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This guide explains how to install your Merlin for GPR S ™ G301 w ir eless m od em in a P C, so you
can use mobile PhoneTools™ software to connect to the Internet, send short (SMS) messages,
make phone calls , send faxes and use email . Before you in stall your mod em, you need to know
some basic info rmation about it . Please read the f ollowing sections on Getting Started, About Y our Modem, and About Configuration Profiles. Once you understand this information, you will
be ready to perf orm t he Startup Procedure on page 9. The Startup Procedure br iefl y de scri bes
how to make a ba sic GPRS co nnection.
Your Merlin fo r GPRS G30 1 wi rel ess mode m is a lo w-p owe r radi o tra nsm it ter an d rece iver. It ha s
been carefully designed and teste d to comp ly with na tional a nd interna tional saf ety standard s
regarding radi o freque ncy (RF) exposure limits. Th ese limits are part of th e compreh ensive
guidelines that establish allowable levels of RF energy exposure for the general population and
take into account w ide safety m argins.
In order to ensur e optimu m perf ormance of the m odem an d to mi nimize e xposure to RF en ergy,
always follow the simple guidelines described below.
1.When using your wir eless modem, position the antenna so tha t it does not come into
direct contact with yourself or others.
Revision 1.1 900023376
Getting Started3
2.Do not use the modem if the antenna is damaged. Operate the modem with only the supplied
antenna or an a pproved r eplacemen t antenna .
3.Unauthorized modifications, attachments or antennas not expressly approved by
Novatel Wirel ess ca n void t he user ’s auth ority to o perate t his equipm ent and v iolate F CC
4.If you use medica l devices such as a pacemaker or hearing aid, consult the manufacturer
of the device to determ ine if i t is ade quately sh ielded f rom RF en ergy. Persons with
pacemakers should always maintain a separation distance of at least 6 inches (15 cm)
from the modem when the modem is powered on. Wireless products can interfere with some
hearing aids. Consult with your hearing aid manufacturer to discuss alternative solutions.
5.This product is not to b e used in a ny environment where radio frequency equipment is prohibited or restricted i n its use. This includes aircraft, a irports, ho spitals, an d other
sensitive elec tr o ni c ar ea s . To ensure that your m ode m is d ea ct iva ted and power can n ot be
applied accide ntly to t he modem, you shoul d remove the modem from your computer
under the above co nditions.
6.Under ext end ed op era t io n t h e Mer l in fo r GP RS mo de m w i ll g ene r at e a n ot ic ea ble a mo un t of
heat. Like all PC Cards, th e modem generates heat dur ing norma l operatio ns and i s also
heated by the host co mpute r. For this reason it is r ecomm ended that yo u allo w the m odem
to cool down after exte nsiv e oper ation so th at it is cool to the touch when you rem ove it fr om
your computer.
7.Do not remove the anten na from the modem du ring operation.
The following items are required to set up and use your Merlin for GPRS PC Card modem:
• Portable PC with Pentium lll or higher with Type II PC Card slot, 16 MB hard drive space
and CD-ROM d rive
• Microsoft® Win dows 98 S E™ or Wi ndows 20 00™ or Win dows XP™ or Windows ME™
• Installation CD, incl uded with y our Merlin fo r GPRS PC C ard modem
• GSM/GPRS accoun t with a wire less IP serv ice provide r in your a rea
• SIM card containing your GSM/GPRS account information
• Internet brows er softwar e (for exa mple, Mi crosoft In ternet Ex plorer®)
Note: Please ensure that you have the latest BIOS for your computer. You can contact the
computer manufac turer to obtain it or you ma y be able to obtain it from the ir web site.
Technical Support
If you require tech nical support , please contact th e suppl ier of you r SIM c ard or you r local GSM/
GPRS service provider.
Revision 1.1 900023376
4 About Your Modem
About Your Modem
Figure 1 identifies the m ain parts of the Me rlin for GPR S G301 dual-band modem. The parts are
described belo w.
SIM card
SIM card slot
Orientation not ch
Figure 1 Modem Parts
AntennaReceives and transmits radio waves and data. Plugs into
antenna jack located on modem..
LEDIndic ates if the modem has lo cated a n etwork. I f the LED is
red, the modem is searching for a network. If the LED is
green, the modem has located a network.
Modem bodyContains the electronic circuits and slides into Type II PC
card slot of a PC.
SIM cardSmall identification card that inserts into SIM card slot. The
orientation notch helps you to insert the SIM card correctly
into the SIM card slot.
Audio jackJack for optional head set (used to make phone calls).
Revision 1.1 900023376
About Your Modem5
The antenna pl ugs into a jack l ocated on the mode m body, as shown in Fi gure 2.
Figure 2 Antenna jack
The antenna is flexibl e, so y ou can change its orien tation. You can move the ante nna out of the
way when ins erting yo ur modem i nto your P C, and y ou can adj ust the a ntenna to get the be st
signal reception during operation. Fold the antenna against the back of the modem when storing
the modem outside of your computer.
