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Document Version 2.0. - supporting Novell ESM 3.5 and subsequent version 3 releases
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Novell's ZENworks Endpoint Security Management (ESM) provides complete, centralized
security management for all endpoints in the enterprise. Because ESM applies security at the most
vulnerable point, the endpoint, all security settings are applied and enforced regardless of whether
the user is connecting to the network directly, dialing in remotely, or even not connecting to
corporate infrastructure at all. This is critical to not only protect the data within the corporate
perimeter, but also to protect the critical data that resides on the endpoint device itself.
ESM automatically adjusts security settings and user permissions based on the current network
environment characteristics. A sophisticated engine is used to determine the user's location and
automatically adjusts firewall settings and permissions for applications, adapters, hardware, etc.
Security is enforced through the creation and distribution of ESM security policies. Each location
(Work, Home, Alternate, Airport, etc.) listed in a security policy is assigned to a network
environment (or multiple network environments). A location determines which hardware is
available and the degree of firewall settings that are activated within the network environment.
The firewall settings determine which networking ports, access control lists (ACLs), and
applications are accessible/required. Various integrity checks and scripts can be run at location
change to ensure that all required security software is up to date and running.
In securing mobile devices, ESM is superior to
typical personal firewall technologies which operate
only in the application layer or as a firewall-hook
driver. ESM client security is integrated into the
Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS)
driver for each network interface card (NIC),
providing security protection from the moment
traffic enters the PC. Differences between ESM and
application-layer firewalls and filter drivers are
illustrated in Figure 1.
Security decisions and system performance are
optimized when security implementations operate at
the lowest appropriate layer of the protocol stack.
Figure 1 : Effectiveness of NDIS-layer firewall
With ESM's ZENworks Security Client, unsolicited
traffic is dropped at the lowest levels of the NDIS driver stack by means of Adaptive Port
Blocking (stateful packet inspection) technology. This approach protects against protocol-based
attacks including unauthorized port scans, SYN Flood, NetBIOS, and DDOS attacks.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual10
ESM Overview
ESM consists of five high-level functional components: Policy Distribution Service,
Management Service, Management Console, Client Location Assurance Service, and the
ZENworks Security Client. The figure below shows these components in the architecture
Figure 2 : ESM Architecture
The ZENworks Security Client (ZSC) is responsible for enforcement of the distributed security
policies on the endpoint system. When the ZSC is installed on all enterprise PCs, these endpoints
may now travel outside the corporate perimeter and maintain their security , while endpoints inside
the perimeter will receive additional security checks within the perimeter firewall.
Each Central Management component is installed separately, the following components are
installed on servers which are secured inside the corporate perimeter:
•Policy Distribution Service is responsible for the distribution of security policies to
the ZSC, and retrieval of reporting data from the ZSCs. The Policy Distribution Service can be deployed in the DMZ, outside the enterprise firewall, to ensure regular
policy updates for mobile endpoints
•Management Service is responsible for user policy assignment and component
authentication; reporting data retrieval, creation and dissemination of ESM reports;
and security policy creation and storage
•Management Console is a visible user interface, which can run directly on the server
hosting the Management Service or on a workstation residing inside the corporate firewall with connection to the Management Service server . The Management Console is
used to both configure the Management Service and to create and manage user and
group security policies. Policies can be created, copied, edited, disseminated, or
deleted using the editor
•Client Location Assurance Service provides a cryptographic guarantee that ZEN-
works Security Clients are actually in a defined location, as other existing network
environment parameters indicate
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual11
System Requirements
Table 1: System Requirements
Server System RequirementsEndpoint System Requirements
Operating Systems:
Microsoft Windows 2000 Server SP4
Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced Server SP4
Windows 2003 Server
500 MB - Without local Microsoft SQL database
5 GB - With local MS SQL database (SCSI recommended)
Required Software:
Supported RDBMS (SQL Server Standard, SQL
Server Enterprise, Microsoft SQL Server 2000
SP4, or SQL 2005)
Microsoft Internet Information Services (configured for SSL)
Supported Directory Services (eDirectory , Active
Directory, or NT Domains*)
* = NT Domains is only supported when the Management Service is installed on a Windows 2000, or 2000 advanced server
5 MB required, 5 additional MB recommended for
reporting data
Required Software:
Windows 3.1 Installer
All Windows updates should be current
The Policy Distribution, Management, and Client Location Assurance services require a LOCAL
account of ASP.NET to be enabled. If this is disabled, the services will NOT work correctly.
