Novell GROUPWISE 7 Monitor

Chapter 58, “Understanding the Monitor Agent Consoles,” on page 965
Chapter 59, “Configuring the Monitor Agent,” on page 969
Chapter 61, “Using GroupWise Monitor,” on page 997
Chapter 62, “Comparing the Monitor Consoles,” on page 1021
Chapter 63, “Using Monitor Agent Switches,” on page 1023
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964 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide
Understanding the Monitor Agent
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The Monitor Agent offers three consoles:
Section 58.1, “Monitor Agent Server Console,” on page 965
Section 58.2, “Monitor Agent Web Console,” on page 965
Section 58.3, “Monitor Web Console,” on page 966
For a comparison of the capabilities of the three consoles, see Chapter 62, “Comparing the Monitor
Consoles,” on page 1021
For detailed instructions about installing and starting the GroupWise time, see “Installing GroupWise Monitor” in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide.

58.1 Monitor Agent Server Console

The Monitor Agent server console is available for the Windows Monitor Agent but not for the Linux Monitor Agent.
Figure 58-1 Monitor Agent Server Console
Monitor Agent for the first
All agent configuration tasks can be performed at the Monitor Agent server console, but some reports are not available.

58.2 Monitor Agent Web Console

The Monitor Agent Web console is platform-independent and can be viewed at the following URL:

Understanding the Monitor Agent Consoles

Figure 58-2 Monitor Agent Web Console
To create the Monitor Agent Web console display, your Web server communicates directly with the Monitor Agent to obtain agent status information. You must be behind your firewall to use the Monitor Agent Web console. Because the Linux Monitor Agent does not have a server console, you use the Monitor Agent Web console in its place on Linux.
The Monitor Agent Web console is divided into the Agent Groups window on the left and the Agent Status window on the right. Using the Agents Groups window, you can create and manage agent groups the same as you can at the Monitor Agent server console.
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Several Monitor features are available at the Monitor Agent Web console that are not available at the Monitor Agent server console or the Monitor Web console. These are summarized in Chapter 62,
“Comparing the Monitor Consoles,” on page 1021.

58.3 Monitor Web Console

The Monitor Web console is also platform-independent and can be viewed at the following URLs:
NetWare or Windows Web Server:
Linux Web Server:
966 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide
Figure 58-3 Monitor Web Console
To create the Monitor Web console display, your Web server communicates with the Monitor Application (a component of your Web server), which then communicates with the Monitor Agent to obtain agent status information. This enables the Monitor Web console to be available outside your firewall, while the Monitor Agent Web console can be used only inside your firewall.
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The Monitor Web console is divided into the Agent Groups window on the left and the Agent Status window on the right. Using the Agents Groups window, you can create and manage agent groups the same as you can at the Monitor Agent server console.
The Monitor Web console does not include some features that are available at the Monitor Agent server console and the Monitor Agent Web console. These are summarized in Chapter 62,
“Comparing the Monitor Consoles,” on page 1021.
Understanding the Monitor Agent Consoles 967
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968 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide

Configuring the Monitor Agent

For detailed instructions about installing and starting the GroupWise® Monitor Agent for the first time, see “Installing GroupWise Monitor” in the GroupWise 7 Installation Guide.
The default configuration of the GroupWise existing GroupWise agents (Post Office Agents, Message Transfer Agents, Internet Agents, and WebAccess Agents). You can also customize the configuration to meet your specific monitoring needs.
On Windows, you configure the Monitor Agent at the Monitor Agent server console on the Windows server where the Monitor Agent is running.
Figure 59-1 Monitor Agent Server Console on Windows
Monitor Agent is adequate to begin monitoring
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On Linux, similar functionality is available in your Web browser at the Monitor Agent Web console:
Figure 59-2 Monitor Agent Web Console on Linux
Configuring the Monitor Agent
The following topics help you customize the Monitor Agent for your specific needs:
Section 59.1, “Selecting Agents to Monitor,” on page 970
Section 59.2, “Creating and Managing Agent Groups,” on page 973
Section 59.3, “Configuring Monitoring Protocols,” on page 975
Section 59.4, “Configuring Polling of Monitored Agents,” on page 978
Section 59.5, “Configuring E-Mail Notification for Agent Problems,” on page 979
Section 59.6, “Configuring Audible Notification for Agent Problems,” on page 983
Section 59.7, “Configuring SNMP Trap Notification for Agent Problems,” on page 984
Section 59.8, “Configuring Authentication and Intruder Lockout for the Monitor Web
Console,” on page 985
Section 59.9, “Configuring Monitor Agent Log Settings,” on page 986
Section 59.10, “Configuring Proxy Service Support for the Monitor Web Console,” on
page 987
Section 59.11, “Monitoring Messenger Agents,” on page 988
Section 59.12, “Supporting the GroupWise High Availability Service on Linux,” on page 989
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59.1 Selecting Agents to Monitor

