ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
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14ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
About This Guide
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
This System Administration Reference provides information about general administrative tasks
required to manage your Novell
information in this guide is organized as follows:
Part I, “ZENworks Control Center,” on page 17
Part II, “ZENworks Servers and Satellite Devices,” on page 69
Part III, “ZENworks Adaptive Agent,” on page 139
Part IV, “ZENworks System Updates,” on page 169
Part V, “Zone Administration,” on page 223
Part VI, “Content,” on page 235
Part VII, “Users,” on page 255
Part VIII, “ZENworks 10 Product Licensing,” on page 283
Part IX, “Database Management,” on page 291
Part X, “Message Logging,” on page 339
Appendix A, “Naming Conventions in ZENworks Control Center,” on page 361
Appendix B, “Schedule Types,” on page 363
Appendix C, “Customizing the Look and Feel of the ZENworks Icon,” on page 369
Appendix D, “Documentation Updates,” on page 371
ZENworks® 10 Configuration Management SP3 system. The
This guide is intended for ZENworks administrators.
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation
included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to the Novell Documentation Feedback site (http://www.novell.com/
documentation/feedback.html) and enter your comments there.
Additional Documentation
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management is supported by other documentation (in both PDF and
HTML formats) that you can use to learn about and implement the product. For additional
documentation, see the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management documentation (http://
Documentation Conventions
In Novell documentation, a greater-than symbol (>) is used to separate actions within a step and
items in a cross-reference path.
About This Guide15
A trademark symbol (®, TM, etc.) denotes a Novell trademark. An asterisk (*) denotes a third-party
When a single pathname can be written with a backslash for some platforms or a forward slash for
other platforms, the pathname is presented with a backslash. Users of platforms that require a
forward slash, such as Linux*, should use forward slashes as required by your software.
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
16ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
ZENworks Control Center
This section contains information about using ZENworks® Control Center (ZCC) to configure
system settings and perform management tasks in your Management Zone.
Chapter 1, “ZENworks Control Center,” on page 19
Chapter 2, “Administrators,” on page 27
Chapter 3, “ZENworks News,” on page 55
Chapter 4, “System Variables,” on page 61
Chapter 5, “Credential Vault,” on page 65
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ZENworks Control CenterI17
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
18ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
ZENworks Control Center
You use ZENworks® Control Center to configure system settings and perform management tasks in
your Management Zone.
ZENworks Control Center is installed on all ZENworks Servers in the Management Zone. You can
perform all management tasks on any ZENworks Server.
Section 1.1, “Accessing ZENworks Control Center,” on page 19
Section 1.2, “Accessing ZENworks Control Center through Novell iManager,” on page 20
Section 1.3, “Navigating ZENworks Control Center,” on page 21
Section 1.4, “Changing the Default Login Disable Values,” on page 22
Section 1.5, “Changing the Timeout Value for ZENworks Control Center,” on page 22
Section 1.6, “Using the Config.xml File to Modify ZENworks Control Center Settings,” on
page 23
Section 1.7, “Bookmarking ZENworks Control Center Locations,” on page 24
Section 1.8, “Troubleshooting ZENworks Control Center,” on page 25
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
1.1 Accessing ZENworks Control Center
1 Using a Web browser that meets the requirements listed in “Administration Browser
Requirements” in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Installation Guide, enter the
following URL:
Replace ZENworks_Server_Address with the IP address or DNS name of the ZENworks
Server. You only need to specify the port if you are not using one of the default ports (80 or
443). ZENworks Control Center requires an HTTPS connection; HTTP requests are redirected
The login dialog box is displayed.
2 In the Username field, type
previously created in ZENworks Control Center.
(the default) or an administrator name that you
ZENworks Control Center
3 In the Password field, do one of the following:
If you are logging in through the default Administrator account, specify the Administrator
password that you created during installation.
