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Further, Novell, Inc. reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes to its content, at any time,
without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes.
Further, Novell, Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to any software, and specifically disclaims
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reserves the right to make changes to any and all parts of Novell software, at any time, without any obligation to
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This product may require export authorization from the U.S. Department of Commerce prior to exporting from the
U.S. or Canada.
Account Management is a full-service, platform-independent directory that serves as the
foundation for many directory-enabled services. Account Management is composed of
the following products:
! Account Management
NDS eDirectory
NDS eDirectory is a highly scalable, high-performing, secure directory service. It can
store and manage millions of directory objects. NDS eDirectory natively supports the
directory standard LDAP 3 over Secure Socket Layer (SSL).
" NetWare
" Windows* NT*
" Windows 2000
" Solaris*
" Linux*
" Tru64 UNIX*
Account Management
Account Management is a directory-enabled application that simplifies and unifies the
management of user profiles on Windows NT, Solaris, and Linux networks. It leverages all
the scalability, utility, and extensibility of NDS eDirectory and adds crucial integration
capability. With Account Management, you can eliminate many of the complexities of
administering a mixed-platform network while smoothing over compatibility issues.
" Windows NT
" Solaris
" Linux
More Information
For more information on Account Management, refer to the following sources:
! Product information (
Installing or Upgrading NDS Installing or Upgrading NDS
eDirectory on NetWare
eDirectory on NetWare
eDirectory on NetWareeDirectory on NetWare
Use the following instructions to install or upgrade NDS® eDirectoryTM on a NetWare®
NDS eDirectory for NetWare can co-exist with the following NDS versions:
! NetWare 4.11 or 4.2 with NDS 6.09 or later
! NetWare 5 Support Pack 5 or later with Pre-NDS 8 7.46 or later
! NetWare 5 Support Pack 5 or later with NDS 8.35 or later
! NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 1
! Windows* NT* 4.0 Support Pack 4 or Windows 2000 with eDirectory 8.38 or later
! NDS eDirectory 8.5 on NetWare, Solaris, Linux, and Tru64 UNIX*
System Requirements
" If you are using RCONSOLE, a ConsoleOneTM administrator workstation with the
! A 200 MHz or faster processor
! A minimum of 64 MB RAM (128 MB recommended)
" The Novell
" The Novell Cryptography Support Modules (Novell International Cryptographic
Infrastructure [NICI] 1.5.1 or later), available from the product CD or from the Novell
Cryptography Web site (
" Administrative rights to the NDS tree so that you can modify the schema.
ClientTM that shipped with NetWare 5 or later.
Hardware Requirements
Hardware requirements depend on the specific implementation of NDS.
For example, a base installation of NDS eDirectory with the standard schema requires
about 74 MB of disk space for every 50,000 users. However, if you add a new set of
attributes or completely fill in every existing attribute, the object size grows. These
additions affect the disk space, processor, and memory needed.
Two factors increase performance: more cache memory and faster processors.
For best results, cache as much of the DIB Set as the hardware allows.
NDS scales well on a single processor. However, NDS eDirectory 8.5 takes advantage of
multiple processors. Adding processors improves performance in some areas, for
example, logins and having multiple threads active on multiple processors. NDS itself is
not processor-intensive, but it is I/O-intensive.
The following table illustrates typical system requirements for NDS eDirectory for
ObjectsProcessorMemoryHard Disk
100,000Pentium* III 450-700 MHz
1 millionPentium III 450-700 MHz
10 millionPentium III 450-700 MHz (2 to 4)2 GB +15 GB
Requirements for processors might be greater than the table indicates, depending upon
additional services available on the computer as well as the number of authentications,
reads, and writes that the computer is handling. Processes such as encryption and
indexing can be processor-intensive.
Of course, faster processors improve performance. Additional memory also improves
performance because NDS can then cache more of the directory into memory.
384 MB144 MB
2 GB1.5 GB
Forcing the Backlink Process to Run
Because the internal NDS identifiers change when upgrading to NDS eDirectory, the
backlink process has to update backlinked objects for them to be consistent.
