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This Novell® GroupWise® 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide explains how to use GroupWise on
a Linux* or Macintosh* computer. The guide is divided into the following sections:
“Getting Started” on page 13
“Logging In to GroupWise” on page 27
“Working with Items in Your Mailbox” on page 31
“Scheduling Group and Posted Items” on page 59
“Using Your Calendar” on page 69
“Managing Your Mailbox” on page 73
“Using the Address Book” on page 103
“Using Caching Mode” on page 115
“Customizing GroupWise” on page 119
“GroupWise Frequently Asked Questions” on page 127
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
This guide is intended for GroupWise users.
We want to hear your comments and suggestions about this manual and the other documentation
included with this product. Please use the User Comments feature at the bottom of each page of the
online documentation, or go to and enter your
comments there.
Documentation Updates
For the most recent version of the GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide, visit the Novell
GroupWise 7 documentation Web site (
Additional Documentation
For additional GroupWise documentation, see the following guides at the Novell GroupWise 7
documentation Web site (
In Novell documentation, a greater-than symbol (>) is used to separate actions within a step and
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novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
12GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
Getting Started
GroupWise® is a robust, dependable messaging and collaboration system that connects you to your
universal mailbox anytime and anywhere. This section provides an introductory overview to help
you start using the GroupWise Cross-Platform client.
Section 1.1, “Installing the GroupWise Cross-Platform Client,” on page 13
Section 1.2, “Getting Acquainted with the Main GroupWise Window,” on page 14
Section 1.3, “Using Different GroupWise Modes,” on page 18
Section 1.4, “Understanding Your Mailbox,” on page 19
Section 1.5, “Using the Toolbar,” on page 23
Section 1.6, “Using Shortcut Keys,” on page 23
Section 1.7, “Learning More,” on page 25
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
1.1 Installing the GroupWise Cross-Platform
To begin using the GroupWise Cross-Platform client, you or your system administrator must install
GroupWise on your Linux or Macintosh computer.
Section 1.1.1, “Installing the GroupWise Cross-Platform Client on Linux,” on page 13
Section 1.1.2, “Installing the GroupWise Cross-Platform Client on a Macintosh,” on page 13
1.1.1 Installing the GroupWise Cross-Platform Client on Linux
1 In a terminal window, become root by entering su and the root password.
2 Change to the root of the GroupWise 7 for Linux Cross-Platform Client CD.
3 Enter ./install.
4 Select the language in which you want to run the Installation Advisor and install the Cross-
Platform client software, then click OK.
5 In the Installation Advisor, click Install Products > Install GroupWise Client.
6 When the installation is complete, click OK.
For your convenience, a GroupWise icon is automatically created on your desktop.
7 To start GroupWise, click the GroupWise icon.
8 Specify the username, password, and server information, then click OK.
For more information about logging in to GroupWise, see Chapter 2, “Logging In to GroupWise,”
on page 27.
1.1.2 Installing the GroupWise Cross-Platform Client on a
1 Browse to the file on the GroupWise 7 for Linux Cross-Platform Client CD.
Getting Started
2 Double-click the GroupWise.dmg file to install the Cross-Platform client software.
The installation process adds a GroupWise icon to your desktop.
3 To start GroupWise, double-click the GroupWise icon .
4 Specify the username, password, and server information, then click OK.
For more information about logging in to GroupWise, see Chapter 2, “Logging In to GroupWise,”
on page 27.
1.2 Getting Acquainted with the Main GroupWise
The Main Window is your primary work area in GroupWise. From the Main Window, you can read
your messages, schedule appointments, view your Calendar, manage contacts, change the
GroupWise mode you’re running in, open folders, open documents, and much more.
Figure 1-1 Groupwise Main Window
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Quick ViewerItem List
You can open more than one Main Window by clicking Window, then clicking New Main Window.
This is useful if you proxy for another user. You can look at your own Main Window and the Main
Window belonging to the person you are proxying for. (For more information about proxies, see
Section 6.7, “Giving Other People Access to Your Mailbox,” on page 94.) You might also want to
open a certain folder in one window and look at your Calendar in another. You can open as many
Main Windows as your computer’s memory allows.
The basic components of the Main Window are explained below.
14GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
1.2.1 Toolbar
The toolbar lets you quickly accomplish common GroupWise tasks, such as opening the Address
Book, sending mail messages, and finding an item. For information about the toolbar, see
Section 1.5, “Using the Toolbar,” on page 23.