Specify the password for the administrator name that you created in ZENworks Control
To prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to ZENworks Control Center, the
administrator account is disabled after three unsuccessful login attempts, and a 60-second
timeout is enforced before you can attempt another login. To change these default values, see
Section 1.4, “Changing the Default Login Disable Values,” on page 22.
4 Click Login to display ZENworks Control Center.
To log in again as a different administrator, click the Logout option in the upper right corner of the
ZENworks Control Center window, then when the login dialog box is displayed, log in as a different
The Logout option includes the name of the administrator who is logged in as part of the option. For
example, Logout John.
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
1.2 Accessing ZENworks Control Center through
Novell iManager
ZENworks 10 Configuration Management includes a Novell® plug-in module (
use to access ZENworks Control Center from Novell iManager, which is a management console
used by many Novell products.
The ZENworks Control Center plug-in supports iManager 2.7 only. It does not support iManager 2.6
or 2.5; it will install to these versions but does not work.
To install the ZENworks Control Center plug-in for iManager:
1 On the server where iManager is located (or on a device that has access to the iManager server),
open a Web browser to the ZENworks download page:
where server is the DNS name or IP address of a ZENworks Server.
2 In the left navigation pane, click Administrative Tools.
3 Click zcc.npm and save the file to a location on the iManager server.
4 Follow the instructions in the Novell iManager 2.7 Administration Guide (http://
www.novell.com/documentation/imanager27/imanager_admin_27/data/b8qrsg0.html) to
install and configure the plug-in module.
5 Log into iManager.
6 Click the ZENworks icon at the top of the page.
7 Enter the ZENworks Control Center URL:
) that you can
Replace ZENworks_Server_Address with the IP address or DNS name of the ZENworks
Server. You only need to specify the port if the ZENworks server is not using the default port
(80 or 443).
8 Click the ZENworks icon to launch ZENworks Control Center.
20ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
1.3 Navigating ZENworks Control Center
Help Information
Work PanelNavigation Tabs
Frequently Used
Task List
The following Servers page represents a standard view in ZENworks Control Center:
Figure 1-1 ZENworks Control Center
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
Navigation Tabs: The tabs in the left pane let you navigate among the functional areas of
ZENworks. For example, the Servers page shown above lets you manage tasks associated with
Task List: The task list in the left pane provides quick access to the most commonly performed
tasks for the current page. The task list changes for each page. For example, the task list on the
Bundles page displays bundle-related tasks and the task list on the Devices page displays devicerelated tasks.
Frequently Used Objects: The Frequently Used list in the left pane displays the 10 objects that you
have accessed most often, from most used to least used. Clicking an object takes you directly to the
details page for the object.
Wor k Panel: The work panels are where you monitor and manage your ZENworks system. The
panels change depending on the current page. In the above example, there are two work panels:
Devices and Search. The Devices panel lists the servers, folders, server groups, and dynamic server
groups that have been created; you use this panel to manage the servers. The Search panel lets you
filter the Devices panel based on criteria such as a device’s name, operating system, or status.
Help Information: The Help button links to Help topics that provide information about the current
page. The Help button links change depending on the current page.
ZENworks Control Center21
1.4 Changing the Default Login Disable Values
By default, an administrator’s account is disabled for 60 seconds after he or she unsuccessfully
attempts to log in three times. You can change the number of login tries and the timeout length by
editing a configuration file. The changes are only applied to the instance of ZENworks Control
Center being run from the server where you open and modify the configuration file. To make the
change applicable to all ZENworks Primary Servers, you must make the same change in each
server’s copy of this file.
IMPORTANT: Login attempts per administrator account are maintained in the ZENworks
database, and there is only one ZENworks database per Management Zone. Therefore, if a particular
administrator unsuccessfully attempts to log in to one Primary Server, that administrator is locked
out of all Primary Servers in the zone. The lockout period is determined by the configuration on the
server where the login attempts failed.
The 5 in this example represents the number of retries before disabling login, and 300
represents the number of seconds (the default is 60 seconds, or 1 minute).