Backlinks keep track of external references to objects on other servers. For each external
reference on a server, the backlink process ensures that the real object exists in the
correct location and verifies all backlink attributes on the master of the replica. The
backlink process occurs two hours after the database is open and then every 780 minutes
(13 hours). The interval is configurable from 2 minutes to 10,080 minutes (7 days).
After migrating to NDS, we recommend that you force the backlink to run by issuing a
SET DSTRACE=*B command from the server console. Running the backlink process is
especially important on servers that do not contain a replica.
Installing NDS eDirectory on NetWare
If your NDS tree does not have a Novell Certificate ServerTM, the NDS installation
program does the following:
! Creates a Security container object for the entire NDS tree
This object is created at the top of the NDS tree and must remain there.
! Creates an Organizational Certificate Authority (CA) object
! Places the Organizational CA object in the Security container
Only one Organizational CA object can exist in an NDS tree. Because you must not move
this object from one server to another, ensure that the first NDS server is the one that you
intend to permanently host the Organizational CA object.
If you are installing NDS eDirectory for NetWare into an NDS tree that has NetWare and
NT servers, each NetWare server must be running NetWare 5.0 with Support Pack 4 or
later. Each NetWare 5.1 server must be running NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 1 or later.
To upgrade an existing NetWare 5.x server to NDS eDirectory into an existing tree,
update the NDS schema by running DSREPAIR on the server that has the master replica
of the Tree partition.
NOTE: The [Root] object, used in earlier versions of NDS, has been renamed to Tree in
NDS eDirectory 8.5.
IMPORTANT: If the master replica of the Tree partition resides on an NT server, follow
the instructions in “Updating the NDS Schema” on page 19.
If one or both of the following conditions exist, you must run DSREPAIR.NLM before
installing the first NDS eDirectory server in your tree:
! Anywhere in your tree, a NetWare 5 server is running NDS 8 or NDS 8 NetWare
! Your first installation of NDS eDirectory is on a NetWare 5 server that does not hold
a writable replica of the Tree partition.
To update the NDS schema:
1111 Copy the appropriate DSREPAIR.NLM file from the product CD to the SYS:\SYSTEM
directory of the server that contains the master replica of the Tree partition.
For This Version of
4.116.09 or later\PATCHES\DSREPAIR
5.0 or laterNDS 7.46 or later\PATCHES\DSREPAIR
5.0 or later8.11 or 8.17Not supported
5.0 or later8.35 or later\PATCHES\DSREPAIR
2222 At the server console of the master replica of the Tree partition, load DSREPAIR.NLM
> select Advanced Options Menu > Global Schema Operations > Post NetWare 5
Schema Update.
3333 Enter the Admin name (for example, .Admin.VMP) and password.
This step updates the schema and posts the results to a log file.
Ignore errors associated with adding object classes. DSREPAIR.NLM is simply
applying the Post NetWare 5 Schema Update changes to each object.
With This Version of
(version 4.70 or later)
(version 5.26 or later)
(version 85.00 or later)
4444 Using the table in Step 1 as a reference, copy the appropriate patch version of
DSREPAIR.NLM to each NetWare server in the NDS tree.
This step ensures that the schema needed for NDS eDirectory is properly maintained
when DSREPAIR.NLM is run in the future.
If you use an earlier version of DSREPAIR.NLM and select Rebuild Operational
Schema, schema enhancements made by the Post NetWare 5 Schema Update will
be lost. To resolve lost schema enhancements, run DSREPAIR.NLM according to the
following table:
If You Are Running DSREPAIR from
A server that holds a writable replica of
the Tree partition
From any other serverClick Advanced Options > Global
This action resynchronizes the schema from the root of the tree.
5555 Close DSREPAIR.NLM before installing NDS eDirectory on the server.
If DSREPAIR.NLM is loaded, the server might not restart.
