The SUSE LINUX Retail Solution 8 (SLRS 8) for Point of Sale (POS) Retail
Systems is based on the SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server 8 (SLES 8) and provides a complete SUSE LINUX operating system and management solution
for POS Cash Register Systems (CR). The SLRS architecture was designed to
use a central administration server for deployment and management and a
branch server infrastructure in each branch (office) for preinstall or in-store
The administration server provides the following features:
• Central LDAP directory to manage POS terminals and servers
• Global and default parameters and application configuration
• POS Image creation and release management
The branch server provides the following features:
• Software transport for OS and application updates
• Multicast boot infrastructure for POS terminals
• Diskless and diskful POS clients
• AutoYaST installation and online update for server OS
• Option: Two-node high availability cluster with replicated data
Because this document comprises conceptual and user information, the following list of topics is provided for the reader:
• Architectural Overview — Chapter 2: The purpose of this chapter is
to provide an overview of the concept of the SLRS and the interaction of
the several components.
• Quick Start Guide — Chapter 3: Best point to start with the SLRS.
• All about Servers — Chapters 4, 6, and 7: The topics of these chap-
ters are the server structure, the SLRS LDAP directory service, the POSrelated server commands, and the PosAdmin commands for manipulating the LDAP directory entries.
1 Introduction
• Building and Maintaining POS Images — Chapters 8, 10, 11 and
12These chapters summarize all information about how to build and
distribute custom POS images.
• Autobuild Branch Server — Chapter 13: Description for SLRS experts
of how to prepare a CD boot media for automatic branch server installation.
• Maintaining SLRS — A View Inside SLRS — Chapters 14 and 15:
Further expert information for sysadmins can be found in these chapters.
The SLRS provides a system platform for the cash registers and in-store servers,
a scalable deployment infrastructure, and a centralized management system.
The CRs are implemented in a variety of hardware forms, with the main difference being whether they are equipped with hard drives (diskless vs. diskful).
Figure 2.1 describes the system architecture: one centralized administration
server (AS) controls a large number of branch servers (BS), which in turn provide the local infrastructure for the cash register point of sales (POS) systems.
All servers are intended to be set up as highly available two-node failover
cluster systems.
2.1 Administration Server
All system management for BS and POS systems (CR) is done on the central
administration server (AS). It provides the following services:
2 Architectural Overview
100 MBit
Register (CR)
Server (AS)
Server (BS)
100 MBit Ethernet
Figure 2.1: System Architecture of the SUSE LINUX POS/Retail Solution
2.1 Administration Server
LDAP directory root node
Corporate Entity level
Branch Level (BS)
CR Configuration Entries
RSYNC: An rsync server is used for software distribution and provides the
POS system images and software updates to the BS systems.
LDAP: The AS is the master LDAP directory server for the BS systems.
XNTP: The BS xntp system can access the AS for time synchronization
SYSLOG: The AS consolidates the syslog output from the BS.
DNS: Name resolution for the local network, branch servers, and stand-alone
POS systems in small branches.
Figure 2.2: LDAP Directory Layout for the POS Administration Server
2.1.1 LDAP Directory
The LDAP directory is structured in three tiers. Under the topmost “company
root” node, the different organizational units are listed. Each unit has its
branches with the BS configuration. Each branch has its POS entries. Figure
2.2 describes the directory tree layout. Entity definitions and more detailed
information can be found in Chapter 4.3 on page 44.
2.1.2 Tools
The tools use the LDAP directory for navigation, are stored in /opt/SLES/POS/bin,
and are programmed in Perl using the Net::LDAP module. The following tools
exist on the AS:
POS/BS Management
The posAdmin software (refer to Section 7 on page 79), which is part of the
SLRS, provides a tool for managing the POS LDAP structure, the directory
service running on the administration server holding the data of the branch
2 Architectural Overview
servers, cash registers, and network infrastructure. Using posAdmin, the following POS Data LDAP entries can be managed:
• organizational unit
• branch
• hardware type
• MAC address
• IP address (optional)
• debug mode
• OS Image name
Cash registers can be created, deleted, and assigned specific operating system
images. Additional parameters, like debug mode, can be set.
