Software Versions 4.52s3 (GPS/GEO) and 6.48s16 (GPS/GLONASS) OM-AD-0020 Rev 1
Test Bed Receiver
to the
Command Descriptions Manual
NovAtel Inc.
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem
Publication Number: OM-AD-0020
Revision Level: 1 00/4/11 This manual reflects Test Bed firmware revision levels 4.52s3 (GPS/GEO) and 6.48s16 (GPS/GLONASS).
Proprietary Notice
Information in t his document is subject to change without not ice and does not represent a comm itment on the part of
NovAtel Inc. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement or non-disclosure
agreement. The software may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law
to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license or non-disclosure agreement.
No part of this manual may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
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The informat i on contained within this manual is believed t o be true and correct at the time of publication.
The NovAtel Test Bed Receiver.................................................................................................................................8
Single Frequency GPS GLONASS................................................................................................................10
Dual Frequency GPS GEO............................................................................................................................10
Other Outputs & Inputs .................................................................................................................................10
2Installation of Test Bed Receiver............................................................................ 11
Internal and External Oscillators..............................................................................................................................12
Connecting the External Frequency Reference.........................................................................................................13
Connecting Data Communications Equipment.........................................................................................................14
Connecting the GPS Antenna...................................................................................................................................14
Connecting the External Power Input.......................................................................................................................15
Using the 10 MHz Output Signal.............................................................................................................................15
Accessing the Strobe Signals....................................................................................................................................16
Serial Ports - Default Settings...........................................................................................................................17
Initial Communications with the Test Bed Receiver................................................................................................18
4Update or Upgrade Your GPSCard......................................................................... 19
Upgrading Using the $AUTH Command.................................................................................................................19
Updating Using the LOADER Utility ......................................................................................................................20
Using the LOADER Utility...............................................................................................................................21
A WAAS Overview ....................................................................................................... 22
B GLONASS Overview................................................................................................. 23
GLONASS System Design.......................................................................................................................................24
The Space Segment...........................................................................................................................................24
The Control Segment........................................................................................................................................25
The User Segment.............................................................................................................................................25
Radio Frequency (RF) Section..........................................................................................................................28
Digital Electronics Section ................................................................................................................................28
C WAAS Commands and Logs ...................................................................................30
Other NovAtel Logs.................................................................................................................................................47
Figure 1The NovAtel Test Bed Receiver......................................................................................................................8
Figure 2Test Bed Receiver Functional Block Diagram.................................................................................................9
Figure 3Test Bed Minimum System Configuration....................................................................................................11
Figure 4Rear Panel of Test Bed Receiver...................................................................................................................12
Figure 510 MHz In (External Frequency Reference) - Test Bed................................................................................13
Figure 6Lights on Front Panel of Test Bed Receiver..................................................................................................13
Figure 7Pinout for GPS GLONASS and GPS GEO Ports - Test Bed.........................................................................14
Figure 8Antenna Inputs - Test Bed .............................................................................................................................14
Figure 9External Power Connections - Test Bed........................................................................................................15
Figure 1010 MHz Output – Test Bed............................................................................................................................15
Figure 11Strobe 9-pin D-Connector Pinout - Test Bed.................................................................................................16
Figure 12Main Screen of LOADER Program...............................................................................................................21
The Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum is written for users of the Test Bed Receiver Subsystem and contains
information specific to the TESTBEDW and TESTBEDGLO software models.
This manual describes the NovAtel Test Bed Receiver Subsystem in sufficient detail to allow effective integration and
operation. The manual is organized into sections, which allow easy access to appropriate information.
It is beyond the scope of t his manua l to provi de servi ce or r epair deta ils. Plea se contact your NovAtel Servic e Center for
any customer service inquiries.
The Test Bed Receiver is a stand-alone fully functional GPS and Test Bed Receiver. Refer to Chapter 2, Installation of
Test Bed Receiver for more informat ion on installation requir ements and considerat ions.
The NovAtel Test Bed Receiver module utilizes a comprehensive user interface command structure, which requires
communications through its serial (COM ) ports. To utilize the built-in command structure to its fullest potential, it is
recommended that some time be taken to review and become familiar with commands and logs in the MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual before operating the Test Bed Receiver.
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1 vii
1 - Introduction
The Test Bed Receiver is based on a Wide Area Augmentation System receiver (NovAtel WAAS). See Appendix A,
Page 22 for an overview of the WAAS system.