Reliable Time Stamp
The Novell ESM solution gathers data from multiple sources and collates this data to create a
wide variety of security and audit reports. The utility and probative value of these reports is
greatly diminished if disparate sources disagree as to times, and so it is strongly recommended
that anyone installing ESM provide for enterprise-wide time synchronization (such as that
provided by Active Directory, or through the use of Network Time Protocol).
The ESM Administrator(s) should follow all installation, operation, and maintenance
recommendations provided in this document and the ESM Installation and Quick-Start
guide, in order to ensure a strong security environment.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual12
About the ESM Manuals
The ZENworks Endpoint Security Management manuals provide three levels of guidance for the
users of the product.
•ESM Administrator's Manual - This guide is written for the ESM Administrators
who are required to manage the ESM services, create security policies for the enterprise, generate and analyze reporting data, and provide troubleshooting for end-users.
Instructions for completing these tasks are provided in this manual
•ESM Installation and Quick-S tart Guide - This guide provides complete installation
instructions for the ESM components and assists the user in getting those components
up and running
•ZENworks Security Client User's Manual - This manual is written to instruct the
end-user on the operation of the ZENworks Security Client (ZSC). This guide may be
sent to all employees in the enterprise to help them understand how to use the ZSC
USB/Wireless Security
ZENworks USB/Wireless Security (UWS) is a simplifed version of the product that provides
comprehensive USB control, connectivity security, and file encryption features; and does not
include some of the additional security features that are available in ESM. If you have purchased
UWS rather than ESM, all functionality described in this manual will be essentially the same,
with only certain policy features unavailable in the Management Console.
The unavailable features have been marked with the following notation on their respective pages:
This feature is only available in the ESM installation, and cannot be used for UWS security policies.
Features without this notation are available for both ESM and UWS security policies.
To verify which version you are running, open the “About” screen from the Help menu in
Management Console (see “Menu Bar” on page 22).
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual13
Policy Distribution Service
The Policy Distribution Service is a web service
application that, when requested, distributes security
policies and other necessary data to ZENworks
Security Clients. ESM security policies are created
and edited with the Management Service's
Management Console, then published to the Policy
Distribution Service where they are downloaded by
the client at check-in.
The Policy Distribution Service authenticates
ZENworks Security Clients based on the user ID credentials obtained from the Management
Service, and supplies each client with the designated security policy.
Reporting data is collected by ZENworks Security Clients and passed up to the Policy
Distribution Service. This data is periodically collected by the Management Service and then
deleted from the Policy Distribution Service.
The Policy Distribution Service does not initiate any communications with the other ESM
components, and only responds to others. It does not hold sensitive data in the clear, nor does it
hold the keys needed to decrypt the sensitive data. It does not hold user credentials, or any other
user-specific data.
Server Selection and Installation
Please refer to the Installation and Quick Start guide for selection and installation instructions.
Server Maintenance
It is recommended that regular Disk Cleanup tasks be configured to run on this server to remove
temporary files out of the Windows\temp folder. Under extreme load conditions windows can
generate an inordinate amount of temporary files that needlessly take up disk space.
Upgrading the Software
The ESM Policy Distribution Service software can be upgraded by running the new installation
To uninstall the Policy Distribution Service, use the Add/Remove Programs function in the
Windows Control Panel, or run the installation again from the ESM installation CD.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual14
Securing Server Access
Physical Access Control
Physical access to the Distribution Service Server should be controlled to prevent access by
unauthorized parties. Measures taken should be appropriate to the risks involved. There are
multiple available standards and guidelines available, including NIST recommendations, HIPAA
requirements, ISO/IEC 17799, and less formal collections of recommendations such as CISSP or
SANS guidelines. Even when a given regulatory frameworks is not applicable, it may still act as a
valuable resource and planning guide.
Likewise, Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity mechanisms to protect the Distribution
Server should be put in place to protect the server if an organizational risk assessment identifies a
need for such steps. The mechanisms best used will depend on the specifics of the organization
and its desired risk profile, and cannot be described in advance. The same standards and
guidelines sources listed above can be helpful in this decision as well.