Using posAdmin the following BS Data LDAP entries can be managed:
• organizational unit
• branch
• IP addresses
• LAN IP network address
• host name
• domain name
• router address
• debug mode
Branches and the corresponding branch servers can be created and deleted.
Parameters, like debug mode, can be set. Each BS has its own password and
LDAP identity for accessing the LDAP directory.
Package Update
Loads updated software packages and configuration tables for the image creation from the SUSE maintenance servers.
Simple report generation tools are available that extract data from the LDAP
2.1 Administration Server
Configuration List
Local Configuration List
Application Image
Application Start cmd
POS Image Creation
Images are created from SLRS or SLES standard packages and additional Service Pack packages using the SLRS imageBuilder software. For more detailed
information, refer to Chaper 8 on page 99. Figure 2.3 describes the image
creation process.
Images are created with a time stamp in the file name. Old images are kept on
the server. POS applications are integrated by specifying one or more package
files (RPM or root-relative tarballs) and one start script name.Additional
packages from the SLRS or SLES distribution can be added to the image by
the customer to extend the functionality of the operating system.
For the integration of more complex software, the image building process can
be split into two parts: first the system is set up in a directory on the AS,
second the directory is packaged into the appropriate file system images. The
purpose is that the customer can modify the system between the two steps,
for example, for installing software that needs the runtime environment of the
AS for installation.
Here is a summary of the information needed by the imageBuilder for the
image creation process:
Figure 2.3: POS Image Creation
• System RPM: Packages from SLRS, SLES, and Service Packs.
• Image Type: It defines the image functionality and contents (minimal,
java, browser, etc.).
• Machine Type: It describes the machine hardware, necessary driver
modules, and additional scripts.
• Configuration Lists: It describes the standard set of packages and scripts
for the specific image type in its default configuration for the different
hardware types.
2 Architectural Overview
• Local Package Lists: It defines site and customer–specific packages
from SLRS and SLES that are added to the POS system image.
• Application: Packages and start command.
2.2 Branch Server
The branch server (BS) provides the network boot and system management
infrastructure for the POS systems as well as a generic system platform for instore applications, like database systems and back-ends for the cash register
2.2.1 Functionality
The BS provides the following services:
DHCP: Controls the network boot process.
TFTP: Provides PXE control files, operating system images, and configuration
XNTP: NTP server for time synchronization.
SYSLOG: The logging target for the cash register systems.
SNMP: Standard MIB2 monitoring is set up with net-snmp.
DNS: Name resolution for the local network.
The BS has a software distribution mechanism based on rsync and is able to
pull new POS operating system images from the administration server. Configuration data is taken from an LDAP directory system on the AS. For large
branches, the corresponding LDAP subtree can be replicated to the BS.
2.2.2 Operating System
The BS is built from a standard SLRS or SLES operating system. An AutoYaST2 control file is provided for the basic setup, together with detailed documentation and tools to configure the server easily. If only the functionality
for running the POS infrastructure is necessary (no additional applications),
the branch server can also be deployed as a control terminal running on POS
2.2 Branch Server
2.2.3 Administration
No system administration other than emergency handling is necessary on the
BS. All administrative tasks are controlled from the central AS and are executed regularly by scripts run by the cron scheduler. For emergencies and
debugging, all functionality can be triggered locally or via SSH login by calling scripts with no or few command line parameters. The functionalities are
described in the following sections.
POS CR Setup
Set up all or one single cash register and local service configuration files (PXE
configuration, /etc/syslog.conf, etc.) and image files for the boot process of
the cash registers. The following functions are provided:
• Boot configuration: Create the DHCP entry and PXE configuration file
for cash registers.
• DNS: Create the zone file and configuration file for BIND name server.
• Config Files: Create configuration files for download by the POS sys-
Image Update
Trigger the rsync update process of downloading new image files from the
administration server.
Software Layering
All SLRS tools for the BS and the AS consist of a high-level script (“call wrapper”) that combines defaults, command line parameters, and environment
variables, reads data from LDAP, then calls low-level scripts.
2.2.4 Clustering
The BS systems are two-node heartbeat clusters. The configuration data (dhcp
leases) and application data (cash register application database back-end tables) is synchronized with DRBD. Software transport “pull” procedures from
the AS run on both cluster nodes.
