GroupWise 7 Async Gateway
September 8, 2006
1.0 Product Overview
The Novell® GroupWise® Async Gateway connects GroupWise domains and users by way of
modems and phone lines.
The GroupWise 7 version of the Async Gateway includes the following enhancements:
Compatibility with a GroupWise 7 system and the accompanying ConsoleOne
Support for Windows* 2003 Server
Support for ports above COM9
Availability of the Async Gateway Web console for the NetWare
2.0 System Requirements
Any of the following server operating systems:
NetWare 5.1 or NetWare 6.5 SP3
Windows 2000 Server or Windows 2003 Server
Async Gateway
GroupWise 6.5 or GroupWise 7
3.0 Installation Instructions
1 Make sure that the MTA for the domain where you want to install the Async Gateway is
2 Run the self-extracting executable setupasync700.exe, click Yes to confirm that you want to
install the gateway, then click Next to continue.
3 Click Accept to accept the license agreement.
The default installation option, GroupWise Async Gateway, includes installation of the
Gateway Administrator snap-in to ConsoleOne.
4 Click Next to continue.
5 Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.
6 If you are updating an existing installation of the Async Gateway, check in ConsoleOne to
make sure that the Database Version field on the Async Gateway Identification page is set to
For detailed installation instructions, see the GroupWise 7 Async Gateway Installation and
Administration Guide on the GroupWise Gateways Documentation page (http://

4.0 Known Issues
5.0 Changes Since the Last Release of the Async Gateway
The new /clean switch on the Async Gateway Installation program cleans up after the
installation by deleting all the files that were used during the installation process.
The Async Gateway Installation program always creates the Async Gateway object in
The Windows Async Gateway no longer requires the /appl switch in order to run.
The Async Gateway uses the log file path specified in ConsoleOne.
In ConsoleOne, the Hardware Type field on the Ports page of the Async Gateway object
accepts hardware type numbers up to 255.
In ConsoleOne, all port information is always saved on the Async Gateway object.
In ConsoleOne, modifications to a modem definition that you have created yourself are
successfully saved.
In ConsoleOne, modifications to a port name are successfully saved.
In the Async Gateway Web console, on the Access Control page, the default value in the Max
Size field displays correctly
The Async Gateway Web console displays the name of the gateway.
When you use Alt+Tab to select an application to view, the Async Gateway now displays the
GroupWise icon.
The NetWare Async Gateway can handle the situation when two different modem types are
negotiating port speed.
Fixed some NetWare gateway abends.
6.0 Additional Documentation
In addition to this Readme, see the GroupWise 7 Async Gateway Installation and Administration
Guide on the GroupWise Gateways Documentation page (http://www.novell.com/documentation/
gwgateways) for complete information about the Async Gateway.
7.0 Documentation Conventions
In this documentation, a greater-than symbol (>) is used to separate actions within a step and items
in a cross-reference path.
A trademark symbol (
, TM, etc.) denotes a Novell trademark; an asterisk (*) denotes a third-party
8.0 Legal Notices
Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this
documentation, and specifically disclaims any express or implied warranties of merchantability or