Figure 1 The NovAtel Test Bed Receiver
The Test Bed Receiver consists of two NovAtel Millennium receivers packaged along with associated support circuitry in
a NovAtel WAAS Receiver style enclosure (a 4U high 19” sub rack). The first Millennium receiver (GPS GEO) tracks
12 GPS L1/L2 satellites with narrow correlator spacing, or 10 GPS L1/L2 satellites with narrow correlator spacing and 1
WAAS satellite with wide correlator spacing or 8 GPS L1/L2 satellites with narrow correlator spacing and 2 WAAS
satellites with wide correlator spacing. The second Millennium receiver (GPS GLONASS) tracks 12 GPS L1 satellites
with narrow correlator spacing and 6 GLONASS L1 satellites with narrow correlator spacing. Refer to Default Channel Assignments in Appendix E, Page 50 for more details on the channel configurations. Data output rates will be nominally
at one hertz.
It is possible to upgrade this configuration in the future to become a full EGNOS RIMS-C, WAAS or MSAS receiver, by
the addition of several MEDLL receiver cards and replacement of the GPS GLONASS card with a second GPS GEO
The GPS GLONASS card uses Narrow Correlator tracking technology to track the L1 GPS satellite signals. This
enhances the accuracy of the pseudorange measurements as well as mitigating the effects of multipath.
The GPS GEO card will tra ck GEO satellite s that transmit using the RT CA/DO-229A WAAS signal structure . The GEO
satellites are tracked using standard correlator spacing. This configuration is chosen based on the signal bandwidth of the
IMMARSAT GEO satellites, which is constrained to 2.2 MHz. The GPS GEO card can track two C/A code GEOs on L1.
The Test Bed Receiver incorporates a L1/L2 GPSCards, which uses NovAtel’s P-Code Delayed Correlati on Technol ogy,
providing superior performance even in the presence of P-code encryption. Each GPSCard is an independent GPS
The Test Bed Receiver is packaged in a standard 4U x 19” sub-rack. The rear panel’s 9-pin D connectors as we ll as the
antenna and external oscillator connectors provide easy I/O access.
8 Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1
1 - Introduction
The NovAtel Test Bed Receiver has two functional blocks (see Figure 2):
• Single Frequency GPS GLONASS
• Dua l Frequency GPS GEO
Figure 2 Test Bed Receiver Functional Block Diagram
Serial PortsStrobe Port
BACKPLANE: Communication and Time Synchronization
GEO Processing
10 MHz
10 MHz
Int. Osc.
L1/L2 G PS
10 MHz
Ext. Osc.
+/- 12 VDC
22-30 VDC
Specific channels on the GPS GEO card have the capability to receive and process the GEO WAAS signal. The signal is
in-band at L1 and is ident ified with WAAS- specific PRN num bers. The WAAS m essage is decoded a nd separated into
its various components. The WAAS message and associated pseudorange is provided as an output.
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1 9
1 - Introduction
Single Frequency GPS GLONASS
The GPS GLONASS is c onfigured to track 12 L1 C/A -code signals (Nar row Correlator tr acking technology), and 6 L1
GLONASS C/A-code signals. The output is used to compute ionospheric corr ections.
Dual Frequency GPS GEO
Within the GPS GEO group, up to 2 channels can be confi gured to track L1 C/A code GEOs
The L1 C/A code and L2 C/A code measurements are used to derive ionospheric corrections.
Other Outputs & Inputs
• A 10 MHz output is availabl e for use with an inte rnal clock.
• Tw o serial ports provide: - raw satellite measure ments (pseudorange, carr ier & time)
- receiver status data (communications & tracking)
- raw satellite data (ephemeris & almanac)
- fast code corrections for signal stability monitoring
• The receiver accepts an external input from a 10MHz atomic clock or its internal OCXO for synchronization.
10 Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1
2 - Installation
This chapter provides sufficient information to allow you to set up and prepare the T e st Bed Receiver for initial operation.
In order for the Test Bed Receiver to function as a complete system, a minimum equipment configuration is required.
This is illustrated in Figure 3.
Figure 3 Test Bed Minimum System Configuration
Antenna (L1 & L2)
Antenna (L1)
Power Supp ly
22 - 30 V DC
Data processing
The recommended minimum configuration and required accessories are listed below:
• NovAtel Test Bed Receiver
• User-supplied L1/L2 GPS and L1 GLONASS antennas and LN A
• Us er-supplied power suppl y (+22 to +30 V DC, 5 A maximum)
• Opt ional (could use inter nal 10 MHz OCXO) user-supplied external frequency reference (10 MH z).
• User-supplied interface, such as a PC or other data communications equipment, capable of standard serial
communications (RS-232C).
• User-supplied data and RF c ables
Of course, your intended set-up may differ significantly from this minim um configuration. The Test Bed Receiver has
many features that would not be used in the minimum confi guration shown above. This section merely describes the
basic system configuration, which you can m odi fy to meet your specific situation.