By default, the Monitor Agent starts monitoring all GroupWise agents (Post Office Agents, Message Transfer Agents, Internet Agents, and WebAccess Agents) in your GroupWise system, based on the information from a domain database (wpdomain.db). You might not want to continue monitoring all agents. And under certain circumstances, you might want to monitor agents that are not part of your local GroupWise system.
Section 59.1.1, “Filtering the Agent List,” on page 970
Section 59.1.2, “Adding All Agents on a Server,” on page 971
Section 59.1.3, “Adding All Agents on a Subnet,” on page 971
Section 59.1.4, “Adding an Individual Agent,” on page 972
Section 59.1.5, “Removing Added Agents,” on page 972

59.1.1 Filtering the Agent List

You can configure the Monitor Agent to stop and start monitoring selected agents as needed.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > Filter.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Filter.
970 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide
The Filtered Out list displays all agents that are not currently being monitored.
2 Select one or more agents in the Monitored list, then click Remove to move them to the Filtered
Out list.
3 Click OK.
Agents in the Filtered Out list are not monitored and do not appear at the Monitor Agent server console or at the Monitor Agent Web console. To start monitoring a filtered-out agent, move it back to the Monitored list.
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59.1.2 Adding All Agents on a Server

If you add a new server to your GroupWise system or want to monitor agents in a different GroupWise system, you can easily start monitoring all the agents running on that server.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > Add from Machine.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Add Agents.
2 Type the IP address of the new server, then click OK.
All GroupWise agents on the new server are added to the list of monitored agents.
If the new server is part of your local GroupWise system, you can simply restart the Monitor Agent and it picks up all new agents in your system.

59.1.3 Adding All Agents on a Subnet

If you add several new servers to your GroupWise system or want to monitor agents in a different GroupWise system, you can easily start monitoring all the agents running on the same subnet.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > Add from Network.
Configuring the Monitor Agent 971
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Add Agents.
2 Type the subnet portion of the IP addresses of the new servers, then click OK.
All GroupWise agents on the subnet are added to the list of monitored agents.
If the new servers are part of your local GroupWise system, you can simply restart the Monitor Agent and it picks up all new agents in your system.

59.1.4 Adding an Individual Agent

You can start monitoring an individual agent anywhere in your GroupWise system or another GroupWise system.
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At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > Add Agent.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Add Agents.
2 Type the IP address of the server where the agent runs.
3 Type the port number the agent listens on.
4 Click OK.
The agent is added to the list of monitored agents.

59.1.5 Removing Added Agents

To stop monitoring agents that you have manually added to the Monitor Agent’s configuration:
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > Remove Agents.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Remove Agents.
2 Select the agents you want to remove, then click Remove.
3 Click OK.
972 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide

59.2 Creating and Managing Agent Groups

You might find it convenient to group related agents together for monitoring purposes. Initially, all agents are in a single group with the same name as your GroupWise system.
Figure 59-3 Monitor Agent Console on Initial Startup
Agent groups are displayed on the left side of the Monitor Agent server console. When you select an agent group, the monitored agents in the group and their status information are listed on the right side of the Monitor Agent server console.
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Figure 59-4 Monitor Agent Console with Agent Groups Defined
You can create additional groups and subgroups as needed to make monitoring similar agents easier. You might want to create agent groups based on geographical areas, on administrative responsibilities, or on agent configuration similarities. The number of agents in the group is displayed to the right of the group name in the agent groups window.
In addition, by creating agent groups, you can provide configuration settings for monitoring just once for all agents in each group, rather than having to provide them individually for each agent in your GroupWise system.
Section 59.2.1, “Creating an Agent Group,” on page 974
Section 59.2.2, “Managing Agent Groups,” on page 974
Section 59.2.3, “Viewing Your Agent Group Hierarchy,” on page 974
Section 59.2.4, “Configuring an Agent Group,” on page 975
Configuring the Monitor Agent 973
NOTE: On Linux, you perform these tasks at the Monitor Agent Web console or Monitor Web
console, using steps similar to those provided in this section