2.2.5 Accessing the POS Terminals
It is possible to distribute SSH public keys to the authorized_keys files of the
POS terminals root user. By default, no keys are distributed, disabling login to
the POS terminals.
2 Architectural Overview
2.3 Cash Register
The cash registers (POS) are specialized systems based on an x86 32-bit architecture. Some are diskless systems and some have internal hard drives or
other persistent media (flash drive or other) that can be used for application
data or the operating system.
2.3.1 Requirements
The capability to boot from the network via PXE is required for the POS.
2.3.2 Operating System
The operating system is a minimal operating environment for the specialized
POS application. Different functionality level systems exist, from an extremely
small console-based system to a feature-rich java and browser capable system
and a system with a customized desktop environment.
A set of standard prebuilt POS images are provided with the SLRS. The system
images can be created on an administration server by system administrators
using the SLRS imageBuilder to provide new releases of POS images or to
extend the default POS images for new or customized features.
Each POS terminal gets a system image based on the branch in which it is
located and its hardware type or its individual configuration. If no image is
specified for the model type and the individual POS terminal, a global default
image is loaded.
The cash register applications are integrated into the images. Customization
is performed by loading local configuration files into the file systems over the
network during boot time. The actual operating system images contain a set
of common components (specified in the section about the common operating
system base) and additional features for the different requirements of the
Common Operating System Base
All system images are built from a common operating system base. This platform is created from standard SLRS and SLES packages.The POS system
image contains the following components:
• Kernel modules for hardware, file system, and network support
• GLIBC and STDLIBC++ libraries
• Bash and base file handling utility
• xntp client for time synchronization
• Multicast TFTP capable TFTP client (atftp)
2.3 Cash Register
Minimal Operating System "Image 1"
The minimal image only contains the runtime environment for native code applications (e.g., C, C++) and the “ncurses” library for user interface support.
Java-capable Operating System "Image 2"
In addition to the minimal system, the capability to run java programs in a
Java2 runtime environment is provided.
• Java2 JRE with Swing GUI libraries
• X11 server and configuration
Java and Browser–capable System "Image 3"
In addition to the Java system, a web browser (Mozilla) is available. This
image will be available for diskful systems first and may be made available for
diskless and netboot systems later.
Desktop Operating System "Image 4"
A "fat client" system that cannot be booted from the network and contains
a full graphical user interface (KDE or GNOME). This system is available for
diskful systems only.
2.3.3 SLRS Boot System
A special boot system performs the boot process, especially the loading of the
more substantial system and application images. The boot system contains:
• Kernel modules for hardware and network support, cramfs, and file sys-
tem modules
• GLIBC library
• Busybox-based shell environment for scripting and system control
• Multicast TFTP–capable TFTP client (atftp)
• linuxrc script for sytem setup and synchronization
Busybox provides a simple shell, scripting tools (sed, md5sum), kernel module
handling tools, and a syslog daemon. For security and space reasons, no login
capability is provided, neither locally nor over the network.
2 Architectural Overview
2.3.4 Boot Process
The POS operating system may consist of several images. The file systems
that may be mounted read-only can be stored in cramfs-compressed RAM file
systems to save POS RAM resources. A special CR configuration file, which
contains information like image name and BS IP address for the application,
is loaded from the BS server TFTP directory.
On booting, each cash register performs the following procedure:
1. run model-type
2. look up model type in a table to determine the right network module
3. get IP address and PXE image via DHCP
4. get PXE first stage image via TFTP
5. get PXE config file via TFTP
6. get kernel and initrd via TFTP
7. start kernel, mount initrd, start linuxrc
8. load network modules
9. get IP address via DHCP
10. get synchronization and parameter file via TFTP, wait for synchronization
11. get (one or more) operation system images via MTFTP1and store into
RAM disk
12. (optional) compare MD5 checksum to parameter file entries
13. get local configuration files (/etc/resolv.conf, /etc/ntp.conf, /etc/syslog.conf,
etc.) via MTFTP into file system mounted from RAM disk
14. exit linuxrc, continue booting into mounted RAM disk
15. start init process
16. load hardware kernel modules (RS485 etc).
