NTI Audio TalkBox Users Manual

NTi Audio TalkBox
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NTi Audio AG Im alten Riet 102, 9494 Schaan Liechtenstein, Europe is an ISO 9001:2008 certified company.
© NTi Audio AG Release 2.17.03 / Aug 2019
All information subject to change without notice. © All rights reserved. ® Minirator is a registered trademark of NTi Audio. ™ XL2, EXEL and TalkBox are trademarks of NTi Audio.
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1. Introduction ........................................................................................................4
2. Overview .............................................................................................................5
General .............................................................................................................6
NTi Audio TalkBox Controls ............................................................................... 7
Side & Rear Panel ........................................................................................... 13
3. How to use the NTi Audio TalkBox ..................................................................14
Procedure .......................................................................................................14
Output Level ................................................................................................... 14
Lombard Effect ...............................................................................................15
CF-Card ........................................................................................................... 16
My Own Files ................................................................................................. 17
4. Battery Operation ............................................................................................ 18
5. Related Products .............................................................................................. 19
6. Further Information ..........................................................................................20
Registration ..................................................................................................... 20
Warranty Conditions ....................................................................................... 21
Service and Repairs ........................................................................................ 21
Warnings ......................................................................................................... 22
Calibration Certificate ...................................................................................... 22
CE Declaration of Conformity ......................................................................... 23
7. Technical Data TalkBox ..................................................................................... 24

1. Introduction

Congratulations and thank you for buying NTi Audio’s TalkBox, a product specially suited as test signal source for speech intelligibility measurements. This product pro­vides, in combination with an NTi Audio Acoustic Analyzer, the all-in-one solution for fast and comprehensive STIPA testing of a complete public announcement system. Additionally, various other test signals are supported for further test applications. We are convinced you will enjoy using it!
This manual describes the NTi Audio TalkBox operation and functions in detail. Fur­ther application information can be found on the web site.
The NTi Audio TalkBox product package includes the following items:
NTi Audio TalkBox• Protection Cover mounted with NTi Audio lanyard• CF-Card with test signals & individual calibration data• Mains Power Supply & Power Cord• Carrying Pouch• User Manual•

2. Overview

NTi Audio TalkBox greatly simplifies the acoustical feed of the STIPA intelligibility test source signal into closed sound reinforcement systems. It presents the stan­dardized voice-like acoustical signal emission simulating a human talker according to IEC 60268-16 at standardized levels.
NTi Audio TalkBox


NTi Audio TalkBox features human head-like dimensions. A build-in combination of solid state generator and DSP ensures highest playback accuracy and lowest sample frequency deviations with minimized jitter effects. The internal precision loudspeaker is individually calibrated to achieve a very flat frequency response in the typical frequency range of the human voice. Each TalkBox is individually equal­ized and calibrated and has an excellent frequency response accuracy of +/- 1 dB over the relevant frequency range. The radiation characteristic complies with the ITU-T P.51 in wide ranges.
The perfect frequency response and the precisely correct playback sampling rate are specifically important to minimize systematic errors when performing STIPA measurements.
The IEC60268-16 standard specifies a sound pressure level for a speaker simulator of 60 dBA in 1 meter distance. The NTi Audio TalkBox levels are calibrated to comply with this standard. To avoid operating failures the TalkBox has no volume control.
Mic Stand Mount
The exact positioning the NTi Audio TalkBox in front of a microphone (at the place where a real human speaker would be) is easy using a conventional mic stand. A universal mic stand mount is available at the bottom of the box.
Output Mode
Mute LineOut
CF Card
Play Clip
Line In
Line Out
Output Mode
Mute LineOut
CF Card
Play Clip
Line In
Line Out
Mute LineOut
Select Track
CF Card
Play Clip
Line In
Line Out
CF Card
Play Clip
Line In
Line Out