Network Access Control
The Distribution Server can be further protected from unauthorized access by restricting network
access to it. This may take the form of some or all of the following:
•restricting incoming connection attempts to those ports and protocols from which a
valid access attempt might be expected;
•restricting outgoing connection attempts to those IP addresses to which a valid access
attempt might be expected; and/or
•restricting outgoing connection attempts to those ports and protocols to which a valid
access attempt might be expected.
Such measures can be imposed through the use of standard firewall technology.
High Availability
High Availability mechanisms for the Distribution Server should be put in place if an
organizational risk assessment identifies a need for such steps. There are multiple alternative
mechanisms for building high availability solutions, ranging from the general (DNS roundrobining, layer 3 switches, etc.) to the vendor specific (the Microsoft web site has multiple
resources on high availability web services and clustering issues). Those implementing and
maintaining an ESM solution should determine which class of high availability solution is most
appropriate for their context. It should be kept in mind that the Distribution Server has been
architected to function in non-high-availability situations, and does not require High Availability
to provide its services.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual15
Running the Service
The Policy Distribution Service launches immediately following installation, with no reboot of
the server required. The Management Console can adjust upload times for the Distribution
Service using the Configuration feature (See “Infrastructure and Scheduling” on page 28). For
other monitoring capabilities see:
•“Server Communication Checks” on page 214
•“System Monitor” on page 221
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual16
Management Service
The Management Service is the central service for
ESM. It is used to create authentication credentials,
design and store security policies and their
components, and provide remediation through a
robust reporting service. It provides security
policies and user information to the Policy
Distribution Service, as well as providing opaque
credentials to ZENworks Security Clients.
Security policies, credentials, and reports are stored
in an SQL database(s), which may reside on the
same server as the Management Service or on
remote servers.
Server Selection and Installation
Please refer to the Installation and Quick Start guide for selection and installation instructions.
Server Maintenance
It is recommended that regular Disk Cleanup tasks be configured to run on this server to remove
temporary files out of the Windows\temp folder. Under extreme load conditions windows can
generate an inordinate amount of temporary files that needlessly take up disk space.
Upgrading the Software
The ESM Management Service software can be upgraded by running the new installation
To uninstall the Management Service, use the Add/Remove Programs function in the Windows
Control Panel.
To uninstall the Management Console (when run on a separate PC), use the Add/Remove
Programs function in the Windows Control Panel.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual17
Securing Server Access
Physical Access Control
Physical access to the Management Server should be controlled to prevent access by unauthorized
parties. Measures taken should be appropriate to the risks involved. There are multiple available
standards and guidelines available, including NIST recommendations, HIPAA requirements, ISO/
IEC 17799, and less formal collections of recommendations such as CISSP or SANS guidelines.
Even when a given regulatory frameworks is not applicable, it may still act as a valuable resource
and planning guide.
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity: Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
mechanisms to protect the Management Server should be put in place to protect the server if an
organizational risk assessment identifies a need for such steps. The mechanisms best used will
depend on the specifics of the organization and its desired risk profile, and cannot be described in
advance. There are multiple available standards and guidelines available, including NIST
recommendations, HIPAA requirements, ISO/IEC 17799, and less formal collections of
recommendations such as CISSP or SANS guidelines.
Network Access Control
The Management Server can be further protected from unauthorized access by restricting network
access to it. This may take the form of some or all of the following:
•restricting incoming connection attempts to those IP addresses from which a valid
access attempt might be expected;
•restricting incoming connection attempts to those ports and protocols from which a
valid access attempt might be expected;
•restricting outgoing connection attempts to those IP addresses to which a valid access
attempt might be expected; and/or
•restricting outgoing connection attempts to those ports and protocols to which a valid
access attempt might be expected.
Such measures can be imposed through the use of standard firewall technology.
High Availability
High Availability mechanisms for the Management Server should be put in place if an
organizational risk assessment identifies a need for such steps. There are multiple alternative
mechanisms for building high availability solutions, ranging from the general (DNS roundrobining, layer 3 switches, etc.) to the vendor specific (the Microsoft web site has multiple
resources on high availability web services). Those implementing and maintaining an ESM
solution should determine which class of high availability solution is most appropriate for their
context. It should be kept in mind that the Management Server has been architected to function in
non-high-availability situations, and does not require High Availability to provide its services.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual18
Running the Service
The Management Service launches immediately following installation, with no reboot of the
server required. The Management Console is used to manage the data on the Management
Service. See “Infrastructure and Scheduling” on page 28. for more details.
