Important notes
Do not use NovoPen® 5 without proper
training from your doctor or nurse. Make
sure you are confident in making an
injection with the pen before you start your
treatment with it. Refresh the training at
any time by taking a look at the training
video online at www.novopen5.com/xxx
If you are blind or have severe visual
problems, do not use NovoPen® 5
without help. Get help from a person with
good eyesight who is trained to use
NovoPen® 5.
If you drop your pen, check the insulin
cartridge for damages, for example cracks.
Replace the cartridge with a new one if
If you accidentally twist your pen apart
between injections, it is important to test
the flow of insulin before your next
injection. You may need to do it several
times before insulin appears.
NovoPen® 5 is designed to be used with
Penfill® 3 ml insulin cartridges and
NovoTwist® or NovoFine® disposable
needles up to a length of 8 mm.
Always carry a spare pen, extra insulin of
the same type(s) you use, and new needles
with you in case of loss or damage.
Never share your pen, insulin cartridges
and needles with other people. They are for
your use alone.
Always keep your pen, insulin cartridges
and needles out of sight and reach of
others, especially children.
Caregivers must be very careful when
handling used needles – to prevent
needle sticks and cross-infection.
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