59.2.1 Creating an Agent Group

At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Right-click the folder where you want to create the agent group, then click Create.
2 Type a name for the group, then click OK to create a new folder for the agent group.
The group name must be unique within its parent group.
3 Click a folder containing agents that you want to add to the new group.
4 Drag and drop agents into the new group as needed.
5 Click the new group to view its contents.
You can nest groups within groups as needed.
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59.2.2 Managing Agent Groups

Managing agent groups is easy at the Monitor Agent server console:
To rename an agent group, right-click the agent group, click Rename, type the new name, then
press Enter.
To move an agent group, drag and drop it to its new location.
To delete an agent group, right-click the agent group, then click Delete. A group must be empty
before you can delete it.

59.2.3 Viewing Your Agent Group Hierarchy

When you create nested groups, you can choose how much of the hierarchy you want displayed at the Monitor Agent server console:
You can open and close groups manually by clicking the plus and minus icons beside each
To expand your entire group hierarchy, click View > Expand Tree.
To collapse your entire group hierarchy, click Vie w > Collap s e Tre e .
You can also decide whether you want to view just the agents in the currently selected group or the agents in subgroups as well. By default, only the agents in the selected folder are listed in the agent window. Right-click an agent group, then click Show Subgroup Agents to display the contents of nested groups along with the selected group.
974 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide
Figure 59-5 Monitor Agent Server Console with Subgroup Agents Displayed
Numbers in brackets beside each group indicate the number of agents in the selected group and the total number displayed

59.2.4 Configuring an Agent Group

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Configuration settings for monitoring can be set individually for each monitored agent, for each agent group, or for all monitored agents collectively. You can establish default configuration settings for all agents by setting them on the root agent group that is named the same as your GroupWise system. Those default settings can be inherited by each subgroup that you create thereafter if you select Apply Options to Subgroups. Those default settings can be overridden by establishing different settings for an agent group or for an individual agent if you deselect Use Parent Options.

59.3 Configuring Monitoring Protocols

By default, the Monitor Agent uses HTTP to communicate with the agents it monitors. If HTTP is not available, the Monitor Agent changes automatically to SNMP.
GroupWise 7 agents, GroupWise 6.x agents and 6.x-level gateways, as well as the GroupWise agents provided with the GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack, can be monitored using HTTP. Agents dating from GroupWise 5.5 and earlier, as well as 5.5-level GroupWise gateways, must be monitored using SNMP.
Section 59.3.1, “Configuring the Monitor Agent for HTTP,” on page 975
Section 59.3.2, “Configuring the Monitor Agent for SNMP,” on page 977