1.2.2 Folder and Item List Header
The Folder and Item List header provides a drop-down list where you can select the GroupWise
mode you want to run (Online or Caching), open your archive, and select a proxy mailbox. For
information about these features, see Section 1.3, “Using Different GroupWise Modes,” on page 18,
Section 6.4, “Archiving the Items in Your Mailbox,” on page 79, and Section 6.7, “Giving Other
People Access to Your Mailbox,” on page 94.
1.2.3 Folder List
The Folder List at the left of the Main Window lets you organize your GroupWise items by creating
folders to store your items in. Next to any folder (except for shared folders), the number of unread
items is shown in square brackets. Next to the Sent Items folder, the number in square brackets
shows how many items are pending to be sent from Caching mode. For information about the
different GroupWise folders, see Section 6.1, “Using the Folder List,” on page 73.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Here is what you’ll find in each of the default folders:
“User Folder” on page 15
“Mailbox Folder” on page 15
“Sent Items Folder” on page 16
“Calendar Folder” on page 16
“Contacts Folder” on page 16
“Checklist Folder” on page 16
“Documents Folder” on page 17
“Cabinet Folder” on page 17
“Junk Mail Folder” on page 17
“Trash Folder” on page 18
“Shared Folders” on page 18
User Folder
Your user folder (indicated by your name) represents your GroupWise database. All folders in
your Main Window are subfolders of your user folder.
Mailbox Folder
The Mailbox displays all the items you have received, with the exception of scheduled items
(appointments, tasks, and reminder notes) you have accepted or declined. Accepted scheduled items
and tasks are moved to the Calendar.
Getting Started15
Sent Items Folder
The Sent Items folder displays the items you have sent from the Mailbox and Calendar.
The Sent Items folder has changed since versions prior to GroupWise 6.5. The following table
compares the previous Sent Items query folder and the current Sent Items folder.
Table 1-1 Comparison Between Sent Items Query Folder and Sent Items Folder
Sent Items Folder (Current)Sent Items Query Folder (Prior to GroupWise 6.5)
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
All sent items reside in this folder unless they are
moved to a folder other than the Mailbox or
Calendar. If a sent item is moved to another
folder, it no longer displays in the Sent Items
You can resend, reschedule, and retract sent
items from this folder.
No items actually reside in this folder. This folder is
a Find Results folder, which means a Find is
performed when you click the folder and the results
of the Find (all sent items) are displayed in the
folder. If you delete an item from this folder, the
original item remains in its original folder and
redisplays the next time you open this folder.
You can resend, reschedule, and retract sent items
from this folder.
Calendar Folder
The Calendar folder shows several calendar view options.
Contacts Folder
The Contacts folder , by default, represents the Frequent Contacts address book in the Address
Book. Any modification you make in the Contacts Folder is also made in the Frequent Contacts
address book.
From this folder, you can view, create and modify contacts, resources, organizations and groups.
Your proxies never see your Contacts folder. (For more information about proxies, see Section 6.7,
“Giving Other People Access to Your Mailbox,” on page 94.)
Checklist Folder
Use the Checklist folder to create a task list. You can move any items (mail messages, phone
messages, reminder notes, tasks, or appointments) to this folder and arrange them in the order you
want. Each item is marked with a check box so that you can check items off as you complete them.
The following is a comparison between the Checklist folder and the Task List query folder (found in
previous versions of GroupWise).
16GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
Table 1-2 Comparison Between Checklist Folder and Task List Folder
Checklist FolderTask List Folder (in Previous Versions of GroupWise)
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
This folder contains the following items:
Items you have moved to this folder
Items you have posted to this folder
Items that are part of a checklist that you
have created in another folder
Any item type can reside in this folder.Only tasks show in this folder. Tasks are scheduled
To mark an item completed, click the check
box next to the item in the Item List.
Checklist items do not display in the Task List
of the Calendar.
No items actually reside in this folder. This folder is a
Find Results folder, which means a Find is
performed when you click the folder and the results
of the Find (all scheduled tasks) are displayed in the
folder. If you delete an item from this folder, the
original item remains in its original folder and
redisplays the next time you open this folder.
items that are associated with a due date.
To mark an item completed, open the item, then click
Due dates are set by the person who sent you the
task. If you post a task for yourself, you can set a
due date.
To set the priority of an item, open the item, then
type a priority in the Priority field.
Tasks display in the Task List of the Calendar and
can be marked Completed from the Calendar.