For other monitoring capabilities see:
•“Server Communication Checks” on page 214
•“System Monitor” on page 221
Distributing ESM Credentials (Key Management Key)
The Management Service automatically distributes credentials to each ZSC when it is installed
and checks-in to the Management Service for the first time. Once this credential is distributed, the
ZSC will be permitted to receive policies from the Policy Distribution Service, and provide
reporting data to the Reporting Service.
Periodic Renewal of the Key Management Key (KMK)
Cryptographic best practices dictate that the KMK be renewed at regular intervals to prevent
certain cryptographic attacks from being practical. This need only take place on a relatively long
cycle: typically on the order of once every year, and should not be done too frequently because the
change-over does involve some effort and bandwidth costs.
To renew the KMK, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Communications Console on the Management Service (Start/Programs/Novell/
Management Service/ESM Communications Console).
Running the Communications Console will cause the Management Service to lose user and log data,
however, policy data will not be deleted.
Step 2: Allow the Communications Console to run a complete check.
Step 3: Have all end-users authenticate to the Management Service (either via VPN or while inside
the appropriate firewall), by right-clicking the ZSC task-tray icon and selecting “Check
for Policy Update.”
Step 4: The Management Console will automatically pass the new KMK credentials down. In
some cases, the user will have to authenticate to the domain (username and password).
Until the endpoints renew their KMK, they will not be able to communicate with the Policy
Distribution Service.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual19
Management Console
The Management Console is the central access and control for
the Management Service.
Double-click the Management Console Icon on the desktop to
launch the login window. Log in to the Console by entering the
administrator name and password. The username entered MUST
be an authorized user on the Management Service
(see “Permissions Settings” on page 24).
It is recommended that the console be closed or minimized when not in use.
Task Bar
The Task-bar on the left provides access to the Management Console tasks (see Figure 3).
Figure 3 : The Management Console
The functions available in the task bar are described on the following page. Click each topic to
view the available tools.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual20
Policy Tasks
The Primary function of the Management Console is the creation and dissemination of Security
Policies. The Policy Tasks guide the administrator through creating and editing security policies
which are used by the ZENworks Security Client to apply centrally managed security to each
The Policy Tasks are:
•Active Policies - This displays a list of current policies, which can be reviewed and
edited. Click on the policy to open it
•Create Policies - This begins the policy creation process (see below)
•Import Policies - This imports policies created on other Management Services (See
“Importing Policies” on page 209)
Clicking any of the policy tasks will minimize the tasks menu. This can be viewed again by
clicking on the tab on the left side.
See “Creating and Distributing ESM Security Policies” on page 83 to learn about the policy tasks
and how to create and manage security policies.
The following resources are available to help you:
•Contact Support - This link will launch a browser, and take you to our Support Contact
•Online Technical Support - This link will launch browser, and take you to our Main
Support Page
•Management Console Help - Launches Help
The Management Service Configuration window provides controls for both the ESM server
infrastructure and controls for monitoring additional enterprise directory services. See
“Configuration Window” on page 28 for details. This control is not available when running a
"Stand-Alone" Management Console (see ESM Installation and Quick-Start Guide for details).
Endpoint Auditing
Endpoint Auditing gives you access to ESM Reporting and Alerting.
Alerts monitoring ensures that any attempts to compromise corporate security policies are
reported in the Management Console. This allows the ESM Administrator to know of potential
problems and take any appropriate remedial actions. The Alerts dashboard is completely
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual21
configurable, granting total control over when and how frequently alerts are triggered. See “Alerts
Monitoring” on page 33 for details.
Reporting is critical in assessing and implementing strong security policies. Reports may be
accessed through the Management Console by clicking on Reports. The endpoint security
information gathered and reported back is also completely configurable, and can be gathered by
domain, group, or individual user. See “Reporting” on page 37 for details.
Menu Bar
The menu bar gives you access to all functions of the Management Console. As with all W indows
menus, simply click the menu link to display the menu items. The menu items are described
below. .
