Novatel SMART7, SMART7-W, SMART7-I, SMART7-S Installation And Operation Manual

Installation and Operation
User Manual
OM-20000181 0C October 2018
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual
Publication Number: OM-20000181
Revision Level: 0C
Firmware Version: 7.05.01 / OA7CR0501RN0000
NovAtel Inc. warrants that its GNSS products are free from defects in materials and work­manship, subject to the conditions set forth on our web site: www.nova- and for the following time periods:
OEM7®Receivers One (1) Year GNSS Antenna Series One (1) Year Cables and Accessories Ninety (90) Days Software Warranty One (1) Year
Return instructions
To return products, refer to the instructions found at:
Proprietary Notice
Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a com­mitment on the part of NovAtel Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under a licence agreement or non-disclosure agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or non-disclosure agreement.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, elec­tronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose without the express written permission of a duly authorized representative of NovAtel Inc.
The information contained within this manual is believed to be true and correct at the time of publication.
NovAtel, ALIGN, GLIDE, GrafNav/GrafNet, Inertial Explorer, NovAtel CORRECT, OEM7, PwrPak7, RELAY, SPAN, STEADYLINE, VEXXIS and Waypoint are registered trademarks of NovAtel Inc.
NovAtel Connect, OEM719, OEM729, OEM7500, OEM7600, OEM7700, OEM7720, SMART7 and RTK ASSIST are trademarks of NovAtel Inc.
All other brand names are trademarks of their respective holders.
© Copyright 2018 NovAtel Inc. All rights reserved. Unpublished rights reserved under Inter­national copyright laws.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 2
Table of Contents
SMART7 Notices
Customer Support
Chapter 1 SMART7 Overview
1.1 Features and Models 16
1.2 SMART7 Connectors Overview 17
1.3 SMART7 LEDs 18
1.4 Related Documents and Information 20
1.5 SMART7 Emulated Radar 20
1.5.1 Emulated Radar (ER) 20
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
2.1 Power Supply Requirements for the SMART7 22
2.2 Mounting and Orienting the SMART7 22
2.2.1 Mounting 22
2.2.2 Orienting 23
2.2.3 SMART7 and SMART6 Mounting Hole Locations 23
2.3 Connect the SMART7 to Data Communication Equipment 24
2.3.1 Serial Ports 24
2.3.2 Wi-Fi 25
2.3.3 Ethernet Port 25
2.3.4 CAN Bus Port 26
2.4 Connect I/OSignals to the SMART7 26
2.5 Connect Power to the SMART7 26
2.5.1 Fuse for the Power Supply 26
2.6 Check that the SMART7 is Working 27
2.7 SMART7 Additional Equipment Required 28
SMART7 Operation
3.1 Communications with the Receiver 30
3.1.1 Serial Port Communications 30
3.1.2 Ethernet Communications 32
3.1.3 ICOM Communications 32
3.1.4 CAN Bus Communications 33
3.2 Getting Started 33
3.2.1 Communicating with the Receiver 33
3.3 Transmitting and Receiving Corrections 34
3.3.1 Defining Antenna and Base Antenna 36
3.3.2 Base Station Configuration 36
3.3.3 Rover Station Configuration 37
3.3.4 Configuration Notes 37
3.4 ALIGN Heading Master and Remote Configurations 38
3.4.1 Automatic Set Up for Direct-Wire Connection between Master and Rover via COM2 38
3.4.2 Manual Set Up via COM2 39
3.5 GLIDE 39
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 3
3.5.1 Dual-Frequency GLIDE 39
3.5.2 PDP and GLIDE Configurations 40
3.6.1 Maintain 41
3.6.2 Transition 41
3.6.3 Prefer Accuracy 41
3.6.4 UAL 42
3.7 Enabling SBAS Positioning 43
3.8 Enabling NovAtel CORRECT with PPP 43
3.8.1 TerraStar Subscriptions 44
3.8.2 Veripos Subscriptions 45
3.10 Logging Using NovAtel Connect 46
3.10.1 Selecting the Logs to Collect 47
3.10.2 Modify the Logging Parameters 47
3.10.3 Start Collecting Logs 48
3.10.4 Stop Collecting Logs 48
3.10.5 Change the Log File Settings 48
SMART7 with SPAN Operation
4.1 Fundamentals of GNSS+INS 50
4.2 Definition of Reference Frames Within SPAN 51
4.2.1 The Local-Level Frame (ENU) 51
4.2.2 The IMU Body Frame 52
4.2.3 The Vehicle Frame 52
4.2.4 The User Output Frame 53
4.3 SPAN Translations and Rotations 53
4.3.1 Translational Offsets 54
4.3.2 Rotational Offsets 56
4.3.3 Importance of RBV Calibration 61
4.4 Software Configuration 62
