Table 4: INS LED Description
LED Label LED State Description
indicates the INS
status of the receiver
PwrPak7D-E1, or
PwrPak7 / PwrPak7D
with an external IMU)
Off INS inactive
Green solid INS solution good
Green slow blink INS alignment complete
Green fast blink INS solution free
Green/Yellow alternating blink High variance
Yellow solid INS aligning/determining orientation
Red solid Error
Table 5: USB TRANSFER LED Description
LED State Description
Green solid
Stick plugged in, mounted and idle (lots of available memory)
Transfer port connected to a computer
Green slow blink Logging to stick (lots of available memory)
Green fast blink Transferring files to stick (lots of available memory)
Green/Yellow alternating slow blink Logging to stick (low available memory)
Green/Yellow alternating fast blink Transferring files to stick (low memory)
Yellow solid Stick plugged in, mounted and idle (low available memory)
Yellow fast blink Stick mounting or unmounting/busy
Red solid Stick plugged and mounted, but memory full
Red fast blink for 3 seconds Push button error or stick mount error
Off No connection to the TRANSFER port or stick is unmounted
Table 6: LOG LED and Button Description
with LED
LED State Description
Green slow blink Logging to Internal (lots of memory available)
Green solid Internal logging stopped (lots of memory available)
Green/Yellow alternating blink Logging to Internal (low memory)
Yellow solid Internal logging stopped (low memory)
Yellow fast blink Memory is mounting or unmounting/busy
Red fast blink for 3 seconds Push button error
Off PwrPak7 is connected to a computer as a mounted device