Figure 4 : Menu Bar
•File - The File menu is used for the creation and management of policies
•New - creates a new policy
•Refresh Policy List - updates the list to display all active policies
•Delete - deletes the selected policy
•Import - imports a policy into the Management Console
•Export - exports a policy and the required SETUP.SEN file to a specified loca-
tion outside of the Management Service database
•Exit - Closes the Management Console software, logging out the user
•Tools - The Tools menu is used to control the Management Service
•Configuration - opens the Configuration window
•Permissions - opens the Permissions window
•View - The View menu gives you an option to change to key policy tasks without
using the task bar
•Policy - when a policy is open, switches the view to that policy
•Policy List - displays the policy list
•Alerts - displays the Alerts dashboard
•Reporting - displays the Reporting dashboard
•Help - The Help menu gives you access to the Management Console Help tool and the
About box
•Help - launches the Management Console Help tool, which can guide you
through policy creation as well as all Management Console tasks (also available by pressing the F1 key on your keyboard)
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual22
•About - launches the About window, which displays the installation type
(ESM or UWS (see “USB/Wireless Security” on page 13) and the current version number for the Management Console. This window is also where the
license key is entered if purchased after installation
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual23
Permissions Settings
This control is found in the Tools menu, and is only accessible by the primary administrator for
the Management Service and/or any whom have been granted "permissions" access by that
administrator. This control is not available when running the "Stand-Alone" Management
The permissions settings define which user or group of users are permitted access to the
Management Console, Publish Policies, and/or Change Permission Settings.
During the Management Server installation, an administrator or Resource Account name is
entered into the configuration form (see the ESM Installation and Quick-Start Guide). Once a
successful test has been performed and the user information saved, five permissions are
automatically granted to this user (see below).
Once the Management Console is installed, the resource user (defined above) will be the ONLY
user with full permissions, though ALL user groups within the domain will be granted
Management Console Access. The resource user should remove access from all but the groups/
users who should have access. The resource user may set additional permissions for the
designated users. The permissions granted have the following results:
When the Management Console is launched, the permissions are retrieved from the Permission
table. These permissions tell the console whether the user has the rights to log-in to the Console,
Create or Delete policies, change Permissions settings, and whether or not they can Publish
policies, and to whom they are permitted to publish to.
•Management Console Access: the user may view policies and components, and edit
existing policies. Users granted ONLY this privilege will not be permitted to add or
delete polices; the publish and permissions options will be unavailable
•Publish Policy: the user may publish policies ONLY to assigned users/groups
•Change Permission: the user may access and change permissions settings for other
users that have already been defined, or grant permissions to new users
•Create Policies: the user may create new policies in the Management Console
•Delete Policies: the user may delete ANY policy in the Management Console
For security purposes, it is recommended that only the resource user or very FEW administrators be
granted the Change Permission and Delete Policies permissions.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual24
Administrative Permissions
To set the Administrative Permissions, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Tools menu and select Permissions. The groups associated with this domain are
All groups are granted access to the Management Console by default, though they will be unable to
perform policy tasks. Access to the console can be removed by un-checking the permission.
Step 2: To load users/groups to this list, do the following:
a. Click the Add button on the bottom of the screen, the Organization Table will
display (see Figure 6).
Figure 6 : Permission Settings Organization Table
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual25
b. Select the appropriate users/groups from the list. To select multiple users, select
individually by holding down the CTRL key, or select a series by selecting the
top, then holding down the SHIFT key, then selecting the bottom selection.
c. When all users/groups have been selected, click the OK button. This will add the
users/groups to the grid on the Permissions form.
Step 3: Assign any (or all) permissions to the available users/groups.
Step 4: To remove a selected user/group, highlight the name and click Remove. The selected name
will be moved back to Organization Table
Publish To Settings
Users/Groups who have Publish Policy checked will need to be assigned users and/or groups to
publish to. To set the Publish To Settings, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Click the Publish Settings tab.
Step 2: Select the users/groups granted the Publish permission from the drop-down list (see Figure
Figure 7 : Publish To Settings
Step 3: Assign users/groups to this user/group by:
a. Click the Add button on the bottom of the screen, the Organization Table will
b. Select the appropriate users/groups from the list. To select multiple users, select
individually by holding down the CTRL key, or select a series by selecting the
top, then holding down the SHIFT key, then selecting the bottom selection.
c. When all users/groups have been selected, click the OK button. This will add the
users/groups to the selected name's publish list (see Figure 8).