Keep in mind that the longer the delay before allowing a re-login after the configured number
of failures (such as 5), the longer your authorized administrators must wait to access ZENworks
Control Center.
IMPORTANT: If you enter 0 as the login attempts value, the lockout functionality is disabled,
allowing unlimited attempts at logging in.
3 Save the file, then restart the zenloader and zenserver services on the Primary Server to make
the changes effective.
For instructions on restarting the services, see Section 6.2.4, “Restarting the ZENworks
Services,” on page 75.
1.5 Changing the Timeout Value for ZENworks
Control Center
By default, ZENworks Control Center has a 30-minute timeout value, so if you leave ZENworks
Control Center idle on your computer for more than 30 minutes, you are prompted to log in again to
The purpose of the timeout is to clear memory resources. The larger the timeout value, the longer
ZENworks Control Center retains the memory resources, which might have a negative impact on the
long-term performance of the device from which you have launched ZENworks Control Center,
including the ZENworks Server if you have it running locally on it.
22ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
To increase or decrease the timeout value, you modify two XML files on the ZENworks Server. The
change applies only to that server’s ZENworks Control Center. Therefore, any devices that launch
ZENworks Control Center from that server experience the same timeout value.
You can make the ZENworks Control Center timeout value different on each ZENworks Server in
the Management Zone.
To change the ZENworks Control Center timeout value on a ZENworks Server:
3 Increase or decrease the timeout value, as needed.
Specify the timeout value in minutes.
4 Save the
5 Open the
file in a text editor.
This file allows you to maintain customizations of ZENworks Control Center because
information contained in this file overrides any corresponding information in the
file. Therefore, changes made in this file are not lost when the
7 Set the timeout value to the same number as you entered in the
file is located in the same directory as the
8 Remove the comments surrounding the
9 Save the
<setting id=”timeout”>
entry (<!-- and -->).
10 Restart the ZENworks Server by restarting the zen-server service.
For instructions, see Chapter 6, “ZENworks Server,” on page 71.
1.6 Using the Config.xml File to Modify
ZENworks Control Center Settings
In addition to enabling you to configure the timeout value for the ZENworks Control Center (see
Section 1.5, “Changing the Timeout Value for ZENworks Control Center,” on page 22), the
exception of the timeout value, you should not need to modify the
1 On the ZENworks Server, open the
file lets you control several additional configuration settings. However, with the
Windows server path:
file in a text editor.
ZENworks Control Center23
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
Linux server path:
2 Modify the desired setting. All settings begin with
timeout: Specify the timeout value in minutes. The larger the timeout value, the longer
ZENworks Control Center retains the memory resources, which might have a negative impact
on the long-term performance of the device where you have launched ZENworks Control
Center. If you change this value, you must also change the timeout entry in the
Center,” on page 22).
debug.enabled: Change the value to false if you do not want any messages written to the
ZENworks Control Center log files. The default value, true, causes messages to be written to
the log files.
debug.tags: These settings control debug information. You should not change them unless
instructed by Novell Support.
debug.log.viewstate: This setting controls debug information. You should not change it unless
instructed by Novell Support.
hideGettingStarted: Suppresses the Getting Started page. This setting is not functional at this
time. To manually suppress the page, open the ZENworks Control Center, display the Getting
Started page, then select Do not show me this again.
noQuickTaskAutoRefresh: This setting disables automatic refreshing of the QuickTask status
dialog box. It is used to discover issues with QuickTask status updates. You should not change
this setting unless instructed by Novell Support.
3 Save the
4 Restart the ZENworks Server by restarting the zen-server service. See Chapter 6, “ZENworks
Server,” on page 71 for instructions.
file. See Section 1.5, “Changing the Timeout Value for ZENworks Control
The Bookmark feature allows you to use your Web browser to manage direct access to the various
locations in ZENworks Control Center, instead of performing the usual navigation clicks. You can
also use this feature to bookmark hard-to-find locations.
