The TxBlock-USB is a 4-20 mA 2-wire temperature transmitter for
head mount, powered by the current loop. Its configuration is
accomplished by connecting the tran smi tter to a PC USB port without
the need of any dedicated interface. The configuration does not
require that the transmitter be powered.
The output current is l inearized and adjusted in fuction of the input
sensor type and range configured.
Sensor input: User defined. The supported sensors are listed in
Table 1, along with their maximum ranges.
Thermocouples: Types J, K, R, S, T , N and E, accodi ng to IEC
Pt100: Type 3-wire, Excitation 0.8 mA, α= 0.00385,
For 2-wire sensors, tie terminals 3 and 4
Pt1000: Type 3-wire, Excitation 0.17 mA, α= 0.00385,
For 2-wire sensors, tie terminals 3 and 4
Voltage: 0 to 50 mVdc. Impedance >> 1 MΩ
Sensor Type
Voltage 0 to 50 mV 5 mV
Thermocouple R -50 to 1760 °C 400 °C
Thermocouple N -270 to 1300 °C 100 °C
Pt100 -200 to 650 °C 40 °C
Switch-on delay: < 2.5 s. The accuracy is only guaranteed after 15
Calibration error: < 0.11 % (RTD and mV) and < 0.15 % (TC).
Terms of reference: ambient: 25 ° C; vol tage: 24 Vdc, load: 250 Ω;
settling time: 10 minutes.
Temperature Effect: < ±0.16 % / 25 °C
Cold junction compensation: < ±1 °C.
Response time: typical 1.6 s.
Maximum voltage allowed at input terminals no sensor: 3 V.
RTD current: 800 µA.
RTD cable resistance effect: 0.005 °C /
Maximum allowable cable resistance for RTD: 25
-USB Transmitter
60584 (ITS-90). Impedance >> 1 MΩ
according IEC 60751 (ITS-90).
according IEC 60751 (ITS-90).
: 10 kΩ ±1 %, B
Maximum Measurement
Table 1 – Sensors accepted by the trans mitter
= 3435
Minimum Measurement
Sensor Type
mV, K, J, T, E, N, R, S, B 0.1 % 0.15 %
Table 2 – Calibration er ror, percentage of the full measurement range.
Power supply influence: 0.006 % / V typical (percentage of the full
measure range).
Output: 4-20 mA or 20-4 mA current, 2-wired; linear in relation to the
temperature measurement by the selected sensor.
Output Resolution: 2 µA.
Power supply: 8 to 35 Vdc, across the transmitter;
Maximum load (RL): RL (max.) = (Vdc – 8) / 0.02 [Ω]
Where: Vdc= Power supply voltage (8-35 Vdc)
Operating Temperature: -40 to 85 °C
Humidity: 0 to 90 % RH
Compatibilidade Eletromagnética: EN 61326-1:2006
No electrical isolation between input and output..
Internal prote ction against polarity inversion.
Cold junction compensation for t hermocouples.
Dimensions: 43.5 mm (diameter) x 20.5 mm (height)
Connection Wire Cross Section: 0.14 a 1.5 mm²
Screw Tightening: 0.8 Nm.
Housing: ABS UL94-HB.
The factory configuration for the trans mitter is sensor Pt100 with a
range of 0 to 100 °C and ups cale err or conditi on. If this confi guratio n
fits the system requirement, no further action is required and the
transmitter is ready to be installed. Changes to the co nfiguration a re
possible trhough the TxConfig II software, provided free of charge.
A TxBlock-USB Setup Kit consisting of the Txcon fig II software and
USB cable can be purchase d from the man ufacturer o r any authoriz ed
distributor. The Tx config II software is continu ously updated and new
versions can be downloaded at no charge from the manufacturer’s
website. To install, execute the TxConfigIISetup.exe file and follow the
Fig. 1 – USB cable connecti on
The USB communication port (interface) of the
During the setup, the transmitter is powered by the USB, not
requiring an external power supply.
The transmitter s etup can also be m ade by connecting i t to the loop,
using the loop power s upply. There is no electrical ins ulation betw een
the transmitter and the communication port (interface ), therefore it is
not recommended to con figure i t wi th t he sens or inl et c onnec ted t o the
process. See Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 – USB cable connections – Loop powered
After these connections, the user mus t run the TxConfig II software
and, if necessary, consult the Help topic to help using the software.
TxBlock-USB is not electrically i ns u lated fro m th e
transmitter’s input.
4. Sensor Failure: It establishes the output behavior, when the
transmitter indicates a failure:
Minimum: output current goes to < 3.8 mA (down-scale), typically
used for refrigeration.
Maximum: output current goes to > 20.5 mA (up -scale), typically
used for heating.
5. Zero Correction: It corrects small deviations presented in the
transmitter output, for example, when the sensor is replaced.
6. Send Configuration: It applies the new setup. Once sent, the
setup will be immediately adopted by the transmitter.
7. Read Configuration: Reads the current se tup in the transmitter
connected. The screen now pres ents the current setup that may
be changed by the user.
Note: The factory default configuration is:
• Sensor: Pt100, range 0 to 100 °C, 0 °C zero correction.
• Sensor failure: upscale (maximum).
Upon purchase order, the user can define a specific setup.
The TxBlock-USB transmitter is suitable to be installed in heads.
Vibrations, moisture and extreme temperatures, electro-magnetic
interference, high voltage a nd other interferences can permanently
damage the unit, and could cause error in the measured value.
Fig. 3 – TxConfig II software main screen
The fields in the screen mean:
1. General Information: This field shows information that iden tif yi ng
the transmitter. This information should be sent to the
manufacturer in an eventual request for technical assistance.
2. Sensor: Select the type of sensor to be used. See Table 1.
3. Measuring Range: Sets de measurement range of the
Lower Range Limit: equivalent temperature for a current of 4
Upper Range Limit: equivalent temperature for a current of 20
Sensor Range
The values chosen cannot exceed t h e rang e of sensor shown in
this field. See Table 1 of this manual.
Minimum Range
Do not set a lower band (span) that the Minimum Range
indicated below in this same field. See Table 1 of this manual.
Fig. 4 – Transmitter dimens ions
• Polyamide enclosure.
• Section of the cable used: 0.14 to 1.5 mm ²
• Recommended torque in the terminal: 0.8 Nm.
• Sensor signals conductors must go through the plant system
separate from power leads (loop), if possible in grounded
• The instruments must be powered from the instrumentation power
supply circuit.
• In control and monitoring applications is essential to consider
what can happen when any part of the system fails.
• It is recommended the use of suppressors in contact coils,
solenoids and any inductive load.