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1 11
2 - Installation
For the minimum configuration, setting up the Test Bed Receiver involves the following steps:
1. Connect the user interface to the Test Bed Receiver (“GPS GLONASS” and/or “GPS GEO” connectors)
2. Install the GPS and GLONASS antennas and low-noise amplifier, and make the appropriate connections to the
Test Bed Receiver (“GPS GLONASS ANT” or “GPS GEO ANT” connector)
3. Supply power to the Test Bed Receiver (“22-30 VDC” connector)
The connections on the rear panel are shown in Figure 4 below:
Figure 4 Rear Panel of Test Bed Receiver
The information from each receiver subsection is accessed through individual RS –232 serial communi cation ports. The
two ports using DE9P connectors are located on the back panel of the receiver . Serial baud rates up to 115,200 bps are
usable selectable with 9600 bps set as the default configuration. The second serial port of each receiver subsection is used
internally and is therefore not available for user access.
The receivers communicate with each other across the backplane within the enclosure. The GPS GEO receiver is
considered the master as far as the time goes. The 1PPS output of the GPS GEO receiver is connected to the Mark In
input of the GPS GLONASS receiver. The time information associated with the 1PPS pulse is sent from the GPS GE O to
the GPS GLONASS across a high-speed (TLink) serial communication line on the backplane. The GPS GLONASS then
synchronizes its time to that of the GPS GEO.
A 10 MHz OCXO is provided within the enclosure. The internal OCXO is connected to a BNC connector on the back
panel of the receiver. Another BNC connector on the back panel routes the 10 MHz external oscillator signal through a
splitter to the two receiver subsections. If the receiver is to be operated from the internal 10 MHz OCXO then a jumper
cable is connected from the 10 MHz output BNC connector to the 10 MHz input BNC connector. I f the receiver is to be
operated from an external 10 MHz frequency source such as a Cesium or Rubidium oscillator then that frequency
reference will be connected to the 10 MHz IN port on the rear panel of the receiver. In that case the 10 MHz OUT port
should be terminated with a 50
Without an external oscillator the GPS GLONASS and GPS GEO will operate independently using their own on-board
TCXO after they are give n the appropriate software command. If a n external oscillator input is not supplied, the GPS
GLONASS card must be sent the comm and “SETTIMESYNC DISABLE”. The CLOCKADJUST command should also
be enabled so that both receivers will independently try to align their time to GPS time. If the CLOCKADJUST
Ω terminator.
12 Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1
2 - Installation
command is disabled, or if the EXTERNAL clock command is disabled, then the two receivers will drift away from each
other in time. The normal mode of operation is to use either the internal OCXO or a highly stable external oscillator.
The 10 MHz OCXO is mounted within the enclosure on the Clock/Status card. This card has bi-colored LEDs that
visually indicate when the receiver is powered and also reflect whether the receiver has passed its power on self-test. The
lower LED will monitor the signal power of the internal 10 MHz OCXO. If it turns from green to off a failure of the
OCXO or its power supply would be indicated. Only the first, second and third LED from the bottom are used. The
others are only active when the enclosure is populated as a WAAS, MSAS, or EGNOS RIMS-C receiver.
The Test Bed Receiver can be used with an exter nal, user-supplied frequency reference; this would typically take the
form of a high-accuracy oscillator. Please refer to Appendix B for the recommended specifications of this devic e.
The frequency reference is connected to the 10 MHz BNC female connector on the rear panel of the Test Bed Receiver.
Refer to Figure 5 below.
Figure 5 10 MHz In (External Frequency Reference) - Test Bed
The 11
(bottom) LED on t he front pa nel indica tes the sta tus of the inte rnal cl ock refe rence. A clear LED indicates that
no internal reference is present. Green indicates that the clock is present. Refer to Figure 6 below.
Figure 6 Lights on Front Panel of Test Bed Receiver
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1 13
2 - Installation
There are two serial ports on the back panel of the Test Bed Receiver; both are configured for RS-232 pr otocol. These
ports make it possibl e f or ext er nal data com m unica ti ons e quipm ent - suc h as a per sona l com pute r - t o com muni ca te wit h
the Test Bed Receiver. Each of these ports has a DE9P connector.
The GPS GLONASS and GPS GEO ports (see Figure 7) allow two-way c ommunica tions. Eac h is configur ed as COM1
if you attempt to communicate directly with it. They are each connected to a GPSCard within the Test Bed Receiver unit.
Each of these ports can be addressed inde pendently of the other.
Figure 7 Pinout for GPS GLONASS and GPS GEO Ports - Test Bed
Selecting and installing an appropriate antenna system is crucial to the proper operation of the Test Bed Receiver.
The antenna connectors for both GPS and GLONASS are located on the back panel of the enclosure and are type TNC.
Antenna power is provi ded to the cente r pin of these c onnector s. T he power is 5 V DC with a c urre nt up to 100 m A. The
power supply for the antenna originates from each r eceiver card in this enclosur e and its status is re flected in the Antenna
Status bit of either receiver subsystem.