4.4.1 Minimum Recommended Configuration 62
4.4.2 GNSS Configuration 63
4.4.3 SPAN Configuration 63
4.5 Real-Time Operation 64
4.5.1 System Start-Up and Alignment Techniques 66
4.5.2 INSSeed / Fast INS Initialization 67
4.5.3 Navigation Mode 70
4.5.4 Data Collection 70
4.5.5 Body to Vehicle Frame Rotation Calibration Routine 71
4.5.6 Multi-Line Body to Vehicle Frame Rotation Calibration Routine 72
4.6 Azimuth Sources on a SPAN System 74
4.6.1 Course Over Ground 74
4.6.2 Inertial Azimuth 75
4.6.3 ALIGN Azimuth 75
4.7 Data Collection for Post Processing 76
Chapter 5 Built-In Status Tests
5.2 RXSTATUS Log 77
5.2.1 Status Word 77
5.2.2 Error Word 78
5.2.3 Status Code Arrays 79
5.2.4 Receiver Status Code 79
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 4
5.2.5 Auxiliary Status Codes 79
5.2.6 Set and Clear Mask for all Status Code Arrays 80
SMART7-I and SMART7-W Wi-Fi Configuration Overview
5.3 Wi-Fi Modes 81
5.3.1 Access Point (AP) 81
5.3.2 Client 81
5.3.3 Concurrent 81
5.4 SMART7-I and SMART7-W Wi-Fi Modes 82
5.4.1 Enable the Wi-Fi Access Point 82
5.4.2 Enable the Wi-Fi Client 83
5.4.3 Enable the Wi-Fi Concurrent 84
5.5 SMART7-I and SMART7-W Wi-Fi Changes 85
5.5.1 Change the Wi-Fi Passkey 85
5.5.2 Change the SSID 86
5.5.3 Change the Wi-Fi Channel 86
5.5.4 Change the Wi-Fi IPAddress 86
5.5.5 Disable Wi-Fi 86
5.6 SMART7-I and SMART7-W ALIGN Over Wi-Fi Overview 87
5.6.1 SMART7-I and SMART7-W Automatic Wi-Fi ALIGN Corrections 87
5.6.2 SMART7-I and SMART7-W Manual Set Up for Wi-Fi Connection between Master and Rover via ICOM1 88
Chapter 6 Ethernet Configuration
6.1 Required Hardware 91
6.2 Static IP Address Configuration 91
6.2.1 Static IP Address Configuration—Receiver 92
6.2.2 Static IP Address Configuration—Windows 7 93
6.2.3 Confirming Ethernet Setup 93
6.3 Dynamic IP Address Configuration 94
6.4 Base/Rover Configuration through Ethernet Connectivity 94
6.5 Large Ethernet Port Data Throughput 96
6.6 NTRIP Configuration 96
Chapter 7 CAN Bus
7.1 Default Configuration 100
7.2 Configuring the CAN Bus 100
7.2.1 Configuration Notes 100
7.2.2 Example of Enabling the CAN Bus 101
7.2.3 Example of Modifying the CAN Bus Parameters 101
7.2.4 Example of Detecting an Address Claim Failure and Reconfiguring 101
7.2.5 Address Claim Procedure 102
7.3 NMEA2000 Logging 102
7.3.1 Example of NMEA2000 Log Configuration 103
7.3.2 Example of Custom PGN Configuration 103
7.4 Corrections Over CAN 103
7.4.1 Example for Receiving Corrections from Any Source 104
7.4.2 Example for Transmitting Corrections to 0x1C Node 104
7.5 NovAtel Messages Over CAN 104
7.6 Configuring OEM7 Receivers to Use OEM6 CAN Settings 104
7.6.1 Configuration on OEM6 105
7.6.2 Configuration on OEM7 105
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 5
Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
8.1 Examining the RXSTATUS Log 107
8.2 Examining the AUX1 Status Word 110
8.3 High Temperature Environments 111
8.3.1 Indicators of an Error State 111
8.3.2 Recovering from a Temperature Status Error 112
8.3.3 Mitigating High Receiver Temperature 112
8.3.4 Monitoring the Receiver Temperature 112
8.4 Safe Mode 113
8.4.1 Reset Loop Detection 113
8.4.2 Recovery Steps 113
Chapter 9 NovAtel Firmware and Software
9.1 Firmware Updates and Model Upgrades 115
9.1.1 Firmware Updates 115
9.1.2 Model Upgrades 115
9.2 Authorization Code 116
9.3 Updating or Upgrading Using the WinLoad Utility 117
9.3.1 Transferring Firmware Files 117
9.3.2 Using the WinLoad Utility 117
9.4 Updating Using SoftLoad Commands 119
9.4.1 SoftLoad Commands and Logs 119
9.4.2 Working With S-Records 120
9.4.3 Sending Firmware Data 121
9.4.4 SoftLoad Update Method 122
9.4.5 SoftLoad Errors 125
9.5 Upgrading Using the AUTH Command 125
9.5.1 Upgrade Procedure 125
APPENDIX A SMART7 Technical Specifications
A.1 SMART7 Performance Specifications 128 A.2 SMART7 Mechanical Specifications 131 A.3 SMART7 Environmental and Electrical Specifications 133 A.4 SMART7 Data Communication Specifications 134 A.5 SMART7 Strobe Specifications 134 A.6 SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) 136
A.0.1 SMART7 Custom Cable Recommendation 137
A.7 SMART7 Mounting Plate Specifications 138
APPENDIX B SMART7 Accessories and Replacement Parts
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 6


