Linux Enterprise Desktop
March 2006

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This manual is designed to introduce you to the iPrint Linux* Client include with SUSE® Linux
Enterprise Desktop and show you how to configure printing on your desktop.
This guide contains information about the following:
• “Understanding iPrint” on page 7
• “Installing the iPrint Linux Client” on page 9
• “Installing Printers” on page 11
• “Removing iPrint Printers” on page 11
• “Using iprntcmd” on page 12
• “Uninstalling the iPrint Client” on page 14
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and other documentation
included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to www.novell.com/documentation/feedback.html and enter your
comments there.
Additional Documentation
For information about installing and administering SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop, see the SUSE
Linux Enterprise Desktop Deployment Guide (http://www.novell.com/documentation/nld/
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