NTi Audio TalkBox Controls

Output Mode Selector
Power LED
NTI Audio TalkBox Controls
Play LED Clip LEDSelect Track Switch
Output Mode Selector
The output selector switch offers the following three modes:
The audio signal is available at the speaker and the Line Out.
The audio signal is muted (no signal at Line Out and speaker).
Line OutLine InCF Card
The audio signal is available at the Line Out. The speaker amplifier is muted.
Power LED
The red Power LED indicates the following:
The power up sequence is in process (about 10 seconds)
continuously onThe TalkBox is powered on and ready for operation.
The outputs are muted by
the Output Mode Selector or• the External Mute Input•
The supplied CF-Card needs to be pushed into the provided slot. Up to 15 test sig­nals can be stored on the CF-Card. The size of the test signals is as big as required for the looped operation. The selected signal is further processed and seamlessly looped by the built in DSP. The CF-Card is FAT32 formatted and can be read/written by any PC/MAC with CF-Card reader. The TalkBox repeats the selected audio track as long as mains power is connected. Besides the STIPA test signal the CF-Card contains the following additional wave forms:
CF-Card Track List:
1 STIPA (Standard) 60dBASPL @ 1m
2 Pink Noise 60dBASPL @ 1m
3 White Noise 60dBASPL @ 1m
4 Sine 1 kHz 60dBASPL @ 1m
5 Male Speaker (German) 60dBASPL @ 1m
6 Male Speaker (English) 60dBASPL @ 1m
7 Delay Test Chirp
8 -
9 -
A STIPA (Lombard) 70dBASPL @ 1m
B Pink Noise 70dBASPL @ 1m
C White Noise 70dBASPL @ 1m
D Sine 1 kHz 70dBASPL @ 1m
E Male Speaker (German) 70dBASPL @ 1m
F Male Speaker (English) 70dBASPL @ 1m
Any hot swap of the CF-Card is not supported. In case the CF-Card has been removed during operation it shall be returned and the mains power shortly disconnected to initiate the operation again.
File format of audio signals
*.wav file• Sample rate: 44100 Hz• Mono • 16 Bit• PCM linear quantization •
File name format
The first character of wav-file name matches the output selector switch position. So the audio files names are e.g. “1anyName.wav” or “8anyName.wav”, whereby “anyName” may describe the content of the wav-file for example “1_STIPA.wav”. The maximum length of the filename is 8 digits, e.g. “xxxxxxxx.wav”.
Calibration data
The CF-Card keeps additionally the individual calibration data of the NTi Audio TalkBox. The file is named “xxx.cal”. The CF-Card is labeled with the serial number of the corresponding TalkBox, so the CF-Card and the NTi Audio TalkBox do have the same serial number, guaranteeing accurate and calibrated operation.
The serial number on the CF-Card must match with the serial num­ber of the NTi Audio TalkBox, otherwise the acoustical parameters of the TalkBox are out of specifications.
Play LED
The green Play LED indicates the following:
continuously onThe audio signal is replayed•
At Line In mode (= Select Track switch set to “0” ) and input • signal > -30 dBu
flashing Error indication, which might be caused by
The CF-Card is not plugged in or damaged• The file “serialnumber_xxx.cal” is not found on the card• The selected audio file is not available, damaged or of wrong • format
Select Track Switch
This switch allows the following selections:
“0” This position selects the input signal from the input connector
“Line In” to the speaker.
“1” - “F” These positions select the individually stored audio tracks from
the CF-Card in hex-order form (1, ... , 9, A, B, C, D, E, F).
Clip LED
The red Clip LED is activated when the Line In mode is selected (= Select Track switch set to “0”). Reduce the input level when the Clip LED flash- es.
Line In
XLR input connector for external audio signals.
The Line In mode (Select Track switch = “0”) enables to play an external audio sig­nal with the NTi Audio TalkBox. In the Line In mode the Play LED indicates an input signal > -30 dBu and the Clip LED is activated at input signals > +15 dBu.
The DSP based equalization introduces a signal propagation delay of 59 ms be­tween the Line-In and the acoustical output. Consequently and in order to guaran­tee synchronicity between the acoustical output and the line-output for delay time measurements the latter is also delayed by 59 ms.
Line Out
Using the balanced line out, the TalkBox operates as a signal generator. The stored signal of the CF-Card or any connected signal from the Line In connector is directly send to the Line Out connector (not equalized).
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