Figure 1: SMART7 with Ethernet Model (Back) 17 Figure 2: SMART7 Interface Connector 17 Figure 3: SMART7 Ethernet Connector (model dependent) 17 Figure 4: SMART7 LEDs Location 18 Figure 5: SMART7 Installation 21 Figure 6: SMART7 Magnetic Mounting Plate 23 Figure 7: SMART7 Orientation 23 Figure 8: SMART7 and SMART6 Mounting Hole Locations 24 Figure 9: Basic Differential Setup 35 Figure 10: Positioning Change Without STEADYLINE 40 Figure 11: STEADYLINE Maintain 41 Figure 12: STEADYLINE Transition 41 Figure 13: STEADYLINE Prefer Accuracy 42 Figure 14: STEADYLINE UAL- Warning Limit Example 42 Figure 15: STEADYLINE UAL - Out of Bounds Example 43 Figure 16: Local-Level Frame (ENU) 52 Figure 17: Vehicle Frame 53 Figure 18: ALIGN Translation Offset 55 Figure 19: SMART7-S IMU Body Frame 57 Figure 20: SMART7-S IMU Body Frame with Factory Configured Rotation 58 Figure 21: SMART7-S Installed with Orientation Not Aligned with Vehicle Frame 59 Figure 22: Rear view of SMART7 on a Vehicle – Roof Camber 61 Figure 23: Side View of SMART7 on a Vehicle – Roof Tilt 61 Figure 24: Top View of SMART7 on a Vehicle – SMART7 Misalignment 62 Figure 25: Multi-Line IMU Body to Vehicle Calibration 73 Figure 26: Location of Receiver Status Word 77 Figure 27: Reading the Bits in the Receiver Status Word 78 Figure 28: Location of Receiver Error Word 78 Figure 29: Reading the Bits in the Receiver Error Word 78 Figure 30: Status Code Arrays 79 Figure 31: Cross-Over Ethernet Cable Configuration—OEM7 Receiver 92 Figure 32: Dynamic IP Address Configuration through a DHCP Server—OEM7 Receiver 94 Figure 33: Base/Rover Ethernet Setup—OEM7 Receiver 95 Figure 34: NTRIP System 97 Figure 35: WinLoad’s Open Window 118 Figure 36: Open File in WinLoad 118 Figure 37: COM Port Setup 119 Figure 38: SMART7 Dimensions 131 Figure 39: SMART7-S Center of Navigation 132
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 7
Figure 40: SMART7 Interface Cable 136 Figure 41: SMART7 Mounting Plate Dimensions (Optional) 138
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 8


Table 1: Model Variants 16 Table 2: Ethernet Connector Pin Outs 17 Table 3: SMART7 Status Indicators 18 Table 4: Wi-Fi LED 18 Table 5: Ethernet LED 19 Table 6: Status LED 19 Table 7: SMART7 Serial Port Protocol 24 Table 8: SMART7 Recommended Fuse and Fuse Holders 28 Table 9: Serial Ports Supported 31 Table 10: Inertial Solution Status 65 Table 11: NVM Seed Indication 69 Table 12: Solution Parameters 70 Table 13: Logs with Azimuth Data 75 Table 14: Wi-Fi Default Configuration 82 Table 15: Default NAME 100 Table 16: Troubleshooting Based on Symptoms 106 Table 17: Resolving a Receiver Error Word 108 Table 18: Resolving an Error in the Receiver Status Word 109 Table 19: Resolving an Error in the AUX1 Status Word 110 Table 20: SMART7 Physical Description 127 Table 21: SMART7 Receiver Performance 128 Table 22: SMART7-S IMU Performance 130 Table 23: SMART7 Environmental Specifications 133 Table 24: SMART7 Power Requirements 133 Table 25: Data Communications Interfaces 134 Table 26: SMART7 Strobes Description 135 Table 27: SMART7 Connector Pin Out 136 Table 28: 14-Pin Interface Connector 137 Table 29: I/O Connector 137 Table 30: SMART7 Products 139
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 9