Tasks that are past due show as red in the Calendar.
Documents Folder
Your document references are organized in the Documents folder so you can locate them easily.
The Documents folder can contain only documents. If any other type of item is moved to this folder
by a GroupWise client older than version 5.5, the item is deleted.
Cabinet Folder
The Cabinet contains all your personal folders. You can rearrange and nest folders by clicking
Edit > Folders. You can change how the folders are sorted by right-clicking the Cabinet folder,
clicking Properties, then selecting what you want to sort by.
Junk Mail Folder
All e-mail items from addresses and Internet domains that are junked through Junk Mail Handling
are placed in the Junk Mail folder . This folder is not created in the folder list unless a Junk Mail
option is enabled.
While Junk Mail options are enabled, this folder cannot be deleted. However, the folder can be
renamed or moved to a different location in the folder list. If all Junk Mail options are disabled, the
folder can be deleted. The folder can also be deleted if the Junk Mail Handling feature is disabled by
the system administrator.
To delete items from the Junk Mail Folder, right-click the folder, click Empty Junk Mail Folder, then
click Yes.
Getting Started17
For more information about Junk Mail Handling, see “Handling Unwanted Mail” on page 47.
Trash Folder
All deleted mail and phone messages, appointments, tasks, documents, and reminder notes are
stored in the Trash folder . Items in the Trash can be viewed, opened, or returned to your Mailbox
before the Trash is emptied. (Emptying the Trash removes items in the Trash from the system.)
You can empty your entire Trash, or empty only selected items. Items in the Trash are automatically
emptied according to the number of days entered in the Cleanup tab in Environment Options, or you
can empty the Trash manually. The system administrator might specify that your Trash is emptied
automatically on a regular basis.
Shared Folders
A shared folder is like any other folder in your Cabinet, except other people have access to it. You
can create shared folders or share existing personal folders in your Cabinet. You choose whom to
share the folder with, and what rights to grant each user. Then, users can post messages to the shared
folder, drag existing items into the folder, and create discussion threads. You can’t share system
folders, which include the Cabinet, Trash, and Work In Progress folders.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
1.2.4 Item List
The Item List on the right side of the Main Window displays your mail and phone messages,
appointments, reminder notes, tasks, and document references. You can sort the Item List by
clicking a column heading. To reverse the sort order, click the column heading a second time. For
information about the icons used with different items, see “Icons Appearing Next to Items in Your
Mailbox and Calendar” on page 20.
1.2.5 QuickViewer
The QuickViewer opens below the Folder and Item List. You can quickly scan items and their
attachments in the QuickViewer rather than open each item in another window. For information
about the QuickViewer, see “Reading Items in the QuickViewer” on page 42.
1.3 Using Different GroupWise Modes
GroupWise provides two different ways to run the GroupWise client:
Section 1.3.1, “Online Mode,” on page 19
Section 1.3.2, “Caching Mode,” on page 19
You might be able to run GroupWise in either mode, or your system administrator might require that
you use only a certain mode.
Most GroupWise features are available in all both GroupWise modes, with some exceptions.
Subscribing to other users’ notifications is not available in Caching mode.
18GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
1.3.1 Online Mode
When you use Online mode, you are connected to your post office on the network. Your mailbox
displays the messages and information stored in your network mailbox (also called your Online
Mailbox). Online mode is connected to your network mailbox continuously. In Online mode, if your
Post Office Agent shuts down or you lose your network connection, you temporarily lose your
connection to your mailbox.
You should use this mode if you do not have a lot of network traffic, or if you use several different
workstations and do not want to download a local mailbox to each one.
1.3.2 Caching Mode
Caching mode stores a copy of your network mailbox, including your messages and other
information, on your local drive. This allows you to use GroupWise whether or not your network or
Post Office Agent is available. Because you are not connected to the network all the time, this mode
cuts down on network traffic and has the best performance. A connection is made automatically to
retrieve and send new messages. All updates are performed in the background so your work is not
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
To use Caching mode, the client installation must be a standard installation, not a workstation
You should use this mode if you have enough disk space on your local drive to store your mailbox.
Several users can set up their Caching Mailboxes on a single shared computer.
For more information about setting up Caching Mode, see Chapter 8, “Using Caching Mode,” on
page 115.
1.4 Understanding Your Mailbox
All of your items, whether you send or receive them, are stored in your GroupWise Mailbox. You
can quickly display only received items, sent items, posted items, or draft items by clicking a setting
on the Display drop-down list. You can further restrict which items display in your Mailbox by using
filters. See Chapter 6, “Managing Your Mailbox,” on page 73 for more information.
