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This Novell ZENworks 10 Asset Management Migration Guide includes information to help you
successfully migrate selected inventory and asset management data from ZENworks
Management 7.5 to an installed Novell
The information in this guide is organized as follows:
Chapter 1, “Using the Migration Utility,” on page 9
Chapter 2, “Migration Console Reference,” on page 29
Appendix B, “ZENworks Objects and Their Uniqueness,” on page 41
“Glossary” on page 47
This guide is intended for ZENworks administrators.
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included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to the Novell Documentation Feedback site (
documentation/feedback.html) and enter your comments there.
Additional Documentation
ZENworks 10 Asset Management system
ZENworks 10 Asset Management is supported by other documentation (in both PDF and HTML
formats) that you can use to learn about and implement the product. See the ZENworks 10
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, TM, etc.) denotes a Novell trademark. An asterisk (*) denotes a third-party
The following sections provide instructions on how to use the Novell® ZENworks® 10 Asset
Management Migration utility to migrate data from ZENworks Asset Management 7.5:
Section 1.1, “Before You Begin,” on page 9
Section 1.2, “Overview,” on page 10
Section 1.3, “Installing the Migration Utility,” on page 13
Section 1.4, “Selecting the Migration Source,” on page 14
Section 1.5, “Selecting the Migration Destination,” on page 16
Section 1.6, “Migrating Objects,” on page 17
1.1 Before You Begin
Before you begin migrating data from ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 to ZENworks 10 Asset
Management, consider the following:
novdocx (en) 7 January 2010
If you also have ZENworks 7 Desktop Management installed on your ZENworks Asset
Management 7.5 workstations, see Appendix A, “Migrating Both ZENworks 7 Desktop
Management and ZENworks 7.5 Asset Management,” on page 37 to ensure that you migrate
the two products in the correct order.
You should back up both source and destination databases.
Turn off the inventory process on ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 before you run the
migration utility.
If you have migrated inventory data with a previous version of the migration utility, you must
use that same version to migrate the asset management data.
The version of the migration utility that you use must match the ZENworks Management Zone
version. The migration utility will not connect to a zone that does not match its version number.
You can only migrate objects once.
Network devices are not migrated.
You need to migrate inventory data before asset management data. If you want to do a staged
migration, do not migrate asset management data until all staging is complete. For more
information about staging, see “Staging a Migration” on page 18.
Not all custom reports are migrated. For a list of custom reports that are not migrated, see
Section 1.6.7, “Migrating Custom Reports,” on page 25.
When migrating to a SQL server, note the following file size recommendations:
The destination data file should be at least 1.1 times the size of the source data file.
The destination log file should be at least 1.2 times the size of the source data file.
Using the Migration Utility
If you are migrating data installation that already contains some of the same asset management
data, you might see migration errors or fail in the migration process. See “ZENworks Objects
and Their Uniqueness” on page 41 for more information.
For better migration performance, it is strongly recommended that you purge the ZENworks
Asset Management 7.5 database before you begin. For details, see Section 1.6.8, “Migration
Performance Guidelines,” on page 27.
1.2 Overview
The migration utility is used to migrate inventory data, which is defined by your ZENworks Asset
Management 7.5 collection domains, and asset management data. This data includes the following:
Inventory data
Devices (including deleted devices, if desired. See Section 1.6.1, “Migrating Inventory
Data,” on page 18)
Device history
Local software products
Hardware/software components
novdocx (en) 7 January 2010
Administrator-defined fields (known as user-defined fields in ZENworks Asset
Management 7.5)
Custom reports
Asset management data
Asset management usage data
Asset management custom reports
Asset management administrator-defined fields (known as user-defined fields in
ZENworks Asset Management 7.5)
Catalog products
Discovered products
Purchase records
Licensed products
Software collections
Contracts and date notifications
Network devices and contract-network relationships are not migrated. Contract-to-network-device
relationships can be reestablished after a network discovery process is run within ZENworks 10
Asset Management.
Inventory data can be migrated by individual device or as a group. Asset management data is
migrated as a group.
When you migrate inventory data, by default you are also migrating the following:
Local Product Definitions: Local product definitions defined in ZENworks Asset
Management 7.5. These product definitions are migrated as a group; they cannot be migrated
individually. If you want to migrate just the local product definitions without the inventory
data, see “Migrating Local Product Definitions” on page 20.
Administrator-Defined Field Definitions: Asset management and inventory administrator-
defined fields defined in ZENworks Asset Management 7.5. (Administrator-defined fields are
known as user-defined fields ZENworks Asset Management 7.5.) These field definitions are
migrated as a group; they cannot be migrated individually. If you want to migrate just the
administrator-defined field definitions without the inventory data, see “Using the Migration
Utility” on page 9.
Custom Reports: Asset management and inventory custom reports defined in ZENworks
Asset Management 7.5. The reports are migrated as a group. If you want to migrate custom
reports without the inventory data, see “Migrating Custom Reports” on page 25.