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual26
Figure 8 : Publish To List
Step 4: To remove a selected user/group, highlight the name in the list, and click Remove. The
selected name will be moved back to the Organization Table.
The permission sets are immediately implemented, so the administrator only needs to click Close,
and accept the changes to return to the editor.
When a new directory service is added (see Managing and Adding Directory Services on page
34), the Resource Account entered is granted full permissions settings, as described above.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual27
Configuration Window
The Configuration window gives the ESM Administrator access to the Infrastructure and
Scheduling, Authenticating Directories, and Server Synchronization controls. Click the
Configuration link on the main page, or open the Tools menu and select Configuration. The
Configuration window will display (see Figure 9).
This function is NOT available if this is a Stand-Alone Management Console.
Infrastructure and Scheduling
The infrastructure and scheduling module allows the ESM Administrator to designate and change
the Policy Distribution Service URL and control the synchronization intervals for the ESM
components (see Figure 9).
Figure 9 : Infrastructure and Scheduling Window
Distribution Service URL
This will update the Policy Distribution Service location for both the Management Service and all
ZENworks Security Clients (without requiring them to be reinstalled) if the Policy Distribution
Service is moved to a new server. The URL for the current server is listed in the text field, only
the server name should be changed to point to the new server. DO NOT change any information
after the server name.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual28
If the current URL is listed as http:\\ACME\PolicyServer\ShieldClient.asmx and the Policy Distribution
Service has been installed on a new server, ACME 43, the URL should be updated as:
Once the URL has been updated, click OK. This will update all policies and send an automatic
update of the Policy Distribution Service. This will also update the Management Service.
When changing the server URL, it is recommended that the old Policy Distribution Service not be
terminated until the updated policies have a 100% adherence level (see Reporting Service).
The Scheduling components permit the ESM Administrator to designate when the Management
Service will synchronize with other ESM components, to ensure all data and queued jobs match
any recent activity, and to schedule the SQL maintenance jobs. All time increments are in
The scheduling is broken down as follows:
•Distribution Service - synchronization schedule with the Policy Distribution Service
•Policy Data and Activity - synchronization schedule with policy updates.
•Management Data - policy synchronization with the Management Service
•Enterprise Structure - synchronization schedule with the enterprise directory service
(eDirectory, Active Directory, NT Domain, and/or LDAP). Changes in the enterprise
directory service are monitored so that corresponding changes in user-policy assignments can be detected and sent to the Policy Distribution Service for Client authentication
•Client Reporting - frequency the Management Service will interrogate for and download reporting data from the Policy Distribution Service
•Keep alert data for: - You can configure alerts based on a snapshot of data reported by
the endpoints. To optimize performance, and ensure that alerts are relevant to recent
activity, you can se the storage threshold based on a number of days.
ZENworks® ESM 3.5Administrator’s Manual29
Authenticating Directories
Policies are distributed to end-users by interrogating the Enterprise's existing directory service
(eDirectory, Active Directory, and/or NT Domains*). The Authenticating Directories service, is
responsible for handling end-user credentials and authentication issues for the Policy Distribution
* = NT Domain is only supported when the Management Service is installed on a Windows 2000, or 2000
advanced server (SP4)
Click Authenticating Directories to display the manager.
Managing and Adding Directory Services
An initial directory service is normally detected and monitored during the Management Service
communication check at installation. Authenticating Directories can, if required, manage users
from multiple directories and multiple directory platforms.
Figure 10 : Authenticating Directories Window
All information, with the exception of the directory type may be updated. To add a new directory
service, perform the following steps:
Step 1: Click New (located next to Friendly Name)
Step 2: Enter a friendly name for the Directory Service and select its Service Type from the pull-
down list.
Step 3: In the Host/DN box enter the hostname of a domain controller and leave the Domain/Tree
box blank (this box will auto populate after a successful test of the user account in Step 7),
unless you are assigning an eDirectory service, in which case enter the tree name.
Step 4: Check Available for User Authentication if this is the domain a Management Service is
installed on to display the domain in the login pull-down menu. If this is a separate
domain, leave unchecked
Step 5: Select a Service Connection Option:
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