You can organize your messages by moving them into folders within your Cabinet, and you can
create new folders as necessary. See Section 6.1, “Using the Folder List,” on page 73 for more
1.4.1 Bolded Items in Your Mailbox
All unopened items in your Mailbox are bolded to help you easily identify which items and
documents you have not yet read. The icon appearing next to an item also indicates if it is unopened.
Sent items are also bolded to show when they are queued but not uploaded, status information has
not been received about the item being delivered, or they have not yet been transferred to the
Getting Started19
1.4.2 Icons Appearing Next to Items in Your Mailbox and
The icons that appear next to items in your Mailbox and Calendar show information about the items.
The following table explains what each icon means.
Table 1-3 Icon Descriptions
Next to an item you have sent in Caching mode, the icon indicates that the item
has been queued, but the queue has not been uploaded. After the item has been
uploaded, this icon indicates that status information has not been received about the
item being delivered to the destination post office or transferred to the Internet.
Next to the Sent Items folder, the icon indicates that there is at least one item that
has been queued but has not been uploaded.
Appears next to an item you have sent. If the item has been opened by at least one
person, this icon appears until all recipients have 1) opened the mail, phone
message, or reminder note; 2) accepted the appointment; or 3) completed the task.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Appears next to an item you have sent. The item couldn’t be delivered to the
destination post office or it failed to transfer to the Internet.
Appears next to an item you have sent. Next to an appointment or task, this icon
indicates that at least one person has declined/deleted the item. Next to a mail
message, phone message, or reminder note, this icon indicates that at least one
person has deleted the item without opening it.
One or more attachments are included with the item.
One or more sound annotations are included with the item, or the item is a voice mail
Draft item.
Appears next to an item you have sent.
Appears next to an item you have replied to.
Appears next to an item you have forwarded.
Appears next to an item you have delegated.
Appears next to an item you have replied to and forwarded
Appears next to an item you have replied to and delegated.
Appears next to an item you have forwarded and delegated.
Appears next to an item you have replied to, forwarded, and delegated
Posted item.
Specific version of a document.
Official version of a document.
Unopened mail message with a low, standard, or high priority.
20GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
Opened mail message with a low, standard, or high priority.
Unopened appointment with a low, standard, or high priority.
Opened appointment with a low, standard, or high priority.
Unopened task with a low, standard, or high priority.
Opened task with a low, standard, or high priority.
Unopened reminder note with a low, standard, or high priority.
Opened reminder note with a low, standard, or high priority.
Unopened phone message with a low, standard, or high priority.
Opened phone message with a low, standard, or high priority.
The sender has requested that you reply to this item. The item can be a low,
standard, or high priority.
Appears in a Busy Search. If it appears to the left of a username or resource, you
can click a scheduled time across from the username or resource on the Individual
Schedules tab to display more information about the appointment in the box below.
However, the user or resource owner must give you appointment Read rights in the
Access List before this icon appears. See “Adding and Removing Proxy Names and
Rights in Your Access List” on page 95.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Appears on your Calendar, indicates the item is a group appointment, reminder note,
or task.
Appears on your Calendar, indicates the item is marked private.
Appears on your Calendar, indicates that you declined the item but didn’t delete it.
1.4.3 Viewing Options in Your Mailbox
You can view the items in your Mailbox five different ways, depending on how you want the
information organized. Details, As Calendar, and As Checklist are all found on the View menu.
You can choose to have the display settings be temporary or permanent depending how you set
To permanently set your display setting:
1 Right-click the folder you want to change the display settings for, then click Properties.
2 Click the Display tab.
3 Select the display setting from the View By drop-down list.
4 Click OK.
Details displays a list of your items and information about them in columns, including Subject, Date,
CC, Priority, Document Type, Due Date, Size, Version#, and many other categories. Details is the
default Mailbox view if you have not changed your Mailbox properties. For information about
Getting Started21
adding or rearranging columns, see Section 6.16, “Using the Columns in Your Mailbox,” on
page 102.
Figure 1-2 Details View
As Calendar
As Calendar displays all scheduled items saved in a particular folder. This is useful if you organize
all your appointments and other items for a specific project in one folder.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Figure 1-3 Calendar View
As Checklist
As Checklist displays a checklist area at the top of your Item List where you can create a checklist
using the items in your Item List. Each item that is dragged to the checklist area displays with a
check box so that you can mark it completed. You can assign due dates, priorities, and more to
checklist items. Any items you move to the checklist area also displays in the Checklist folder in the
Folder List.
