NSM PSM Brochure

The Model 7C delivers twice the output of the Model 5. It is
designed to produce smooth non-fatiguing, musical sound. A
very neutral midrange ma kes it
ideal for use as a center channel. It
features highly e ffective shielding which allows it to be placed close
to, or directly on, CRTs. The low-
profile cabinet features smooth,
rounded corners and a high quality
satin black lacquer finish to
complement any decor. The close
alignment of the woofers and
tweeter results in a very coherent
sound and allows the Model 7 to
perform well whether it is placed in
a vertical or horizontal position.
The Model 5 is a tiny time coherent, point source loudspeaker that
delivers the performance of expensive high-end minimonitors at an
affordable price. In his landmark January 1999 review, Doug
Schneider of Soundstage.com said: "...they seemed to image like a
hologram." "Their ability to unravel detail, ... is
excellent and easily on par with speakers that
Model 5s can do extremely impressive bass for its
size..." "...the drums, guitar and vocals all had
body and size, proof to me that image size does
not necessarily correlate with speaker size." "..vocals were cast so rock-solid in the center that I placed it among the best I've heard at any price."
"I was left shaking my head at the fact that such
big sound came from such little boxes." "...they
were shocking in their ability to fill my moderately
sized 12' by 16' room with sound..."
The Model 10S is one of the most critically acclaimed
loudspeakers. It has been described as: “Absolutely
astonishing!” (Stereo, Germany, 1998);
“...breathtaking...,” (Hi-Fi News, Britain,
1993); “...tubelike...,” (Soundstage.com,
1999); as having, “...unpretentious
musicality...,” (The Absolute Sound,
1993); as having, “...a liquidity in the
midrange that allows vocals to soar...;” (Soundstage.com, 6/99); As casting, “...a huge and vividly defined soundstage that
competes with speakers at any cost."
(Soundstage.com, 6/99); And as “...a
sm all sensation.” (Stereo, Germany,
1998); and as having, “...smooth and
extended highs and superb imaging...” (Audio, 4/96).
Since 199 2, the Model 10 h as astonished audiophi les with its high
level of performan ce, considering its price. The Model 10 has a very neutr al midr ange and extended bass response. Graham J.
Hardy Ph.D. of Au diophile Audition says: "The NSM 10's are t op
performing mini-monitor s with exemplary imaging and tonal
accuracy. They play loud without sign of strain
and take up very little space. They would be an
excellent choice for s omeone wanting High End
sound for not much money .... My
congratulations to NSM for producing a terrif ic
little loudspeaker... I just sat and revel ed in the
glorious musi c Wagner and the NSM 10's were
making ...I spent evening after evening slo wly going through my collection and th e NSM 10's
really proved their worth....” (www.audaud.com],
May 1999)
The Model 15 is a time-aligned loudspeaker system that is
deigned to please the most discriminating audiophile. In a
cost no object comparison, it was
judged, “Best .speaker in its price
range...,” by Stereo Magazine,
Germany, 6/99. Stereo also said: "It
makes you believe that the performers
are right in front of your eyes with such
pinpoint soundstaging that every
position and movement is palpable and
seems touchable." And in a 2/99 review,
Audaud.com notes the Model 15,
“...convey the grace and gentility of the
guitar in a way that only a good
electrostatic or a great two-way can
achieve." (www.audaud.com, 2/99)
The PSM Super-Monitor is a two-way
loudspeaker that throws an incredible
soundstage and handles dynamics wi th
ease on par with most floor standi ng
loudspeakers. Its bass extension meets
the THX standard for subwoo fers. The
PSM is a combination of both a
transmission line and a acoustic
suspension de si gn. It benefits from
having the best performance qual it ies of
both design s, while avoiding the
limitations of each. The PSM produces
bass that is more neutral, more linear and
more extended. At t he same time, its imaging and soundstaging are on par with the ver y best minimonitors.
O ur l ou d s p eake rs f e atur e ad v anced d r i ve u ni t s u til iz in g h i gh
techn ol o g y ma te ri a l s and a r e rig id l y cons tr uc t e d and r ig o r ousl y
teste d be f o re in st a l l atio n. T hese d ri v e uni ts a re s ou rc e d from a v ari et y o f dome st ic a n d inte rn a t i onal s u p plier s . Our c ho i c e of d ri v e rs i s dri v e n by ex t ensi ve r e s e arc h th at d eterm in e t he dr iv e r that i s m o s t
a ppr op ri a te fo r th e p art ic u l a r ap pl i c a tion. W e u se o nl y f err o co o l ed s oft d om e t w eete rs , c hosen e s pecia ll y f o r th ei r c lea n so u n d qua l i t y
a nd se am le s s integ ra t i on wi t h our wo o fers . T h e wo of e r s tha t we use
featur e t h e lat e s t driv e r tech no l o g y a nd m o t o r de si g n that g i v e s
t hem e x t r emely l i near r e s ponse a n d als o ma ke s th e m almos t
i ndes tr u c t ible .
M any o f o ur d r ive u ni t s are m ag ne t i cally s h iel de d t o pre v e n t
i nter fe r e nce w i t h eq ui p m e n t th at u s e catho de r a y tub e s s uch as
T V's a n d comp ut er s c r een s. T h i s is es se n t i al in a n a ge m ar ke d b y
c onve rg e n ce be t w een st er e o , ho me t h e ate r an d comp ut er s ystem s.
O ur c ab i n ets, wh i c h are h a n dcra ft e d in-h o u s e to m e e t tol er a n c es
a mong t h e high es t i n the i nd u s try, are p a r t of ou r h olis ti c ap p roac h
to de si g n i ng lo ud s p eaker s . O ur ca b i n e ts ar e n ot “f a r m e d-ou t . ” The y
a re a cr i t i c al p ar t o f our m anufa ct u r i ng p ro c e s s . We pa ss o n
s i gnif ic a n t cost s av i n gs to o u r cust om er s a nd d el i v er s om e of t h e
fines t c abin et s av a i labl e at a n y pr i c e .
Mini ma l i s t , 1 s t- o r der, tran si en t - perf ec t c ross ov e r s pre s e r ve t he
t i ming a n d timbr e o f the s o u n d. We us e h i g h qu a l i ty l am in a t ed an d p erf ec t la y air- co r e coil s, p o lypr o p ylene c a pac it or s by - passe d with film-f oi l c a p a cito rs , a nd n o n - indu ct i v e wi re - w oun d a n d met al o x ide
r esis to rs . W e use on l y hig h p u rity mu lt i- s t rand O F C wir e.
A ll co n n e ction s a re ha r d wire d and ha nd s olde r e d . A l l our
l ouds pe a k e rs us e fi v e -way g o l d-pl at e d bin di n g pos ts t h a t are
s uited f o r he av y gaug e b a re w ir e , ban an a p lugs , sp a d e lug s, o r pin
t ermi na to rs . R egar d l e ss o f th e pr i c e of t he l o udsp ea ke r, th e
c ross ov e r compon e n t s an d d r iver s a re of t he h ighe st q u alit y i n
o rde r t o a chi ev e t h e utmo st s on i c accu r a c y.