Migrating inventory data also migrates the following asset management data:
Usage data
Custom reports
Administrator-defined fields
novdocx (en) 7 January 2010
1.2.1 System Requirements
The migration utility requires the following:
Windows* XP Professional 5.1 SP 2, Windows XP Professional 5.1 SP 3, Windows Vista* SP1
x86, Windows Server* 2003 5.2 SP2, or Windows Server 2008 x86; Windows 2000 and
Windows 2008 are not supported
Network connectivity to source and destination database servers
Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)
(Optional) ZENworks 10 Asset Management. This product is required to view migrated asset
management data.
The following combinations of databases can be used to migrate data:
SQL Server to SQL Server
SQL Server to Sybase
Oracle to Oracle
For migration purposes, the Oracle databases can be Oracle 9.2, Oracle 10.1, or Oracle 10.2. If you
are using an Oracle database, please observe the following:
The Oracle client must be installed on the machine that runs the migration utility. For versions
10.1 and 10.2, this must be Administrator, not InstantClient.
Using the Migration Utility11
For the Oracle 10.2 client, you must apply patch 5473334 (Doc ID 387818.1). Of the several
data access components included in the patch, Oracle Provider for OLEDB version
is required.
must contain entries for both the source and destination database services. To
create these entries automatically, log on to the ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 and
ZENworks 10 Asset Management databases using the Oracle Enterprise Manager Console or
Net Configuration Assistant—Local Net Service Name configuration. Note that the names used
for the entries must match the corresponding service name exactly.
The Oracle bin directory (e.g.,
) must be in
your PATH setting; however, directories from other Oracle products and installs must not be in
your PATH setting.
The user associated with the schema for the ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 Oracle database
(NCSYSTEM by default) must have the “DBA” role while migration is running (by default,
NCSYSTEM only has the “CONNECT” role).
1.2.2 The Migration Process
Migrating objects (inventory data, custom reports, and so on) consists of six steps:
novdocx (en) 7 January 2010
1. Installing the migration utility. For more information, see Section 1.3, “Installing the Migration
Utility,” on page 13.
2. Backing up both source and destination databases before starting migration and after each
successful staging.
3. Selecting the migration source. For more information, see Section 1.4, “Selecting the Migration
Source,” on page 14.
4. Selecting the migration destination. For more information, see Section 1.5, “Selecting the
Migration Destination,” on page 16.
If you have selected a destination zone previously, for example, for a pilot migration, a dialog
appears asking if you want to clear the migration status data stored in the ZENworks Asset
Management 7.5 source database, which is necessary if you change your migration destination.
Click OK to clear the migration status data.
WARNING: You cannot reselect a migration destination. For example, if you choose a pilot
migration destination, then switch to a production destination, you cannot switch back to the
pilot destination.
5. Selecting objects to migrate.
Administrator-defined field definitions, local product definitions, and custom reports are
migrated by default the first time inventory data is migrated. To migrate them separately, see
Section 1.6, “Migrating Objects,” on page 17. Some custom reports are not migrated because
of database schema changes. For more information, see Section 1.6.7, “Migrating Custom
Reports,” on page 25.
When selecting objects to migrate, keep the following in mind:
Inventory data and asset management data must be migrated using the same version of the
You need to migrate inventory data before asset management data.
Workstations that have not been inventoried are not migrated. In addition, if the
workstation is associated with a contract, the contract-workstation relationship isn’t
migrated, either.
If you want to do a staged migration, select a subset of workstations to migrate. Do not migrate
asset management data until all staging is complete. For more information about staging, see
“Staging a Migration” on page 18.
6. Initiating the migration.
Migration can take several hours to complete, depending on the size of the database being
migrated. During the migration, the migration utility may become unresponsive at times. If
migration is interrupted or canceled, it can be restarted. The migration then continues from the
last migrated record in the migration process. If any errors are listed when the migration
process is run again, you can ignore them. For more information, see Section 1.6, “Migrating
Objects,” on page 17.
1.3 Installing the Migration Utility
novdocx (en) 7 January 2010
There are two ways to install the migration utility: either through a Web browser or through
ZENworks Control Center.
NOTE: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86) must be installed
prior to installing the Migration utility.
To use a Web browser to install the utility:
1 In your Web browser, access the following URL:
2 Click Administrative Tools and download
3 Run
4 To run the utility on a supported Windows device, click Start > All Programs > Novell
The migration source is your ZENworks Asset Management 7.5 database. The migration utility
requires that you log in to the migration source with create, modify, and delete privileges. To log in
to your database:
For Oracle migration, you see the following screen:
3 Fill in the following fields:
Database Type: Specify the database type. For example, specify MS SQL Server 2000/2005
for both external and embedded MS SQL Server databases. Or specify Oracle 9i/10g for the
latest Oracle database type.
Database Server: Specify either the DNS name or IP address of the database server. Each time
you use this dialog box, the last server you logged in to is displayed here.
Using the Migration Utility15
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