For more information about creating a checklist, see “Creating a Checklist” on page 45.
22GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
Figure 1-4 Checklist View
1.5 Using the Toolbar
Use the toolbar to access many of the features and options found in GroupWise. The toolbar at the
top of a folder or item is context sensitive; it changes to provide the options you need most in that
1.6 Using Shortcut Keys
You can use a number of shortcut keys in GroupWise for accessibility or to save time when you
perform various operations. The table below lists some of these keystrokes, what they do, and the
context where they work.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Table 1-4 Shortcut Keys
KeystrokeActionWhere It Works
F1Open online helpMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
F2Search for text.In an item
F5Refresh the viewMain Window, Calendar
F7Opens the Spell CheckerIn an item
F8Mark the selected item privateItem List
F9Open the font dialog boxIn an item
Ctrl+ASelect all items; select all textItem List; text
Ctrl+BBold textIn text
Ctrl+CCopy selected textIn text
Ctrl+FOpen the Find dialog boxMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Ctrl+GGo to today’s dateCalendar
Ctrl+IItalicize textIn text
Ctrl+LAttach a file to a messageIn an item
Ctrl+MOpen a new mail messageMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Ctrl+OOpen the selected messageItem List
Ctrl+POpen the Print dialog boxMain Window, item
Ctrl+QTurn the QuickViewer on and offMain Window, Calendar
Ctrl+RMark the selected item unreadItem List
Getting Started23
KeystrokeActionWhere It Works
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Ctrl+SSave a draft in the Work in
Progress folder
Ctrl+UUnderline textIn text
Ctrl+VPaste selected textIn text
Ctrl+XCut selected textIn text
Ctrl+ZUndo the last actionIn text
Ctrl+Shift+AOpen a new appointmentMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+TOpen a new taskMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+ROpen a new reminder noteMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Ctrl+Shift+POpen a new phone messageMain Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Opens the previous or next itemIn an item
Select text one word at a timeIn text
In an item
Alt+F4From the Main Window or
Calendar, exit GroupWise.
From an item, exit the item.
From a dialog box, exit the dialog
Alt + [letter]Activate the menu bar (Use the
underlined letters in the menu
Alt+DSend itemIn a new item
Alt+SSend itemIn a new item
Alt+EnterDisplay the properties of the
selected item
Alt+DelDelete an itemIn an item
Select text one character at a timeIn text
Main Window, Calendar, item, dialog box
Main Window, Calendar, item
Item List
24GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
KeystrokeActionWhere It Works
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Shift + [letter]In the Folder List, Shift + the first
TabCycle through fields, buttons, and
Shift+TabReverse the order of cycling
Ctrl+TabIn text, indent the text.
Alt+Up ArrowZooms in the message body of an
Alt+Down ArrowZooms out the message body of an
Select text to the end or beginning
of a line
letter of a subfolder name goes to
the subfolder.
through fields, buttons, and areas
In a tabbed dialog box, open the
next tab.
1.7 Learning More
In text
Folder list
Main Window, Calendar, dialog box, item
Main Window, Calendar, dialog box, item
In text, dialog box
In an item
In an item
You can learn more about GroupWise from the following resources:
Section 1.7.1, “Online Help,” on page 25
Section 1.7.2, “GroupWise 7 Documentation Web Page,” on page 25
Section 1.7.3, “GroupWise Cool Solutions Web Community,” on page 25
1.7.1 Online Help
Complete user documentation is available in Help. In the Main Window, click Help > Help Topics,
then use the Contents tab, Index tab, or Search tab to locate the help topics you want.
1.7.2 GroupWise 7 Documentation Web Page
For the latest version of this user guide and for extensive GroupWise administration documentation,
go to the GroupWise 7 area on the Novell Documentation Web site (
This user guide is also available from the GroupWise client by clicking Help > User Guide.
1.7.3 GroupWise Cool Solutions Web Community
At GroupWise Cool Solutions, you’ll find tips, tricks, feature articles, and answers to frequent
questions. In the Main Window, click Help > Cool Solutions Web Community or go to http://
This section tells you about GroupWise® login options and passwords.