17. start applications
Multicast TFTP
2.3 Cash Register
2.3.5 Graphical Display Configuration
The graphics controller depends on the model type, so it can be derived from
static tables. Displays that can be probed for their capabilities can be attached
to POS terminals with different model types.
Each POS terminal and each model type has an LDAP entry that can specify
the XF86Config file to download at boot time. A default is provided for the
model types and can be modified by the customer.
Specific POS terminal models can use multihead X configurations. The corresponding XF86Config files are POS hardware manufacturer-specific and will
not be provided by the SLRS.
If no XF86Config file is specified in LDAP, but the system image contains an X
server, an attempt to probe the display type is made. Probing must be defined
by the POS hardware manufacturer.
2.3.6 Hard Disk Installation
A system that has a hard disk can be set up to use it to store the image on a
disk partition instead of a RAM disk and also to boot from the hard disk if it
cannot boot over the network.
2.3.7 CD Boot Installation
For system installation without a network, the system can also be installed
from an IDE CD-ROM drive.
3.3.5Starting the Core Script Process . . . . . . . . . . . .37
3.4 Test your SLRS System Environment. . . . . . . . . . . .38
This section allows a quick start to the SLRS without reading the complete
SLRS Admin Guide. The text assumes a technical knowledge of installing software on servers and some basic knowledge about the command line and networking. Some experience with the SUSE LINUX Enterprise Server (SLES) is
helpful, but is not required to proceed with the step-by-step SLRS installation.
References to the more technical, detailed chapters of the Admin Guide are
provided to give Linux experts easy access to details of the SLRS software.
These articles are marked in boldface starting with "Expert" and may be
3 Quick Start Guide
3.1 Installation Process
To install the SLRS, complete the following tasks:
• Install the administration server (AS)
• Install the OEM Hardware vendor CD (AS)
• Configure the central LDAP directory (AS)
• Add store and branch information to LDAP (AS)
• Enable the POS Images on the AS
• Install the branch server (BS) for each store
• Configure the BS
• Transfer (rsync) the POS Images to BS
• Test your SLRS system environment by booting a POS client attached to
These tasks are described in the following sections. The picture below shows
an overview of the SLRS system architecture.
3.2 Installation of the Administration Server
3.2 Installation of the Administration Server
The SLRS software contains 7 CDs, 2 SLRS CD, 3 CDs for United Linux and
2 Service Pack CDs. The installation starts, booting from the first CD (SLRS
CD1). SUSE YaST2 (Yet another Setup Tool) is a powerful graphical system
assistant, which safely guides you through the installation procedure. In many
cases, a few clicks are all that is needed to install SUSE LINUX Retail Solution
on your server.
Note: SUSE recommends to use SLRS CD1 for the installation of the SLRS
software. In some cases, the installation will fail. One problem could arise,
while booting new servers with unsupported SCSI/Raid controllers. For further information refer to Section 16.1.1 on page 157.
• The YaST2 installation program starts when the system is booted from
the first CD (SLRS)1.
• Read and accept the SLRS EULA (End User License Agreement).
• Select your language.
Figure 3.1: YaST2 System Assistant — Language Selection
• YaST2 prompts for the installation mode:
– New installation
– Boot installed system
– Abort installation
Select "New installation". Both other options will abort the SLRS installation. Option "Boot installed system" will try to boot an OS from the
primary hard disk drive.
For further information about the installation process, refer to your hardcopy SUSE LINUX
documentation or the SUSE LINUX documentation on your installation CD.
3 Quick Start Guide
• Expert: Click the headline Partit io ni ng to change the YaST default set-
tings. Furthermore please note, that in some cases YaST will not delete existing partitions. Herefore select the option "Create custom partition setup".
For further information refer to the SUSE LINUX documentation.
• Click the headline Software to change the Installation Settings and select
one of the two possibilities:
– Minimum system
– Minimum graphical system (without KDE)
For example, select "Minimum graphical system (without KDE)" (recommended).
• Click "Detailed selection..." and change the following items:
– Select "SLRS POS/Retail Branch and Admin server Minimum System"
– Select "SLRS Admin server Image Building System"
– Select "YaST2 config modules" (recommended, it provides online
update services and easy-to-use configuration programs through
• Accept your selection.
