DC/AC Absolute Maximum Ratings*
Recommended Operation Conditions
VCC (measured to GND) . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.75V to 5.25V
Operating Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 to +70 0C
Stresses above those listed under "Absolute Maximum
Ratings" may cause permanent damage to this device.
These are stress ratings only. Functional operation of
this device at these, or under any other conditions above
those indicated in the operational sections of this
specification is not implied or intended. Exposure to the
absolute maximum rating conditions for extended
periods may affect device reliability.
Electrical Characteristics (VDD = 5V, Tamb = 25°C)
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
VCC Supply Voltage 4.75 5 5.25 V -
DC Characteristic
Symbol Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit Notes
Operating Current - 22 25 mA No loading
VIH1 Input High Voltage 2 - - V
Schmitt Trigger Buffer
VIL1 Input Low Voltage - - 0.8 V
VFLB, HFLB Schmitt
Trigger Buffer
VIH2 IIC Bus Input High Voltage 3 - - V
VIL2 IIC Bus Input Low Voltage - - 1.5 V
Driving current of R, G, B, FBKG, HFTON
output pins at 2.4V output voltage
80 - - mA -
Sinking current of R, G, B, FBKG, HFTON
output pins at 0.4V output voltage
20 - - mA -
Leakage current of R, G, B, FBKG pins at
Hi-Z state
- - 10 uA Measured at 2.5V state
Iiicl IIC Bus Output Sink Current - 5 - mA Viicoutl = 0.4V
Vth Input Threshold Voltage at HFLB & VFLB pin 1.8 2.0 2.2 V -
VSTIH Schmitt Trigger Input High Voltage 1.7 2 V -
VSTIL Schmitt Trigger Input Low Voltage 0.8 1.1 - V -
Iin Input Current of Hsync, Vsync, SDA, SCL pins -10 - +10 uA Schmitt Trigger Buffer