You can create bookmarks for your Web browser to locations within the following sections of
ZENworks Control Center:
Managed tab on the Devices tab
Policies tab
Bundles tab
Management Zone Settings on the Configuration tab
The locations you can bookmark include such items as lists, details of objects, and configuration
Wherever the Link icon () is displayed, you can create a bookmark. The icon is located in the
upper right of the page. If it is not displayed, a bookmark cannot be created for that location.
24ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
If you are logged in to ZENworks Control Center when you click a bookmark, the location is
immediately displayed.
If you are not logged in to ZCC when you click a bookmark, the Login dialog box is displayed. After
you enter valid credentials, the location is immediately displayed.
To create bookmarks:
1 In ZENworks Control Center, navigate to a location where you want to create a bookmark.
2 Click .
This opens the following dialog box, where the URL to the current location is already selected:
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
3 Press Ctrl+C to copy the URL, then click OK to close the dialog box.
4 Paste the URL as a new bookmark in your Web browser.
1.8 Troubleshooting ZENworks Control Center
“An HTTP request is not redirected to HTTPS if IIS is running on the Primary Server” on
page 25
An HTTP request is not redirected to HTTPS if IIS is running on the Primary Server
Source: ZENworks 10 Configuration Management; ZENworks Control Center.
Explanation: During installation, the setup checks to see if the default HTTP port (80) and
HTTPS port (443) are in use. If the ports are in use by another application
(such as IIS), you are prompted to use alternative ports. In this case, you must
access ZENworks Control Center via the port it is using and not access IIS.
Action: Although http://Primary_Server_IP_address works if ZENworks Control
Center is using port 80, http://Primary_Server_IP_address:### (where ### is
the port Tomcat is using) always works.
ZENworks Control Center25
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
26ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
During installation, a default ZENworks® administrator account (named Administrator) is created.
This account, called a Super Administrator account, provides full administrative rights to the
Management Zone.
Typically, you should create administrator accounts for each person who will perform administrative
tasks. You can define these accounts as Super Administrator accounts, or you can define them as
administrator accounts with restricted rights. For example, you could give a user an administrator
account that only enables him or her to discover and register devices in the Management Zone. Or
the account could only enable the user to assign bundles to devices, or could limit the user to
performing asset management tasks such as contract, license, and document management.
IMPORTANT: In addition to the default Administrator account, you should make sure that you
have at least one other Super Administrator account. This provides redundancy in case the password
for the Administrator account is forgotten or lost. For information on how to create a Super
Administrator account, see Section 2.2.1, “Assigning Super Administrator Rights,” on page 30. If
you need any further help, contact Novell® Support (http://www.novell.com/support).
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
In some cases, you might have multiple administrator accounts that require the same administrative
rights. Rather than assign rights to each account individually, you can create an administrator role,
assign the administrative rights to the role, and then add the accounts to the role. For example, you
might have a Help Desk role that provides administrative rights required by several of your
You can use ZENworks Control Center (ZCC) or the zman command line utility to create and
modify administrator accounts and assign roles. The following procedures explain how to perform
these tasks by using ZCC. If you prefer the zman command line utility, see “Administrator
Commands” in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management Command Line Utilities Reference.
Section 2.1, “Managing Administrator Accounts,” on page 27
Section 2.2, “Managing Administrator Rights,” on page 30
Section 2.3, “Rights Descriptions,” on page 31
Section 2.4, “Managing Administrator Roles,” on page 42
2.1 Managing Administrator Accounts
The following sections help you create and manage administrator accounts:
Section 2.1.1, “Creating Administrators,” on page 28
Section 2.1.2, “Deleting Administrators,” on page 29
Section 2.1.3, “Renaming Administrators,” on page 29
Section 2.1.4, “Changing Administrator Passwords,” on page 29
2.1.1 Creating Administrators
To create an administrator account:
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
2 In the Administrators panel, click New to display the Add New Administrator dialog box.
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
The Add New Administrator dialog box lets you create a new administrator account by
providing a name and password, or you can create a new administrator based on an existing
user in the user source. Optionally, you can give the new administrator the same rights that the
logged-in administrator has.