Keep these points in mind when installing the antenna system:
• Ideally, select an antenna location with a clear view of the sky to the horizon so that each satellite above the horizon
can be tracked without obstruction.
• E nsure that the antenna is mounted on a secure, stable structure ca pable of withstanding re levant environmenta l
loading forces ( e.g. due to wind or ice).
Use high-quality coaxial cables to minimize signal attenuation. The gain of the LNA must be sufficient to compensate for
the cabling loss.
The antenna ports on the Test Bed Receiver have TNC female connectors, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 8 Antenna Inputs - Test Bed
14 Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1
2 - Installation
The Test Bed Receiver requires one source of external regulated power . The input can be in the +22 to +30 V DC range.
The receiver draws up to 3 A at start-up, but the steady-state requirement is approximately 1.5 A.
Five and twelve volt powe r supplies are insta lled internally w ithin the enclosure. The 5-volt supply is used to power the
two receivers and the antenna. The 12-volt supply is used for OCXO power. Both of these supplies receive their power
from a connector on the enclosure back panel and accept DC power within a voltage range of +22 to +30 volts.
The power-input connector on the Test Bed Receiver is a 3-position chassis jack. It mates to a 3-position inline plug
supplied with the Test Bed Receiver. Pin 1 (+22 to +30 V DC), and Pin 2 (GND) connect to the Test Bed Receiver’s
internal power supply, which performs filtering and voltage regulation functions. Pin 3 serves as ground connection
protection. Refer to Figure 9.
Figure 9 External Power Connections - Test Bed
Pin 2
Pin 3
Pin 1
The 10 MHz output provides a high-stability reference clock to the Test Bed Receiver. It permits the synchronization of
the two receiver subsystems in the Test Bed Receiver. See Internal and External Oscillators on Page 12 for more
If the receiver is to be operated from the internal 10 MHz OCXO then a jumper cable is connected from the 10 MHz
output BNC connector to the 10 MHz input BNC connector (see Fi gure 10). If the receiver is to be operated from an
external 10 MHz frequency source such as a Cesium or Rubidium oscillator then that frequency reference will be
connected to the 10 MHz IN port on the rear panel of the receiver. In that case the 10 MHz OUT port should be
terminated with a 50
Ω terminator.
Figure 10 10 MHz Output – Test Bed
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1 15
2 - Installation
A strobe port is located on the enclosure back panel. This is a diagnostic connector and is in the form of a DE9S
connector (see Figure 11). The 1PPS and Measurement pulse from both receiver subsystems are available on this
connector for verifying synchronization using an oscilloscope. These are the only strobe signals made available from the
two receiver subsystems. The specifications and electrical characteristics of these signals are described in Appendix B.
The GPS GLONASS and GPS GEO ports are each connected to a GPS receiver within the Test Bed Receiver unit.
Figure 11 Strobe 9-pin D-Connector Pinout - Test Bed
16 Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1
3 - Operation
Before operating the Te st Bed Receiver for the first time, ensure that you have followed the installation instr uctions in
Chapter 2.
From here on, it will be assumed that testing and operation of the Test Bed Receiver will be performed while using a
personal computer (PC); this will allow the greatest ease and versatility.
Before turning on power to the Test Bed Receiver, ensure that all of the following conditions have been met:
• T he antenna(s) is (are) properly inst alled and connected.
• T he PC is pr operly conne cted using a null-m odem cabl e, and its com munications pr otocol has been set up to match
that of the Test Bed Receiver.
• T he optional external frequency reference is properly installed, connecte d, powered-up, and stabilized.
Supply power to the Test Bed Receiver only after all of the above checks have been made. Note that the warm-up
process may take se veral minutes, de pending on ambient tempe rature.
Because the Test Bed Receiver communicates with the user’s PC via serial ports, both units require the same port
settings. The communications settings of the PC should match these on the receiver:
• RS- 232 protocol
• 9600 bit s per second (bps)
• No parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 stop bi t
• No handshaking
• E cho off
Once initial communications are established, the port settings for the Test Bed Receiver can be changed using the COMn
command, which i s described in the MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual.
The Test Bed Receiver’s firmware resides in non-volatile memory. Supply power to the unit, wa it a few moments for
self-boot, and the Test Bed Receiver will be ready for comm and input.
There are two initial start-up indicators to let you know that the Test Bed Receiver’s serial ports are ready to
1. Status lights on the Test Bed Receiver’s front panel (lower thre e L ED s) should turn from red to green to indicate that
all cards are healthy. If any one of the LEDs does not tur n green, then t he system should be considere d unreliable. If
this situation occurs, contact NovAtel Customer Service for assistance.
2. Your external terminal screen will display one of the following prompts:
Com1> if you are connected to the GPS GLONASS or GPS GEO serial port.
The Test Bed Receiver is now ready for command input from either of the two COM1 ports.
Test Bed Receiver Subsystem Addendum – Rev 1 17
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