3 in 1: controlling of battery and of
charge system + USB connection for
loading of 3 different items
(USB-IPhone, USB-Mini USB, USBMicro USB)
Volt indication for announce the need of charge and control of charging circuit.
Permanent information which does not exist in the car plus possibility of connection of extern
USB systems
Battery controller
12V DC (control range: 7 – 19,9 V)
Input 12 V DC / output: 5 V – 400 mA
Connection on cigarette lighter
Control of battery tension
Control of charging system
Contact for charging of mobile phones, navigation system and
so on
After connection to the cigarette lighter the APM 3 shows
the battery tension +/- 0,1 V
Survey of charging system and warning of discharged battery (both
lights on)
Left LED (prove alternator)
Engine idle – left red LED indicates: alternator not OK
LED light up at 14,6 V when tension to high (more than 14,6 V) or
below 11,6 V or if tension is for more than 15 seconds below 12,6 V
Right LED (prove battery charge)
When engine is off and right LED lights, do not start.
Right LED lights if tension is for more than 45 seconds below 11,6 V or
immediately if tension is below 10,6 V . Battery is too weak and should
be charged
NOVITEC GMBH – Alsbachstraße 15 – D 66115 Saarbrücken / Tel: +49-681-992740 / Fax: +49-681-9927421
Mail: info@novitec.de / Internet: www.novitec.de