3 Fill in the fields:
Create a New Administrator by Providing Name, Password: Select this option if you want
to create a new administrator account by manually specifying the name and password.
28ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
Administrator login names with Unicode* characters are case-sensitive. Make sure that you use
the correct case for each character in the login name when it contains Unicode characters.
The new administrator can change the password the first time he or she logs in by clicking the
key icon located next to the Logout link in the upper right corner of ZENworks Control Center.
Based on User(s) in a User Source: Select this option if you want to create a new
administrator account based on information from your user source. To do so, click Add, then
browse for and select the user you want.
The newly created administrator account is granted View rights to all objects in the
Management Zone. To grant additional rights, or to limit the administrator's rights to specific
folders only, you need to modify the rights.
Give this Administrator the Same Rights as I Have: Select this option if you want to assign
the new administrator the same rights that you have as the currently-logged in administrator.
4 When you have finished filling in the fields, click OK to add the new administrator.
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
You can also use the
information, see “Administrator Commands” in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Command Line Utilities Reference.
command in zman to create an administrator account. For more
2.1.2 Deleting Administrators
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
2 In the Administrators panel, select the check box next to the administrator’s name, then click
You can also use the
information, see “Administrator Commands” in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Command Line Utilities Reference.
command in zman to delete an administrator account. For more
2.1.3 Renaming Administrators
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
2 In the Administrators panel, select the check box next to the administrator’s name, click Edit,
then click Rename.
3 Specify the new name, then click OK.
You can also use the
more information, see “Administrator Commands” in the ZENworks 10 Configuration Management
Command Line Utilities Reference.
command in zman to rename an administrator account. For
2.1.4 Changing Administrator Passwords
To change the password for any administrator account other than the default Administrator account:
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
2 In the Administrators panel, select the check box next to the administrator, click Edit, then click
Set Password to display the Change Administrator Password Dialog box.
3 Fill in the fields, then click OK.
To change the password for the currently logged-in administrator:
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the icon located next to the Logout Administrator option
in the top right corner.
The Change Administrator Password dialog box is displayed.
2 Fill in the fields, then click OK.
To change the password for the default Administrator account:
1 Log in using the Administrator account.
2 Click the icon located next to the Logout Administrator option in the top right corner.
The Change Administrator Password dialog box is displayed.
3 Fill in the fields, then click OK.
2.2 Managing Administrator Rights
The following sections help you manage existing administrator accounts and their assigned rights:
novdocx (en) 16 April 2010
Section 2.2.1, “Assigning Super Administrator Rights,” on page 30
Section 2.2.2, “Assigning Additional Rights,” on page 30
Section 2.2.3, “Modifying Assigned Rights,” on page 31
Section 2.2.4, “Removing Assigned Rights,” on page 31
2.2.1 Assigning Super Administrator Rights
A Super Administrator has all rights to perform all actions in ZENworks Control Center. For more
information about all of the rights that a Super Administrator has, see Section 2.3, “Rights
Descriptions,” on page 31. If you grant an administrator Super Administrator rights, any assigned
rights that have been allowed, denied, or not set are overridden.
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
2 In the Administrators panel, click the administrator’s name.
3 Select the Super Administrator check box.
4 Click Apply.
2.2.2 Assigning Additional Rights
1 In ZENworks Control Center, click the Configuration tab.
2 Click the administrator in the Name column of the Administrators panel.
3 In the Assigned Roles panel, click Add, then select the rights you want to assign.
4 Fill in the fields.
For more information, see Section 2.3, “Rights Descriptions,” on page 31.
5 Click OK.
You can also use the
administrator account. For more information, see “Administrator Commands” in the ZENworks 10
Configuration Management Command Line Utilities Reference.
30ZENworks 10 Configuration Management System Administration Reference
command in zman to assign additional rights for an
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