Instruction set list (continued)
Instruction Code Meaning Operation
JMP Jump to new location (PC+1)
→ PCL, (PC+2) → PCH
JSR Jump to subroutine PC + 2 ↓, (P+1) → PCL, (PC+2) → PCH
LDA Load accumulator with memory M → A
LDX Load Index register X with memory M → X
LDY Load Index register Y with memory M → Y
LSR Shift right one bit 0 → M7
• • •
M0 → C
NOP No operation No operation (2 cycles)
ORA Logical OR A + M → A
PHA Push accumulator on stack A ↓
PHP Push status register on stack P ↓
PLA Pull accumulator from stack A ↑
PLP Pull status register from stack P ↑
ROL Rotate left through carry C ← M7
• • •
M0 ← C
ROR Rotate right through carry C → M7
• • •
M0 → C
RTI Return from interrupt P ↑, PC ↑
RTS Return from subroutine PC ↑, PC+1 → PC
SBC Subtract with borrow A − M − C → A, C
SEC Set carry 1 → C
SED Set decimal mode 1 → D
SEI Set interrupt disable status 1 → I
STA Store accumulator in memory A → M
STX Store index register X in memory X → M
STY Store index register Y in memory Y → M
TAX Transfer accumulator to index X A → X
TAY Transfer accumulator to index Y A → Y
TSX Transfer stack pointer to index X S → X
TXA Transfer index X to accumulator X → A
TXS Transfer index X to stack Pointer X → S
TYA Transfer index Y to accumulator Y → A
* For more detailed specifications, please refer to the 6502 programming data book.