUX.
Each item listed has a link that when selected will open the status page for that item.
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
To clear these values and start
over, press “Clear Records”
Figure 17- Status page for a temperature sensor
If the temperature sensor is in alert status, the user has the option to either acknowledge the alert or dismiss it. If the user
acknowledges the alert, no additional alert messages will be sent during that alert status cycle. If the user dismisses the alert,
another alert message will be sent once the “notify again after” time designated on the configuration page (pag e 23) elapses.
After selecting acknowledge or dismiss, click Apply Changes.
The administrative user can open the sensor configuration page by clickin g on the Configure button at the bottom of the sens or
status page (above) or by clicking on Edit from the Summary page. From the sensor configuration page the user can apply
settings to control how or if alert messages are sent in the event the sensor is in alert status, threshold settings, and data logging
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Configure Sensors
The Sensor Configuration page is broken into three sections; Sensor Settings, Alert Settings and Data Logging. To expl ode the
window to see settings for a section, click on the section heading (Figure 18).
Click on section heading to
explode the menu to see
more settings
Figure 18- Sensor Configuration page
Threshold Settings
A sensor designed for connection to the RJ45 ports often has a range of reporting values (for example ENVIROMUX-T has a
range of 32°-104°F). Two levels of threshold values for each end of that range can be configured (above) to initiate two different
alert messages, depending upon the severity of the alert. These levels are identified as “Non-critical” an d “Critical”. Use these
variations in alert communication as needed to inform users of the severity of sensor reading changes. Each level of alert has its
own configuration for how or if the user will be alerted as to a sensor’s status (see Figure 19).
NTI Mini Server Environment Monitoring System
Figure 19- Sensor Configuration- exploded view of additional settings
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