SMART7 Notices

SMART7 Notices
The following notices apply to the SMART7 device.
Changes or modifications to this equipment, not expressly approved by NovAtel Inc., could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two con­ditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
SMART7 has been tested and found to comply with the radiated and conducted emission limits for a Class B digital device. The Class B limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.
The equipment listed generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
l Re-orient or relocate the SMART7 l Increase the separation between the equipment and the SMART7 l Connect the equipment to an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the SMART7 is
l Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
The SMART7 has been authorized for use in Mobile applications. At least 20 cm (8 inches) of separation between the SMART7 and the User must be maintained at all times.
SMART7 contains a Wi-Fi radio with the following approvals:
l FCC ID: UTU-01019715
Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada
SMART7 Class B digital device complies with Canadian ICES-003.
SMART7 appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.
This device complies with ISED license-exempt RSS-GEN and RSS-247. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.
Cet appareil est conforme à la norme ISED RSS-GEN et RSS-247. Son fonctionnement est sou­mis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas provoquer d'interférences et (2)
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 10
SMART7 Notices
cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, y compris les interférences pouvant entraîner un fonctionnement indésirable de l'appareil.
The SMART7 has been authorized for use in Mobile applications. At least 20 cm (8 inches) of separation between the SMART7 and the User must be maintained at all times.
Le SMART7 a été autorisé pour une utilisation dans les applications mobiles. Au moins 20 cm (8 pouces) de séparation entre le SMART7 et l'utilisateur doit être maintenue à tous fois.
SMART7 contains a Wi-Fi radio with the following approvals:
l IC: 129A-01019715
European Union (EU)
NovAtel Inc. declares that the SMART7 Wi-Fi transceiver is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU (Radio Equipment).
The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from the NovAtel web site at:
Radio Information
Description of Service: Wi-Fi (802.11b/g/n)
Operational Frequency: 2400 MHz to 2480 MHz
Modulation: OFDM
Rated Power: 13.4 dBm e.i.r.p
The full text of the EU Declaration of Conformity may be obtained from the NovAtel web site at:
SMART7 contains a Wi-Fi radio with the following approvals:
SMART7 contains a Wi-Fi radio with the following approvals:
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 11
SMART7 Notices
Ethernet Port
The Ethernet port is a safety extra-low voltage (SELV) circuit only and is suitable for con­nection to another SELV circuit. Do not connect to Telecommunications Network Voltage (TNV) circuits.
WEEE Notice
If you purchased your SMART7 product in Europe, please return it to your dealer or supplier at the end of its life. The objectives of the European Community's environment policy are, in par­ticular, to preserve, protect and improve the quality of the environment, protect human health and utilise natural resources prudently and rationally. Sustainable development advocates the reduction of wasteful consumption of natural resources and the prevention of pollution. Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is a regulated area. Where the generation of waste cannot be avoided, it should be reused or recovered for its material or energy. WEEE products
may be recognized by their wheeled bin label ( ).
See for more information.
The SMART7 is in conformity with Directive 2011/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the council of 8 June 2011 on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
The SMART7 is compliant with Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of 18 December 2006 concerning the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH). The candidate list of Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC) published by the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) is available at:
The following conventions are used in this manual:
Information that supplements or clarifies text.
A caution that actions, operation or configuration may lead to incorrect or improper use of the hardware.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 12
SMART7 Notices
A warning that actions, operation or configuration may result in regulatory non­compliance, safety issues or equipment damage.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 13

Customer Support

Customer Support
NovAtel Knowledge Base
If you have a technical issue, visit the NovAtel Support page at Through the Support page, you can contact Customer Support, find papers and tutorials or down­load current manuals and the latest firmware.
Before Contacting Customer Support
Before you contact NovAtel Customer Support about a software problem, perform the following steps:
If logging data over an RS-232 serial cable, ensure that the configured baud rate can sup­port the data bandwidth (see SERIALCONFIG command). NovAtel recommends a min- imum suggested baud rate of 230400 bps.
Log the following data to a file on your computer for 15 minutes:
RXSTATUSB onchanged RAWEPHEMB onchanged GLORAWEPHEMB onchanged BESTPOSB ontime 1 RANGEB ontime 1 RXCONFIGA once VERSIONA once
For SPAN systems, add the following logs to the above list in the file created on your com­puter:
Send the data file to NovAtel Customer Support:
You can also issue a FRESET command to the receiver to clear any unknown settings.
The FRESET command will erase all user settings. You should know your configuration (by requesting the RXCONFIGA log) and be able to reconfigure the receiver before you send the FRESET command.
If you are having a hardware problem, send a list of the troubleshooting steps taken and the res­ults.
Contact Information
Log a support request with NovAtel Customer Support using one of the following methods:
Log a Case and Search Knowledge:
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 14
Customer Support
Log a Case, Search Knowledge and View Your Case History: (login access required)
Web Portal:
U.S. and Canada:1-800-NOVATEL (1-800-668-2835)
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 15