59.3.1 Configuring the Monitor Agent for HTTP

You can customize how the Monitor Agent communicates with your Web browser.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > HTTP.
At the Linux Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Setup, then scroll down to the HTTP Settings section.
Configuring the Monitor Agent 975
2 Modify the HTTP settings as needed:
HTTP Refresh: Specify the number of seconds after which the Monitor Agent sends updated information to the Monitor Web console. The default is 300 seconds (5 minutes).
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HTTP Port: Specify the port number for the Monitor Agent to listen on for requests for information from the Web console. The default port number is 8200.
Open a New Window When Viewing Agents: Select this option to open a new Web browser window whenever you display an agent Web console. This enables you to view the Monitor Web console and an agent Web console at the same time, or to view two agent Web consoles at the same time for comparison.
3 Click OK to put the new HTTP settings into effect.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
4 Click Configuration > Poll Settings.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Setup, then scroll down to the HTTP Settings section.
5 Fill in the following fields:
976 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide
Poll Cycle: Specify the number of seconds after which the Monitor Agent polls all monitored GroupWise agents for updated information.
By default, the Monitor Agent starts 20 threads to poll monitored agents. You can use the /
pollthreads startup switch to adjust the number of threads. For more information, see Chapter 63, “Using Monitor Agent Switches,” on page 1023.
By default, the Monitor Agent communicates with other GroupWise agents by way of XML. However, if XML is unavailable, the Monitor Agent automatically uses SNMP instead. Prior to the GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack, GroupWise agents did not support XML, so the Monitor Agent must use SNMP to monitor these older agents. If you need to monitor older agents, see Section 59.3.2, “Configuring the Monitor Agent for SNMP,” on page 977.
If all monitored agents in the group require the same username and password in order to communicate with the Monitor Agent, you can provide that information as part of the Monitor Agent’s configuration.
HTTP User Name: Provide the username for the Monitor Agent to use when contacting monitored agents in the group for status information.
HTTP Password: Provide the password, if any, associated with the username specified in the field above.
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NOTE: On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, the HTTP User Name and HTTP Password fields are not available. However, you can use the --httpagentuser and --
httpagentpassword startup switches when you start the Monitor Agent to achieve the same
functionality. For more information, see Chapter 63, “Using Monitor Agent Switches,” on
page 1023.
If the monitored agents use different usernames and passwords, you are prompted to supply them when the Monitor Agent needs to communicate with the monitored agents.
6 Click Apply Options to Subgroups if you want subgroups to inherit these settings.
7 Click OK to put the specified poll cycle into effect.

59.3.2 Configuring the Monitor Agent for SNMP

The Monitor Agent must use SNMP to communicate with GroupWise agents that date from earlier than the GroupWise 5.5 Enhancement Pack. You can customize how the Monitor Agent communicates with such older agents and how it communicates with SNMP monitoring and management programs.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Click Configuration > Polling.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Setup, then scroll down to the SNMP Settings section.
Configuring the Monitor Agent 977
2 Specify the number of seconds after which the Monitor Agent polls all monitored GroupWise
agents for updated information using SNMP.
3 In the SNMP box, modify the SNMP settings as needed:
Time Out: Specify the number of seconds the Monitor Agent should wait for a response from servers where GroupWise agents run.
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Number of Retries: Specify how often the Monitor Agent should try to contact the servers where GroupWise agents run.
SNMP Community Strings: Provide a comma-delimited list of community strings required to access the servers where GroupWise agents run.
Force Polling through SNMP: Select this option to use SNMP polling instead of the default of XML polling when contacting servers where agents in the group run.
4 Click Apply Options to Subgroups if you want subgroups to inherit these settings.
5 Click OK to put the new SNMP settings into effect.
6 Make sure the GroupWise agents you want to monitor using SNMP are enabled for SNMP. See
Section 37.6.1, “Setting Up SNMP Services for the POA,” on page 541 and Section 42.6.1, “Setting Up SNMP Services for the MTA,” on page 668. The same instructions can be
followed for all GroupWise 5.x, 6.x, and 7 agents.

59.4 Configuring Polling of Monitored Agents

By default, the Monitor Agent polls all monitored agents every five minutes. You can adjust the poll cycle as needed.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Select the root agent group to set the poll cycle default for all monitored agents.
Select any agent group to set the poll cycle for the agents in the selected group.
Select any agent to set the poll cycle for that individual agent.
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2 Click Configuration > Poll Settings.
At the Linux Monitor Agent Web console, select one ore more agents, click Preferences > Setup, then scroll down to the HTTP Settings section.
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Unless you selected the root agent group, Use Parent Notification Options is selected and all options are dimmed. Deselect Use Parent Notification Options to set up e-mail notification for an agent group.
3 Increase or decrease the poll cycle as needed, then click OK.

