3.0 Circuit Operation (Continued)
The CGS410 allows the user to select the quantity of charge
pump current and its direction. Specifying the direction of
charge flow is useful in situations where an external filter
and/or VCO is incorporated. See the applications section
for an example. In situations where external networks lack
the charge sensitivity, the amount of charge can be increased at the user’s discretion.
The CGS410 has four internal dividers (R, N, P, and L)
which are programmed serially via the internal control register.
The R (reference) divider provides a reference frequency
from either a crystal or an externally generated clock
source. The divisor range is contiguous and varies from 1 to
1023. The modulus selected is the direct binary equivalent
loaded in the serial control register at bit locations 24 – 33.
The internal N divider provides a means of locking the VCO
with a constant tuning resolution that is independent of the
pixel system. Its contiguous modulus range is 2 to 16383.
The P (postscaling) divider provides a means of generating
an output over a wide frequency range from a VCO which
has a flxed frequency range. The modulus selections of the
P divider range from 1 –16 inclusive. The modulus of this
divider is programmed with serial control register bits
16–19. The PCLK outputs are square when the P modulus
is 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16. If the P modulus is 3, 5, 7, 9,
11, 13, or 15, the PCLK outputs are low one less count than
it is high. For example, dividing by modulus 5 would result in
three counts high and two counts low.
The L (load) divider provides a means of generating a load
clock by dividing the PCLK by a modulus ranging from 1 –16
inclusive. The modulus of the load divider is programmed
with serial control register bits 20 –23. The L clock output is
derived from the output of the internal MUX, so whichever
output is selected by the mux will be divided by L. The L
clock can be asynchronously disabled/enabled by a serial
bit. The LCLK outputs are square when the L modulus is 1,
2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, or 16. If the L modulus is 3, 5, 7, 9, 11,
13, or 15, the LCLK is high one less count than it is low. For
example, dividing by modulus 5 would result in three counts
low and two counts high.
After setting the appropriate values of the registers, the
CMOS PCLK output frequency can be calculated using the
formula below:
* N
R * P
The CGS410 serial control register consists of 47 bits, each
of which control various internal functions as described later
in the section ‘‘Structure of the Internal Serial Control Register’’. All bit locations are RAM based, and are voIatile during
power cycling operations. The CGS410 contains an internal
shadow register which directly reflects that of the serial shift
register. The contents of the shadow register program the
CGS410 parameters. The shadow register allows the user
to write a stream of data to the serial shift register, then, for
the last bit do a write followed by a transfer operation. The
transferring operation allows all parameters to be loaded
into the respective target registers in a single clock cycle.
This ensures that changes in clocking parameters take
place in a uniform manner.
Read operations are performed in the opposite sequence
from that of write. Here, data is transferred from the shadow
register to the serial shift register on the first bit, and serially
shifted out thereafter.
Performing transfer operations is up to the discretion of the
system programmer. In many instances the system may
only require partial diagnostic information from the internal
registers, and hence avoid a full serial transfer. This is easily
accomplished by transferring the data, then shifting only
that portion required for the task. The sequence can easily
be repeated without adverse affects on the shadow register.
Bear in mind that the first data bit written will be the first bit
3.5.1 System Loading Sequence
All system access to the CGS410 takes place relative to the
rising or falling edge of CSB. EN and RÐWB must be stable
and in the desired state prior to the falling edge of CSB,
while data must be present, or sampled by the system CPU
during the rising edge of CSB.
Serial write operations consist of setting both ENable and
RÐWB low for the first N-1 bits. Transfer of serial data to
the latch register occurs when writing the N
(last) bit. On
the last bit-write bus cycle, set EN high. The CGS410 will
shift in the last bit then perform a transfer to the shadow
register. Once the transfer takes place the PLL will immediately begin to lock to the new values.
Serial read operations consist of setting ENable low and
RÐWB high for all bits. However, if the programmer wishes
to refresh the data in the serial shift register, a transfer operation is performed when reading the first bit. On the first bit
read bus cycle, set EN high. The CGS410 will transfer all
data in the shadow resister to the shift register then shift out
the first valid data bit. Note that the contents of the shadow
register are unchanged by the read transfer with no effect
on the CGS410 internal parameters or output clocks.
The rest of the serial read operation consists of shifting data
bits 2 – 47. Each bit becomes valid at the DATA pin after
CSB goes low and then shifts on the positive edge of CSB.
3.5.2 Structure of the Internal Serial Control Register
The following describes the bit structure of the Control Register. Where applicable, all programmable registers values
are loaded with the LSB first.
Serial Bit 1
Differential Level control. This bit sets an internal bias level
to provide differential ‘‘large’’ (bit 1 high) or ‘‘small’’ (bit 0
low) signal swing. On power-up this bit is low (small signal