Chapter 1 SMART7 Overview

The SMART7 is a high performance GNSS receiver and antenna, capable of receiving and track­ing all current GNSS signals on a maximum of 555 channels. Support for SBAS (Satellite Based Augmentation Systems) is standard and includes WAAS (North America), EGNOS (Europe) and MSAS (Japan). Refer to An Introduction to GNSS (on our website at
duction-to-gnss) for an overview of each of the above signal types. The SMART7 features Light
Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for status indication.
Once properly powered, the SMART7 begins operating as a fully functional GNSS system.

1.1 Features and Models

The main features of the SMART7 are:
an enhanced high performance multi-frequency, multi-constellation receiver
a high performance GNSS multi-frequency, multi-constellation antenna
a CAN port
Emulated Radar Output
three (3) RS-232 COM ports
up to three (3) LED status indicators (model dependent)
a water and dust tight enclosure
enhanced interference mitigation
The SMART7 is available in several different hardware configuration and firmware models whose additional features may include:
Wi-Fi interface
Ethernet port
Integrated SPAN GNSS+INS functionality
Web UI
Contact NovAtel Sales at for information regarding available models, upgrading a model to increase feature/functionality or go to Refer to Firmware
Updates and Model Upgrades on page115 for details.
Table 1: Model Variants
Product Hardware Model Model
SMART7 with Wi-Fi and Ethernet SMART7-I
SMART7 with Wi-Fi SMART7-W
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 16
Chapter 1 SMART7 Overview
Figure 1: SMART7 with Ethernet Model (Back)

1.2 SMART7 Connectors Overview

All SMART7 models use the same connector for power and communication. Refer to Table 27: SMART7 Connector Pin Out on page136 for pin outs.
Figure 2: SMART7 Interface Connector
The SMART7 Ethernet model has a M12 D-code male connector.
Figure 3: SMART7 Ethernet Connector (model dependent)
Table 2: Ethernet Connector Pin Outs
From P1 To J1 Signal Name
1 1 Tx+
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 17
Chapter 1 SMART7 Overview
From P1 To J1 Signal Name
2 2 Rx+
3 3 Tx-
4 4 Rx-
Shell Shell Chassis GND


The SMART7 has up to three LEDs (model dependent) to indicate receiver status.
The following tables provide information about the SMART7 LEDs and their states.
Figure 4: SMART7 LEDs Location
Table 3: SMART7 Status Indicators
Label Description Variants
Wi-Fi mode (AP, Concurrent or Client) SMART7-I and SMART7-W
Ethernet (DATA) SMART7-I
Status (Power/GNSS) All variants
Table 4: Wi-Fi LED
State Description
Green Solid
Configured as anAccess Point (default)
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 18
Chapter 1 SMART7 Overview
State Description
Green Slow
Configured as an Access Point with at least one client connection
Blue Solid
Blue Slow Flash
White Solid
While Slow Flash
Yellow Slow Flash
Red Solid
Red Fast Flash
Configured as both an Access Point and a Client concurrently
Configured as both an Access Point and a Client concurrently, with at least one Client connected to the concurrent Access point or with the concurrent Client connected to an Access Point
Configured as a Client
Configured as a Client and connected to an Access Point
Wi-Fi Firmware Upgrade
No Configuration
Error State
Table 5: Ethernet LED
State Description
Green Solid Link established
Green Slow Flash Active (receiving or transmitting)
Table 6: Status LED
State Description
Green Solid RTK/PPP Solution good or RTK/PPP/INS Solution good
Green Slow Flash PPPor RTKConverging
Yellow Solid WAAS/Single Point
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 19
Chapter 1 SMART7 Overview
State Description
Yellow Slow Flash (1 Hz) Tracking at least one satellite but no valid position
Yellow Fast Flash (3 Hz) Initialized and ready for communication
Red Solid Power On/Error/Reset
Red Slow Flash (1 Hz) Position Error
Red Fash Flash (3 Hz) Solution Error

1.4 Related Documents and Information

After the OEM7 receiver is set up,the Agriculture Commands and Logs Reference Manual becomes the primary source for command and log information.
Each receiver has a specific set of features, so some commands and logs may not be sup­ported by your model.
Refer to our web site for the latest documentation.
This manual does not cover OEM7 service and repair. Contact a local NovAtel dealer for service or repair inquiries (refer to Customer Support on page14 for contact details).