59.5 Configuring E-Mail Notification for Agent Problems

The Monitor Agent can notify you by e-mail when agent problems arise.
Section 59.5.1, “Configuring E-Mail Notification,” on page 979
Section 59.5.2, “Customizing Notification Thresholds,” on page 981

59.5.1 Configuring E-Mail Notification

You can configure the Monitor Agent to notify one or more users by e-mail if an agent goes down. You can also receive e-mail confirmation messages showing that the Monitor Agent itself is still running normally.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Select the root agent group to set up e-mail notification defaults for all monitored agents.
Select any agent group to set up e-mail notification for the agents in the selected group.
Select any agent to set up e-mail notification for that individual agent.
2 Click Configuration > Notification.
Configuring the Monitor Agent 979
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, select one or more agents, then click Preferences > Setup to display the Notify settings.
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Unless you selected the root agent group, Use Parent Notification Options is selected and all options are dimmed. Deselect Use Parent Notification Options to set up e-mail notification for an agent group or an individual agent.
3 Specify one or more e-mail addresses or pager addresses to send notifications to.
4 Specify the Internet domain name of your GroupWise system.
5 If the mail system to which e-mail notification is being sent performs reverse DNS lookups,
specify the IP address or hostname of a server to relay the notification messages through.
The Monitor Agent should relay e-mail notifications through a server that has a published DNS address.
6 Click Test Notify to determine if the Monitor Agent can successfully send to the addresses
specified in the Notification List field.
A message informs you of the results of the test. If the test is successful, a test message arrives shortly at each address. If the test is unsuccessful, double-check the information you provided in the Notification List, Mail Domain Name, and Relay Address fields.
7 Select the events to trigger e-mail notification messages.
Agent down
Server down
Threshold exceeded
State returns to normal
If you want to be notified of more specific states, see Section 59.5.2, “Customizing Notification
Thresholds,” on page 981.
8 Select the amount of time that you want to elapse before repeat e-mail notifications are sent.
980 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide
9 To monitor the Monitor Agent and assure it is functioning normally, select Periodic Monitor
Confirmation, then select the number of minutes between Monitor Agent e-mail confirmation messages.
10 Click OK to save the e-mail notification settings.

59.5.2 Customizing Notification Thresholds

To refine the types of events that trigger e-mail notification messages, you can create your own thresholds that describe very specific states. Using thresholds, you can configure the Monitor Agent to notify you of problem situations peculiar to your GroupWise system.
1 Make sure that notification has been properly set up as described in Section 59.5.1,
“Configuring E-Mail Notification,” on page 979.
2 Select one or more agents or agent groups.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
3 Click Thresholds.
On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > Thresholds.
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The tabs at the top of the dialog box enable you to create a separate threshold for each type of GroupWise agent.
4 Select the type of agent to create a threshold for.
5 In the Expression field, select a MIB variable.
GroupWise agent MIB files are located in the \agents\snmp directory of your GroupWise software distribution directory or GroupWise 7 Administrator CD. The MIB files list the meanings of the MIB variables and what type of values they represent. The meaning of the MIB variable selected in the Expression field is displayed above the field.
6 Select an operator from the drop-down list.
7 Type the value to test for.
For example, you might want to test the mtaOldestQMsg variable for a specific number of seconds that you consider to be too long for a message to be in the queue.
Configuring the Monitor Agent 981
8 In the State field, select an existing state.
Icon State
Create a new state:
8a At the Windows Monitor Agent server console, click Define State
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On Linux, at the Monitor Agent Web console, click Preferences > States.
8b Type a name for the new state.
8c Select a severity level.
8d Provide instructions about how to handle the new state.
8e Click Close to save the new state.
9 Click OK to create the new threshold.
10 Repeat Step 3 through Step 9 for each type of agent that you want to create a customized state
11 Make sure Threshold Exceeded is selected in the Notification Events box.
12 Click OK to save the new notification settings.
982 GroupWise 7 Administration Guide

59.6 Configuring Audible Notification for Agent Problems

If the server where the Monitor Agent runs is located where someone can respond immediately to a GroupWise agent problem, you can configure the Monitor Agent to produce a different sound according to the nature of the problem.
NOTE: Audible notification is not available on Linux.
At the Windows Monitor Agent server console:
1 Select the root agent group to set up audible notification defaults for all monitored agents.
Select any agent group to set up audible notification for the agents in the selected group.
Select any agent to set up audible notification for that individual agent.
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2 Click Configuration > Notification.
Unless you selected the root agent group, Use Parent Notification Options is selected and all options are dimmed. Deselect Use Parent Notification Options to set up notification for an agent group or individual agent.
3 Select Play Sound, then click Sounds.
Configuring the Monitor Agent 983
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