Important: When using your wireless modem, ensure the antenna does not come into direct
contact with yourself or others. Plea se read Safety on page 2 for more information.
The LED (light emitting diode) indicates if the modem has located a network. If the LED is red,
the modem is searching for a network. If the LED is green, the modem has located a netw ork.
SIM Card
Your personal account i nformatio n is stor ed on the SIM (Subs criber Ide ntity Mo dule) car d, as
shown in Figu re 3. In order to u se your M erlin for G PRS mo dem, you must first set up a
GSM/GPRS network account with your service provider and obtain a SIM card.
Figure 3 SIM card
SIM card
contact points
The SIM card con tains a sm all amou nt of mem ory and a p roce ssor to a ssist in th e manag ement
of your account information.
The SIM card contact points conne ct the SIM card to the modem. Take care not to damage the
contact points. Avoid touching contact points with your fingers.
Revision 1.1 900023376
6 About Your Modem
The orientation notch will help you to correctly insert the SIM card in the modem. If you insert the
SIM card in correctly into the SIM sl ot (or if no SIM is installe d), the m odem wil l not be able to
communicate with a network.
Audio Jack and Optional Head Set
An optional head s et can be us ed to make voice ph one calls. Th e head set p lugs into the audio
jack on the mo dem, as s hown in Figure 4.
Audio jack
Head set
Figure 4 Audio jack and head set
Inserting the SIM Card
The SIM card is inserted in to the SIM card slot, as shown in Figure 5.
SIM card slot
Orientation notch
points face down
Figure 5 Inserting the SIM card
For G301 modems, ensure that S IM contact poi nts face downward and the orientation notch is
positioned to the right..
Revision 1.1 900023376
About Your Modem7
To remove t he SIM card from a G301 mo dem, slide the SIM eject button towards the SIM slot.
SIM eject
SIM slot
Figure 6 Removing the SIM card
Inserting the Modem
To insert the Me rlin for GPRS modem into y our PC, turn the modem face u p, place the antenna
in an upright position, and insert the connector end of the modem (the end opposite to the
antenna) into t he Type II PC Card sl ot, as sho wn in Fi gure 7.
Merlin G300
with SIM installed
Figure 7 Inserting the modem
To remove the mo dem, f irst cli ck the PC Car d tray i con (located in th e bottom -right corne r
of your desktop) to stop the modem. A message will appear telling you that it is safe to remove
your modem. Pre ss the PC C ard slot eject/stop button and remove the modem from t he PC Car d
Revision 1.1 900023376
8 About Connection Profiles
About Connection Profiles
Before you can con nect to a ne twork, yo u need a Connection Profile . A Connection Profile is
information t ha t is stored and used by the mo bi le PhoneTools so ftw ar e wh en ev e r it c on ne cts the
modem to a network. A connection profile identifies the modem to the service provider and
enables you to access your account.
If your service prov ider has provide d you with one or more predefined conn ection profil es, you
can simply use one connection profile to connect to a network— the modem will automatically
search for and register with the network defined by the default connection profile. However, if no
connection prof ile exis ts, you will need to cr eate one with the Remote Acce ssConnection Wizard before you can connect to a network.
See Creating a GPRS Connection Profile on page 14 for more inf ormation a bout cr eating a
GPRS connection profiles.
Revision 1.1 900023376
Startup Procedure9
Startup Procedure
1.Plug the antenna into the modem. See Antenna on page 5 for more information.
2.Insert the SIM card into the modem. See Inserting the SIM Card on page 6 for more
When you insert t he SIM card into the mo dem, ensure the SIM ca rd is orie ntated correctl y.
3.Insert the Merlin modem into your portable PC.
4.Install the mobile PhoneTools software. See Installing mobile PhoneTools on page 10
for detailed instructions.
Insert the Installation CD into your computer to launch the Setup program. If the Setup
program does not autom atically display, run autorun.exe on the CD.
Click the type of installation you need and follow the on-screen prompts. Click Fin ish to
complete the software installation.
A PC Card tray icon will appear at the bottom of your screen and a mobile PhoneTools icon will be place d on your PC’s desktop.
5.Launch mobile PhoneTools.
Double-click the mobile PhoneTools icon on you r des ktop . mobile PhoneTools launches
and initializ es the modem . After the mode m is initia lized, the mob ile PhoneTools
automatically searche s for the n etwork in dicated by the de fault conn ection pr ofile.You will
either use a p redefined (default) c onnection profile o r need to c reate a ne w connecti on
profile to be able to connect to a network. See Creating a GPRS Connection Profile on
page 14 for m ore information.
6.Connect to a Network. See Connecting to a Network on page 20 for more information.
Click the GPRS Connection button on the virtual phone menu to connect to a network. The
modem will atte mpt to conn ect to th e network using info rmation fro m the (defa ult)
connection pr ofile. W hen a co nnection i s made, a confirm ation mes sage appe ars on yo ur
PC screen.
If a problem oc curs whi le connec ting, war ning me ssages ma y be disp layed on the scre en.
Please read any messages and follow the instructions. See Troubleshooting on page 29
for more information.
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