1.5 SMART7 Emulated Radar

1.5.1 Emulated Radar (ER)

A typical radar sensor emits radio beams that bounce off the ground and computes ground speed based on the speed at which objects are passing in front of the sensor. The output of the sensor is a digital pulse, the frequency of which is proportional to the vehicle’s ground speed. This is often used in agricultural applications such as planting and spraying. The SMART7 eliminates the need for separate ground-sensing radar equipment by converting the GPS-derived velocity to proportional frequency output. The following emulated radar signal parameters can be con­figured by the customer:
Frequency Step: Specifies how the frequency output relates to the vehicle speed.
Signal Update Rate: Specifies how often the frequency output is updated to match the vehicle speed.
Response Mode: Specifies how quickly changes in velocity are reflected in the frequency out­put. Setting a slower response mode reduces spikes (noise) in the velocity but increases latency. Setting a higher response mode reduces latency, but may result in noisier frequency output.
Refer to RADARCONFIG command for detailed information.
After it is configured using the RADARCONFIG command, Emulated Radar (ER) pulses are out- put through the SMART7 interface cable and the RADARSTATUS log.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 20

Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview

When the appropriate equipment is selected, complete the following steps to set up and begin using the NovAtel GNSS receiver.
Figure 5: SMART7 Installation
Mount the SMART7 receiver. Refer to Mounting and Orienting the SMART7 on the next page for mounting details.
Connect other GNSS system components using the output lines. See SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136.
Connect the receiver to other GNSS system components, such as a computer or data ter­minal, using the communication ports or Wi-Fi. See Connect the SMART7 to Data Communication Equipment on page24.
Connect the supplied interface cable to the interface connector on the receiver and then con­nect the power cable to the power supply. Ensure a 5 A slow blow fuse is incorporated in the power wiring. Refer to SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136 and SMART7 Additional Equipment Required on
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 21
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
page28 for fuse recommendations. See Connect Power to the SMART7 on page26 and Power Supply Requirements for the SMART7 below for details.
Refer to SMART7 LEDs on page18 for details of SMART7 LED states.
Refer to SMART7 Additional Equipment Required on page28 for fuse recommendations.

2.1 Power Supply Requirements for the SMART7

The SMART7 requires a power supply that provides:
a voltage in the range of +7 to +30 VDC
at least 15 W of power (typical use: 3 W to 7 W)
See SMART7 Environmental and Electrical Specifications on page133 for more power supply spe­cifications.
The SMART7 has an internal power module that:
filters and regulates the supply voltage
protects against over-voltage, over-current and high-temperature conditions
provides automatic reset circuit protection
If the voltage supplied is below the minimum specification, the receiver suspends operation. If the voltage supplied is above the maximum specification, the receiver may be permanently damaged, voiding the warranty.
The supply must be capable of providing enough current to operate the SMART7, including the initial inrush transient. The supply must also be current limited to 5 A with an external fuse.
The amount of power required depends on the number of constellations and signals tracked, and the features enabled.
Refer to SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136 for details about the power cable.

2.2 Mounting and Orienting the SMART7

2.2.1 Mounting

Mount on a secure, stable structure capable of safe operation in the specific environment.
If installing on a vehicle, mount the SMART7 on the vehicle roof, ideally close to the pivot point of the vehicle. The SMART7 must be mounted with the connector facing the rear of the vehicle.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 22
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
Figure 6: SMART7 Magnetic Mounting Plate
The SMART7 must be rigidly secured to the vehicle to avoid errors caused by vibration and motion.
If installing in a stationary location, mount the SMART7 in a location that has a clear view of the sky so that each satellite above the horizon can be tracked without obstruction. For more information, refer to An Introduction to GNSS.
Refer to SMART7 Mounting Plate Specifications on page138 for plate dimensions and mounting hole locations.

2.2.2 Orienting

Ensure the SMART7 is oriented with the connector(s) facing the back of the vehicle.
Figure 7: SMART7 Orientation

2.2.3 SMART7 and SMART6 Mounting Hole Locations

SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 23
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
Figure 8: SMART7 and SMART6 Mounting Hole Locations

2.3 Connect the SMART7 to Data Communication Equipment

The SMART7 can communicate with other devices in the system, such as computers Wi-Fi or Eth­ernet ports. The SMART7 also has a CAN bus port for communication with other CAN bus com­patible devices.
Wi-Fi and Ethernet are model dependent.