Section 2.1, “Logging In to GroupWise,” on page 27
Section 2.2, “Assigning Passwords to Your Mailbox,” on page 28
2.1 Logging In to GroupWise
When you start GroupWise, you might be prompted to type information such as your password, the
TCP/IP address of your post office agent, and so forth. This Startup dialog box changes, depending
on the information GroupWise needs to be able to open your Mailbox, and the GroupWise mode that
you log in to.
NOTE: Your system administrator might restrict the GroupWise modes you can log in to.
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
Section 2.1.1, “Logging In to Your Mailbox,” on page 27
Section 2.1.2, “Logging In to Your Mailbox from Another User’s Workstation,” on page 28
Section 2.1.3, “Logging in to Your Mailbox from a Shared Workstation,” on page 28
2.1.1 Logging In to Your Mailbox
1 Start GroupWise.
If you have not specified a password for your Mailbox and GroupWise needs no additional
information, you bypass the Startup dialog box and GroupWise opens.
To force the GroupWise Startup dialog box to display on Linux, right-click the GroupWise icon
on the desktop, click Properties, then click the Execute tab. In the Command field after the
GroupWise executable name, type a space, type -@u ?, then click OK.
For information about other startup options, see Section 10.15, “Using Startup Options,” on
page 124.
2 If you are prompted for a password, type the password in the Password field.
3 Click the mode of GroupWise you are logging in to and type additional necessary information,
such as the path to the post office, the TCP/IP address and port of the post office agent, and the
path to your Caching mailbox.
If you do not know the required information, contact your system administrator.
4 Click OK.
Logging In to GroupWise
2.1.2 Logging In to Your Mailbox from Another User’s
You must be on the same post office as the other user to log into your own Mailbox from his or her
1 Log in to the network with your own user ID.
To force the GroupWise Startup dialog box to display on Linux, right-click the GroupWise icon
on the desktop, click Properties, then click the Execute tab. In the Command field after the
GroupWise executable name, type a space, type -@u ?, then click OK.
2 Start GroupWise.
3 Type your user ID in the User ID field.
4 Click the Password field, type your password, then click OK.
2.1.3 Logging in to Your Mailbox from a Shared Workstation
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
If you use the same workstation for multiple people, it is highly recommended that each user have a
seperate log in for the workstation. When GroupWise saves the display settings for a user they are
saved to the current user's registry. This allows GroupWise to display the settings for the user that is
currently logged in to the workstation. This allows you to customize GroupWise the way you want it
to look without changing the look for other users.
When a user is done using the workstation, that user should log out of the workstation completely.
This allows the next user to log on to the system with their own GroupWise settings.
However, there is special circumstances when having a different log on for each user on the
workstation is not a viable option. In these cases there is a step you should perform to setup
GroupWise properly.
“Using the Login Screen Startup Switch” on page 28
Using the Login Screen Startup Switch
For the login screen startup switch to work properly, you must be on the same post office as the other
user to log in to your own Mailbox from his or her workstation.
1 Right-click the GroupWise icon on the desktop, click Properties, click the Shortcut tab, in the
Ta rge t field, after the GroupWise executable, type a space, type /@u-?, then click OK.
2 Start GroupWise.
3 Type your user ID in the User ID field.
4 Click the Password field, type your password, then click OK.
2.2 Assigning Passwords to Your Mailbox
You can assign a password to your Mailbox. GroupWise passwords are case sensitive (for example,
Wednesday is not the same as WEDNESDAY).
28GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
IMPORTANT: If you forget your password, you cannot access any of your items.
Section 2.2.1, “Adding a Password,” on page 29
Section 2.2.2, “Changing Your Password,” on page 29
Section 2.2.3, “Removing Your Password,” on page 29
2.2.1 Adding a Password
1 In the Main Window, click Too ls > Options.
2 Click Security, then click the Password tab.
3 Click Change password.
4 In the New password field, type the password.
5 In the Confirm new password field, type the password, click OK, then click Close.
2.2.2 Changing Your Password
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
1 In the Main Window, click Too ls > Options.
2 Click Security, then click the Password tab.
3 Click Change password.
4 In the Old password field, type the password you want to change, then press the Tab key.
5 In the New password field, type the new password.
6 In the Confirm new password field, type the new password again, click OK, then click Close.
2.2.3 Removing Your Password
1 Click Too ls > Options.
2 Click Security, then click the Password tab.
3 Click Change password.
4 Type your old password, then click OK.
5 Click Clear Password.
6 Click OK, then click Close.
Logging In to GroupWise29
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
30GroupWise 7 Cross-Platform Client User Guide
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