Before Installing NDS eDirectory on
This Server
NetWare 5NetWare 5 Support Pack 4
NetWare 5.1NetWare 5.1 Support Pack 1 or later
Do This
Reapply the Post NetWare 5 Schema
Update to your NDS tree.
Schema Operations > Request Schema
from Tree.
Install This Support Pack
1111 (Conditional) Download the latest support pack to the NetWare 5.x server, for
example, download to SYS:\.
If you purchased a support pack CD from Support Connection, skip this step.
2222 (Conditional) Expand the support pack.
For NW51SP1.EXE, the support pack might take several minutes to verify an ARJSECURITY envelope. After verification, the support pack creates an NW5SPX
directory and places subdirectories and files there.
If you purchased a CD from Support Connection, skip this step. The support pack is
already expanded.
3333 At the server console, start NWCONFIG.NLM.
4444 Select Product Options > Install a Product Not Listed.
5555 Press F3 (F4 if you're using RCONSOLE) > specify the path to the expanded support
pack files, such as SYS:\NW5SP4.
6666 Select options.
Follow the online instructions to install the support pack.
During installation, the support pack might prompt you concerning extending the
schema. Although you have already extended the schema for NDS eDirectory, you
most likely need to extend the schema for other functionality, such as Novell Licensing
7777 Take the server down, then restart it.
If you checked the Reboot Server option in Step 6, the server automatically restarts.
1111 (Conditional) If you are upgrading NDS, do the following:
1a In the AUTOEXEC.NCF file, comment out the lines that load virus scanners,
database applications such as Sybase* or Oracle*, backup applications, and
other programs that rely on files being continually open and volumes being
During the NDS eDirectory 8.5 installation, the software must dismount volumes
so that trustree assignments can be migrated.
Be aware that virus scanners and other programs might be embedded inside
other products, for example, ZENworks
1b Restart the server and verify that the programs and applications referred to in
, ManageWiseTM, and
Step 1a are not running.
2222 (Conditional) If you have an IP-only environment, load IPXSPX.NLM.
NWCONFIG.NLM looks in Btrieve* for the product list. Btrieve subsequently requires
. Loading IPXSPX.NLM allows Btrieve to load. When you reboot the server,
IPXSPX.NLM does not reload, so you have an IP-only environment again.
3333 At the server console, load NWCONFIG.NLM.
4444 Select Product Options > Install a Product Not Listed.
5555 Press F3 (F4 if you're using RCONSOLE) > enter the path to the NDS files under the
NW directory, for example, SYS:\NW.
Follow the prompts concerning license agreements, the readme file, and tips.
After the files are copied, the server automatically restarts and begins to install
components for ConsoleOne and Novell Certificate Server.
6666 Enter the administrator’s login name (for example, Admin.VMP).
So that the installation program can access the Security container and create a Server
Certificate object, log in to the existing Security container object as a user with
Supervisor rights.
IMPORTANT: This window might close before you enter this information. If it does,
toggle (Alt+Esc) to the window and enter the information. Otherwise, the installation
will not be complete.
7777 Follow the online instructions concerning the Certificate Server, LDAP, languages,
components, and products to install.
8888 When the installation is completed, restore the lines that you commented out in
Step 1a on page 14 > restart the server by clicking Yes.
Repeat this procedure for each NetWare 5.x server you want to upgrade to NDS
eDirectory 8.5 for NetWare.
You can download an evaluation license from the NDS eDirectory Web page (http://
The NDS installation process does not upgrade trustee assignments on NFS Gateway
volumes. If you are hosting NFS Gateway volumes on a server upgraded to NDS, those
trustee assignments are mapped to non-existent trustees.
To delete the inaccurate trustee assignments, complete the following steps:
1111 On the server, load UNICON > authenticate to NDS.
2222 Select Start/Stop Services > NFS Gateway Server > Del.
3333 From a workstation, log in to the server > delete the SYS:\NFSGW\SFSxxxx.DAT file.
4444 At the server, load UNICON again > authenticate to NDS.