Note: You may add additional packages or selections. For example, on the
administration server you can add the "KDE base system" selection for a
comfortable graphical user interface.
If you have selected the "Minimum system" instead of the "Minimum graphical system", as the base system, you will be asked to resolve a dependency
for the GL graphics subsystem when you add the "SLRS POS/Retail Branch
and Admin server Minimum System" selection - it is recommended to select
the "mesasoft" package here.
• Accept your Installation Settings and start the installation.
• After the reboot of the system, YaST2 will start again and prompt you to
set the password for root.
• Skip "Add a new user" and confirm the question about the network client
with "Yes".
• Confirm the proposal for the display resolution parameters.
• Ignore the Printers headline warning: "The print spooler is not installed
properly. ERROR: No proposal."
You will be prompted for the United Linux CDs during the installation.
3.2 Installation of the Administration Server
• Click the headline Network interfaces when prompted and configure the
network interface3, for example, eth0. Enter the IP address, such as, and the Network Mask, in a format like
– Configure the Host Name, for example, as1
– Set a Domain Name, such as
• The software installation is done and you are ready to login as the user
• Install the United Linux Service Pack 3 CD, as described in Section 3.2.1.
Afterwards proceed with Section 3.2.2 to configure the administration
Expert: Refer to Section 5.1 on page 55, which describes the key requirements
and steps for getting the administration server installed and configured on your
3.2.1 Updating the SLRS Base Software
The actual version of the SLRS 8 is based on the SLES/UL Service Pack 3
and needs to be updated with the United Linux Service Pack 3 CD1 from the
SLRS 7-CD Set.
Future United Linux Service Packs can be used to update the installed SLRS
version on the AS. For new installations, only the latest Service Pack CD needs
to be installed.
To initiate the update, start the YaST or YaST2 Control Center (see Figure 3.2),
for example, by executing the program from the command line and selecting
There are two ways of updating the SLRS software using YaST or YaST2: the
Patch CD Update or the Online Update4. For detailed information about executing the YaST Update, refer to the SUSE LINUX documentation.
Note: If you are using a non-graphical system environment, only YaST can be
Furthermore the update can be done manually by mounting the Service Pack
CD and calling the script, as described below:
• Log in as root.
• Insert the Service Pack CD into the CD drive.
• mount /media/cdrom
Set the values according to your network environment.
You must be registered at to access the online up-
date. For further information, refer to the SUSE LINUX MAINTENANCE PROGRAM information supplied with the SLRS.
3 Quick Start Guide
Figure 3.2: YaST2 Control Center
• Execute: /media/cdrom/
• umount /media/cdrom
• Eject the Service Pack CD.
Note: The install scripts for updating RPMs are hard-coded to use /media/cdrom.
If your CD-ROM drive uses a different name to mount (such as /media/cdrecorder),
enter the following commands to create a link to the CD:
cd /media
ln -s cdrecorder cdrom
After installing a Service Pack CD you should reboot the administration server.
3.2.2 Configuration of the Administration Server
After installing the SLRS software, manually start the AS configuration script,
which prompts you through the configuration:
• Log in as root.
• Execute the command posInitLdap.sh5.
• Enter [company name] without spaces and without special characters,
for example, mycorp
• Enter [country abbreviation]: us
Refer to Section 6.1 on page 72 for further information.
de for Germany, us for United States, uk for United Kingdom, etc.
3.2 Installation of the Administration Server
• Enter [ldap administrator password], such as secret
• Select (y/n) to enable or disable SSL (Secure LDAP)
• A summary of the LDAP directory data based on your input appears. If
all data is correct, hit the ENTER key.
• The POS LDAP base structure has now been initialized on the AS. A
summary of the configuration and the message "success" is displayed.
Expert: Refer to Section 5.1.4 on page 58 for more details or if the POS LDAP
structure has not been initialized. At this point, the base configuration of the
admininistration server is finished.
3.2.3 Install the OEM Hardware Vendor CD
The POS system manufacturer provides scripts and configuration files for
adding new branches and cash register systems to LDAP, and further add-on
software on top of the SLRS.
There are two ways to install the OEM8hardware vendor CD, such as the
IRES9Vendor CD. If you are using a graphical system environment, such as
KDE, execute the following steps:
• Log in as root.
