Range: -3.8 to 199.9°F / -19.9 to 110.0°C
Resolution: 0.1°
Accuracy: ±1°C (0 to 25°C);
otherwise ±1.5°C (standard model)
±0.5° C at tested points;
otherwise ±1.5°C (Ultra™ model)
Update Rate: ~30 seconds
ULtRa™ tHeRMoMeteR accURacY
Ultra™ thermometers are tested at selected test
points to be within tighter than normal tolerances
to assist in providing improved accuracy. Other
points will not necessarily fall within the same
accuracy as those found at the selected test
points, but will be within an accuracy of ±1.5° C.
DiSpLaYinG °f oR °c
1. Remove the clear rubber cap from the bottom of
the unit to expose the °F/°C button.
2. Each press of the °F/°C button toggles the
display between °F and °C.
3. With the desired unit of measure appearing on
the display, replace the rubber cap to insure the
thermometer remains water resistant.
MoUntinG tHe Unit
Most refrigerators have varying internal air tem
peratures, the unit should be placed as close as
possible to the materials being observed.
Suction cup– Wet the suction cup with warm water.
Apply to any clean smooth surface.
If the surface
does not allow for the suction cup to hold, use
the supplied Velcro® to mount the unit.
Velcro®– Remove the backing from one piece of
Velcro®. Press the Velcro® rmly onto the suction
cup (the suction cup may atten). Remove the
backing from the second piece of Velcro
the Velcro
rmly onto the selected surface for
. Press
mounting. Press the unit rmly into place.
aLL opeRationaL DifficULtieS
If this thermometer does not function properly for
any reason, replace the battery with a new highquality battery (see the “Battery Replacement” sec
tion). Low battery power can occasionally cause
any number of “apparent” operational difculties.
Replacing the battery with a new fresh battery will
solve most difculties.
If the unit is exposed to rapid changes in tem
perature, moisture may condense on the internal
electronic components or on the display causing
erratic, incorrect, or no readings on the display. To
dry out the unit, open the unit by following steps
1 through 3 in the “Battery Replacement” section.
Allow the unit to dry at room temperature for 24
hours. Close the unit by following steps 6 through
8 in the “Battery Replacement” section.

If the unit is exposed to temperatures below the
range of the unit, the liquid crystal display may
freeze, damaging the display.
BatteRY RepLaceMent
Erratic readings, a faint display, or no display, are
all indicators that the battery must be replaced.
1. Remove the clear rubber screw covers from
each side of the case.
2. Remove the two screws.
3. Lift the display from the bottom of the unit to
expose the battery compartment.
4. Slide the battery out of the battery compartment.
5. With the positive “+” side facing up, slide a new
1.5V silver-oxide #357 battery in place.
6. Replace the bottom of the case.
7. Replace the screws and tighten securely.
not overtighten, this may damage the unit.
8. Replace the clear rubber screw covers so that
the thermometer remains water resistant.
WaRRantY, SeRVice, oR RecaLiBRation
For warranty, service, or recalibration, contact:
4455 Rex Road
Friendswood, Texas 77546 USA
Ph. 281 482-1714 • Fax 281 482-9448
E-mail sales@control3.com • www.control3.com
Control Company is ISO 9001 Quality-Certied by DNV and ISO
17025 accredited as a Calibration Laboratory by A2LA.
Control Company Cat. No. 4210 / 4211
Traceable® and Ultra™ are registered trademarks/trademarks
of Control Company.
©2010 Control Company. 92-4210-00 Rev. 0 122210