2.3.1 Serial Ports

The SMART7 has three serial ports: COM1, COM2 and COM3. These ports are available on the HD26 COM PORTS connector. Refer to Connect I/OSignals to the SMART7 on page26 for the pin out of this connector.
Table 7:
SMART7 Serial
Port Protocol
Port RS-232
COM1 Yes
COM2 Yes
COM3 Yes
Use the SERIALCONFIG command to configure the receiver’s asynchronous serial port com- munications drivers.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 24
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
Port settings (bit rate and parity, for example) are software configurable. See Communications
with the Receiver on page30 for information about configuring the serial ports. Also see SMART7 Data Communication Specifications on page134 for the serial port specifications.
To connect to a serial port:
Connect the SMART7 Interface cable (PN: 01019944), or a custom made cable, to the HD26 COM PORTS connector.
For information about the SMART7 interface cable refer to Connect I/OSignals to the SMART7 on the next page.
Connect the appropriate DB9 connector (COM1, COM2 or COM3) to the serial port on the com­puter or other data communication device.

2.3.2 Wi-Fi

The SMART7 has a Wi-Fi Access Point that is enabled by default. This provides for easy con­nection to any laptop/tablet/smartphone with Wi-Fi capability and a web browser.
Once the receiver is installed and powered, use a Wi-Fi capable laptop/tablet/smartphone to locate the SMART7 in the list of detected Wi-Fi Networks and establish a connection.
The SMART7 PSN of the receiver (SSID) is printed on a label located by the connector. The format of the PSN is SMART7-<Receiver PSN>, e.g. "SMART7-ABCDEF1234567".
A prompt for a password will appear. The default password is printed on a label on the bot­tom of the SMART7. The default password is specific to that SMART7 receiver.
Open up a web browser and enter any web address (e.g., The SMART7 auto­matically redirects you to the NovAtel Web User Interface which is hosted on the SMART7.
NovAtel Web User Interface is compatible with recent versions of Chrome, Firefox, Inter­net Explorer and Safari.
Cookies should always be on and never blocked on the browser being used to connect to the Wi-Fi network.
For more information about using the NovAtel Web User Interface, refer to the online OEM7 doc­umentation (
To change the configuration of the Wi-Fi interface, including password, refer to SMART7-I and SMART7-W Wi-Fi Configuration Overview on page81.

2.3.3 Ethernet Port

The SMART7 has an M12 D-code (female) socket that supports 10Base-T/100Base-TX Ethernet for communications with external data communications equipment such as computers and data loggers. The Ethernet port supports IPv4 Internet layer, TCP/IP transport, ping and connection from a Telnet client. Users can conduct remote debugging, accept MRTCA (modified RTCA) data and download firmware. OEM7 receivers are also equipped with NTRIP Version 2.0 (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) client and server capability.
Refer to Ethernet Configuration on page91 for instructions on configuring Ethernet and NTRIP.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 25
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview

2.3.4 CAN Bus Port

The SMART7 has a CAN Bus port available on the 14-Pin interface connector.
To connect to the CANBus port:
Connect the SMART7 optional accessory cable or a custom made cable, to the main 14-Pin interface connector.
For information about the SMART7 interface cable, see SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136. This section also has the connector pin out and connector recom­mendations for making a custom cable.
Connect the CAN to the CANBus (J5) of the SMART7 interface cable, see SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136.
The SMART7 CAN bus port is unterminated. If the SMART7 is at the end of the bus, then the connecting cable must have 120 ohms integrated into the cable between CAN1+ and CAN1- in close proximity to the main 14-Pin interface connector.
2.4 Connect I/OSignals to the SMART7
The SMART7 has several outputs, also referred to as strobes, that provide status and syn­chronization signals.
Pulse Per Second (PPS) output
l Emulated Radar Output
For more information about the I/O signals, refer to the .
To access the I/O signals, connect the SMART7 interface cable or a custom made cable, to the main 14-Pin interface connector. Refer to SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136 for connector pin out and other details.

2.5 Connect Power to the SMART7

To connect power to the SMART7:
Connect the SMART7 Interface Cable (01019944) to the 14-Pin connector on the back of the SMART7. See SMART7 Interface Cable (Optional Accessory) on page136 for information about this cable.
Connect the BATT+ and BATT- bare wires of the interface cable to a 7 to 30 VDC power sup­ply. For details about the power supply required, see Power Supply Requirements for the SMART7 on page22.

2.5.1 Fuse for the Power Supply

Install a user supplied 5 A slow blow fuse in the positive line of the connection to the power source to protect the power supply wiring and your warranty.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 26
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
Refer to SMART7 Additional Equipment Required on the next page for fuse recommendations.