• Insert the Vendor CD for SLRS into the CD drive.
• Click CD-Icon Install vendor addon CD and following menu will be dis-
played, as shown in Figure 3.3:
• Select item 1 Install/Update Administrative Server
• Select < OK > to start the installation.
• Click CD Icon Install vendor addon CD again, to install a further option.
• Select item 3 Install/Update Image Builder s ys te m
• Select < OK > to start the installation.
• Right click CD-ROM Icon and select the option Eject, to eject the Vendor
CD again.
If you are using a non-graphical system environment execute the following
A Certificate Authority and a server certificate are created when is exe-
cuted, regardless of whether SSL is enabled. This allows a switch to SSL at a later time if
OEM: abbr. of original equipment manufacturer
IRES: IBM Retail Environment for SUSE LINUX
3 Quick Start Guide
Figure 3.3: IRES Installation Menu
• Log in as root.
• Insert the Vendor CD for SLRS into the CD drive.
• Execute the command: mount /media/cdrom
• Start the install script: /media/cdrom/install
• Select item 1 Install/Update Administrative Server
• Select < OK > to start the installation.
• Start the install script again: /media/cdrom/install
• Select item 3 Install/Update Image Builder s ys te m
• Select < OK > to start the installation.
• umount /media/cdrom
• Eject Vendor CD.
For further information, refer to the POS system manufacturer hardcopy documentation or the documentation on the OEM vendor CD.
3.2 Installation of the Administration Server
3.2.4 Adding a New Branch to LDAP
The POS system manufacturer will provide a script to add the information
about a new branch to the LDAP directory.
For information, refer to the POS system manufacturer hardcopy documentation or the documentation on the OEM vendor CD.
To proceed with your setup, execute the script of the POS system manufacturer, such as posIBM_InitLdap.
The following information is needed by the SLRS, as shown in the following
example. The values must be adapted to your configuration.
• Branch name, for example,
• Company name, for example, mycorp
• Country abbreviation: us
• LDAP administrator password, for example, secret
• Branch server name, such as bs1
• IP address, like
• Network mask, for example,
Expert: Refer to Section 7 on page 79, which describes the posAdmin tool for
modifying the LDAP database on the administration server to manage the corresponding branch servers and cash registers. A PosAdmin user needs LDAP knowledge and should be familiar with the server structure described in Section 4 on
page 43.
3.2.5 Adding Cash Register Systems to LDAP
The POS system manufacturer will provide a script for adding the POS client
hardware information to the LDAP directory. For information, refer to the POS
system manufacturer hardcopy documentation or the documentation on the
OEM vendor CD.
To proceed with your setup, execute the script of the POS system manufacturer, such as posIBM_hardware.
Expert: Refer to Chapter 7 on page 79 and Chapter 4 on page 43 for informa-
tion about adding POS client systems (CR) to LDAP.
3.2.6 Managing the POS Images
The purpose of this section is to put the POS images in the central rsync directory of the AS. To do this, copy the required POS images from the directory
/opt/SLES/POS/image/ to the rsync directory /opt/SLES/POS/rsync/. SUSE
3 Quick Start Guide
provides several POS images, which will be installed during the AS installation. POS images are the software that is run on the POS clients. These should
not be confused with the boot image and operating system image each POS
client needs to receive after it is powered on.
Expert: The PO S clients boot two images — a first and a second stage image.
Refer to Section 15.6.3 on page 151 for further information.
Note: The POS images that should be run on the POS clients are placed in
the rsync directory manually to give control over the POS image types and
versions distributed to the branch servers.
The following POS images are available.For further information, refer to
Section 15.2 on page 142.
– Boot Image
– Minimal Image
– Java Image
– Browser Image
– Desktop Image
The example below uses the disknet10boot image (initrd including Linux kernel) and a java POS image for all POS client systems. The image names contain
a version number and a date for revision management. The file names should
be changed according to the expected naming convention, as shown in the
example. For further information, refer to Section 15.4 on page 143.
Note: You may have to adapt the version and date of the file names to
execute the example below.SLRS POS image versions subject to change
without notice. Please verify the names of the prebuild images, which you
have installed from the SLRS CD1. The location of the prebuild images is