2.6 Check that the SMART7 is Working

After the SMART7 is installed and powered up, use the following procedure to ensure the receiver is operating.
Check that the Status LED Fast Flashes Yellow (readystate).
The Status LED may briefly flash as Red before moving quickly to the Fast Flash Yellow.
See SMART7 LEDs on page18 for the location of the LEDs.
Send the following command:
The VERSION log is returned.
[COM1]<VERSION COM1 0 92.5 UNKNOWN 0 6.784 02440000 3681 15089 <8 <GPSCARD "DDNRNNTBN" "BMHR18040357C" "OEM7700-1.01" "OA7CR0501RN0000" "OM7BR0002RB0000" "2018/Sep/20" "05:37:06" <OEM7FPGA "" "" "" "OMV070001RN0000" "" "" "" <APPLICATION "" "" "" "ES7AR0501RN0000" "" "2018/Sep/20" "05:37:19" <DEFAULT_CONFIG "" "" "" "ES7CR0501RN0000" "" "2018/Sep/20" "05:37:29" <PACKAGE "" "" "" "ES7PR0501RN0000" "" "2018/Sep/20" "05:37:24" <DB_WWWISO "WWWISO" "0" "" "WMC010204RN0001" "" "2018/Sep/26" "10:07:36" <ENCLOSURE "" "NMPY18070006T" "" "" "" "" "" <REGULATORY "US" "" "" "" "" "" ""
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 27
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
Check that the Time Status is FINESTEERING which represents that time is fine set and being steered.
Check the Receiver Status word (02004020 in this example). If the lowest bit (bit 0) is set, the receiver has errors.
For information about the other digits in Receiver Status word, refer to the
RXSTATUS log in the Agriculture Commands and Logs Reference Manual.

2.7 SMART7 Additional Equipment Required

In order for the SMART7 to perform optimally, the following additional equipment is required:
A computer (user supplied)
A cable harness for communicating with and powering the SMART7 (NovAtel SMART7 Inter­face cable is available with four DB-9 connectors, six bare cables and a SMART7 connector (refer to SMART7 Accessories and Replacement Parts on page139
A fused power supply (user supplied)
Table 8: SMART7 Recommended Fuse and Fuse Holders
Fuse Recommended Fuse/Fuse Holder
12 V System Fuse (standard size blade)
12 V System Fuse (mini size blade)
24 V System Fuse
High Reliability, Harsh Environment
(standard size blade)
Inline Fuse Holder, (for standard size blade)
Inline Fuse Holder, (for mini size blade)
ATO Silver Blade Fuse 5 A (32 V) or equivalent
Littelfuse 0287005
Mini Blade Fuse 5 A (32 V) or equivalent Littelfuse 0297005
FKS ATO Blade Fuse 5A (80 V) or equivalent
Littelfuse 166.7000.450
Waterproof ATO Fuse Holder Littelfuse FHAC0001
Waterproof Mini Fuse Holder Littelfuse 0FHM0001
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 28
Chapter 2 SMART7 Installation Overview
The Recommended Fuse and Fuse Holders table details the part numbers for recom­mended fuses and fuse holders. These numbers are provided for information only and are not available from NovAtel as separate parts.
SMART7 Installation and Operation User Manual 0C 29

SMART7 Operation

Before operating the receiver for the first time, refer to SMART7 Installation Overview on page21 for SMART7 installation instructions.
Refer to Communications with the Receiver below to begin configuring the SMART7 for oper­ation.

3.1 Communications with the Receiver

Communication is established with the receiver using a data terminal or computer connected to the receiver by a variety of methods:
SMART7-I and SMART7-W Wi-Fi Configuration Overview on page81
Serial Port Communications below
Ethernet Communications on page32
ICOM Communications on page32
CAN Bus Communications on page33
When connected to the receiver, enter commands directly from a terminal or through terminal emulation software on a computer. For example:
NovAtel Web User Interface - The NovAtel Web User Interface is installed on OEM7 receivers. Refer to the online OEM7 documentation ( for instruc- tions.
NovAtel Connect - NovAtel Connect is a software application used to monitor and configure NovAtel receivers. For information about installing and using NovAtel Connect, refer to the help file included with the application.
NovAtel Connect version 2.0 or greater is required for OEM7 receivers. Download the latest NovAtel Connect software and documentation from
Any console/command line application
To maximize the application of the receiver’s capabilities, become familiar with the commands and logs described in Agriculture Commands and Logs Reference Manual.

3.1.1 Serial Port Communications

The receiver can communicate with a computer or terminal via a serial port. For communication to occur, both the receiver and the operator interface have to be configured properly. The receiver’s default port settings are:
9600 bps
no parity
8 data bits
1 stop bit
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